Posted by Benevolent Wolf Pack: Rp for ALL

MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 22:04:09
Please read all the rules before joining, the minute you post I will assume you have read and agreed to all the rules.

1. Please be respectful and kind.
2. Please refrain from graphic gore and any sexualised themes (take these to private message or AWAY from the site.)
3. Please follow the basic roles of roleplay: no Powerplaying (having a character that is the fastest, bestest, most beautiful character in the world.) No Godmoding (taking control of another persons character.
4. If you are to engage in a fight with someone in this rp please ensure you are aware of the basic roleplaying fighting regulations; 3:1 method, realism, no auto hitting, attempt and double attempt methods. If you're un-aware of these please just avoid a fight all together or research.
5. This is a LITERATE roleplay. I will allow Semi - Literates to join, however please do not assume that joining this rp will grant you a free pass into the pack on other platforms such as Feral Heart.
6. No unusual powers / elements / eyes that change colours etc etc This is a realistic rp with ONE EXCEPTION: Your wolf can have any colour in it's coat / eyes. Other than this they're fully realistic wolves; no metal limbs, no mutated in an experiment wolves etc. I am happy for non wolves to join / coyotes / foxes etc.
7. You can have as many characters as you can roleplay just make sure their POV's are separated clearly so we know who you are roleplaying.
8. Use OOC when talking out of character eg brackets or something to highlight.
9. Please start your post with 'grumpy fish' to prove you have read the rules.
10. Have fun!
11. You are joining this rp NOT as a member of benevolent but as a loner / wolf from another pack.
12. I hate wolf speak. Just saying.

Season: Winter
Time of Day: Just after day break.
Place: Lethan Forest

Turik POV
Fiery reds, golds, oranges and emerald greens were unusual colours for this time of year. Yet there they were, plastered around him in a dizzying array of artistic talent. Nature was by far one of the supreme artists upon this earth. From their pine like leaves, shards of melted snow would tumble, not being able to cling onto the strange trees that surrounded this eccentric forest. Folding his two front dark coca limbs under his body for warmth, his viridian eyes would travel around the enclosed space. The verdure below was coated in a frosty layer, yet there were no fallen leaves anywhere around. The Lethan forests leaves never fell and never changed colour, never died, simply hibernated over the winter. At least that's what this astute brute thought as he studied them.
He was aware of other presences moving through the forest around him. To his far north were the standing stones of Lethan... just down the small escarpment and through the golden leaved trees with the pale silver bark. They stood alone from the forest, in a massive open clearing atop the apex of a mound of grassy tussocks.

To his right, if you sprinted far enough you would stumble out into the frozen beach, with logs and wreckage washed ashore from distant lands. The beach no longer had a warmth about it since summer died, instead the water lapped lamely at a sandy bay coated in frost bitten molecules that chilled the paws. To Turiks left rose the high mountains of Frost Peak, having climbed them himself he knew they took a good day or two to reach the point where breathing became difficult and the constant snow fall from the peaks rarely seemed to fall on the forest below.

He sat beside a massive climbable dead log, moss climbing over its bark and branches which jutted out at odd angels. The moss was even coated in a thin layer of white frost itself.
His tail slapped at the earth. Bored. Once again he found his well educated brain wandering for he had so little to think about here. Back home in the plains pups were being born. His family and yet it was his job to ensure that Lethan Forest remained safe for the packs return when the spring plants began to grow. He often welcomed the company of the odd Benevolent Member whom would stop by and aid in feeding the Unspeakable, whom despite being away from his pack for nearly 2 - 3 years still had to talk most predators out of their meal in order to survive. He was a terrible hunter. With a sigh that saw the moisture from his mouth swirl out into the frozen air around him, he'd lower his coca muzzle down towards the snow.

This is Turik

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 05:12:53 by MoscoMoon (#78788)

Zady (Vit 3/4) (#78693)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 13:43:54
It was winter indeed, Dileco could tell simply by the fact that there was a heavy layer of cold frost and snow one his back. The brute had journeyed for days, maybe weeks? He had no idea, nor did he have any idea where he was going if he were to tell the truth, but the rough directions given to him by a few other pack members whom had been to the forest give him a rough hunch that he was travelling the right way, lest he end up by the sea...

Shaking out his pelt now to rid the weight of snow from his pack he would pause and lift his heavy skull upwards to glance about his surroundings. It all looked the same to him. BAH! He - The all mighty Dileco - Could not be lost! A low growl of frustration would ripple through the ageing brute, though this was not a sign on him giving in, no instead he trudged forwards at twice the pace, and it was a good thing he had continued as not a few moments after did he reach the edge of a large cliff side high in the mountain range, the view down hill being that wonderfully coloured forest he had been told of.

He could hardly contain his excitement, the prospect of seeing his brother again, the very one whom he had spent so many years with, and the one he missed so dearly. "I'm comin' ta vind jou Turik..." He whispered, voice hardly audible over the rushing winds that threatened to push him off of the mountain side. After taking in the view for a few more moments and surveying for a path down the mountain side Dileco would eventually turn and begin to walk down the slope to his left, set on making it down there by sunrise the next morning. He refused to rest till then, and if Turik was truly down there, he would give him a for-warning of him coming, a deep and echoing howl erupted from the Commander. He was on his way.

Dileco Byakuro

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 20:44:11 by Zady (#78693)

Dove (Mottled
Rosette) (#61938)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-29 01:06:30
Ruvian (Species belongs to Mosco, lineart belongs to kankakanka)

Hiding up in the trees, all the same with their leaves intact, looking below in silence as she tries to seek out any form of creatures, new and old, all around to either hunt or keep mental notes on how their lives are being. This was nothing new for her whenever she saw any new forms of prey or any new canines that even come to enter the forest itself. This is how the forest stayed alive and how she lived in peace with each creature within. The thing was though she was no normal canine. No. She was something that no normal wolf or doc or any other canine will understand.
How? Well by looks she was a wolf, all normal, but her nose was not. It was rather...fuzzy. Literally. One would ask why, but she wouldn't tell. Not a single soul would know....

Though back to reality to her situation, the dame hummed in silenced, looking about the floor from her high perch in the tree, looking for anything new, and yet she had found something! Two wolves down below, one having earthy colors while the other had a strange blue hue to their pelt. Who were they? She didn't know, but she wasn't going to go down to ask. Rather she remained where she was, staring at them with her deep blue eyes, her tail waving a bit behind her with the wind blowing. She knew she stood out from the colors of the leaves, but it didn't mean she couldn't remain in it itself. Such she tried to keep as many leaves around her as possible while looking at the two, not moving as she eyed them carefully. She was though too high up to even hear them, even while the wind blew a bit harsh up in her height.

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Zady (Vit 3/4) (#78693)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 06:34:16
Just a note to your post tecy, Dileco isn't there yet))

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Dove (Mottled
Rosette) (#61938)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-29 07:13:12
Then she sees only Turik then XD))

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MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-02 20:52:37
Turik shut his eyes, breathing in deep through his white hued nose which stood stark against his dark cocoa muzzle. His ears were perked and he was fully taking in everything around him. He could smell a Lethan wolf close by, however it was not one of the males he had come to know during his time staying within Lethan Forest. No this scent was new and female. The Lethan wolves were an unusual breed, not only was their name unique, pronounced 'Lek-eh-theen' but their reclusive nature always took the Unspeakable by surprise. Where he came from, wolves ran in large packs, the bigger the pack the safer you were and the Benevolent Wolf Pack was over 300 hundred strong. However these wolves tend to favour being by themselves, rarely approaching others except when curious, only involving themselves in frays when they had real need. At least that part he could understand.

With a deep sigh, his viridian hued optics would open once again and he would lift his head. She'd show herself when she was ready and he was not going to go looking for her, that would be rude by their customs. Instead his attention was drawn to a distant and familiar howl. Turiks auds perked to drink in the sound, his non blood brother Dileco was on his way. Instantly the Unspeakables tail began to lash at the earth, he turned in the direction from which the wind carried the cobalt wolves howl. Judging by the course of the wind and the way it carried the sound, Turik estimated Dilecos exact spot on the mountain sides. Throwing back his muzzle he let out a low beautiful melody of his own, trying to state exactly where he was to his brother so he could find him.

/I hope he's looked after himself that one./ He mused to himself as he waited eagerly for Dileco to arrive. /Last time I saw him he was missing two ears and an eye./

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Dove (Mottled
Rosette) (#61938)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-06 05:55:36
Ruvian had hummed softly to herself, watching the dark brute below carefully. She didn't much want to introduce herself. No, not yet. She wasn't sure if she should trust him. She had seen many wolves come here, many she didn't know if to trust or not, and how they stuck to the ground only relaxed her slightly for she liked the trees. They helped her stay hidden when she wished for it, though she had been keeping an eye on the wolves below, making sure they didn't get into the trees or learned how.

Her train of thought had been broken though when she noticed the brute below had began to stir, hearing one howl from the wind had caused her to tense up. Another was coming?! How many were there?? She didn't know and didn't much enjoy it too well, though she could do nothing really. Violence was never an answer to her, something she'd rather avoid for the longest time until it was needed. And yet when she heard the dark brute howl back she gave a snort of amusement. 'How typical....' She thought to herself, unaware that the brute below knew she was hanging around. Even if she knew it wasn't like she'd show herself anyhow. All she knew was to keep out of sight and only come down if she were to get hungry or thirsty.

Though as she moved a bit in the tree, she was quick to Yelp in surprise as a branch gave away and fell to the ground. Where at? She didn't know, though she was glad she didn't fall with it and had found a sturdier branch to keep her up. She was, though, quick to scan the area where t had landed, hoping it didn't hit the dark brute below. That was something she was rather.....alright with. Being concerned for the wellbeing of others, hoping they'd not get hurt from her mistakes.

If he was hit she'd be quick to get out of the tree, safely, and would slowly approach to check on him. If not she'd stay where she was, breathing a sigh of relief as she continued to watch him.

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Edited on 06/01/16 @ 12:56:29 by Dove (#61938)

Dove (Mottled
Rosette) (#61938)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-14 14:19:47
Bump bump <3))

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Dove (Mottled
Rosette) (#61938)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-15 02:10:59

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MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-15 02:25:30
I'm waiting for Dil)

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