Posted by [Paused until Jan.]Champions of Fate [RP Thread]

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 04:50:05

A pure white wolf sits in front of a group of confused dogs. “Welcome home young ones, your journey begins here, in the place of your birth. You’ve all come home from different backgrounds, but all dogs begin and end here. Yes, end. You’ve all had fatal accidents, however, none of you are ready for what is next yet. Fate has summoned you here for a reason, and there’s still work to be attended to. We need creatures to walk through the veil between worlds, thus why you have all been brought here rather than passing on. Your mission is a dangerous one, but should you accept, you will be heroes to your own.”

The realm of light and that of shadow had been competing over the Earthly realm since the dawn of time, locked in a perpetual stalemate. It had always been acceptable to the light, and frustrating to the shadow, and soon a way to change the rules was added in. What happens when the stalemate becomes a true game? War is raging, hidden from mortal view. Champions are to be chosen as a last hope of tipping the scales back into balance. However, treachery is afoot, even for the champions. The shadows have eyes and ears everywhere, they constantly tempt those of light to corrupt them and drag them into the shadow. Can these heroes withstand and succeed in their training, their mission, their purpose? Can they become the heroes that the Light side needs?

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Edited on 21/12/15 @ 22:40:41 by DWAP- Needin' poops (#66551)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 04:50:13

Little Mods

People who are allowed to moderate this thread/keep people mainly on-track while I'm not here...

Obviously, me.
Potatopaz (Potato lord/Topaz) *When they return*

These people don't have to take the job, but if they want to/say something to you, please do what they ask. (Mainly for applications.)

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Edited on 27/07/16 @ 15:40:52 by Dez {Team Battery Jesus} (#66551)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 05:12:08
Amber | 2 years, 5 months | Australian Shepherd | Confused
Location: IDK, where they wake up
Mentions: DIRECTLY->None | INDIRECTLY->Dogs

Amber raised her head from the ground, her eyes opening with reluctance. Where am I?she wondered, standing up and shaking her body, the debris flying from her pelt. She could still feel the pain of the semi-truck hitting the car, her, and her family, the feeling of her girl's blood on her coat. Then she looked at her coat and there was no blood. "What the hell..." she muttered to herself, padding the ground with her paws a few time. She raised her head higher, looking around, spotting a few other dogs, and a white wolf. She had died. She had died. Why was she here, she had died along with Bella and her family...

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Edited on 07/12/15 @ 12:12:22 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 05:20:52

Ryu | Male | 6 Years |Siberian Husky
Mentions: None, Open for Interaction

Ryu lifted his nose to the sky. Even with his eyes open, his last moments alive kept playing like a morbid loop in his head, over and over. Seeing the vague outline of the dog ahead of him, then being ambushed from behind. The pressure of a dog on his back,pinning him to the ground. Then, of course, that quick snap of pain before it all went away. He felt a growl rise in his throat. Both of those dogs had been cowards. They hadn't even had the guts to face him.
But he wouldn't let harsh feelings rule over him. He pushed back his emotions, keeping them under lock and key. He was dead, and that was that. He was lucky to be getting a chance like this - even if it was dangerous. Ryu wasn't one to let things pass him by. So he looked away from the sky and back to the wolf, thinking not of the past, but of the future.

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 10:03:04

Mentions: None, Open for Interaction

Nova had felt the pain of teeth in her flesh all too often recently, a sensation that every being dreaded and ran for their life from. The pain she felt now was strange, however. She could feel the world around her pulse but it was slowly ebbing away into silence, the sting she felt on the back of her neck dissolving away into an almost enjoyable pressure. The atmosphere melted away, the snarls of rivals and the howls of human onlookers fading into a buzz of silence.

Forgive me.

Her brother's deep voice was a bugle in her ears, harsh to her senses as she was suddenly jolted awake into a bright, foreign new world. The back of her neck ached, but nothing was to be found as a source of the pain besides an array of new scars. Running her eyes around the strange scenery, her golden brown eyes locked in on a wolf. A wolf with such a pristine and unmarked coat Nova could've mistaken her for nothing but a sculpture of snow. Yet her chest heaved and her eyes blinked, making her existence a reality. Confusion distorted her face as she narrowed her eyes at the wolf before her. What is going on?

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Edited on 07/12/15 @ 17:05:22 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 10:23:33
Kyna // Female // Wolf spirit // Timeless // Mentor
Mentions: Dogs in general

Kyna sat patiently waiting for the dogs to come to their senses, her tail neatly curled around her paws in an almost catlike manner. Once she was confident the other dogs were coming around, she spoke again. "Welcome again, all of you, please do come closer. There is much for you all to learn. You've all been brought to this place for a reason, though right now I assume you'd be more apt to worry about what happened, please put those memories aside for the time being. As I mentioned, we need your help, and Fate has chosen you all for reasons unknown to me. Should you choose to accept this offer, know that you will never be permitted into the place you all know as "paradise," you will forever be wandering guardians such as myself, However, do not fear, for the rewards at victory will far outweigh the troubles." She glanced around at the circle of dogs around her, satisfied at their attention. "If you do not accept, you will enter the gates behind me into unimaginable wonders, but you will be gone forever to the memory of those left behind, you will have passed on completely." She spoke quickly enough as not to be interrupted before explaining. "Indeed, you are not yet dead completely, your spirits are hovering in a blank space between worlds, called the veil. Only spirits may pass through, and even many gods cannot accomplish the task without the help of guardians. It is a place that none can map or navigate by physics, but by willpower and trust alone. There are not enough guardians to keep the veil safe any longer, many of my companions have gone missing, or have been found dead. Those of the Shadows, have discovered ways to pass through the veil, and soon will have the Earth overrun. The most ruthless of canine packs that you've known cannot even compare to the horrors that these vile creatures can do. We cannot fight them unless we have the scales tipped back into balance, and so we need warriors that can pass through the veil, even to regions that I myself cannot set foot, into the heart of the Shadow realm itself. Those warriors, should you choose to accept, will be you." She stood up and flicked her tail slightly, then turned her attention towards a doorway that had materialized. "Should you choose to take up this burden, follow me, if not, enter the gates. You will not be punished for doing so."

Malcom // Male // 3 years // German shepherd-husky mix // Recently deceased

Malcom startled awake and began looking around wildly. His bi-colored eyes locked on a white wolf staring at him, her fur illuminated by some strange light that he couldn't seem to find the source of. Everything around him was so hazy, and he was extremely confused... Hadn't he been hit by a car? He'd died, at least he thought so, he definitely couldn't think it possible that he'd survived, perhaps if he'd stayed a pet, and a human had taken him to one of those places where dogs were healed magically... But you ain't a pet any more, you're a stray... Were a stray... He thought to himself and shook his head, trying to clear some of the thoughts, when the wolf started speaking. He perked his ears up to listen and stood up, pleasantly surprised to find that nothing hurt, nothing was damaged, he was completely intact. He padded over, still too shaken up to have his usual confident swagger. The wolf was saying something interesting, and he was determined to listen.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 11:20:57
Amber| 2 years, 5 months | Australian Shepherd | Confused
Location: IDK, where they wake up
Mentions: DIRECTLY->Kyna | INDIRECTLY->Dogs

Amber shook her head once, taking in the news and information with surprise and confusion. A veil between worlds...? Huh...? She growled under her breath in confusion, unable to comprehend what was just explained. She shook her head once more, just stopping to listen more to the white wolf, attempting to comprehend it.

Jay| 4 years, 7 months | American Pitbull | Confused
Location: IDK, where they wake up
Mentions: DIRECTLY->Kyna | INDIRECTLY->Dogs

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Edited on 08/12/15 @ 15:39:10 by Christicat15 (#54511)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 11:24:19

Mars | Male | 3 yrs. 7 m. | Belgian Malinois
Pale, chocolate eyes snapped open and a brown, muscular shape jerked up in the tall grass with a snarl, fur bristled. The sound of a gunshot and his partner's cry of, "March! No!" rang in his ears, and he folded them instinctively, still growling as his tense body shook with mock adrenaline. I'm dead, he thought. If I'm dead, where is Steve? Does that mean he survived? Blinking his eyes to clear the remaining haze, Mars thought he saw saw vague shapes in the not-too-far distance. Still shaken and confused, the brute shook out his pelt with tense, jerky movements and then buried his whine in another growl. Those bastards. Not five minutes ago, Mars had been marching straight into an ambush, leading his partner unknowingly into harms way. His growl turned into a snarl and the male collapsed, ears folded and tail tucked. If Steve didn't get away from the guns... where is he? For some reason, the thought to question where he was never crossed Mars' mind.

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 13:50:07

Sinmir | Male | 1 Year | Silken Windhound
Mentions: Syndus, Kyna

“What's that?” the Windhound asked his brother, nearly his twin, perking up his ear towards what sounded like a bunch of fighting cats. Sinmir was naturally curious. Too curious. Without bothering to look, he ran out into the street towards the noise, only for a louder, more ominous sound to blare at him.

His head whipped around to see a gigantic semi truck barreling towards him at twice the speed limit of the road. He wanted to run. He told his legs to move. The moment they did, the deafening roar of the metal death trap was upon him, and he felt the front bumper slam hard into his shoulder, shattering the bone, breaking his ribs, catching his hind legs under that huge rubber paw and crushing the bones with loud sickening cracks. It sounded like a mix of fireworks and a ten car pile up with all ten laying on their horns.

Sinmir caught sight of his brother, Syndus, for just a moment. The horror-struck pup had been intelligent enough not to come onto the road straight after his brother. Shakily, he lifted his head to say something to his brother when a piece of metal jutting down hit him in the head, giving him a fierce headache he'd never forget.

But then it all started to go away. He smelled other dogs around him, and one that wasn't quite a dog, but still canine. Slowly he opened his eyes to find a gorgeous white wolf a few feet in front of him. He lay there on the ground, confused. When she called out to all of them, he stumbled to his paws and walked closer, feeling like he was going to fall over several times despite staying in a straight line the entire time.

Her words sounded like a jumbled mess in his head, but he understood enough that if he passed through those gates, he would be permanently gone from the memory of every living and dead creature there was. And he didn't want Syndus to forget him. Sinmir took a step forward to indicate he wanted to head with the white wolf, whose fur seemed to be made of rays of light to him at the moment.

Sinmir ignored the agitated and confused mumbles and growls of the other dogs and said, “I'll go with you. Just tell me what I'm doing.”

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 14:13:17
(I suppose I should clarify, the gates are the entrance to 'heaven' by saying they'd be forgotten means that their loved ones would grieve, but eventually move on, and they'd fade away as just memories of the past, while if they go with her, they'd still be able to affect the living world, even if it is only subtly. [Think like ghosts])

Kyna // Female // Wolf spirit // Timeless // Mentor
Mentions: Jay, Sinmir, dogs in general, a few NPCs

Kyna let out a low warning growl at Jay. "Watch your tongue, there is much you do not know... By veil, I mean just that. A thin layer between the three realms of our universe. Did you honestly believe that yours was the only one?" She teased a bit, but her serious tone stayed around. "I understand the emotions running through your head right now, shock, confusion, loneliness. It will fade, I promise." She watched sadly as a couple of dogs dipped their heads apologetically and wandered over to the gates. She padded back and tapped on the metal with her nose. "May you both find the peace you long for." The doors swung open for the two, and she watched as they entered, disappearing into the light. She returned her attention to the group that had remained. "You are still welcome to leave if you so choose..." She looked over as one of the dogs padded over to join her by the doorway. She dipped her head to him. "I respect your courage."

Malcom // Male // 3 years // German shepherd-husky mix // Recently deceased
Mentions: Kyna

Mal padded over to sit next to the longhair that joined the wolf. Whatever it was he'd be doing, at least it would be more exciting than sitting on clouds all day. "Not like I'll have anything better to do, got eternity ahead of me, what's the harm in putting myself to use." He sat down and grinned at both the wolf and the Windhound. He was going to introduce himself, but a look from Kyna told him not to do so yet. He snapped his jaws shut, but didn't seem too angry about being told to quiet down. He was already tired anyways, the pain he'd been too out of it to notice earlier was now resurging with a vengeance, and all he wanted to do was sleep and sleep. He sucked it up for appearances though, since the other dogs seemed to be hiding their pain as well.

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 14:19:14
(( I know, but Sinmir does not. He's still a pup. :P He'll be fairly easy to confuse throughout most likely. ))

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 14:21:57

Mentions: Kyna, Sinmir

The beauceron did her best to push herself to her paws in a stable manner, straightening up the best she could. She still heard a distant, pulsing ring in her ears that did her no favour in listening to what the white wolf was saying to them. She visibly squinted towards her, finally comprehending what she was saying, but in turn she now appeared utterly confused and bewildered. She had died, killed by a fatal blow and then put to rest by her brother.. but she still hadn't reached paradise yet. Here she was, being given an offer of still not passing through- but to become a guardian? She sat calmly, taking in the weight of the words the goddess spoke. She wasn't convinced this was a decision made so easily, but something pulled her in one direction- and that was to accept her offer.

Running her eyes over her fellow canines once, and realizing they all mirrored her confused expression, she took a deep breath, "I still don't quite understand," She admitted in a soft voice, though her tone was surprisingly firm. "But I will go along with you," She stole a brief glance at the Silken windhound who had growled out a response, silently echoing his own words in her head, Though please, tell us what we're doing. This is all so strange. As a young dog just thrown from a delirium of death, she was terribly, terribly confused still.

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 14:59:14

Ryu | Male | 6 Years |Siberian Husky
Mentions: Kyna

Ryu lifted his ears. He had heard enough. Raising his tail proudly, he walked without hesitation to Kyna's side. He wasn't going to take the cowardly way out, he was going to fight. "I will join you as well," he said to Kyna, bowing his head to her. He wasn't normally this respectful to dogs he just met, but the wolf had an aura around her, and even a dog of his pride could see that she was powerful. She deserved to be respected.
He looked out over the dogs, his eyes scanning them critically. Which of them would be strong, and which would take the cowardly way out, like those other two a minute ago? If any more chickened out, he would find them very pathetic. What kind of dog wouldn't want a chance like this? What dog wouldn't want to be a hero? He certainly did. And he felt that spark of his younger self, the one that had snapped and deceived every dog he met at each turn. Ryu quickly pushed it down. He would be great and powerful, but not in that way. He wouldn't just be out for himself; he would protect his fellow comrades and the great wolf Kyna with his reawakened life.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 08:39:31
Amber | 2 years, 5 months | Australian Shepherd | Confused
Location: IDK, where they wake up
Mentions: DIRECTLY->None | INDIRECTLY->Dogs

Amber stood up and shrugged, her head held high. "Seems good enough. I will join you as well" She said, her voice quieter in the first comment, but louder in the announcement. She padded gracefully to the wolf's side, dipping her head slightly to the others that had accepted, though didn't say a word. Her eyes scanned the canines, an ear twitching slightly. Would any more dogs choose the cowardly way? She shook her head barely, her eyes stopping on the white wolf as she led them through a gate, the two dogs disappearing into the light. This was a rather odd place.

Jay| 4 years, 7 months | American Pitbull | Confused
Location: IDK, where they wake up
Mentions: DIRECTLY->Kyna | INDIRECTLY->Dogs

Jay rolled his eyes subtly, listening to her words. He shrugged, "I will join you. Just another excuse to fight, I suppose" he grunted, walking up to her side as well, giving the dogs that had taken the cowardly way out a glare, growling quietly under his breath. Cowards. Who wouldn't want to have a chance to fight, even if it was for a good reason, not that he did things for bad reasons. Still, who could blame the pitbull? He was a dog fighter after all.

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Edited on 08/12/15 @ 17:42:38 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 14:41:19

Tonrar | Female | 3 Years Old | Northern Inuit Dog
Mentions: Kyna

Tonrar's memories were a mess. Bits and pieces of her life flashing before golden eyes in a mismatch of scenes. Cold, swirling waters forcing her head beneath the surface and snatching the air from her lungs. Cruel beasts who dared to call themselves dogs claiming the woodlands for themselves and killing any canine who set paw there uninvited. Joining these dogs to preserve her own life and only meeting her fate in a watery grave rather than by the fang. It had been her gravest mistake. So caught up in her past was she that Tonrar had heard nearly nothing the white wolf said. Her gaze remained unfocused and body trembled and she looked down at her paws. What was she now?


Syndus | Male | 1 Year Old | Silken Windhound
Mentions: Sinmir, Kyna, Everyone

The first thing Syndus felt upon entering the in-between was dread. Complete, utter dread. He had failed. Fallen beneath the teeth and claws of larger canines. Ripped to shreds so that his body would now be nothing more than an unrecognizable, torn corpse to the humans who would no doubt have to come clean it up. His cat friends had no one defend them now. Had they escaped? Or had they died in similar, painful ways because he couldn't protect them? He let them die just as he had poor Sinmir. His head hung low as he walked aimlessly through what he assumed was an empty after-life until a white shape ahead of him had the brindled Windhound lifting his head once more. She was facing him. Unlike any dog he had ever witnessed. Syndus had never seen a wolf before and it did not click that Kyna was one. "Where am I?" He asked her softly, seeing other dogs gathering behind her.


Raska | Female | 7 Years Old | Golden Retriever
Mentions: Kyna, Everyone

Raska listened silently as Kyna explained the situation and nodded her head in agreement almost immediately. "I'm in. Might as well put these old bones to good use," she joked. Raska had been a service dog, spending almost her entire life tending to others in some way or another. Honestly. it was all she knew and the thought of entering a place where work would no longer be required of her scared the Retriever. "Where do we start?"

((I hope these intros are alright. ;v;))

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 21:45:58 by Potato Lord (#33076)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 14:43:15
(They're wonderful Potatopaz. Don't you worry about a thing. My mom had a suggestion for you too! *whisks to chat post*)

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