Posted by Markings? Base coats? Eyes?

Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 17:53:09
Okay hi guys~ me again. I know these were posted in one of my other suggestions they but it was locked. So since I was told I should post this on a diffrent thread, so here we are !


-White panther

-Silver eyes (where the eyes would look almost reflective)

-Tabby Base ( in which the color of the base is orange with faint darker orange stripes)

- Onyx Mist

- Black Fog/ White fog/ Onyx fog/ Gold fog ( in which the lion would be in cased fom the belly to the tail at an angle with curls and wisps of a colored fog like marking)

----other edit----

-white coat/leg banding (suggested by #36409 )

{-shapphire eyes (suggested by #4174)} NOW A THING :O

-calico and clouded leopard (suggested by #41701)


And btw if some of these have been suggested by other players before. That must mean these ideas are popular.

--------OTHER EDIT-------

Took the scarlet red base down beacuse it reminded me of inferno base.

This suggestion has 6 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/02/15 by MY NAMES JEFFF {online} (#42296)

Mandy (#26355)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-19 17:55:38
Yes Please! I love these ideas, especially White Panther

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laura. (#36409)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 17:58:51
How about White Coat and White Leg/Banding? I've been dying for it!

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Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 17:59:57
Hehe okay I'll add it :D

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Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 18:00:11
whoops double post

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Edited on 20/10/14 by Some Actress from statefarm (#42296)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 18:04:51
Great ideas! Totally support!

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Draggy - Side ;) (#34057)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 18:06:44
Pumpkin base?! :D COOL!
Also, I love the idea of the Black/White/Onyx/Gold fog, and the Orange Cream base idea, for some NCLs :)
I'm uncertain about Silver eyes, though: wouldn't they be confused with White or Ice Eyes?

Buuut you have my complete support! :D

You're welcome X3

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Edited on 20/10/14 by Ranuncolo - Side ;) (#34057)

Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 18:06:46
Hehe thanks ~

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Silver Bullet (#41701)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 18:17:46
totally support and calico and clouded leopard markings would make great additions too :3

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Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 18:20:36
Alright ~ I shall add those too ! :3

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atheistcanuck (#45490)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 18:55:04
How about a silver mane to go with the silver undershine?

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Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 19:01:12
Mmmm idk, :/ what would the silver mane look like, would it look like the undershine? Or would it be just greyish silver

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Edited on 20/10/14 by Some Actress from statefarm (#42296)

atheistcanuck (#45490)

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Posted on
2014-10-19 19:03:35
I was thinking metallic silver, we have a gray mane already.

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Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-10-20 05:18:50
Ah true, mmm well maybe it could be a marking insted of a full metallic mane? I think it'd be a pretty cool marking

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Gallifrey (#4174)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 02:27:50
i would love Sapphire colored eyes i know we got blue but i would LOVE a very dark blue like the sapphire.

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Garaa (#42296)

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Posted on
2014-11-03 09:40:08
Oooooo that dose sound quite nice! I will add that!

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