Posted by Smexy Marking Ideas

Bjorn Free (#36043)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-23 11:11:31
Hey guys!

I've been thinking about new colors for existing markings. Like, why are 90% of the white markings restricted to the bottom half of your lion? Why not have White Domino, or White Panther?

Or grey markings? Mahogany unders? Onyx unders? Maltese manes? I say, why not?

I was also trying to think of a marking that we haven't had before, and I thought about Belted Cattle.

I think that maybe, "Belts" or "Belly Straps" as some people call them, could make for an interesting marking. Or maybe have a thinner "Girdle" marking?

And maybe, a few mane markings, like "mane striping" and "mane banding". Banding could be stripes going up and down, and striping could be like what you see on Zorilla/pole cats

And I've noticed that we don't have any markings that cover the eyes. Why not have Eye Spots? Or have a muzzle marking like this one?

Just a suggestion, sorry if they suck. XC

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Edited on 10/01/15 by Bjorn Free (#36043)

MaeBae (#8161)

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Posted on
2014-12-23 11:12:32
This should really be in game art. XD Anyway, support of me! Always love new markings.

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Bjorn Free (#36043)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-23 11:55:56
Xl my bad, thought I had the right one 'X[ Haven't done this in a while. Thank you though!

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