Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-Easier navigation compilation.
Villis (#17034)

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Posted on
2013-09-03 12:32:18
This is sort of a master list for ideas to improve site navigation. Basically ways to reduce the amount of link clicking to accomplish tasks and streamline things. If you have an additional ideas, please feel free to suggest them and I'll add them to the list. To start, these are things I've noticed (and I'm sure other users have as well)

* Allow multiple items to be sold to the monkey at one time- easiest method would probably be check boxes, with perhaps an additional "check all" button (and of course the ability to uncheck individual boxes.)

* Allow multiple items/lions to be transferred to other users

* Add link to transfer page on lion's individual pages

* When feeding, remove the page that asks if you wish to return to the item or to the hoard- just have it return to the item with a link to the hoard (which already exists). This will streamline the feeding process- of all the suggestions, this is the one I would most like to see. There's simply no reason for that extra page to exist, and removing it would vastly streamline the process.

* Add a 'set price' slot on the item's hoard page next to the send to branch button (so we can set prices without actually visiting the branch)

* Alternatively, add a checkbox list to the branch page so we can send multiple items to the branch

*If possible, make lioden links in chat clickable

* Better messages- give us the ability to sort messages by sender/title/date, etc.

* Maybe move the interact up button up higher on the lion's page? Since this is something that needs to be done very often, scrolling down to find it is inefficient. Maybe position it under the lion's name?

* In Oasis, add a marker next to mane only markings. Even just (m) after the marking name, so people customizing lionesses after more aware of which marks are specific only to lions

* In Oasis, change the order of the base color/mane color/mane length/eyes to match the order on the lions/lioness' page (which goes base color/eye color/mane type/mane color) When making adult previews, the differing orders is frustrating and results in mistakes if one isn't paying attention

* I"m now 90% sure that a sub male has the same chance of success no matter how many squares he is assigned to patrol. Because I use IE on my side account and it has an issue with the patrol screen, I only ever assign one square to patrol, but for my main (for which I use firefox) I assign ten. There appears to be no difference in terms of success between the two accounts. If that's the case...just change the system so we only need to assign one square

This suggestion has 22 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/09/13 by Villis (#17034)

Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-04 13:31:55
Support all of these! (Although, I do support an eventual complete reworking of the feeding system, as I think it's Carpal Tunnel city). I'd also like to add the possibility of making the top banner smaller on internal navigation, as on my 15" MacBook screen I still have to scroll down to interact and do normal things, and ajaxing the lioness hunting page (similar to patrolling), as I hate how long things sometimes take to load on it and how I have to scroll back down every time I add a lioness.

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Villis (#17034)

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Posted on
2013-09-05 05:41:06
I think feeding has to be slightly clunky, in order to give incentive for people to buy the feed all/play all tool. I can thinks of lots of ways to made it one-click, or even something less streamlined like a checkbox list for each food item (so you could click on the item, then assign each 'portion' via a checkbox list.) You'd still have to click on each item, but at least it be faster than it is currently. But I'm not sure how much the developers would support in that direction (though that extra page needs to go!)

I've seen different solutions to the hunt page, like selecting five lioness and then letting the system assign them random squares. Right now I think the pattern in which you send them does make a difference, so that would have to change. But yeah, I'd love to see something simpler and that doesn't require scrolling down and waiting for things to load!

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