Posted by Supernatural (neo and Becquerel)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-22 10:11:00
For decades, the three main monster clans have been on the brink of war. With a new group known as the Order threatening to throw off balance and destroy anyone who resists, will the clans survive? Or will the Order succeed in its mission?

Breed/Party: (shifters and weres)
Full Name:
Personality Overview:
Body type:
Facial descrip.:
Voice descrip.:
Anything special?:

Werewolves are typically proud on the brink of arrogance. There are two 'breeds' of werewolves, Royals and what are commonly referred to as the peasantry, or lowbloods.
-Royals can change at will and to whatever extent they want (ie. full wolf, traditional werewolf) and hold that for hours with no negative effect. The full moon has no effect on them. Royals tend to have litters (meaning twins or triplets).
-Lowbloods can also change at will, but can only change to your traditional werewolf, not full wolf. Transforming at will also has a negative effect on them--it's hard to hold for long periods of time, and if one is transformed for too long then they will take on a snappish and aggressive demeanor for hours after they've shifted back. Additionally, they have no control on shifting on the full moon, and are often aggressive during this time period.
They have a definitive pack structure, with an alpha and a beta, or second-in-command. The alpha has full power over the pack, and the beta serves to enforce their rule. While the other clans refer to their messenger as a courier, werewolf messengers are referred to as a 'delta.' Deltas are slightly set apart from the rest of the pack (think sort of like how a medicine cat is treated) and have other duties than delivering messages, such as advising the alpha and beta and acting as a scribe. The other signifigant rank is the omega position, typically awarded to a runt. Omegas, like deltas, are set apart from the rest of the pack (the two often get along well), and have a variety of jobs that revolve around maintaining the well-being of the pack.

Vampires are known to be sly and manipulative. Typically, a vampire nest has a matriarch or patriarch who surrounds his or herself with up to five-ish high-ranking vampires called lords that act as both henchmen and a sort of entourage. The matriarch or patriarch is also typically the one that started the nest by changing many of the others, though sometimes vampires will move nests or a nest's patriarch will be usurped and another vampire will take control.
Vampires must consume a steady diet of human or animal blood. Humans can be changed by ingesting a vampire's blood, which starts a process of contributions to the hair and nails being switched into growing fangs. Fangs are made of the stuff fingernails are made of, and grow over time, meaning a vampire that's been a vampire for centuries would have super-long fangs.

Shapeshifters are ever the mediators of the vamp-were conflict. Perhaps the most disorganized of the clans, shapeshifters don't really have a hierarchy besides having an elected 'leader,' who is actually more of just a formality since they hold a council to debate most issues anyways. This lack of organization has led to a lack of unity, meaning that clique-like groups tend to form, called 'parties.' Each major party's leader represents them in the council, which the elected leader is the head of. The three major parties are:
-Animus, focused on the art of animal-shifting
-Mendacium, an ever-shifting party that exploits shifter abilities to the fullest and uses them against humans for their own gain
-Ignati, a war-focused party that, like the Mendacium, exploits shifter abilities, but uses them to start conflicts

The Order is a mysterious group with members from all three clans. Their non-objective viewpoint on the matter leads them to offer out 'services' to the clans, basically hits. Many of the Order are skilled at the art of fighting. What the clans have yet to comprehend is that with every assassination carried out by the Order, they get closer and closer to their goal--to wipe out all monsters that stand against them. The conflict of the clans will lead to their demise.

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Edited on 16/08/16 @ 15:32:40 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-22 10:11:28
Werewolves are typically proud on the brink of arrogance. There are two 'breeds' of werewolves, Royals and what are commonly referred to as the peasantry, or lowbloods.
-Royals can change at will and to whatever extent they want (ie. full wolf, traditional werewolf) and hold that for hours with no negative effect. The full moon has no effect on them. Royals tend to have litters (meaning twins or triplets).
-Lowbloods can also change at will, but can only change to your traditional werewolf, not full wolf. Transforming at will also has a negative effect on them--it's hard to hold for long periods of time, and if one is transformed for too long then they will take on a snappish and aggressive demeanor for hours after they've shifted back. Additionally, they have no control on shifting on the full moon, and are often aggressive during this time period.
They have a definitive pack structure, with an alpha and a beta, or second-in-command. The alpha has full power over the pack, and the beta serves to enforce their rule. While the other clans refer to their messenger as a courier, werewolf messengers are referred to as a 'delta.' Deltas are slightly set apart from the rest of the pack (think sort of like how a medicine cat is treated) and have other duties than delivering messages, such as advising the alpha and beta and acting as a scribe. The other signifigant rank is the omega position, typically awarded to a runt. Omegas, like deltas, are set apart from the rest of the pack (the two often get along well), and have a variety of jobs that revolve around maintaining the well-being of the pack.
NPC--Alpha Richard Kesley is a tall, imposing man with a cold aire of confidence, medium-length black hair, and amber eyes. He's actually a lowblood, but he's centuries old and has gained the respect of the Royals.

NPC-- Beta Eris Pylothery is a Royal. She shares many of the same views as the Alpha, which may be why she was appointed to the position. Beta has brown hair and dark eyes, and is rather tall and muscular for a she-wolf.

Bec--Full Name: Daniel Fynnigan Gallagher
Nickname(s): Danny, Finn, Doggy (as called by arrogant Royals)
Age: 24
Gender: male
Personality Overview: Danny's pretty annoying, to be honest. He's rude and obnoxious, but most of it is just a prickly shell to protect him from other weres that look down on him for being a halfbreed. He's actually quite caring toward his friends, even if he acts like he doesn't care. Had a run-in a while back with several hunters and almost got himself killed, he's been pretty wary around humans since then.
Rank: Delta (were courier)
Height: 5'2". He's a short little thing.
Body type: scrawny
Hair: He's got disheveled red hair that sticks out from all angles and never seems to cooperate.
Eyes: bright green and catlike
Facial descrip.: slender face, with a slightly upturned nose and either a scowl or a goofy grin. Short sideburns and slight 5 o'clock shadow.
Clothing: dresses in dark colors, brown, black, grey and the like, normally a baggy sweatshirt, jeans, and boots.
Voice descrip.: voice is scratchy, with a slight accent
Anything special?: Order supporter, and a close friend of Ida. Also, don't underestimate him--he can hold his own in a fight.

Bec--Full Name: Mildred DuPont
Nickname(s): Dread
Age: 400-something, looks it be in her late twenties
Gender: she-wolf
Personality Overview: Dread may seem cold, but it's really just a hazard of being alive for as long as she has. She was bitten as a young woman, and has slowly aged over time. She's a good hunter and fighter, and her hunting party brings in a lot of the food for the pack.
Rank: Packmate
Height: 5'6"
Body type: She's thin, but muscular. Think greyhound.
Hair: dirty blonde hair cut short
Eyes: wolflike amber
Clothing: comfortable clothing that's good for running and jumping, and also shifting quickly
Voice descrip.: her voice is actually really girly, which contrasts her personality
Anything special?:

neo--Full name- Jax Williams Shade
Nicknames- Jack, J
Age- 18
Gender- male
-friendly unless you tick him off
- sorry
- loyal
Rank- Omega
Height- 6'2"
Body type- he is a very large guy and has very large mussels.
Hair- light blonde with orange stripes.
Eyes- sky blue
Facial- he has light freckles across his nose and cheeks.
Clothing- he usually wears a red t-shirt with a white skull on it and jeans.
He can be very nice but he speeks his mind not matter if his lack agrees with him. Which is why he is an omega which he doesn't mind being, but if one of his pack mates gets hurt he will go crazy trying to hunt down the creature responsible for it.

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Edited on 25/02/16 @ 16:01:25 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-22 10:11:48
Vampires are known to be sly and manipulative. Typically, a vampire nest has a matriarch or patriarch who surrounds his or herself with up to five-ish high-ranking vampires called lords that act as both henchmen and a sort of entourage. The matriarch or patriarch is also typically the one that started the nest by changing many of the others, though sometimes vampires will move nests or a nest's patriarch will be usurped and another vampire will take control.
Vampires must consume a steady diet of human or animal blood. Humans can be changed by ingesting a vampire's blood, which starts a process of contributions to the hair and nails being switched into growing fangs. Fangs are made of the stuff fingernails are made of, and grow over time, meaning a vampire that's been a vampire for centuries would have super-long fangs.
NPC--Patriarch want to slowly bring about war. He's tall and thin, almost crow-like, and tends to be quite menacing.

neo--Name: Nix Haren Hill
Age: 136 (looks to be 13)
Gender: female
Rank: Vampire Lord
Height: 5'2"
Hair: long black hair that goes down to her butt
Eyes: a dark Crimson Red
Body type: scrawny
Facial: slim face with black paint around the eyes.
Clothing: she wares a black hoodie and sweatpants
Anything special: she may look young but she is a very strong member of the lords.

NPC--Elias, a tall vampire with black hair who tries to be fair. Close friend of Cynthia.

Bec--Full Name: Cynthia Alloric Walker
Nickname(s): Cyn, Ci
Age: 236 (appearance of 16-year-old)
Gender: female
Personality Overview: Ci is often just a tad overbearing and nosy, but that can't be helped. As old as she is, she still has the rebelliousness and snark of a teenage girl, which can get her into trouble sometimes.
Rank: Underling (she does have some sway in nest affairs, since she's very close friends with one of the Lords)
Height: 5'7"
Body type: adverage
Hair: long brown hair nearly down to her waist. It was already long when she was turned.
Eyes: greyish brown
Facial descrip.: She's pretty, but not in an exuberant way--she prides herself on being able to fit in with normal humanity, not elegantly beautiful, but not ugly to turn heads.
Clothing: Ci doesn't really have a set style in what she wears. She has an entire wardrobe of clothing spanning across centuries based off what was 'in.'

neo--Clan/rank- he is secretly part of The order but has been hiding out in the vampire clan.
Full name- Theodor Elf Wood
Nicknames- Theo, Elfie
Age- 1009 (looks to be 17)
Gender- male
- smart
- witty
- warlike
- brave
- sassy
Height- 5'11"
Eyes- a yellow color
Hair- short ginger hair
Body type- mussely and bold
Clothing- he almost always wears a red hoodie with a baseball cap on his head and black jeans.
Extra- he is very handsome and likes to be around lots of girls. He also only drinks human blood if you catch my drift.

NPC--The vampire courier looks 9, but she is actually nearly 800 years old. She was chosen because of her speed and agility, and is referred to by vampires as Rapi (ruh-pie), but her real name has been forgotten by time.

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Edited on 25/02/16 @ 16:04:19 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-22 10:12:10
Shapeshifters are ever the mediators of the vamp-were conflict. Perhaps the most disorganized of the clans, shapeshifters don't really have a hierarchy besides having an elected 'leader,' who is actually more of just a formality since they hold a council to debate most issues anyways. This lack of organization has led to a lack of unity, meaning that clique-like groups tend to form, called 'parties.' Each major party's leader represents them in the council, which the elected leader is the head of. The three major parties are:
-Animus, focused on the art of animal-shifting
-Mendacium, an ever-shifting party that exploits shifter abilities to the fullest and uses them against humans for their own gain
-Ignati, a war-focused party that, like the Mendacium, exploits shifter abilities, but uses them to start conflicts
NPC The shifter leader is named Emily Sampson. A woman in her late fifties, she is quite humorous and is a fair and neutral leader. She originated from a minor party, Nhima, who pride themselves on their system of justice. Nhima is the largest party after the big three.


Bec--Full Name: Tyson Rufillio Brown
Nickname(s): Ty
Age: 35
Gender: male
Personality Overview: Ty is loyal and honest. He slowly rose to the top of the neutral Animus party.
Rank: Animus leader, and councilmember
Height: 6'2"
Body type: He's more on the muscular side
Hair: brown-blond and cut short so it'll stay out of the way
Eyes: chocolate brown
Facial descrip.: often beard stubble, dimples
Clothing: dresses casually in t-shirt and jeans
Anything special


NPC--The Mendacium leader is a slight and delecate-looking lady in her mid-forties named Silva. 'Slytherin' is a good way to describe her--she's very manipulative of the Ignati leader, but the shapeshifter leader and Tyson are smart enough to not fall for her tricks.

Bec--Full Name: Mallory Flint
Nickname(s): Mal, Flint
Age: 18
Gender: male
Personality Overview: Mal is the son of Ignati leader Aimery Flint. He left the Ignati party several months ago when he came of age. His cunning and quiet manipulation didn't fit in with the Ignati party.
Rank: Mendacium follower
Height: 6'5"
Body type: Tall and slim
Hair: blonde, spiked into a mowhawk-like style
Eyes: green
Facial descrip.: light stubble
Clothing: black or blue
Voice descrip.: he's got an abnormally deep voice, but rarely ever speaks
Anything special?: He might join the order

NPC--Aimery Flint is the Ignati leader. Obnoxious and quite gung-ho, he's the only one on the council that definitely wants a war between the clans.

neo--Full name- Cole Fearwear
Age- 21
Gender- male
Rank- follower
- sarcastic
- quick minded
Body type- very mussely
Hair- black spiky hair
Eyes- a dark forest green
Clothing- he usually stays in a different form but somethings when he looks like himself he wears a red t-shirt and black shorts.
Extra- none

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Edited on 25/02/16 @ 16:12:01 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-22 10:12:31
The Order is a mysterious group with members from all three clans. Their non-objective viewpoint on the matter leads them to offer out 'services' to the clans, basically hits. Many of the Order are skilled at the art of fighting. What the clans have yet to comprehend is that with every assassination carried out by the Order, they get closer and closer to their goal--to wipe out all monsters that stand against them. The conflict of the clans will lead to their demise.
neo--Species: Royal Werewolf
Full name: Ida -O- Greene
Nicknames- fang
Age- 23
Gender- female
Rank- leader of the Order
Height- 5'6"
Body type-
Ida is a skinny person with strong long legs.
Hair- Her hair is short and kind of like a pixie cut but longer. (basically my hair) it is a dark crimson red with black tips.
Eyes- one eye is a dark grayish blue color and the other one is a dark green.
Facial- Ida has a scar across her forehead and one on her chin.
Clothing- she usually wears black skinny jeans and a black tank top. Plus her black combat boots.
Voice- her voice is deeper them most girls and can sometimes sound kind of boyish.
Extra- she hates all the clans for in one of there tiny battles she lost her brother which is why she joined the order fueled by her hatered for all the clans she climbed the ranks taking over for the last leader who had 'died'.

Bec-- Danny (See werewolf Delta)

Bec--Full Name: Ferris Caspar
Nickname(s): Cas
Age: somewhere around 500, but has the appearance of someone in their early thirties or late twenties
Gender: male
Personality Overview: Cas prefers to observe rather than contribute to a discussion, though when he decides to speak, he's rather snarky. He enjoys inflicting pain on others and values a flight, something that he finds is appreciated in the Order.
Rank: Order
Height: 6'
Body type: he's tall and lanky, which is actually a really terrifying combination when shifted
Hair: messy black hair
Eyes: cold blue/grey
Facial descrip.: he has a thin face with high cheekbones
Clothing: he dresses in baggy shirts paired with black jeans. Normally goes barefoot because it makes shifting easy
Voice descrip.: smooth
Anything special?: nah

neo--Theo (see vampire Underlings)

NPC--Sebastian, the coolest of the cool

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Edited on 25/02/16 @ 16:21:26 by Becquerel (KokoZuzu's side) (#33718)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-22 10:12:38

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almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-22 10:12:53

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neo (#59046)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 11:24:28

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neo (#59046)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 11:40:19

First Name: Ida

Middle Name: -O-

Last Name: Greene

Nicknames: Idaho -_-

Gender: Female

Personality: Ida isn't considered the most friendly person in the world. She is also called a fanatic for her "passion" for causing other creatures pain. Though she is a werewolf she is considered an outcast for despite being a royal werewolf she can only shift when she's angry, which, luckily, is a lot. She has a very sarcastic attitude especially when she is forced to meet with other werewolves(ones that aren't part of the resistance.) She also doesn't get close to anyone in her group, though she has a sort of "friendship" with Danny.

Looks: She has a very slim build and arms that look like twigs, even though they aren't. She has short dyed black hair that when she doesn't dye it turns blonde at the roots. Like really blonde. Her eyes are a dull green that almost constantly look like saddens is just flowing out of them.

Rank: Leader of The Order : Defected Royal Werewolf

Sexuality: Ace

Clothing style: She normally wears dark colours. A leather jacket with a dark red tank top and black tights with dull galaxy prints on them. She also wears black combat boots.

Extra: Ida lost her brother in the war which is why she joined the order after being approached by the last leader known as Fang. She made her way up the ranks eventually being appointed leader after the last one disappeared. To the werewolf pack she is a ghost and declared "Dead"

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Edited on 04/07/17 @ 19:30:14 by neo (#59046)

neo (#59046)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 11:50:06

First Name: Jaxton

Middle Name: Williams

Last Name: Shade

Nicknames: Jax or Shade

Gender: Male

Personality: Jax comes off as a pretty friendly guy. He enjoys spending time with his pack mates despite how they treat him. He honestly doesn't mind being the omega as he feels it is his place. The male is confident with his abilities and feels that if he wanted a higher position he could take it easily with his "skills". Jax also enjoys going off on his own to see the world. He doesn't worry about hunters as much as he should as he feels they are just puny humans. He doesn't care for the war, but is willing to rip off a vampires head every once in awhile for "practice".

Looks: Jax is fairly tall and is what people would consider a "football player" looking guy with light blonde hair that he dyes orange or black sometimes both depending on how he's feeling. The male has bright blue eyes that can be considered grey and certain points in the day or night. It depends on the lighting.

Rank: Omega : Royal Werewolf

Sexuality: Gay

Clothing style: He wears red most often as it is his favourite colour. He also has a pair of ripped jeans. The boy is considered "poor" so his outfits don't really change from that sometimes if it's raining he will have a black hoodie on, but that's about it.


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Edited on 04/07/17 @ 19:31:50 by neo (#59046)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 12:36:45
Mah first three

Species: Werewolf/cynan cross
Breed/Party: Royal werewolf blood, meaning he can change into a wolfdog or just a doggish werewolf.
Full Name: Daniel Fynnigan Gallagher
Nickname(s): Danny, Finn, Doggy (as called by arrogant Royals)
Age: 24
Gender: male
Personality Overview: Danny's pretty annoying, to be honest. He's rude and obnoxious, but most of it is just a prickly shell to protect him from other weres that look down on him for being a halfbreed. He's actually quite caring toward his friends, even if he acts like he doesn't care. Had a run-in a while back with several hunters and almost got himself killed, he's been pretty wary around humans since then.
Rank: Delta (were courier)
Height: 5'2". He's a short little thing.
Body type: scrawny
Hair: He's got disheveled red hair that sticks out from all angles and never seems to cooperate.
Eyes: bright green and catlike
Facial descrip.: slender face, with a slightly upturned nose and either a scowl or a goofy grin. Short sideburns and slight 5 o'clock shadow.
Clothing: dresses in dark colors, brown, black, grey and the like, normally a baggy sweatshirt, jeans, and boots.
Voice descrip.: voice is scratchy, with a slight accent
Anything special?: Order supporter, and a close friend of Ida. Also, don't underestimate him--he can hold his own in a fight.

Species: vampire
Breed/Party: n/a
Full Name: Cynthia Alloric Walker
Nickname(s): Cyn, Ci
Age: 236 (appearance of 16-year-old)
Gender: female
Personality Overview: Ci is often just a tad overbearing and nosy, but that can't be helped. As old as she is, she still has the rebelliousness and snark of a teenage girl, which can get her into trouble sometimes.
Rank: Underling (she does have some sway in nest affairs, since she's very close friends with one of the Lords)
Height: 5'7"
Body type: adverage
Hair: long brown hair nearly down to her waist. It was already long when she was turned.
Eyes: greyish brown
Facial descrip.: She's pretty, but not in an exuberant way--she prides herself on being able to fit in with normal humanity, not elegantly beautiful, but not ugly to turn heads.
Clothing: Ci doesn't really have a set style in what she wears. She has an entire wardrobe of clothing spanning across centuries based off what was 'in.'
Anything special?:

Species: shapeshifter
Breed/Party: Animus
Full Name: Tyson Rufillio Brown
Nickname(s): Ty
Age: 35
Gender: male
Personality Overview: Ty is loyal and honest. He slowly rose to the top of the neutral Animus party.
Rank: Animus leader, and councilmember
Height: 6'2"
Body type: He's more on the muscular side
Hair: brown-blond and cut short so it'll stay out of the way
Eyes: chocolate brown
Facial descrip.: often beard stubble, dimples
Clothing: dresses casually in t-shirt and jeans
Anything special?:

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neo (#59046)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 12:48:16

First Name: Nixon

Middle Name: Haren

Last Name: Hill

Nicknames: Nix

Gender: Female

Personality: She is a snarky little jerk who hates everyone. She is basically a bitch. The vampire has a way with people as soon as they talk to her they automatically hate her. She has respect in the nest, but other then that she just likes to kill people and anything. She disappears from the nest multiple times to go into town and hunt on the people there watching and stalking them until she gets her perfect target. Though she is still a child at her dead heart she acts childish at times especially when killing someone she'll giggle like a seventh grader on Christmas Day.

Looks: She has long blonde hair that is often knotted and filthy looking. She is small and scrawny as she is only 13. She is also fairly smart and is good at getting what she wants with her ability of looking like a child.

Rank: Vampire Lord

Sexuality: Straight

Clothing style: She has a pink flowery dress that is often covered in blood.

Extra: Nah

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Edited on 04/07/17 @ 19:33:10 by neo (#59046)

almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 12:59:53
He wasn't actually paying attention to what the pack leaders were saying, even though he was supposed to be taking notes. His green eyes were zoned out on the wall above where his alpha was pacing back and forth. "Danny! Are you even listening?" A sharp growl from Beta caught his attention, and he snapped back into focus.
"No..." He led hesitantly, afraid of what would follow.
"Well, try to, dog." Alpha Kesley snarled, making him flinch. Both eyes were on him now, and he shrunk a little bit from where he was sitting, wanting to just melt into the floor. He picked up his pen and quickly scribbled some notes on what he thought had been happening, two dominant Royals snickering behind him.
"We need you to relay a message to the vampires as well." Beta said coldly, holding out an envelope. With a quick nod, he snatched the letter and scampered as fast as possible put of the room.

Ci was patiently waiting outside the room in which the Patriarch and the Lords were gathered. Pr rather, furiosly pacing. A door's creak made her glance up to see Elias sliding out, closing the ornate door behind him. "Did it work? Is he actually going to do it?" Her enthusiasm was dimmed whem her friend shook his head.
"He says it's too risky to take out an entire hunting party of weres. We'd probably lose members, not to mention start a war."
She frowned. "A whole part of the plan was to pin it on the witches. I don't understand why--"
"Impossible. They'd smell us when they found the bodies."
"But we don't have scent that a wolf could detect. Only cynan-level scenting abilities can detect vampire scent!"
"The courier, Cyn."
She was a bit stumped at this, but determined to find a way around it. Just when she opened her mouth to speak, though, he cut her off. "Look, I tried. He just wasn't hearing it. It's too risky."
Her eyes narrowed. "But doesn't he want a war?"

For practically the fiftieth time that day, Abourry asked him to turn into an animal. The Ignati leader was perhaps the most annoying person on the planet when it came to mocking the Animus party.
"No." He growled. Abourry's eyes widened in mock surprise. "But don't you want to show off those hard-earned animal shifting skills that Animus seems so intent on following?"
"Abourry, there is a time and a place." The leader cut into their argument. "And a Council meeting is not that place. Unless, of course, you want to get Ignati suspended from the next meeting." Ty saw a twinkle of humor in her eyes. "In which case, go right ahead and mock one of your fellow leaders all you want."

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neo (#59046)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 13:18:59

Nix was listening in on what there leader was talking about she turned to see one of the lords slipping out of the meeting and sighed. She usually was more focused durning these meetings, but today was just not her day. Finally there leader ended what he was saying and aloud the lords to leave. Nix moving fast slipped out of the room.


Jax was walking outside of the room his Alpha, Beta, and Delta where in. He needed something to do like clean the room or something. Jax hated being. Bored or left with out anything to do he simply hated it. Jax heard the door open and saw his delta running out. Jax ran after him. "Sorry," he said for no reason. He himself didn't even know why nphands said it. He slipped into the room to speak with the two leaders. He kept his head low as he approached his alpha. "Uh sir I was just wondering if they was anything I could do, Eh," he said in his Canadian accent,


The leader of the order was yelling at a group of werewolves that had failed to kill a shapeshifter. "You stupid mutts can't do anything right," she spat shoving the the two aside who sulked away into the corners. "Sebastian!" She yelled into the halls of the Orders cave rooms. A large ignati shapeshifter walked out of a room.
"Yes ma'am," he said in a really deep voice. Sabastian was about a head taller then Ida.
" I need you to complete this contract because the two musts I put on this task failed majorly. So it may be a little harder to find the shapeshifter," she said. Sabastian nodded and went charging out Of the main area.

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almond (roch's side) (#33718)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 13:35:20
Alll heads in the room, five Royals, Beta, and Alpha, turned toward Jax. Alpha cocked his head. "Unless you want to take on one of Delta's ever-growing pile of duties, there is little that you haven't done. Well, you could go see Lilian Blackbur. I believe she's in the manor--she was complaining earlier about a downed tree across one of the hunting trails in the woods."

The two were interrupted from their conversation when Nix left the meeting room. "I guess it's over, then." She suddenly brightened. "Can we go hunting?"
Elias paused for a moment. "Okaay. Human or animal?"
She rolled her eyes. "Human, duh."
"That's kinda dangerous with the fact that a pair of hunters just came into town after a werewolf. Maybe stick with animal until they leave?"
Ci sighed. "You're no fun. Fine. Animal."

The cold chill outside of the manor made him wish he'd grabbed some kind of coat or jacket, but oh well. He'd needed to escape as quickly as possible. He began tearing down the road in the direction of the vampire nest. He paused, slowing a bit. Wouldn't it be faster to run when shifted? In the next few strides, he dropped down on all fours, skin and clothes sprouting fur, changing shape, until he was a reddish wolfdog running along the path, a letter clutched in its mouth.

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neo (#59046)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 13:44:33
The omega's eyes watched all of the higher ranks turn towards him. He was glad he was a royal so his alpha didn't abuse him mentally as much as the poor delta. "Of course sir," he said before turning away as fast as he could and running out of the room. He started down the way towards Lillian Blackbur's manor.


The order leader stepped outside of the crashing sound of the waterfall where there bass was hidden. She wanted to see how all of the other clans where doing and by that she simple wanted to see how close she was to succeeding in her mission. She walked into the woods that she knew well. She had heard of a pair of hunters that had been out hunting were wolfs so she didn't dare shift.


The girl eyes the two others wandering why he had left so early. She shook her head and thought about food. 'I'll just go looking for some food,' she told herself walking towards the door and into the woods. She through her hoodie over her head to help block out some of the sun as she started to look for food.

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