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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 05:12:52
The Bite
A Werewolf Role Play


It is the beginning of summer, the days are hot and never reach a temperature bellow 70 without the day. School is out which means more people around in daylight and more mutts and other wolves are going to appear within the town.


{Stone Heaven Pack}

~Clayton- Alpha-21-Male
~Malia Elizabeth Bane-Beta-19-Female
~Bellamy- Warrior-20-Male
~Thalia Marie Jackson-Warrior/Medic-20-Female

Character Sheets

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Edited on 27/10/15 @ 15:08:05 by RedVelvet (#32776)

RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 05:15:33
In TheBeginning

Stone-heaven, a 500 Acre plot of land that is home and territory of a small yet close pack of werewolves. Bearville is a small town located in the middle of no where in New-York city and home to the stone heaven pack, but times are tough and other packs, even loners are traveling far and wide to try and claim the town.
Not only does this small pack have to fight off and protect there territory from other wolves, but from the ruthless human organization of dark wolf hunters.


Surrounded by trees this plot gives the werewolves room to run freely, and with its fence and gates, they do not (often) have to worry about intruders. The house sits on 500 acres.
The house is two stories, and built of stone. One of the first rooms you come across is the study, where you can usually find one of the werewolves lounging about, occasionally with a fire burning. They tend to usually eat in the sunroom where the part of the roof is a skylight.
The lower level is the hidden secretive part of the house located underground. This is were the wolves can talk business that no human can hear, a large cage for interrogation and a table sits in the far back and one room separate before containing the second study were scrolls and old books lie. Behind the house is a field containing training equipment for the wolves and human
form alike.

Alpha: (Leader)
Beta: (Second in command)
Warrior: (Fighters, hunters and protectors of the pack. There is always a higher warrior. Some warriors have to ability's to learn healing)

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 05:18:06
Name: Clayton(Clay) Red-Field
age: 21
gender: Male

Weapon of choice: Clay, When not in wolf form carries around a hunting blade, the handle a white ivory of wood and iron and the blade is over 3 inches. It is kept hidden within his jacket.

Human: 5146231615_c4473a548f_o.jpg
Clay stands at around 6 feet tall with short spiked light brown hair and light brown eyes that almost appear golden. He is a nice strong jaw line that usually consists of small stubble from his 5 o'clock shadow and a haunting gaze that will send shivers down anyone's spine. His attire consists of a dark blue jacket and black undershirt, a pair of dark blue jeans and boots.

Werewolf: red_wolf_by_fluffywuff-d8z3lqp.jpg
Clay is a very large reddish brown and gray wolf that stands around 5 and a half feet at the shoulder. His eyes are also a whitish blue and he is slightly less fluff then in the picture.

Personality: Clay is a loner at heart. He has no trouble engaging in conversation with others, as long as he is somewhat acquainted with them. He dislikes having to approach strangers, however. He is very brave, and ruthless. He can sound overly-cruel and cold-hearted, but he truly cares about his friends, and will take great means to protect them, as long as it isn't foolish.Clay is proud, but not overly so. Fiercely loyal and trust worthy. Capable of shouldering big responsibilities.
Rank: Alpha

Name: Bellamy Crow
age: 20
gender: Male

Weapon of choice: Bellamy prefers to use his fists over any blade or gun, or his wolf form. He has no need to carry around anything, though if he had to he would certainly carry around a smaller blade, a knife or machete of some sort.


Bellamy is a rather tall man standing at around 6 foot, very lean but does not skimp on the muscle factor around his arms and stomach. He has a scruff shadow, dark green eyes, and black spiked hair. His attire consists of a leather jacket, a red long sleeves undershirt that fits very loosely and dark black jeans.

Bellamy Has a bad temper. He is stubborn, hard headed, and grumpy. He has lived on his own for a long time, and his patients for others are not very good. He is cocky, and can be very arrogant when he wants to be. On the flip side, Bellamy is also very loyal, trustworthy and he will always be there for those he cares about. He keeps the promises he makes and would make the best friend you could ever hope for of you can get past his grumpy side. He naturally protects everything he holds close to him, so if you're one of the lucky people to be in his 'circle' and be someone he considers important, he would easily give his life protecting you.
Biggest fear: Blaine, though acts like a hard head, is deeply scared of being abandoned by the pack. Even if he does not show it.
Rank: Warrior

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Edited on 27/10/15 @ 12:28:51 by RedVelvet (#32776)

| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 06:57:02
Malia Elizabeth Bane
19 yo
Weapon of Choice
Ragnorak are two twin swords that Malia duel wields. She loves them and practices with them almost everyday. They are always on hand whenever she takes her human form. Malia had the specially made and designed just for her. No one else will be able to wield Ragnorak.
Human Form
Malia stands at 5'7 and only weights 132 pounds and doesn't plan on gaining any other weight. She has long, down to mid-waist wavy dark brown hair and dark grey eyes. Malia is slim, but some of feminine parts of her body are very well developed and have nice shapes.
8gOpIQT.jpg 1Wolf FormBlackWhite-wolf-39854944128.png
Her wolf form stands at 4'7 tall with long fluffy dark and light fur. It's more fluffy than the average wolf and most likely because she takes great care of her hair. In her wolf form, her eyes go from deep grey to dark amber. They seem to glow rather brightly in the dark. The dark fur around her eyes make the color pop more. Her body is rather slim and lean, making her a very fast runner. It helps with her great tracking and hearing ability that helps the pack greatly during troubling times.
Malia is a young quiet girl that is very reserved and doesn't like talking about her feelings. She is friendly and likes to make friends on her own accord, so don't force her to being your friend. Another thing about her, is that she is very stubborn and once she has her mind set on something, it's hard to change that. She doesn't like fake people and liars, so it's rather easy for her to sniff out both. When pushed to do things she doesn't want to, Malia becomes aggressive and will fight anyone who doesn't get out of her way. She can be very nice and caring, she will be the person to let you cry on her shoulder and will give good advice when needed. Malia loves to watch Disney and DreamWorks movies along with anime and reads books and manga.
Salem is her Munchkin cat that lives with her in Stone Haven. He is three years old and she has had him since he was a kitten. Malia found him while out running and brought Salem with her, getting him back to full health.


Thalia Marie Jackson
20 years old
Weapon of choice
Thalia wields a Japanese Katana sword. She has had it since she was a little girl given to her by her grandfather. She keeps it on herself at mostly of the time, but her wolf form. She tends to lose it at times, so she tries to keep it on her back.
Human Form
Thalia is a tall slim girl. She stands at 5'8 and doesn't mind being a bit tall. She has long flowing dark brown hair that comes a few inches above her waist. Thalia has her feminine curves and semi-perfect shape. No one is perfect. Her eyes are a dark honey brown and loves to bat them when she is pouting along with her long eyelashes.
Wolf Form
When a wolf, she becomes a white as snow she-wolf with beautiful blue eyes. Her wolf form is tall as well. It stands are a good 5'0 feet. She is semi-bult, but looks slim. Thalia is a fighter and not afraid to get dirty. Her body isn't built for speed, but more strength and endurance.
Thalia is a true tomboy. She hasn't like wearing dresses and skirts much, but will if she must. When it comes to people, she has a short temper and will attack anyone who provoked her. Along with that comes her stubbornness. She is highly stubborn and rarely changes her mind. She will argue still she proves you are wrong, or you prove she is wrong. That will get her to be quiet. Thalia can be rude and cold hearted when her day isn't going well. Deep down once you get to know her, she is really a very caring person. She is loving and will care for anyone that proves them they are trust worthy friends. She likes being alone from time to time because it helps her reflect on what she has done to herself and other. Also, she loves to be sarcastic.

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Edited on 27/10/15 @ 19:22:30 by | starsky | (#2771)

RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 08:27:34
Clayton-Alpha-- Within stone heaven building-

Stone heaven was rather hot in summer, no air conditioning, no fans to cool the inside of the house, only windows and doors that were left open all night and day in hopes that the cool breeze would flow within the walls. A air conditioner would be nice, yes, but Clay would never risk any human entering there den and finding out 100 years worth of secrets that lay in hiding bellow the house.Clay was sitting on the leather couch that appeared as you walked in from the deck, a fire place riddled with ash from the lesser use of it in summer, and only in the corner did his work desk sit before you enter the sun room and kitchen.
Clay was, as usual, doing his mindless tasks of being the alpha, writing down little notes and segments on his small pack, jobs and work that needed to be done around stone heaven before the cold winds and snow arrived in winter. His golden eyes seemed locked on his paper with pen in hand he would continue to write for at least 3 minutes before stopping, looking over his work, then began again. Summer was always an dangerous time of year for the werewolf kind, people became more abundant around there small town and more wolves.
News had arrived only a day before of a list of mutts that had crossed the town boarders and were now mindlessly running around with the humans, stupid little things that had no care in the world. A smile tugged at the corners of clay's mouth at the thought, mutts were bad news and bad news meant he would be able to feel the warm rush of blood touch his fangs. He was a serious Alpha, respected among other packs even, but that did not mean he couldn't have fun in the mean time.

The morning would soon be turning into the afternoon within a couple hours now, the suns rays just hitting the window seals to send a blinding light though all corners of the house, and the winds gently rattled the open window frames with a cool breeze. It felt good to Clay as he made a gentle sigh before placing his work papers and pen down upon the leather couch once more. It was time to assign jobs.

Bellamy-Warrior--Within stone heaven- outskirt forest-

The suns rays beat down on Bellamy like a hammer, sweat trickling down his forehead and sides of his face from the hard workout he was yet to complete. Not a cloud in the sky and only a gentle breeze kept him company and he once again started with a clenched fist around his knife handle, swinging up harshly before gabbing his knee up in the air and with his free hand punched the open space with an uppercut. The cool morning was turning into a blazing hot afternoon as Bellamy seemed to be working for more than a couple hours and he was to the point of exhortation, though a few more minutes he thought and he would be done.
He was within the back yard, a few feet away from the porch. A large pile of fire wood was stacked nicely in three rows to the left, near the side of the house and a sharpened ax head buried within a stump. A few training dummies were placed in the rich green lawn, some armored and spiked while others plain and simple. The black yard was meant for training, human and wolf alike.

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 10:25:38
Malia | Beta | Wandering inside Stone Haven House

It's summer and extremely hot outside, but more inside Stone Haven. It must be over 100 degrees inside and outside the house. Air conditioning would be great about now, but protecting the pack and its secrets is much more important. Humans have dangerous, but not as dangerous as the werewolf dangers. They were out there searching high and low for her kind.
Malia felt a cool breeze come in through the window in the kitchen, cooling her body, but it left quickly as it came. Opening up the cabinets, she pulled out a cup and went to the refrigerator and filled it with a lot of ice and water. Taking a sip, the coolness washed down her throat and into her stomach, causing a shiver to go down her spine. With a smile, she turned and felt, passing by the study, but stopped seeing Clay. Malia tilted her head to the side, wondering what he was smiling about. With a shrug, she stepped into the room and sat down on the other end of the couch, jus barely missing the papers. "What are you smiling for? Did you get some money or job?" the beta asked lightly, rather curious in his his new smile. It's been a day or two since she has seen the alpha smile.

Being the beta meant helping out the alpha in many important decisions. They were mostly about the pack, rarely about their own personal lives. Speaking up the pack, Malia pulled her lip into her mouth and began to chew on it quietly. The pack is so small. It's almost as if they aren't even pack. It's only the four of them. The rest had been killed or abandoned them because of the werewolf hunters. It's just to much for some to handle.

Thalia | Medic/Warrior | Within Stone Haven, watching/training with Bellamy

Wiping the sweat from her brow, the hot summer sun blazed down on her, almost like it was only beating down on her. It's clearly torture outside, but just had to go out. Right now, a nice cool house would help cool down any body, but will not happen. The stone haven house has no air conditioner, so you have to pick a battle. Be out in the sun, or inside a hot shaded house. The outside air felt so much better then being inside. It's almost like a sona. Dark honey eyed watched as a fellow pack mate train, seeing that he was improving rather well. Thalia watched as the warrior wave his sword around, but thought he needs more work. Standing up, she walked over to the cooler and opened it up, finding to see most of the ice has melted into nearly hot water. The medic/warrior shook her head and pulled out a cold bottle of water and walked over to Bellamy and handed it to him. "Nice fighting. Nice time though, you need to space with me. I'm a better match an those stiff dummies." she murmured with a light smirk. Strapped to her back, the black katana blade rested firmly against her back, not going anyway. She searched a good two hours for it before finding it.

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 11:18:17
Clayton-Alpha-- Within stone heaven building-

The living room only seemed to become hotter from the rising sun, its rays ever so slightly rising more and more into the open window as the afternoon creeped forwards. It was unbearable at this point and Clay could only handle so much as he gripped the sides if his dark gray shirt and swiftly pulled it up and over his head, planting it on the arm of the couch. It felt better at least, the gentle winds that sparingly swept in the windows cooled him down some as it touched bare skin.
It was only a moment later he looked over with bright golden eyes, sunlight that shone in the house captured them as its rays skimmed over to make them shine. It was his beta Malia, holding a a glass full of ice water as she made her way over to the other side of the couch to sit down, gray eyes looking to him before she spoke. She had such a nice voice he thought, a weird thought yes, but Clay had lots of little details of all pack members within his head.

It took him a few moments to register her words, thinking back to the letter he had received yesterday from a allied pack about mutts who crossed the boarder. Weird, he did seem to smile at that point.
I had received a letter from the broken valley pack yesterday. They had informed us that a rather large group of wandering mutts had crossed are city boarders late last night. That calls for a pack hunt. These mutts have been reported and must be executed.
She was his beta, telling her details was part of her job, though he bent around her initial question he did explain why he was smiling in a more hidden manner. He also wanted her input on the subject, these mutts crossed the boarders and could, as they spoke, be cousing havoc on the human population, or seeking out stone heaven.

As for now we need to have are afternoon meal and finish some repairs on stone heaven. When dusk covers the sky we will leave under the safety of darkness and scent out these mutts. If they are not all ready hear.

Bellamy-Warrior-- in backyard-

He was done, he could not do it anymore as the sun seemed to grow in strength and beat him down with the heat. He could imagine a hawk sounding in the distance with a few tumble weeds rolling in thick dust, no water to be found for miles. He had watched to many western movies. He panted, whipping the sweat from his face with he bottom on his dark brown shirt and sheathed the large knife in the back pocket were it usually sat waiting for its blade to cut flesh, though it has never done so before.
His blue eyes glided to the female that had now stepped off the porch and walked to him with water in hand, taking it with a generous nod and gulped down half within a few seconds.

Train with you?...hmm that sounds interesting. though I think I would get more out of these stiff dummies as you call them.
Bellamy gave a slight chuckle at his comment to his partner, drinking the rest of the water quickly before crumpling up the plastic and tossed it in a metal barrel full of there garbage. He was only being funny and meant no harm to Thalia, smiling slightly before pushing a gentle hand into her shoulder.
It was then he quickly took off his shirt, tossing it to the porch to feel the cool winds against his skin, which felt heavenly. the pond near the back 40 of the forest would be cooling off from the shade of the underbrush, maybe a dip would feel better, but he new Clay would have then work now that there afternoon free time had ended and it would be only a few minutes before they would see there alpha rise from his working desk and walk outside.

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 12:12:39
Malia | Beta | Stone Haven Living Room

The beta waiting for a response. As she did, Salem walked into the room and jumped onto the couch between them, laying on the papers. She smirked at her cat before Clay began to speak and he had her full attention, listening to him as he explain. Malia sighed and groaned inwardly, not really wanting to work out in the hot sun. Her mind shifted to the mutts. Why come into their territory. Stone Haven is a rather well known pack. Either they are a pack of human turned werewolves, or a pack where they think they can do whatever want knowing the rules. Shaking her head, her dark grey gaze went up to meet the alpha's bright golden eyes. Her gaze didn't need to go down any farther, knowing Clay was bare chested. A crush was forming towards the alpha.
"Mutts, huh? They must be stupid or don't know who owns this territory. We are just going to have to teach them the hard way. It's a shame we have to execute them, but we have to do it. To protect ourselves and the humans." she murmured with the shake of her head. A sigh left her lips as she looked around the living room. It needed to be cleaned up. The shingles on the house need to be replaced, but only a few of them. Also set some traps. Fixing up Stone Haven in this heat is going to he killer. Her thoughts went back to the pack and she turned her head and watched Clay quiet as she reached and began to stroke her pet cat.
"What are you going to do about the pack? It's so small, Clay. Another pack could attack and we can defend ourselves if they have twice as many as we do. We have to do something. Reproduce or change run away teenagers." Malia explained to him. She was really worried. Clay, Thalia, and Bellamy are the only families she has and doesn't want it taken away from her.

Thalia | Medic/Warrior | Backyard w/Bellamy

Her hand loosened around the bottle so he can take it and watched it chug it down till it was gone. Thalia's eyes widened when he took off his shirt, but quickly ignored it. She stood in a tank top with mini shorts and sneakers with her hair pulled back in a pony tail. She was dressed for the heat, but it was still to much. She would go naked if she wanted to, but wouldn't. This was her pack, her family, but she didn't want them seeing her body. Them meaning, Clay and Bellamy. Her dark brown gaze flicked over to the dummies and smirk as her shoulder was lightly punched.
"Fine. We don't have to spare right now, but later. We are going to have lunch soon and then work. Besides though, you really need to take a shower. You stink." Thalia teased as she smirked at him, crossing her arms over her chest. Shaking her head, she turned and walked over from him and over to one of the three piles of wood. Picking one up, she weighted it in her hand before turning back around and throw it at Bellamy. The medic/warrior was curious to see if her fellow pack mate will be able to dodge it.

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 12:50:50
Clayton-Alpha-- Within stone heaven building/w Malia-

Malia told the truth as she spoke, the pack had dwindled so low this year that any pack could overtake the stone heaven territory, a territory Clay's family had ruled over for more then 10 generations. His parents would be disappointing in him that he let the pack get so low, so weak, he could only shake his head with doubt. Sometimes he even questioned his right to rule. Not even the thought of sinking his fangs into a mutts throat made him perk up at this point, eyes casting down to his lap in thought of his betas words.

When we leave this night, we will also scout out for any runaways like you said, for now it is the only thing we can do. I will not allow any pack member of mine bare a child in this sort of danger. But reproducing may also be needed. Though I hate the thought. Biting is the fastest way to gain protection and grow a pack.
Clay was a some what modest man, his family was raised to believe that no sex was allowed until wed to another, but that went out the window a couple times for him a while back. Even so, he hated the fact of pushing his family together like that only for a few new members, it should be wanted, not forced in dire need.

His golden eyes finally returned to his beta once more after only a few moments in thought, nodding his head once more to her before speaking.
The mutts are a small group of freshly turned humans, a couple packs have reported them wondering about looking for a place to call home. Lets not disappoint. Ill make this there resting place....permanently. And it is about time to get the pack together for are afternoon jobs. You will start within the house itself. Clean, wash whatever you deem necessary. after that you may join me in repairing the back gate.
He sent a small smile her way, golden eyes looking to her with a soft gaze before abruptly standing up to walk out the back sliding door.
The deck echoed the sounds of his boots as he walked outside, papers in hand to look at his other two pack members, entertaining themselves as always with a playful fight. He let them finish there little quarrel for a few moments, placing two fingers to his mouth he whistled a loud tune to catch both.

Time for afternoon jobs im afraid. Thalia and Bellamy you two will be working together, I don't want just one of you to go out alone. I have a list of items we need to stock up on. We need no humans running to are from door. Also its your turn to fetch us lunch.
With that he handed the paper to Bellamy with a sly smile, who quickly gripped it, before Clay gave a nod and walked off the porch and towards the back fence for an attempt to repair it.

Bellamy-Warrior--Outside/w Thalia-

He laughed once again at the female warrior, blue eyes casting down upon his bare chest, arms slightly lifted. The heat even made him sweat a little more now that he had no shirt on, a few drops running down his side.
I do not smell... actually.. I can still smell my cologne from this morni-
Abruptly cut off as his gaze shifted, his hand quickly reaching up to catch to piece of wood as his head turned to the side to avoid rouge shards that splintered off. Quickly after he swooped it up in the air and grabbed the end, like someone grabbing a knife, before throwing it back at her with a smile.

It wasn't a momenta after a sharp whistle sounded near the house and he quickly turned his gaze to the Alpha Clay, who stood shirtless on the porch, papers in hand. Most likely there jobs. It seemed the two boys had the same ideas to deal with the head, the perks of being men. Even though Bellamy would not complain if women did the same.
He extended his hand to grip the piece of paper, Clay taking leave as he red it. Shopping out of the territory was not the funnest thing, but he got to leave the house for once so he didn't complain.
Most of it was tools and house parts home-depot could provide, some food that extended to the back and a couple miscellaneous things, all in all he guessed an hour tops.
His eyes glided over to Thalia with a smile, motioning for her to lead the way out of Stone heaven, shirtless was his outfit so getting ready was a matter of seconds.
Ready to go princess?

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 15:53:22
Malia | Beta | Within Stone Haven House, Cleaning the Inside

Dark grey eyes watched him, waiting for his answers. In truth, she didn't really mind becoming pregnant to improve the pack's numbers. Well, as long as the baby belonged to Clay, though he could easily pick Thalia instead of her. It's completely up to him. Her gaze had drifted off and his words snapped her out of it and looked at the alpha and listened to him. Malia was a bit disappointed, bit brightened up about changing run away teens.
"It's best to do our research on which teenagers and possibly children to turn. Either could be run aways, kidnapped for several years, or more. The run aways need to be, at least two years run away. I have a good idea where they could be binding too." the beta explained to him before nodding. The inside of the house could use a touch up. It was really dusty and the kitchen could use some fixing up.

Malia smiled in return to Clay, a small one before he was gone. She turned on her heels and walked into the kitchen. Crouching down, she opened the doors under the sink and pulled out all the supplies she needs to clean some parts of the house. Getting a cloth and dusting spray, she placed a mask over her mouth as she made her way to the living room. Once her dark brown hair was up in a pony tail, the beta put on some music from the stereo system, she began to clean while singing along in a soft, gentle voice.

Thalia | Medic/Warrior | Going outside Stone Haven /w Bellamy

She rolled her eyes at his words about him not stinking. A smirk came to her pink lips as he caught the piece of wood and rolled her eyes at him. As the wood came towards her, she caught it with her calloused hand. As the warrior turned around to place it back, she jumped as her sensitive ears came in contact with the sound of a whistle. She turned and looked at Alpha Clay and she bowed her head a bit in submission before lifting it. Thalia nodded at his words about their turn in going out to get some things. Time to go shopping. The young warrior reached and took the list from Bellamy and looked over it.
"Don't call me princess. Now, what car are we taking and where are we going first? Home Depot or the store?" the female asked as she lead the way to the garage. Making her way to the key pad, she punched in the code and garage door came up. Inside near the door that leads through the garage through the house, on the left is the key holder where all the keys hung. Her gaze swept over the keys, curious which to take.

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 18:40:13
Clay- Alpha--fixing fence

The forest shaded most of the suns rays at this point, sending the winds to be much cooler thought the dense underbrush and Clay fount it rather comforting, the leaving rustling together in a loud brushing motion to sound home, the forest had always been Clay's home and it felt good to hear to familiar sounds of it. He walked in the lush green grass that surrounded the property, carrying his large bucket full of tools with him at his side as he approached the fence. Getting right to work he quickly pulled up the rusted poles that held the bent and broken fence lining, easily ripping them from the earth the throw them aside, gripping a new steel one and jabbed it in the same whole. He did this with all 5 poles before grabbing a large bucket full if liquid cement that came in the tube, the cheap stuff Clay had got a couple days ago, but it would do the trick as he pored it to set each pole, they were going no where. The cement would take hours to try, gripping the rolled up fence lining to measure the length, cutting it down to size and leaned up against the poles to wire them together. It had already been 40 minutes as he finished the last line of wire up the pole to fasten the fence to the pole, whipping sweat from his forehead he stopped to admire the quick job he had done.

He was crouched down near the fence, picking up the last of the scrapes from the fence to place in the bucket with a sharp crack sounded within the distant forest, across the fence boarders and right in front of Clay. He froze, body tense and golden eyes glancing to the sound as his hears picked up the faintest of sounds. The wind was even on his side at that moment, unfamiliar scents filling his nose and he new it was that god offal pack of mutts, even they could even be called a pack. He waited a few moments as the silent was filled with the rustle of leaves, giving himself a heads up as he quickly jumped up and backed away a few feet from the fence just as a flash of darkness jumped in front of him.

He stared at a thousand pound black wolf staring him dead in the eyes, fang bared at his human form in a challenge that was not in the mutts favor, though Clay could now see 4 more mutts stalking the fence over and over, back and forth. Clay only accepted the challenge with a death stare of his own, right into the blue eye of the mutt who only growled deeply in reply. Clay new he could not take on 5 mutts at once, even more so that he had no time to change into wolf form, he new that as long as he was human he was quite defenseless. The mutt gave Clay no out plan as it shook its head and quickly bounded, leaping at Clay with its jaws wide open and fangs downward for Clay's throat but was stopped by hands gripping the tops of his jaws, drool streaming down from its fangs as Clay held its maw open.
Only one opportunity left as he jerked its head to the side and slammed his foot right into the mutts face and nose cousing it to whine in sudden pain, giving Clay that one opening he was praying for. Wasting no time he leaped up and dashed out of the forest and into the wide open grassy clearing that was visible from the house, hoping that Malia would soon see that he was in deep, deep trouble. He ran and ran, but the mutt was much faster as it lead the way with 4 more. It leaped once again, jaws open for Clay as they snapped right onto his arm and shoulder, cousing him to tumble forwards with the mutt who lost its balance and rolled down the small hill towards the house. Clay only yelled in pain for a moment as it happened, blood poring from his wounds, giving himself the opening to quickly change.

His form blurred that layed on the grassy ground, black shapes appearing and growing before he appeared as a much larger red wolf, blood still covered his shoulder and pain shot up it with every move he made. He now almost towered over the black mutt and its 4 members, ivory fangs bared and a deep growl emitted from Clay's chest, he was now truly the Alpha, tail raised and curled in the most dominate stance he could muster. He was truly frightening.


I will post this in a moment :)

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 19:40:25
Malia | Beta | Cleaning Stone Haven House

The scent of cleaning products filled the house more and more as it was cleaned. It was dirtier than one would have thought. It seems the males are the one who dirtied it up the most. There were a few stains on the furniture, carpet, and even the ceiling. It took a ladder to clean those up. On closer inspection, the house is completely cover in dust. The house is filthy. The breeze from outside slowly came into the house, cooling off her rather hot body. It didn't cool her down enough, but just a little bit. Wiping the sweat from her arms, she cleaned up every room one by room, making sure they are clean.

Malia sighed and groaned as she sat down at the bottom of the stairs, tired from working so hard. She had just finished cleaning the upstairs since the downstairs was clean. Everyone has there own room to clean, so she her room from top to bottom. Her cat was taking a nap in the center of her bed because it was nice and clean. Standing, the beta gathered all her cleaning products before placing them under the sink in the kitchen. When she straightened up, Malia got herself a tall glass of cold ice water, quenching her thirst. Cleaning takes so much out of you it's ridiculous. Gathering even more strength, she took a long shower, numbing her aching bones and joints. Chugging down more than half of the glass of water, she wiped her face a bit before placing the cup in the washing machine before leaving. It was time to go help Clay.

The beta came out of the shower and got dressed in short short black jean shorts, a grey tank crop time, and her sneakers. Quickly making her way downstairs, she said goodbye to Salem before leaving. As the wind blew, it carried the scent of Clay and she followed it. She has known the alpha for as long as she could remember and knew they were close. When the day came for Clay to pick a beta, Malia was surprised he picked a young female like herself compared to the other pack members. Not everyone was happy, but got over it. As she walked, the wind suddenly changed direction, carrying the scent of 5 different wolves.
"The mutts... Clay!" she gasped as she looked around, making sure known where tracking her and watching.

Malia took off her clothes quickly and dropped to the ground. Slowly her body began to change. It cracked and moans and growls came from the body hunched over on her hands and knees. It hurts so bad. Turning into a wolf hurts. Especially when your newly bitten. The skin on her body disappeared and was quickly replaced by dark fur. Her limbs grew long and stretched, her limbs changing so she can walk and run on all fours. What once stood a girl, now stood a dark colored she-wolf with long thick fur. Dark eyes scanned the forest, sniffing the air, picking up the scent of Clay and the mutts. With a growl, Malia sprang forward to go and protect her alpha and friend. It didn't take long to find them. She stopped up winded of them so they couldn't pick up her scent and see her. Eyes narrowed as she peered behind a tree, waiting for the moment. Finally, the beta saw an opening and sprang forward towards the back of mutts. How dare they attack her alpha, her Clay. Well...he isn't hers...yet. Malia ran and sound tackled the nearest wolf with a snarl, causing it to find. Long sharp canines long around the jugular, growling as she eyed everyone before snapping her head back roughly. A chunk of fur and flesh hung from her maw as the wolf died underneath her. She tossed the chunk to the side as she walked over to Clay, the mutts to stunned to do anything. The beta female came to stand beside her alpha as her lips pulled back to reveal long sharp teeth. They bared at the enemy as she growl and snarled at them. Only 4 were left now.

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-27 20:13:22
Clay-Alpha--Fighting off mutts
I was thinking that Clay, sence he is the alpha and has had more training can control his shift into being a none painful shift and can keep his clothes on because of the amount of control he has. Malia doesn't because she is a little younger and was not trained in the ways of an alpha like he was. hence why it is painful for her and she will be naked XD
The sun beat down on him even harsher then before now that he was covered in thick red fur, panting gently as the small winds swept past to sway his coat, but he could not feel it against his skin. White eyes now peered at the 5 Mutts who surrounded him, blood splattering to the ground from the deep and bleeding wound the lead mutt gave him, even in wolf form it hurt like a sonofabitch and would even more so when he had to turn back. It ached and throbbed and Clay dare not move it if it wast for his life that seemed to hang in the balance. He growled with ivory fangs showing past his lips that curled up, eyes piercing the very soul of the black mutt as he glared.

Clay could not even smell his beta who was well on her way, bounding across the open fields to his rescue, sort of, while his own blood surrounded his scenes and could smell nothing else. It was then his beta jumped upon a mutt within he back of the pack, ripping out its throat with a swift motion of her head and it quickly died there. The rest of the mutts froze in shock and awe at Malia, giving Clay the chance to leap at the black mutt, laws open with a loud roar before the audible sound of his laws snapping around its neck and flesh ripping away from bone, the mutt was dead in seconds as Clay followed in Malias paw prints and eagerly ripped out its throat, blood poring and seeping into the ground quickly.

The remaining two tucked there tails between there legs and with a whine and yip they both fled into the forest and back over the fence, leaving Clay and Malia alone once more. He painfully turned back into human form, his appearance faded and shrunk to his human size. His shoulder ached even more as he placed a gentle hand to it with a wince, sitting down in the grass, his black blue jeans getting slightly damp from the grass and the soaked blood in the soil. Golden eyes peered to the dark looming wolf Malia was, a slight smile appearing on his face, which had some blood smeared on it. Werewolves healed rather quickly and this wound would be gone by tomorrow afternoon if he didn't bleed to death first. Witch was an overstatement.
Thank you Malia. I owe you one.
HE said between panting breaths and winces. He was no wuss when it came to pain, he could take a lot but this one was worse then he had ever felt, the first time he had been attacked by a wolf in human form and it was very dangerous.

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-10-28 02:31:30
So basically only the alpha has controlled, painless, non-naked shifting? That's what your saying? Also, there are three mutts left, not two. :3
Malia | Beta | Rescuing Clay

The dark fur that covered her body seemed to soak in the sun's rays, causing her to pant a bit. It was no hot outside it's unreal. It was very dumb for these mutts to attack during the day. She continued to bare her long ivory teeth at the four remaining mutts. It was hard to look scary while doing your best to pant and keep your body cool. The trees do provide great shade for everyone, everyone meaning herself and Clay. The mutts aren't important. Her gaze lifted to look at Clay's shoulder as it bleed and she let out a slight whimper. It looks really bad and they need to go home and get it cleaned and bandaged quickly.

Malia looked back at the four remaining mutts, but quickly turned into three as her alpha jumped and attacked the largest of them. A black male. None of the mutts saw that coming. Dark grey eyes watched as Clay tore out the throat and soon there laid a dark body on the ground in the smoldering heat. Two dead bodies lay on the ground, throats torn, their blood seeping into the earth. The beta turned away as she turned to look at the alpha and watched as he shifted human. She padded over to him, her paws kicking up dirt and the grass. Her eyes went to his wound and whined a bit because it looks bad. Gently, her tongue came out and gave it a lick and growled some, smirking inwardly because now he owned her. How many times has he said that to her?

The young beta stepped away and pondered for a moment. She wanted to shift human, but the only issue is, she was naked. Tilting her head to the side, she shrugged a bit. Isn't the first time she has been naked in front of Clay, and most likely will not be the last. With a sigh, Malia backed away from him and slowly began to shift human. It doesn't hurt much coming out of it, compared to changing into it. Now in human form and naked, she stood there looking down at Clay and tilted her head to the side.
"Come on. We better get you home and cleaned up. We don't need that turning into an infection, do we?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow at him, questioning him. The fence can wait to be fixed tomorrow. Right now, the alpha needs to get his wound fixed up. He may grip about it, but she doesn't care. An infection can kill you in a blink of an eye.

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2015-10-28 04:50:11

Yes that is what I am saying :) haha. and opps! sorry I meant 3. and Bellamy and Thalia will return after you post :)
The heat wasn't so bad now that he had less fur and more bare skin, his whole torso feeling the cool breeze his wolf farm never felt and it was quite refreshing. His wound was rather serious now that he got a better look of it instead of judging it on the pain scale, two large fang gashes lined the top of is shoulder and right bellow it was the other, both gushing blood that ran down the length of his arm. His bicep was lined with 3 little gashes from the wolves insizors and they to bleed. It was common for a wolf to lick another wound for it to heal a bit faster in the wind, Milia trotting over her thin frame to gently lick the blood that seeped from Clay's arm, Wincing slightly at the sting.
He slowly rose to his feet at this point, staggering to the right as he held his arm carefully, feeling the red liquid role between his fingers and palm as it ran down his forearm and dripped from his finger tips.

It wasn't unusual to see some of his pack well...naked. Out on everyone else he was the only one with the proper alpha training from his parents to show no weakness with the shift. He had the most control, by passed down training from family to family and one day he too would pass it down to his children. and wife. But now was not the time to think about full matters such as those, he was loosing a lot of blood quickly, to quick for his super human body to generate more and his vision started to go. Malia changed back to her smaller human self with no cloth to cover anything, Clay making it a point to only look at shoulders and above, not knowing if the rush of red to his cheeks was from her or from the fact he thought he was going to pass out that very instant. who knows.

Ya lets go. Bellamy and Thalia will be back any minute. dawn will be approaching soon and we still need to go out and find the rest of that mutt pack.

He nodded to Malia at that point, trying to focus on the jobs ahead for the pack rather then the searing pain, it was the only thing he could do. Human bodies were weak and defenseless and he hated them. But there was only so much you can do in wolf form. He walked beside Malia across the grassy plain towards the house, taking large steps until reaching the porch were he sat in the black unfolding camping chair there had near the door, not wanting to move any more in the blistering heat, looking out at the front gates were Bellamy and Thalia would be returning from.

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-10-28 06:54:38
I thought Clay would have at least looked at her...well body. Oh well. Maybe next time X3
Malia | Beta | Taking Clay back Home

Without any clothes or fur, the heat of the sun doesn't seem so bad now. Clothing really do lock in heat and make you sweat. The light breeze felt good against her bare skin, felt so nice, cooling off the body. Her gaze went to the wound the rest residing on Clay's shoulder. It looks so red and angry even as blood came from the would. It was slowing, but not fast enough. Keeping a hand on the alpha, she guided him back to Stone Haven, watching out for any of the left over mutts to come and avenge their fallen friends. If that was her, she would do that. Her mind drifted to Bellamy and Thalia, knowing that aren't going to be happy because they missed out on the mutts and was there to defend Clay. Once the beta made sure Clay was ok in the chair on the porch, she turned and left him to get some things.

Malia returned 5 minutes later coming out in a crop top, short, and sandals. She walked over to Clay and looked at his wound and grimaced a bit and sighed. Bending, she grabbed a bottle of cold water and opened it and bit her lip a bit and sighed.
"This might, or will string a little." she warned him as she slowly began to pour, flushing the wound of any dirt and other nasty things. Once that was done, the young female straightened up and took the bottle of antibacterial solution. She began to slowly pour it on his wounds, knowing it must really hurt. It's been awhile since she has been badly injured. Wasn't everyday you come severally injured.
"I'm sorry, Clay. I know this must really hurt." Malia murmured as she stopped and began to gently dry the area around the wound. She grabbed some padding and placed them on the wounds before she began to wrap gauze on his body. Wrapping the shoulder and chest, securing it well. Stepping back, the beta wiped her brow of sweat that came, rather satisfied with her work. Since the wound has been clean and secured, hopefully it will be done and healed tomorrow afternoon. Meaning, Clay must not go on the hunt for the mutts and run away teenagers. They don't need his help since there are only three mutts left.

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Edited on 29/10/15 @ 15:15:32 by | starsky | (#2771)

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