Posted by WOTR | OOC chat

P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-17 15:36:22


|R U L E S|

+ All Lioden rules apply.

+ This is a literate roleplay, therefore a minimum of 1 paragraph per reply is expected. Please be mindful of your spelling and grammar as well (but everyone makes mistakes sometimes).

+ This is a 16+ roleplay. Cursing and violent themes are allowed, just be mature about it.

+ No character is perfect. Give 'em some flaws!

+ All genders and sexualities are accepted. If you wish to discriminate against anyone for anything, get out.

+ Godmoding/powerplaying is not tolerated. Causing serious injury or death to another character must be discussed beforehand with the owner of that character.

+ Character and plot discussion (or any other kind of discussion, honestly) is allowed and encouraged, just keep it in the OOC thread!

+ For the sake of the roleplay, if your character is from a dome city, they will be from the capital [they may be born in another city, but the capital is where all of the action is taking place].

+ Please keep the ratio of low bloods to high bloods relatively even.

+ You may reserve a slot as long as you post your character(s) within 4 days, or else it will be re-opened.

+ If you are going to be inactive or leaving the RP for any reason, let us know so we may open your slot back up.

+ Failure to follow the rules after three strikes will result in being removed from the roleplay.

+ There is currently a limit of 2 characters per person [permitting there are more character slots open]. Put your favorite music genre in other if you've read all of the rules


|M E M B E R S|

[Prince Pallis (#42550); moderator/owner ]

[ Mr Fab-FABULOUS!! (#16496); moderator/owner ]

[ Hawkmask (#41743) ]

[ Plaguerat (#50900) ]

[ FieryWrench (#31573) ]

[ Leilani (#41219) ]

[ Hawkeye (#55590) ]


|C H A R A C T E R S|

|High bloods|

Lyssana Carin : female : 20 : Protector : Hawkmask: secretly working for the rebellion; good at hand to hand combat, observant, slow to trust, unforgiving, bad at long-range weaponry; lawful good.

Grayson Ramsey : Male : 34 : Engineer : Plaguerat : Ex-Protector; parental, faithful, slightly ADHD, impulsive; heavily scarred.

Lucien Matteus : male : 19 : college student : Prince Pallis : very Intelligent, cunning, technologically inclined, arrogant, mentally unstable; drug addict; true neutral.

Terradelle Fischer : female : 19 : biologist : FieryWrench : Intelligent, quick-learner, biological expert/has medical knowledge, lazy, childish, unobservant; lawful neutral

Raelyn Aster : female : 25 : city government council member : Leilani : Eloquent, sly, handy with weapons, vulnerable to desert heat, emotionally fragile; lawful evil.

Einar Stian Vidar : male : 24 : Honor Protector : Hawkeye : Strong, charming, kind-hearted, vain, overly-flirtatious, impatient.

...etc | FULL

|Low bloods|

Wolfgang : male : 22 : Rebel : Prince Pallis : Rebellious, determined, extroverted, hateful, reckless; chaotic-good

Blair Valentine : female : 21 : Rebel : Honorless : Plaguerat : Loyal, courageous, daring, blunt, stubborn, narrow minded.

Cylla : female : 22 : Rebel : Hawkmask : Clever, good at making weapons, selfish, aloof, merciless; chaotic-neutral.

Caleb : male : 22 : rebel/loner : Honorless : FieryWench : trained in survival, good at combat, organized, temperamental, a little insane, impulsive; chaotic evil.

Rzeka : female : 26 : thief : Mr Fab-FABULOUS : pick-pocketer, swift, stonehearted, manipulative, weak in strength, brutish; has a 3 yr old daughter.

Nikita : female : 3 : too young : Honorless : Mr Fab-FABULOUS : Kindhearted, innocent, outgoing, afraid of the dark, vulnerable.

...etc | FULL


|L I N K S|



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Edited on 27/08/15 by Prince Pallis (#42550)

plaguegi (#50900)

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Posted on
2015-08-17 23:22:38
OOC Thread looks lovely. \(^-^)/ Anyways sorry I couldn't return earlier to continue fangirling over Mad Max... c;
So when the rp begins, is the rebellion something that is just starting or will it already be developed- to an extent?

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 00:29:58
Hmm... It should probably alreay be a little developed, but still towards the beginning.

*Gasp* That character?! :D
I almost put Cylla in instead, but I figured her personality kinda clashed with what I wanted her to be... Although if I do add a second, and I'm tempted to.... C:

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-18 00:41:19
No worries!
And when the RP starts, the rebellion would have definitely been something stirring amoung the lowbloods, and most are aware of it. There are a few rebel groups rising up in different areas of the planet, but many are increasingly getting shut down by Protector squads (especially those closer to dome cities).

As for most high bloods, the rebellion has been simply a rumor. The city dome governments are going to great lengths in order to keep the rising rebellion a secret to their citizens, because they do not want the chaos that would insue due to highbloods panicking if they thought they were going to be attacked. They also, most importantly, do not want their high blood citizens to join the rebellion. A lot of dome cities already have strict laws in place banning any talk of the rebellion, and for a highblood to show support for the rebellion in any dome city would be a very bad idea. That is one way for one to earn the title of Honorless.

The high blood government is certainly treating the rebellion like a very serious issue, because they know how easily it could spread like wildfire amoung the numerous disenfranchised low-bloods. Therefore, Honor Protectors are getting trained and hired at three times the rate, and Protector squads are being sent out deep onto Rukian deserts in order to shut down any signs of rebellion (which often means either death, or a sentence to Tartarus.) Protectors are keeping a heavily watchful eye on their fellow highbloods, and the dome walls as well. Some highbloods, once accused of showing even minor support for the rebellion, are known to simply disappear over night.

So, no attack has actually been launched yet in the name of the rebellion, but the RP will be starting while these attacks are being planned. The farthest it has gone so far is that some rebel groups are kidnapping important high bloods or their children for ransom, although the highblood government tries to keep that issue on the downlow.

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Edited on 18/08/15 by Prince Pallis (#42550)

P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-18 00:44:51
Correct! And I just up put a very lengthy description of your answer lol

And yes, that character. I thought he would fit in quite well as a spoiled high blood. Yess that would be great to see Cylla again as well, I think she would fit into the plot pretty well

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plaguegi (#50900)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 00:53:16
I'm sorry Grayson you're so screwed with that tattoo now XD

alright, sounds great. c: can't wait to get things started once everyone's done with forms and whatnot!

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 00:54:16

Totally! That'll be great to read xD

I just have to figure out where she fits in now.... Probably some Low-blood that's just in with the rebellion for the sake of rebelling, fun, and because she has nothin better to do. Yeah, that sounds about right.

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-18 02:17:49
ahaha good luck Grayson. And yes, me too. We'll wait until mr fab comes back from camping, and until a few more slots get filled and everyone has submitted their characters and such until we'll open up the RP thread. I'll probably start advertising soon as well.

sounds about right for her! I'm sure wolfgang would love to have her in his rebel group

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-18 03:24:59
Note: The description for the Protector's uniforms has been added under the definition of Honor Protectors in the terms section.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 03:26:34
Okay! Done with her and put her in there! That took way to long for someone I use often xD It was mostly the picture hunting.

I put in it that she had joined Wolfgang and knew him (Lucky him), if that's okay with you. :)

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-18 03:44:54
Love it! And yes, I'm totally on board with the idea of her teaming up with Wolfgang. I also really like that you put her alignment in her personality, because it actually reminded me that I forgot to include that in the form. Wolfgang is chaotic good (he's a very Robin Hood-like character), so I think it will be interesting to see a chaotic good, and chaotic neutral character teamed up. Same goal, but different motivations.

Also, I actually went back and added alignment under the personality section. You guys can go back and put your character's alignments in your forms if you'd like, but I made it optional c:

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 04:42:00
Woot! That will be interesting c: I'm not sure if Lyssana would be Nuetral or Lawful. I'm leaning towards Lawful since she has certain restrictions with her being a protector, but I think she'll start transitioning to Nuetral once she finds out she's a Mixed-blood (since she'll no longer be a protector).

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-18 07:24:59
hmmm yes I agree; a lot of Protectors tend to be the lawful kind, but it will be interesting to see her kind of develop into a more neutral character.

Alright, I finally put my second character form up! (under Wolfgang's form)

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 09:02:43
Ok, added Lys's alignment and a surname. Not sure why I didn't have it before. I really have to agree, I'm very excited to be able to write it and figure it out. It'll give me something to think about while I swim.

Awww Lucien :3 Lol, he kinda reminds me of how Cylla was in The 100, with all that genius and no where productive to put it. Kinda an abuse of power, how they both turning to hacking and, in Cylla's case, other criminal activities. It's always fun to see how he interacts when the others.

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P a l l i s (#42550)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-18 13:47:25
Alright I updated all her info in the characters section!
And oh yeah I remember that! That is quite interesting. Whenever I want to give Lucien a special skill, it's usually with technology, just because he seems like the kind of guy to like computers more than people. I also made him a bit more messed up than usual in this RP for the hell of it. I kind of wanted to put a more evil character in the mix, or at least one with very vague morals. I'm also devising an evil plan for something that will happen to him...

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 13:56:45
Yeah, he does have that going for him. Him and Cylla can have a vague morals party! Though, I think she probably understands what normal morals are, but jusy doesn't care.

Ooh, looking forward to it >:3 These characters are not gonna have it easy, what with all the secrecy and scandals and evil plans ontop of the rebellion. I'm so excited.

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