Posted by HTML GUIDE :: Basics, Images and Tables

{Leaving} (#43698)

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Posted on
2015-06-16 07:04:48

Hello! This is a HTML Guide I made from other HTML Guides, I couldn't find one with all the info on so I created my own. I do no know a lot about HTML but I know the basics.

Feel free to ask for help on this thread and me or someone else will help

Before we begin, this is really important or the HTML will not work, remove all the spaces! If you don't do this the code will not work


○○○ Making your text Bold ○○○

< b > TEXT HERE < /b >


○○○ Making your text italics ○○○

< i >TEXT HERE< /i >


○○○ Making your text underlined ○○○

< u >TEXT HERE< /u >


○○○ Making your text striked ○○○

< s >TEXT HERE< /s >


○○○ Making your text highlighted ○○○

< span style="background-color:#HEXCODE" > TEXT HERE < /span >


○○○ Making your text colored ○○○

< font color=#HEXCODE >TEXT HERE< /font >


○○○ Making your text a link ○○○

< a href="URL HERE" >TEXT HERE< /a >


○○○ Making your text a different size ○○○

< font size=1-7 >TEXT HERE< /font >


○○○ Making a header ○○○

Biggest: < h1 >TEXT HERE< /h1 >
Medium: < h2 >TEXT HERE< /h2 >
Smallest: < h3 >TEXT HERE< /h3 >


○○○ Making a block-quote ○○○

< blockquote >TEXT HERE< /blockquote >


○○○ Making your text a font ○○○

< p style="font-family:FONT HERE;" >TEXT HERE< /p >


○○○ Aligning your text ○○○

< p style="text-align:cener/right/left;" >TEXT HERE< /p >


○○○ Color, Align and Font your text! ○○○

< p style="font-family:FONT HERE;color:#HEXCODE;text-align:center;">TEXT HERE< /p>


○○○ Normal Image ○○○

< img src="URL HERE" >



○○○ Changing the image size ○○○

< img src="URL HERE" height=HEIGHT NUMBER width=WIDTH NUMBER >



○○○ Making the image clickable ○○○

< a href="URL LINK HERE" > < img src="IMAGE URL HERE" > < /a >



○○○ Making the image clickable + re-size ○○○

< a href="LINK URL" > < img src="IMAGE URL" height=NUMBER width=NUMBER > < /a >


○○○ Making an image 'float' ○○○

< img src="URL HERE" style="float:ALIGN;width:HEREpx;height:HEREpx;" >


○○○ Making space(s) between the images/text/etc ○○○

< br >
will make a space

< p >
will make a double space


Tables have changed on LD from the 08-11, here is the news post about it, right near the bottom is all you need to know. Scroll boxes no longer work and have to be implemented in CSS.


○○○ This thread table ○○○

< table style="background:#HEXCODE;width:630px;height:70px;border:1px solid;">< tr >< td >TEXT HERE< /td >< /tr >< /table >

Can also be used for dens (example with mine)


○○○ Stuff for tables ○○○

Font - ;font-family:HERE;
Color - ;color:#HEXCODE;
Background color - ;background-color:#HEXCODE;
Width & Depth - ;width:HEREpx; | ;height:#HEREpx;
Alignment - ;text-align:center/right/left;

○ Google is amazing, use it! Google stuff and teach yourself HTML
This is my favorite website to find a color
This is my favorite website to find color groups
This thread is amazing for HTML Tables
This is an amazing website, it's basically everything HTML if you want to know more
○ If anyone has anymore HTML I can add let me know through PM or post on here, as well as help others that may post for help if you can
○ Remember: REMOVE the spaces!

Thank you if you use and bookmark

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Edited on 27/09/17 @ 09:20:35 by 🌅 Nocturnal (Sunset) (#43698)

Ateia (#59721)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-06-20 03:09:48
Omg you're a life saver xD thx

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Ateia (#59721)

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Posted on
2015-06-20 09:42:34
like this?
< img src="">

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Edited on 24/06/15 by Ateia (#59721)

{Leaving} (#43698)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-07-13 02:46:03

Sorry for the late reply!

& nope, that HTML is for an image, a URL image, the correct way would be:

< img src=""> : Without the space. But obviously with your own photo ^.^

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Fieora (#26148)

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Posted on
2015-07-14 20:21:39
Thank you so much!!! This is wonderful ^^
Bookmarked for forever use!!!

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{Leaving} (#43698)

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Posted on
2015-07-16 01:59:44

Glad I could help! And thank you! :D

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Starblazer (#51170)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-07-21 14:51:22
Do you know how to post a link to a trade? Because the

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{Leaving} (#43698)

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Posted on
2015-07-23 09:34:21

I don't think you finished your sentence? ^.^
Not sure what you mean, I will PM you :)

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-28 07:42:29
This is super helpful :) I just have a quick question, if you could help me out a little?

I keep on trying to create a title on a forum post, and I want it in a certain color, certain size, a certain font, and aligned in the center.
Yet, for some reason, the size and color works, but It won't align in the center, and no matter what font I put in, the text remains the same font (that I think looks like times new roman).
I'm an amateur at HTML, so I'm sure I'm just making some mistakes somewhere. Do you have any tips?

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The Highwayman [2] (#61810)

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Posted on
2015-07-28 07:48:05
I can help you with that, first of all look here: web-safe fonts list which tells you all that you can use safely and SHOULD work. Then... < p style=font-family:font;FONT HERE> this is the part you should change, for example... < p style=font-family:font:"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif> but if you look at those quotation marks they will confuse the code in HTML so you should remove those. Then...

the font works, ye!

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-28 08:00:32
Yes I've only been getting my fonts from the web-safe lists, so I'm all good there. But I do see where I may have been going wrong by not putting the entire list of fonts in like you did?
I just made a forum post to try to get some more help on my whole situation, but thank you very much for helping out!

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sammi (#40763)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-12 15:18:07
it won't allow me to put up pictures of my lions. i copy image url and get this
but when i use other pictures it works...

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sammi (#40763)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-12 15:20:54
it won't allow me to put up pictures of my lions. i copy image url and get this
but when i use other pictures it works...

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Echo (#61092)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-08-15 03:54:43

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{Leaving} (#43698)

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Posted on
2015-08-16 23:48:35

thank you Echo :) Sammi, I think I know what you mean but not 100%. For example if you want an image of your king on a thread I firstly take a screenshot, I do this by using 'Snipping Tool' on my laptop and then saving it and uploading it to imgur

let me know if that's not the answer, as I'm not sure quite what you mean ^.^

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Keet [frozen] (#67097)

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Posted on
2015-08-17 02:33:21
Hm, how do you even get there to put it in???

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