Posted by Eye & Nose Suggestion: Earth & Deep Sienna

Chieftains (#37687)

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Posted on
2015-05-02 10:29:17
Hey there.

I've been kinda dissatisfied with the brown eye colors and the pinkish red colors of noses. They usually don't look very good against bases or make the lion look strange. So, I decided to make an eye and nose color of my own!

Introducing "Earth" eyes and "Deep Sienna" nose:

Here they are with just the lineart and without the lineart:

Here's the palette as well:

I'm still shaky on calling the nose "Sienna" but it's the closest name for the color I think. If you have any name suggestions for either the nose or eyes, feel free to suggest.

Hope you like!

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Edited on 20/11/18 @ 01:48:20 by Seesaw (#37687)

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