Posted by From Modern to Medieval (rp with #59349)

Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-06 07:38:02
Or another possible roleplay name?: The Girl, the Prince, and the Book

Name: Edmund Everard (son of King Brom Everard, and heir to the throne of Tybalt)

Age: 19

Gender: male

Race: human (cursed with the ability to transform into a medium sized dragon)

Appearance: He would probably be mistaken for a girl if seen from behind, because of his shoulder length dark brown hair. His hair always looks brushed down, all soft and shiny, with a slight wavy look. The color a dark brown, even when in the dark night.

Green eyes / light colored skin.

Clothing: White, long sleeved undershirt, forming a small 'v' at the collar; his pants are also white, matching his shirt, but over those are darker brown, leather pants; leather boots, nothing special there.

Royal clothing: Long dress-looking shirt, and cape, with golden sewed around the cuffs and inner sides where it opens; white pants, and purple slip-on looking shoes. A golden crown dressed with three purple jewels in the middle sits atop his head.

Height: 5'11

Personality: Stubborn, and at times easily angered, Edmund isn't much of a prince on the inside, though he has all of the appearance of one on the outside. Socially awkward when in large crowds, Edmund is usually at his best when he's alone, and will act most agreeable when given the things he wants.
His bratty nature and immature ways turn down most who come into contact with him, unless they're ordered to start a conversation with him by his father, and King, Brom Everard.

Other: Having never actually used his ability to end someone's life, Edmund would much rather use his power of flight and strength to travel long distances in order to gain valuables he would otherwise have to obtain from his father's inheritance after the King's death.

Dragon appearance; Emerald green colored scales, and a light Ivory colored underbelly. Claws are black, long and of course sharp; wing insides are a dark forest green. His eyes remain the same green as his human counterpart.

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Edited on 09/05/16 @ 12:40:10 by Charley [Charmander] (side) (#24511)

BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-06 07:50:41
Name: Riley Connor

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: natural red hair that goes to her mid back and usually wears it in a braid or ponytail and has sideways bangs | bright blue eyes that turn gray when she's mad | fair skin that's on the pale side since she can't tan, only burn since she's a redhead | freckles everywhere | about 5'5 in height

Personality: loves to have fun and make others smile | tries her best at everything she does | stubborn | determind | stands up for what she believes in | quick thinker | used to hate talking to strangers since she was really shy but is starting to make herself talk more instead of hiding like a kid | thinks a lot

Other: has scars on her back that she tries to hide. One way she tried to hide them was by getting a dragon tattoo on her back. So you can only see the scars when you're looking for them, or if you're really close to her. However, there is one scar that is more visible since she got it after the tattoo

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Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-06 07:57:37
[continuing where we left off in PMs]


Watching with a smile as the young girl examined the small collection of dresses, Githa was suddenly taken aback by the question asked. Though her smile faltering just a bit, she placed it back still with her thin mouth, before placing her own eyes on the three dresses Riley had trouble deciding on. "Oh, well," The older woman began, glancing from each dress to the girl's red hair, obviously taking a moment to choose which would possibly look better with such beauty. "I think it would suit you best with the brown, dear. Why. I believe it would most definitely stand out from the usual white--" She leaned in near the girl, and lowered her tone into a whisper, "--which is just a tad bit plain if you ask me." She nodded at Riley, and smiled again before placing her eyes back onto the brown silk dress.

"But it is /you/ who is to wear it after all, so you may choose which you desire most, and I will help it on if you wish."

Finally having his own clothes on, Edmund, now out from his tower room, headed into the large room that was to be where the judging was to take place that very late afternoon. This was one of the many larger rooms that served as a dining room, or meeting place for both the entire royal family and it's guests. Banners of different colors, and featured many strong looking animal designs were planted on the walls, while a great fireplace was in the middle of the very room, surrounded with wooden tables here and there on either side.
Near the back of the room sat the King, Queen, and prince's golden thrones, which on either side plum drapes covered exit doors for when it was time for the family to retire for the night.

Settling himself in his own throne in a lazily position with his legs apart, Edmund huffed, and placed his knuckle against his right cheek, looking as bored as bored could be. One of the servants on standby near one of the walls quickly walked near the young prince, and offered to fetch him a platter of food or drink, to which the boy nodded and brushed the other man off with his free hand.

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BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-06 08:10:04
Riley nodded and smiled, liking this woman so far. "Alright, I think I'll go with the brown dress then," she said and picked it up a bit. "I think I'll be fine putting it on myself," she added and headed to the area where she'd be hidden as she changed. It was definitely difficult to figure out how it went on. There was so much fabric! But after a while, she finally managed to get the dress on.

Once she was dressed, she stepped out and looked at herself in the full length mirror. The dress looked good on her but for some reason, it looked like the outfit wasn't finished. She supposed it was probably due to the fact that her hair was down and it looked rather windblown from the ride over. But she didn't have a brush or anything to use to brush her hair and put it up or anything like that.

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Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-06 10:18:28
"A fine choice." Githa said, and nodded again, now placing her arms behind her back as Riley took interest in the brown dress. Watching as the girl headed off to change, Githa took her time scanning around the room as she waited, going over in her head that she were to take their first guest to the Great Hall in order to have her fed before anything further was to be done. After a moment in silence, Githa found herself glancing back toward the changing curtain, only to see Riley in the beautiful silk dress, and she couldn't help but gasp. "Oh, my! Dear me!" She hovered a hand over her mouth, and unable to hold back a wide smile, she approached the red-head.
"You look absolutely stunning. But," she looked her up and down, still smiling. "couldn't we do something about your hair? Ah, I know just the thing!" Darting away toward a small drawer, she fiddled around until she found what she was searching for: a small golden brush. "I take it you're more than capable of brushing those red locks yourself?" She smiled again as she stood back beside Riley, but this time took no time in taking matters into her own hands, and began to brush the younger ladies hair for her.

"Here we are, young prince." The servant said as he brought Edmund a small platter of green grapes and a goblet of wine on the same metal tray. The spoiled prince huffed once more, and taking his goods, simply narrowed his eyes at the other man. "Alright, away with you. Can't have you ruining what little peace I'll have before my father comes barging in here." However, much to his displeasure the King had just pulled away the left curtain from behind his own throne, and came right around it, and stopped before his sitting son. "Edmund," he began, his tone turning serious and his face showing no smile.
"I believe I told you not to venture down from your tower until you were summoned. Now, please kindly go back into your room until one of the servants comes for you. You are not allowed to see our guests until they've been properly taking care of - am I understood?" Only making his father even more irritated, Edmund rolled his eyes, and placing down the platter onto the throne's arm, he crossed his arms over his chest. "Just send them to me now, I'll make it quick."

"You are to do what your King, and father commands!" The King bellowed, staring down at his son, looking him dead in his eyes. The servants standing at their posts knew too well to stay out of the argument, and they continued to stay silent. "Make me, old man." Edmund said flatly, refusing to move an inch from his seat while continuing to stare right back into the older man's eyes. Throwing his hands into the air in a sudden rage, Brom grumbled several words that should not be said in front of any child, and stormed off toward the fire place where he continued to curse under his breath.

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Edited on 06/08/15 by Charley [Charmander] (side) (#24511)

BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-06 10:46:04
Riley was a little surprised by the woman's reaction but smiled and understood what Githa meant about her hair. As the older woman began to brush her hair, she stayed still, wondering how it would be styled. She also wondered what would happen once she was ready. And was she ready to be married if the prince chose her? Though, she doubted the prince would actually choose her since she didn't come from here and wasn't queen material. Or at least, she didn't think she was.

"So how do I exactly act around royalty. I've never really been around kings or queens and don't know what to do," she asked Githa, hoping that the woman would be able to give her some advice about what to do. After all, she didn't want to take the chance of offending someone by accident. Especially if it could cost her, her life like it did in some books she read. Though, she doubted King Brom would kill her for something she said unless it was something really terrible she'd said. She hadn't been around him much but he seemed like a kind person. It wouldn't be hard to get along with the prince if he was anything like his father.

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Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-07 07:37:10
Holding her hair with her other hand, Githa gently pressed the teeth of the brush through Riley's red head in a repeated pattern. She smiled to herself as she admired the beauty and feel of such soft hair, and silently wondered if the prince might just choose her for the single trait; all the others that had been judge before sported the usual brown and golden hair, but not once had they received the chance in seeing red. No. Surely it would require more than just looks alone for a potential queen - manners and heritage would have to be looked in to as well. No one even knew where this girl hailed from, or who her parents were and if they were from a grand kingdom, or an ordinary old village.

Breaking from her trance, Githa noticed something odd as she parted Riley's hair to reach any tangles that might've hidden themselves deeper; a symbol of some that looked quite similar to that of a dragon, as well as a few lines of what could have been wounds. Squinting her eyes to try and make of this strange symbol, the maid suddenly snapped her eyes back up, and tilting her head back to align with Riley, she blinked, "Oh, well," she began like before, her tone quiet as if she almost sounded unsure herself, but pulling Riley's hair back to cover what was hidden on her back, the servant cleared her throat and answered.

"Politeness is a key figure when dealing with the royal family, yes. Good manners, clean clothing, and even cleaner hair. Curtsying when appearing before the King, and Prince, and when leaving their presence." Brushing down her hair with her free hand, Githa gave a final nod with her work, walked back over to the drawer, placed the brush away and turned back to look at the Kingdom's first guest. "Do not speak unless spoken to - especially when around the King and Prince..well.." Githa frowned her brow, as if thinking back on what she just said. "I take that back. The way things have been between the two as of late, I don't think it would hurt either of them if our new guest wanted to speak out loud, at least if it's to cheer the King or his Highness up."

"Now, we can discuss more on the matter of your actions while I escort you into the Great Hall. Right this way, dear." Githa added while she walked over back toward the door. Opening it, she waited for Riley to head out into the hall first.

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Edited on 07/08/15 by Charley [Charmander] (side) (#24511)

BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-07 10:59:27
Riley remained standing where she was as Githa brushed her hair. It was quite relaxing actually but she found that whenever someone played with her hair, it made her relaxed every time. She glanced in the mirror and saw the woman looking at her back. She figured she'd spotted the tattoo back there and watched the woman's face, waiting to see what her reaction was. She hated it when people saw her back but only if they spotted what was hidden by the tattoo. As Githa's head came back up, it seemed she hadn't noticed anything else, or just wasn't asking about it. That was fine by her.

As Githa began to speak, she listened to everything, trying to make sure she remembered it. Hopefully she wouldn't make a total fool of herself tonight. Though, she wouldn't be too surprised if she did. And if she did mess something up, she'd try her best to not let it bother her. Not much bothered her anymore anyways. She figured being polite was a key factor and hoped that would be enough to get her through the day. Curtsying she could do. She'd practiced that a lot when she was little and had always pretended to be a princes for a bit.

When they left the room, she wondered what kind of actions they would talk about. And what did the Great Hall look like? Probably really grand if she was to go by the name. Stepping out of the door, she waited for Githa to take the lead since she had no idea where to go.

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Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-12 05:51:24
Closing the door behind her, Githa walked out in front of Riley and smiled before leading her down the long hallway. Banners of many colors also hung on the walls on either side; a small wooden table with a clay-potted plant stood just some ways beside the last door that was near the four-way stop that lead into three other hall ways, while a rose-red carpet lead the way across the stone flooring. Choosing the left direction, Githa walked Riley down until they reached a door frame that opened into a much larger room; the Great Hall.
Though there were multiple torches attached to the walls, and a large fire-pit in the center of the room, all else around them, especially in the corners that were shielded by stone pillars, were dimmed down to an extant, giving the room a cozy atmosphere.

"Here we are, dear." Githa said at last, leading Riley to a picnic-like table made from a very fine oak. Looking around the room, her eyes caught the sight of the young Prince, and she nearly gasped out loud. Holding her hands up in a somewhat panicky manner, the servant jerked her head back at Riley, "J-just stay r-right here, my dear, and I will have s-something for you soon!" Swiftly turning her back on the girl, Githa made a bee-line straight for the Prince, her hands beginning to wave in the air once again, this time in a more shooing manner.
"Your Highness," she whispered, not daring to look back at the young girl, so as to not let Edmund spot her. "You are not to be out from your tower just yet, young Prince." At this moment, the King, Brom, stepped back from the curtain behind his own throne, and looking from the panicked Githa to his unamused son, he frowned and made his way near them.

"He isn't supposed to see any of the suitors just yet, my Lord." Githa said softly, to which Brom nodded. Edmund, seeming to stare straight through the lady with a dull expression, huffed through parted lips, got up from his own throne, and walked straight passed his father before he was lost behind the curtain and out of sight. "Oh, my stars, at last he's gone off!" Githa smiled, and finally looking back at Riley, turned her attention on Brom, "I'll have her a platter of food, and some wine, my King." Nodding his head, and taking a look at the young girl, the King smiled before complimenting, "She looks beautiful, Githa." Rushing off passed the King, she couldn't help but smile at his words as she too disappeared behind a high door frame that led to another hall way into the kitchen area, leaving the King and Riley alone in the room.

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Edited on 12/08/15 by Charley [Charmander] (side) (#24511)

BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-12 14:34:41
Riley took in all the sights as they walked through the hall. She didn't think she could ever get used to seeing all this stuff. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. However, a small trip on the long skirts of her dress made her more careful when she walked. She was still wearing her sneakers but they were hidden by the skirt which she was glad of. She'd tried on the other type of shoe's that there were but they'd been comfortable so she'd slipped her sneakers back on.

Entering the large room, Riley once again, was astonished by what she saw. The workmanship was truly a work of art. She was a little surprised by Githa's sudden stammering and taking off. Looking up, she saw a young man sitting in one of the large chairs at the end of the room. The chairs looked like thrones and since she'd already met the king, she wondered if that was the prince. However, in the lighting and the distance, not to mention Githa stepping in the way, she never got a good look at him. So she sat down where she was like she'd been told and waited for whatever was to come next. However, she did notice when the king entered and saw him glance over a bit and she offered a smile in return to the one she saw on him. He really did seem like a kind man and probably a great king.

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Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-15 09:18:25
Giving a small nod in her direction Brom took off back behind the curtain that hung behind his throne, surely to find where his son had wandered to no doubt. Several minutes had passed by before Githa made her way back out from the kitchen and into the large room with a silver platter in hand. Walking with a steady pace so as to not spill the wooden cup or drop any food, Githa carefully made her way to Riley, smiling warmly once more. "Here we are, dear." She sat the dish down onto the table, and taking off the goblet and plate, stood some ways away from the table to give their guest some space.

"Please do take care in not allowing your dress to stain with food or drink. The others will be arriving soon, and then judging will begin. We need you all to look presentable for the Prince now." Githa glanced near the thrones lined together at her last words, before placing her eyes back on Riley.

Storming down the hallway, Edmund, every now and again looking back behind himself, suddenly darted down another direction until he arrived back within the Great Hall. Hiding behind a pillar in one of the darker corners of the room, the spoiled prince pocked his head out from the stone so as to try and get a better look at the new girl in his castle. Narrowing his eyes at the sight of her, he cocked his head to the side and frowned slightly. She looked far different than the girls that were presented to him before, and there was definitely something interesting about her - maybe it was just the hair color?
It was certainly a very nice color - much better than the usual blond and brown. Turning back around, and quickly moving back into the safety of the hall way behind him, Edmund rushed himself back toward his own tower before his father could know what he had just seen. Once inside and settled back on the cozy furs of his bed, back outside the castle walls one of the guards called out.

"Open the gate! They're here!" Another guard rang out. The sun was not yet set within the kingdom grounds, yet all of the six woman from the village and places unknown were standing outside the castle's doors, awaiting entry by the guards that escorted them. Once they were all inside the castle, and each sent to their own respective rooms to change, all inside the stone walls suddenly seemed louder than usual. The maids talked behind the backs of the six ladies, all in whispers and giggles, while the guards, minus Arther, admired them when they walked passed in their new gowns.
Soon each girl was set at the exact same table as Riley, each settled several inches apart from each other. "Oh, I do hope I'm chosen." A blond haired, blue eyed girl, looking her age of eighteen, and wearing a white gown with golden lining, smiled warmly around the table at the others - clearly uncaring how loud she spoke out at the table.

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Edited on 15/08/15 by Charley [Charmander] (side) (#24511)

BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-16 03:24:01
Riley nodded at Githa's words to not get her dress stained and tried the food. It was actually pretty good. She tried the drink and noticed it was wine. So after that first sip, she didn't touch it again. She'd never had alcohol before and didn't want to accidently get drunk. She needed to have a clear head for this. She remembered from books she'd read that back in these days they mostly drunk wine.

Feeling like she was being watched, she turned and looked towards one of the pillars that was hidden in shadows. There seemed to be a figure peeking from around it but then it turned went back out of the room. She wondered who that was and why he'd been watching her. She shrugged it off after a bit and before long, the tray of food was taken away again. Shortly after that, other girls started to come into the room and sit at the table. She sat there quietly, listening to them and wondering when the choosing process would start.

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Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-18 13:02:53
The blond eventually grew quiet at the table, and all suddenly became quite awkward when they were all left sitting together for several minutes, which to them must have seemed like hours. It was another of the girls, Hildred, who was the first to take the plunge in trying to start a conversation amongst them all - starting with the red-head, Riley.
"Where do you hail from, may I ask?" At the same age as Riley herself, Hildred was a fair-faced, rather round girl with chocolate brown hair, and a soft, welcoming smile. Having her hands in her lap, she looked to the other girls, who all still sat with their own thoughts, before placing her attention back on Riley.

"It will pass much quicker if we talk." She reassured, leaning in closer toward the red-dead beside her. Unknown to the others, Hildred had actually tried out to become a queen once before in another village quite farther away when she was of a younger age. One could only imagine the thrill her family felt after they had caught wind of Tybalt's announcement of trying to find a young princess for it's heir. Hoping for another shot at her chance, she was sent off to the faraway land without a second thought - with her wanting of course.

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BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 13:19:00
Riley glanced up at the girl who spoke to her and wondered what she should say. Even though she knew this question would come, she still hadn't been sure on how to address it. She supposed she'd just sort of have to make something up so that no one would think of her as a witch or something like that which could be deadly. "Well, I...don't really remember. I know it's far off. But when I woke up this morning, my head was resting on a rock. I think I must've fallen somehow and hit my head on the rock. It must've been a pretty hard hit since I don't really remember anything beyond today or how to address royalty or anything like that," she replied.

She glanced around at the other girls a bit, noticing a few of them had started to listen to what she had been saying and wondered if they believed her. She hoped they did since with the way she acted, she might as well have hit her head and forgotten how to act properly. She just hoped that she didn't mess up too badly and would simply have to take the other girls' lead on how to do things.

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Charley [Force
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Posted on
2015-08-18 14:13:06
Hildred blinked several times, looking almost confused as some of the other girls who listened in on Riley's response. Her smile faltered just a bit, much like Githa's had done when she noticed Riley's strange scar on her back, but she cleared her throat and nodded her head as if she found the answer to be just good enough. "Well, you will be able to rest easy knowing there aren't any rocks laying about here." Hildred managed to make some of the other wary girls giggle, and for a moment forget about the strange girl's answer but the blond, Dae, however, was not having it, and had her eyebrows drawn down in a deep frown. "I'm sure the judging will take several days, so we will get plenty of sleep until the Prince finally makes his choice." Hildred said, patting her hands against her legs, her eyes looking from Riley to the other girls.

"And what might be your name?" Dae suddenly spoke back out, her cheeks rosy with a quiet rage that was strictly for Riley. The other girls looked at her, their faces now tiggled with confusion as to why Dae looked so angry all of a sudden. Hildred looked from both girls, her own eyebrows raising, She was at a lose for words. Behind them Githa was making her way back near the table; she was to do a few finishing touches like fix hair, straighten loose clothing, all before the prince arrived. With her, she carried a small mirror, and four golden handled brushes, with two more servants carrying several extra mirrors and brushes for those that were left out.
"I do hope our young princesses are doing well."

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BrokenDay (#62751)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 15:05:17
Riley appreciated what the girl said and thought things would go more smoothly now. However, it seemed the the blonde girl wasnt impressed and seemed to have taken an instant disliking of her. She was confused about what she could have possibly done to deserve her anger. But she answered the girls question anyways. "My name is Riley," she replied, meeting her eyes, not going to back down from her even if she was mad at her for some strange reason.

When she heard footsteps approaching, she glanced back and saw the servants coming with brushes and mirrors. It seemed it was time to finish getting ready for the princes arrival. She wondered again if the guy she'd seen behind the pillar had been the prince and wondered why he'd hidden in the shadows. But she shoved that to the back of her mind as the finishing touches were done.

(Sorry if its shorter than usual but i'm using my phone right now since my computer isnt working at the moment)

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