Posted by Seeking 1x1 RP Partner

kojika- (#68440)

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2015-08-20 16:15:04
It's been a really long time since I've had RP friends, and I just keep creating characters with no way to use them! I'm looking for a few people to be long term RP buddies with, especially ones who like to get creative. I am a semi-lit to lit RPer, typically my writing style will fluctuate to match the other persons but I won't do anything less then semi-lit

I do like romance a lot, and I do like things like gore and violence but I don't require them. If you are interested in romance with me, I do not do cisgender MxF pairings but I will do others (for example MxF with both being trans or one person being trans) and I don't make exceptions on this. MxM is the most comfortable for me since I've been doing it so long.

I would like to be active, and at least be doing a one post a day type thing if its over PMs. However, I do work mostly full time so there may be some days where I'm not online or the hours I am are odd. I do try to be on as much as possible, and I'm even happy to just chat with you to keep our friendship up, even just talking about what huge idiot babies our OCs are and think of new ideas for them. I prefer to RP over messaging clients (Skype, AIM, etc) but I will do PMs. I don't particularly like forums for 1x1s because forum rules are more restricting.

Please be 18+ if you are interested in doing any sort of romance as well. I am 25, so being underage is a little weird for me. And if you do want romance, please specify so we can make sure our characters will be compatible. Otherwise, I could wind up using a character who won't be romantically interested/available.

Currently, I have no solid plots to do but I love brainstorming and thinking up stuff so I'm happy to talk to you and throw ideas back and forth or look at any you might have and see if I'd be happy to do them. The only vague plot I have is a post-apocalyptic one involving people who can shift into dogs, and there is an enemy group with characters in both sides but thats about as far as it goes.

Things I do:
- Fantasy/Folklore of any time period or place. I have a particular fondness to werewolves, centaurs, and dragons and I'm versed in greek, japanese, scandinavian, and anglo-saxon mythologies and folklores and a few random others sprinkled in
- Anthros
- Shifters
- Pirates (just pirates, not like pirates of the carribean)
- Bandits
- Adventuring group (typically set in a medieval setting, can be fantasy)
- Demons, including things like warlocks, summoning, exorcisms, posessions, etc
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Lovecraftian Universe
- World of Warcraft universe (OCs only)
- Marvel Universe (OCs only, and far removed from any of the canon characters. Mentions of them should be things like an average civilian living in that universe like "Oh, Tony Stark is on the news again, can you believe what he did?" stuff.)

Things I won't do:
- Animals. I reserve this for forum stuff but I don't like doing it in 1x1s since I take those more seriously. There MAY be some wiggle room depending, but typically it'll be a no
- High School
- Harry Potter (The only exception I will ever make is a SiriusxLupin as it's my favorite pairing and I can play Sirius decently)
- Any video game/tv show/anime/movie that doesn't have a very wide universe to avoid any issue with canon stuff.

If there's anything you have in mind that might not be on this list, you can always suggest it! I may turn it down, or it may be something I like and forgot to add. Or it just sounds really great! Feel free to post here or PM me, and I will PM you back to let you know if I think we're a match or not.

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Edited on 20/08/15 by kojika- (#68440)

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