Posted by Chimera Markings (No Mutation)
Jiyuu (Main) (#43430)

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Posted on
2014-11-15 09:40:30
Okay, okay. Chimera as a mutation has been suggested over and over again by many users, however, from what I've heard and the almost nonexistent knowledge that I possess of coding, coding a Chimera mutation would be a NIGHTMARE.

This is why I propose a different solution; Chimera markings. Said markings would come in the common marking colors, such as white, onyx, brown, cream, etc.

These markings would potentially cover an entire equal half of the body, leaving the base exposed on the other, causing the lion(ess) to appear like he/she has two sets of genetically different cells. This, however, would not effect the eyes. For a more Chimera appearance, hetero eyes are probably best.

Removed the image. What I showed there just looked poorly done, and it was. I might redo it to look a little more like how I imagined it.

Maulise | Autumn Floof provided a very logical point. These markings wouldn't exactly be Chmerism, as they would only resemble it. Even then, said markings would probably have a very low pass rate, as Chimerism is rare and hardly inheritable.

Any thoughts on this idea? Suggestions to make it better?

This suggestion has 22 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/11/14 by Angel (#43430)

ParanorMel | Soul
NHR (#40605)

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Posted on
2014-11-15 09:47:06
Okay, this makes a LOT of sense! Also something like piebald markings would be awesome. Support!

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-11-16 02:37:59
Piebald markings have been rejected by Xylax in a thread before (due to it being un-lion-like), and I believe he expressed disinterest over adding chimerism as a marking in chat, according to a friend of mine ono

It doesn't really make sense as a marking, to be honest, as chimerism isn't heritable, so in all honestly, much as I'd love to have it, no support.

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Edited on 16/11/14 by Maulise | Autumn Floof (#32469)

Jiyuu (Main) (#43430)

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Posted on
2014-11-16 02:54:53
Ah. I see where you're coming from, Maulise, and thanks for the very logical opinion, though I do think it could be added as a sort of substitute to the mutation that everyone's been suggesting. I'm not entirely sure how the coding works in this game, but it could be a marking that's incredibly hard to pass?

I agree on the piebald stance, while it would be cool to see, and I'm biased, as I have a piebald dachshund at home, I can't see it happening with a lion.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-11-16 03:04:16
If it's extremely hard to pass, like rosette seems to be (though it'd probably need to be less of a chance? There seem to be a fair amount of rosette lions around already), then maybe? ovo It doesn't necessarily event have to be chimerism, it could just look like it. 'Chimera Cat' isn't a chimera, after testing, its markings are just an extreme expression of the tabby gene ovo

Yeah, I love piebald markings, and try to get as similar a result as possible with white markings, but I understand the reasoning, I suppose. (Though some wild cat species do have the piebald marking/mutation >.>)

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Jiyuu (Main) (#43430)

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Posted on
2014-11-16 05:00:54
Good point! And you're right. I really didn't mean it to exactly BE Chimerism, I just meant to have something to resemble it. But again, thanks for the logical point of view.

I love them too! Hmm... I'll have to search "Piebald lions" on Google or something.

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