Posted by Hetero/Normal Eye Colors (Updated)

Toast (#17705)

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Posted on
2014-08-08 08:29:18
Ok, so editing the original post, how about more realistic hetero eye colors, like black and blue or amber and yellow?

I noticed that Eye color is a feature that some users don't care for, but it would be cool to have more Hetero options.

Possible Hetero Colors[As realistic and reasonable as ever]:


Possible Regular Eye Colors:


This suggestion has 107 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/08/14 by Sinion (#17705)

Pride[HSC] (#2013)

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Posted on
2014-08-08 12:09:29
I love just some off the wall Colors! I want a lion with purple eyes. Support!

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Toast (#17705)

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Posted on
2014-08-08 12:13:25
Purple would be an interesting color.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

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Posted on
2014-08-08 12:14:06

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newt (#10210)

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Posted on
2014-08-08 12:21:40
I'm going to have to refuse all of these.

I am a semi-realistic player. I don't allow special bases(minor exceptions) into my pride, but I allow the markings.

I do believe that these eyes are pushing the limits of 'realism' and even 'semi-realism'. Before anyone pulls the 'we have pink lions and purple lions and blue and hetero eyed!' card, think. Blue and Green are found naturally. White and red? not entirely.

Sorry, but I would hate to see this implemented into the game.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-08-08 12:24:09
3: noo, I think it'd be coool!!

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[Headbangin' Hippie] (#18629)

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Posted on
2014-08-08 14:36:15
I felt like I'd commented on this already....

No support.

Hetero eyes are based off of colour combinations you can find in real life. The only combination viable in your list I think would be green and yellow.

P.S. Xylax officially put his paws down about purple eyes. There is a custom decor around if you want it really bad. :>

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Scarlit (Primal) (#17841)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-08 14:44:31
I would like the idea of these eye colors, but it isn't realistic. You might be able to find a green and yellow, yellow and amber, but not red and white.

Also, as Oren said, There was a suggestion a while ago where someone wanted violet eyes to be implemented to the game, and Xylax rejected it.

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Toast (#17705)

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Posted on
2014-08-08 17:04:31
Edited the original post.

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Lady BlightWyvern (#21922)

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Posted on
2014-08-09 14:34:01
No support from me either. ._.

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2014-08-09 14:37:31
To all the people who are complaining about it being unrealistic then just please be quiet for a second. A lot of things on Lioden aren't realistic, that's what makes it a game. If you were in real life you wouldn't find yourself a pink lion or a blue lion or even a red lion! If you want realistic then just don't use these eyes. Your non-support is fine with me but you don't actually have to use these in the game. You can continue doing your natural things since it 'isn't realistic' to have certain eye color combinations. Others, such as myself, enjoy the idea of being able to have more combinations of eye colors.
Do you believe the newest eye color is realistic? It isn't, yet people love it right? A lot of the bases and eye colors on Lioden aren't realistic but more for the enjoyment of the majority of the community. Most people love having all these pretty little new bases in their dens, such as Lilac and Celestial.
Thank you for reading through all this if you did!

(It wasn't meant to sound rude but I just wanted to give a supporting good opinion on this idea!)

Edit: Also, just don't say that you don't support without a reason. It's only clogging up the dang page. If you give your reason then at least your being legitimate and helping the person who publishes these suggestions into editing a better version that makes others happy. (Sorry if you feel targeted by this but I have seen it on too many suggestions!)

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Edited on 09/08/14 by HearMeRoar (#27573)

Scarlit (Primal) (#17841)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-09 14:41:18
I do indeed support this, but I don't feel as if the admins/mods would add in red+white hetero. Just because we already have unrealistic bases and eye colors in the game, does not mean we should add more unrealistic features into the game.

And I don't think your post sounded rude at all :).

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SilvrWing (#33157)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-09 14:42:09
I agree plus it's fun thinking of all these combinations of eye colors cause there's so many to choose!! May I give another one? How about violet and blue or blue and violet? :3

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2014-08-09 14:42:43
Thank you Scarlit.

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Scarlit (Primal) (#17841)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-09 14:43:53
SilvrWing, violet eyes has already been rejected by Xylax, though it would be quite beautiful...

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Edited on 09/08/14 by Scarlit (CCS) (#17841)

SilvrWing (#33157)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-09 14:45:52
Yeah, but it's a good possibility of color combinations. Not saying it should be use, but a thought ^^

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