Posted by Fantasy RP Partners?

Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-22 06:52:19
I'd be fine with either group/small group or 1x1. I can RP either gender and have no problem with either MxF, MxM, or FxF.

I sorta have a plot that would be interesting to try with a couple topics.
~ Mermaids
~ Winged Humans
~ Naga maybe
~ Elves maybe

These topics I don't have a plot for but would still like to try RP as.
~ Fairies
~ Centaurs
~ Witches/Wizards
~ Vampires
~ Werewolves
~ Other Mythical Creatures You Want To Try?

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Edited on 22/04/15 by Enitan (#44449)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-04-22 09:05:30
Sup, I'd love to do a one on one or group role play with you. Are there any requirements?
I role play any gender though I have the most experience with males and all of them, if they aren't non-binary or anything, are pansexual, bisexual or gay X3

I personally would be most interested in Mermaids, Fairies and a world with Centaurs and Humans [*totally not a hotblood fan*]

Though I'd be just as fine with Winged Humans, Witches/Wizards and Werecreatures of sorts :33

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-22 09:14:21
No requirements really. Just don't get impatient or freak out on me. I'm not great at explaining things so if something doesn't make sense just ask about it. I'm also not that good with starter plots but I can come up with fun twists later most of the time.

I hadn't intended humans to exist and there is the possibility of Elves, I just forgot to put that one in.

I'm fine with whatever creatures you want and if we can come up with a fun plot for it we can add humans in.

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Soy (#6036)

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Posted on
2015-04-22 10:54:15
It's okay, I never do that X3
I have a busy schedule of beating Skyrim and only check Lioden every half hour, so it can take a while. Plus dance classes on Wednesday and Saturday.

As for plots, I'm better at building off of small ones or coming up with long term ideas with a loose base.

Oh the humans and centaurs thing is just because of this amazing webcomic called Hotblood! And it's main characters are a human and a centaur so yeah. I'm really okay with anything excluding Nagas and Vampires. So it's really just up to you ;3

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-22 11:31:45
Take your time replying. I have some RPs that get multiple replies an hour and some that only get a couple in 2 or 3 days. I'm a patient person.

How about a Centaur one? Or Mermaids if we can't come up with a plot we can work off the base, maybe, in the Mermaids?

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-04-29 08:28:43
If you're still looking, or perhaps want another partner for private or in-forum roleplay, I'd love to be of service. I've been looking for an interesting plot for a while, and I've actually never RPed the Winged Humans idea. I quite like it.

I'm most familiar with females {hetero.} and males {homo.}~ I can type anywhere from 1-4 paragraphs, though I tend to stick around 2 most of the time. And I'd also like to think I have pretty good grammar/spelling.
Anyhow. If you're interested, I'd love to play out one of your plots. ^^

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Enitan (#44449)

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Posted on
2015-04-29 08:36:44
Okay, you sound like an awesome RP partner but the paragraphs may be an issue for me. I'm a very to the point person so dragging things out into paragraphs is sometimes difficult. Much of the time I'm lucky to get one good sized paragraph and I don't want to drag you down. If you want we can start it and try, then if you don't like how I RP you just tell me and you can quit?

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-04-29 11:54:57
You would in no way drag me down. I appreciate quality over quantity anyhow, and if you can get your point across in a paragraph or even less, that is fine with me.

I'd love to try it out. Maybe PM me and tell me about the plot you had thought of for the Winged Humans? C:

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CAPTAIN (#26966)

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Posted on
2015-04-29 18:48:02
Hey if you still looking for potential rp partners I might be interested. I'm usually pretty literate, though my replies can range from like a paragraph to several, I'm not too worried on how long yours would be as long as your not like.. idk rping in a way that makes me feel put down or like you didn't even try to reply to what I posted. (For example I once was doing this like badger clan thing on another website and I wrote this longish post explaining stuff to an apprentice to my character and the person basically wrote back a sentence saying that their character didn't retain a thing. I wish they would of like, said what their character was doing or thinking during the explanation and stuff and not just replied to the single question my character said at the end of like 4-500 words.)

Anyways, I usually play female characters though I don't have much experience with rping relationships. I've done it a few times, but most of the time the rp didn't get far into a relationship or even into the actual liking each other part before it was given up on for some reason or another, and those were all animal not people based. Though I've played both female characters that were heterosexual, bisexual(but was getting with a chick in rp), and asexual. And I've played a heterosexual male, and I have a homosexual male character but haven't got to play him yet.

I might be interested in something to do with elves or winged humans, but mermaids and nagas aren't really something I think I'd like, mostly cause I've never played as something that didn't have feet lol. Witches/Wizards is always fun because magic and what not and then I've always wanted to try vampires/werewolves cause I've never actually done it. I've noticed all your suggestions are for more humanoid fantasy creatures so I would have more to suggest but all the ones I can think of are animals. I guess you could do anthro/furry/neko concepts were your like some varying combination of human/animal.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-30 02:47:37
We could try an RP and if you don't like how I reply you can either quit the RP or give me tips to make them longer.

We could try the neko concept but I tend to prefer humanoid creatures so they probably wouldn't be too animalistic.

If you have a plot in mind I'd like to hear it. :)

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CAPTAIN (#26966)

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Posted on
2015-05-02 12:27:45
I wouldn't mind giving tips if I have any :)
I'm not the most fantastic rp'er anyways I just hate when people put no time or thought into their replies.

We don't have to do neko type thing I was just trying to think of some kind of fantasy humanoid options. I need to broaden my horizon on what I can play anyways. I'm curious as to what your winged humans and elf plot ideas were, unless people already are doing those with you?

Did you absolutely want to do a romance type plot or was saying what you will do just for if someone wanted to? Just wondering so I know why I think of some ideas for a plot.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-02 12:35:58
Romance isn't required and yes, I'm hoping the winged human one I have in the work will take off but I haven't heard from the person in a while.

Either way, I don't mind doing multiple of the same topic and if you don't want to do romance I think one of the Winged Human plots I thought of would cover that.

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CAPTAIN (#26966)

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Posted on
2015-05-02 14:01:40
I'd actually prefer not to do romance because I'm not in the mood for rping with that. Though I do really like the idea of winged humans and that sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I used to be huge into maximum ride as a preteen so I kind of have a fondness for winged humans.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-05-02 14:03:39
I'd be interested in doing an RP with you as my 1x1 don't seem to be going anywhere and my groups have been stagnant. Winged humans sounds interesting and I can provide several writing examples if you'd like.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-02 14:35:41
Captain ~ That's fine. We can work details out in PM if you want.

Valentine ~ Writing samples aren't necessary, I can adapt to styles as needed for the most part. You wanted to try the winged humans?

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CAPTAIN (#26966)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-02 14:45:05
Yea ok, will pm you in a bit, seems the winged humans seem quite popular lol

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