Hexxus's Den


Muties and Special bases


8 Hours Ahead of Lioden time

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The Bone Yard

↭ Goals <3 ↭
{𝕏} Own a Tigon
{X}Own a Leopon
{𝕏} Breed a Tigon
{𝕏}Breed a Leopon
{𝕏} King a G1 male
{𝕏}Breed a Dosrsal fur mutation
{𝕏}Breed a Dwarf
{} Trade a lion for art
{} Create a special decor
{𝕏}Breed a DU
{} Breed a G1 hybrid
{𝕏}Have a mutie count of 70
{}Have a mutie count of 100

↭Mutations in my pride↭

↭ 42 Muties↭
3 Tigons
2 Leopon
2 Dorsal fur
5 Overo Piebald
2 Tovero Piebald
1 Daedal Piebald
1 Croupe Patches
1 Ticked Piebald
1 Shred Piebald
1 Primal
4 Primal Ferus
1 Primal Fangs
2 Achromia
1 Melanism
2 Clawless
1 Folded Ears
6 Dwarves
4 Blind
1 Double Uterus

This user is permanently suspended.

Hexxus, the Toxic
Level: 18 Branch: The Millennium Branch
Stats: 779 Territory: 61
Lionesses: 56 Beetle Slots: 0 / 7
Cubs: 36 / 305 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 2 Subordinate Males: Abyssinian Groupie
Sandy M
Frozen Slots: 4 / 4 Cave Slots: 5 / 5
There are 52 lions with mutations in Hexxus's pride.

Hexxus's Player
Member ID #92976
Tykki Mikk~G1~Tovero
Joined: 2016-06-23 00:17:14 Last Active: 2024-07-13 13:25:50

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15 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Hexxus's Recent Allies

played by darcy744
Level 6 - 10 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by .* ❇ ☄ M0nst3r ☄.* ❇SEMIHIATUS
Level 4 - 6 lionesses - 25 cubs
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《 🌿 Moss🪲 》
played by Lillypad
Level 6 - 13 lionesses - 10 cubs
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👑 𐌍𐌄𐌌𐌄𐌔𐌉𐌔 🩸
played by Iris ( 6k+ Stat, G5)
Level 3 - 20 lionesses - 29 cubs
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played by Apples ( g2 splash)
Level 4 - 8 lionesses - 7 cubs
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Emperor jigglejubs
played by luna
Level 9 - 37 lionesses - 26 cubs
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Hexxus's Clan Memberships

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Mutie Adoption Center

Primitive Primals

Purely Aesthetic

Stud Buds

The Bone Yard

Whisper's Wares

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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