Posted by My Lil' Gecko! [Archive]

Komainu (#64351)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 12:52:33

Welcome to the archive page for these adorable adoptables!
Here, you can view every gecko that has been sold, including their individual information,
as well as who owns them.

Morph/Phenotype List | Morph/Phenotype Price Guide | Owned Geckos

Gecko Morphs
This list shows all of the currently available morphs that have been found in purchased geckos.
They are listed in order of most common to most rare.
Any morphs or phenotypes with a * are not real life morphs/phenotypes and were created for the purpose of the adoptables.

Wild Type
This is the morph of a typical, normal gecko. It is the default pattern of the original leopard gecko.
It is a dominant gene and is represented as "WW" in a genotype.

This is a patternless morph that makes a gecko appear pale greyish purple.
It is a recessive gene and is represented as "bb" in a genotype.

Tremper Albino
This is the most common strain of albinism in leopard geckos, named after the person who first discovered it. This morph carries a gold/yellow and tan/cream color combination, with silver or red eyes.
It is a recessive gene and is represented as "tata" in a genotype.

Mack Snow
This gene makes the yellow pigment in leo's either very pale or non-existent.
It is an incomplete dominant gene, and is represented as "MSms" in a genotype.

Bell Albino
This strain of albinism is not as common as the Tremper, but is still prominent in the gecko industry. This strain has darker colors and tends to have more intricate patterns. This strain will also always have red eyes.
It is a recessive gene, and is represented as "baba" in a genotype.

Bell Sunglow
This morph is complete when a gecko has both the Bell Albino gene and the Super Hypo-Melanistic trait. This creates an albino with no markings on it's back and little to no markings on it's head and/or tail.
The albinism strain is a recessive gene, and is represented as "baba" in a genotype.

Super Snow
The evolved form of the Mack Snow, this gene completely gets rid of any yellow pigment making the gecko appear solid white. The spots on Super Snows are more prominent and much smaller, making them look heavily speckled.
It is a dominant gene, and is represented as "MSMS" in a genotype.

This morph includes any geckos that demonstrate a bright orange color throughout their bodies. This color can be a vibrant bright orange or a dark yellow.
It is an incomplete dominant gene, and it is represented by "Tt" in a genotype.

Rainwater Albino
The most uncommon of the albino types, this strain demonstrates very pale colors, much like a Mack Snow, however the gold/yellow pigment is always present. This strain will also always have silver eyes.
It is a recessive gene, and is represented as "rara" in a genotype.

This morph's name is an acronym for Red-eye Albino Patternless Tremper ORange. This morph is a combination of the Tremper Albino strain, the Eclipse gene, and the Striped trait.
It is a recessive gene, and is represented by "tata/ecec" in a genotype.

TUG Snow
This morph is very similar to the Mack Snow morph, except it produces band shapes, unlike the Mack's more speckled look. Geckos with this morph will also show a reduction in the yellow pigment, if not be solid white.
It is a incomplete dominant gene, and is represented by "TSts" in a gentoype.

Not much is known about this morph other than they have greatly reduced dark pigments and their colors are extremely faded. Some Ghosts will manage to come out with slightly bright colors, but this is rare. Ghosts are only complete when a gecko has faded colors and has very little to absolutely no markings on it's back.
It is a dominant gene, and is represented by "GG" in a genotype.

This morph is known to have a solid white tail with little to no coloration or pigment, create a more speckled or "blotchy" appearance on geckos, as well as develop an orange color to the eyes. Pure Enigma's have been known to develop motor function and behavioral disabilities, so this morph is widely outbred.
It is a dominant gene, and is represented by "ENEN" in a genotype.

This morph closely resembles the Kaiseri salamander. The gecko's base can vary from a dark yellow to a vibrant orange. However, the gene always shows a black band flowing up from the tip of the tail to the tip of the face. This band Y's at the base of the tail then closes at the base of the neck, exposing a line of lighter base color. The black band also hides white markings beneath.
It is a dominant gene, and is represented by "NXNX" in a genotype.

This morph is a combination of the Mack Snow gene, the Enigma gene, and the RAPTOR gene. Geckos with this morph tend to show the red-eyes from the RAPTOR genes, show the solid white tails from the Enigma gene, and show pale yellows or no yellow pigment from the Mack Snow genes.
It is a combination of dominant and recessive genes, and is represented by "MSMS/ENEN/tata/spsp/ecec" in a genotype.

This morph is a combination between the Tremper Albino strain and the TUG Snow gene. With this genetic powerful duo, Phantom gecko's will have pink to light pink bases with solid white bands running along their bodies. There is absolutely no black pigment on them anywhere, and they tend to have silver or orange eyes.
It is a combination of dominant and recessive genes, and is represented by "tata/TSts" in a genotype.

This morph is shown when a Phantom gecko exhibits the Demon eye trait. The combination of the whitish body and the vibrant deep purple eyes makes for a stunning color.
It is a combination of dominant and recessive genes, and is represented by "tata/TSts" in a genotype.

Black Pearl
This morph is as close to melanistic as breeders have gotten. The majority of the gecko with this morph is dark brown or light black, sometimes with a tint of dark purple or blue. The underside of the gecko tends to be a medium gray to a bright white.
It is a dominant gene, and it is represented by "BPBP" in a genotype.


Gecko Phenotypes
This list shows all of the currently known phenotypes that have been found in purchased geckos.
Any morphs or phenotypes with a * are not real life morphs/phenotypes and were created for the purpose of the adoptables.

This term refers to geckos that look "normal", or appear to have a wild type genotype.

High Yellow
This term refers to geckos that have vibrant and bright yellow pigment throughout their bodies.

This term refers to geckos that appear to have no visible pattern on their bodies, whether it be stripes, blotches, bands, or speckles. This term also correlates with geckos of a solid color.

Carrot Tail
This term refers to geckos that have a vibrant orange hue at the base of their tail that stretches out to at least 1/4 of the length of their tails.

This term refers to geckos who have little to no black pigment on their backs. The typical rule of thumb is: if the gecko has ten spots or less, it can be classified as a hypo.

Super Hypo
This term refers to geckos who have absolutely no black pigment on their backs. They can have this pigment on their heads and tails, but to be considered a Super, there can not be any black markings from the base of their neck to the base of their tail.

Tang NEW
This term refers to any geckos that have an orange hue to their full bodies. This color can be a dark yellow to a bright orange.

This term refers to any geckos that demonstrate a light yellow and cream body with red or pink eyes. Not every albino will have red or pink eyes, but they will almost have a deeper yellow and cream/vanilla colored markings.

Striped NEW
This term refers to the way a gecko's normal banded or blotchy pattern looks more like stripes. These stripes tend to run from the base of the neck to the base of the tail, and they can be broken in places. The stripes tend to be thinner as well.

This term refers to any geckos that have less saturated colors throughout their bodies. Compared to a Wild Type, Snow's will look more pastel in color, and will have less yellow pigment than their normal counterparts.

This term refers to a gecko that has a very distinguished light purple hue to the majority of their bodies. This color can vary from a deep grey-purple to a very pastel lavender purple.

This term refers to any geckos that demonstrate a solid white tail with a blotchy or speckled pattern across the body and orange tinted eyes.

This term refers to geckos that have purple eyes. The purple eyes can vary from a deep purple with a vibrant pink ring around the pupil, to a light violet with a white ring.

Hyper Melanistic
This term refers to geckos that have a large amount of black pigment covering their bodies. This pigment should "blanket" the length of their bodies, and this color can range from a deep dark brown to a light black, with hues of purple or blue.

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Edited on 20/07/16 @ 12:22:35 by Komainu (#64351)

Komainu (#64351)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-18 09:06:01

Morph/Phenotype List | Morph/Phenotype Price Guide | Owned Geckos

Gender Prices
Males tend to sell for 150SB and Females sell for 300SB.

Morph Price List
This list is compromised of all available morphs including their average sale price.

Wild Type - Duller colors sell for 100SB, while WT's with brighter colors sell for 200SB.

Blizzard - Average sell price for this morph is 250SB.

Tremper Albino - This common strain of albinism tends to sell for about 300SB

Mack Snow - Snows with more noticeable yellow tones sell for about 300SB, while ones with very little and very pale yellow sell for about 400SB.

Bell Albino - This uncommon strain of albinism tends to sell for about 500SB.

Bell Sunglow - This morph tends to retail at around 500SB.

Super Snow - Super Snows with more noticeable purple and yellow hues sell for about 500SB, while ones with paler colors and more white tend to sell for about 600SB. If their many spots are in a pattern, 50SB can be added to their price, but if their spots are very wild and not uniform to any set pattern, you can add 100SB.

Tangerine - This highly noticeable morph sells for about 750SB.

Rainwater Albino - This difficult to find strain of albinism retails for about 900SB.

RAPTOR - This very popular morph sells for about 900SB.

TUG Snow - For geckos of this morph with little yellow pigment and thin bands, they sell for about 900SB. However, for those with thicker bands, even if they have a bit of yellow on them, they sell for about 1000SB. If they have thick bands and have absolutely no yellow on them, they retail for about 1200SB/1GB.

Ghost - This universal morph retails for about 1200SB/1GB.

Enigma - This morph is the most diverse and most wild when it comes to patterns. Geckos with this morph can sell at prices from 1200SB/1GB to 2400SB/2GB.

Noxis* - This bold morph tends to sell for about 1300SB/1GB.

Dreamsicle - This unique morph tends to sell for about 1400SB/1GB. If the orange color is more vibrant and red looking, they can sell for up to 1600SB/1GB.

Phantom - This gorgeous morph is quite popular. If the gecko has several, thinner white bands, then they tend to sell for about 2000SB/2GB. However, if there are only 3-4 thick white bands on the gecko's body, they can sell for up to 2400SB/2GB.

Spook* - This unique morph tends to sell at around 2000SB/2GB.

Black Pearl - The most rare morph on the market, it tends to retail for about 2400SB/2GB.

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Edited on 22/07/17 @ 05:33:28 by Komainu (#64351)

Komainu (#64351)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-20 04:36:13

Morph/Phenotype List< | Morph/Phenotype Price Guide | Owned Geckos


Name: Liz
ID: #F002
Owner: Hufflepuff (#65624)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Normal | Sexually Mature: July 20th
Genotype: Unknown | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Kol
ID: #M003
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Super Hypo Carrot Tail High Yellow | Sexually Mature on: July 17th
Genotype: Wild Type (WW) | Studding: Unlimited


Name: Mila
ID: #F003
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Albino | Sexually Mature on: July 20th
Genotype: Tremper Albino (tata) | Breedings: 1 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Shreya
ID: #F001
Owner: Toska (#19637)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Normal | Sexually Mature on: July 20th
Genotype: Unknown | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Grey
ID: #M001
Owner: Chicken (#89661)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Normal | Sexually Mature on: July 17th
Genotype: Unknown | Studdings: Unlimited


Name: Nik
ID: #M004
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Albino | Sexually Mature on: July 17th
Genotype: Bell Albino (baba) | Studdings: Unlimited


Name: Blight
ID: #C001
Owner: Noxis (#93407)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Noxis | Sexually Mature on: July 17th
Genotype: Noxis (NXNX) | Studdings: Unlimited


Name: Enemia
ID: #F004
Owner: mama Xyllama [#TeamBeetle] (#65134)
Purchased on: July 14th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Phenotype: Patternless | Sexually Mature on: July 20th
Genotype: Blizzard (bb) | Breedings: 1 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Shic
ID: #M002
Owner: Kitsune (#65262)
Purchased on: July 15th, 7 months
Age: 1 year on July 20th / 2 years on August 1st / 3 years on August 13th / 4 years on August 25th
Gender: Male
Phenotype: Hypo Normal | Sexually Mature on: July 17th
Genotype: Wild Type het Rainwater Albino (Wra) | Studdings: Unlimited


Name: Belle
ID: #F006
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 17th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 23rd / 2 years on August 4th / 3 years on August 16th / 4 years on August 28th
Phenotype: Super Hypo Albino | Sexually Mature on: July 23rd
Genotype: Bell Sunglow (baba)| Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Vlad
ID: #C002
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 18th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Striped Snow Albino | Sexually Mature on: July 21st
Genotype: Super Snow Tremper Albino (MSMS/tata) | Studding: Unlimited


Name: Iggy
ID: #C003
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 18th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Snow Enigma Albino| Sexually Mature on: July 24th
Genotype: Dreamsicle (MSms/ENEN/tata/spsp/ecec)| Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Kooru
ID: #C004
Owner: Noizuu🐨[PFM] (#43277)
Purchased on: July 18th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Hypo Snow Lavender | Sexually Mature: July 21st
Genotype: Mack Snow Ghost (MSms/GG) | Studding: Unlimited


Name: Hikaru
ID: #C005
Owner: Noizuu🐨[PFM] (#43277)
Purchased on: July 18th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Hyper Melanistic | Sexually Mature: July 21st
Genotype: Black Pearl (BPBP) | Studding: Unlimited


Name: Pan
ID: #M007
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 18th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Super Hypo Carrot Tail Tang Demon | Sexually Mature on: July 21st
Genotype: Tangerine (Tt) | Studding: Unlimited


Name: Ghost
ID: #F008
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Purchased on: July 18th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Super Hypo Snow Albino Demon| Sexually Mature on: July 24th
Genotype: Spook (tata/TSts) | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: No Name
ID: #F007
Owner: Hawkeye (#55590)
Purchased on: July 18th, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Super Hypo | Sexually Mature on: July 24th
Genotype: Unknown | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Umi
ID: #F008
Owner: Kitsune (#65262)
Purchased on: July 19th, 8 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 23rd / 2 years on August 4th / 3 years on August 16th / 4 years on August 28th
Phenotype: Snow | Sexually Mature on: July 23rd
Genotype: Mack Snow (MSms) | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Clyde
ID: #M008
Owner: Bailey (#71958)
Purchased on: July 20th, 8 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 24th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 17th / 4 years on August 29th
Phenotype: Dalmatian Enigma | Sexually Mature on: July 21st
Genotype: Unknown | Studding: Unlimited


Name: No Name
ID: #M005
Owner: mama Xyllama [#TeamBeetle] (#65134)
Purchased on: July 20th, 9 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 23rd / 2 years on August 4th / 3 years on August 16th / 4 years on August 28th
Phenotype: Patternless | Sexually Mature on: July 20th
Genotype: Unknown | Studding: Unlimited


Name: No Name
ID: #F009
Owner: Aura (#75785)
Purchased on: July 21st, 6 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on July 27th / 2 years on August 8th / 3 years on August 20th / 4 years on September 1st
Phenotype: Super Hypo Tang Eclipse | Sexually Mature: July 27th
Genotype: Unknown | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: Roatoti
ID: #M009
Owner: mama Xyllama [#TeamBeetle] (#65134)
Purchased on: July 21st, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 27th / 2 years on August 8th / 3 years on August 20th / 4 years on September 1st
Phenotype: Snow | Sexually Mature on: July 24th
Genotype: TUG Snow (TSts) | Studding: Unlimited


Name: Keaylie
ID: #C1F4B001
Owner: mama Xyllama [#TeamBeetle] (#65134)
Hatched on: July 22th, 1 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on August 2nd / 2 years on August 14th / 3 years on August 26th / 4 years on September 6th
Phenotype: High Yellow Noxis | Sexually Mature on: August 2nd
Genotype: Noxis het Blizzard (NXb) | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: No Name
ID: #C1F4B002
Owner: Noxis (#93407)
Hatched on: July 22th, 1 months
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on August 2nd / 2 years on August 14th / 3 years on August 26th / 4 years on September 6th
Phenotype: Tang Noxis | Sexually Mature on: August 2nd
Genotype: Tangerine Noxis het Blizzard (Tt/NXb) | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: No Name
ID: #M3F3B101
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Hatched on: July 22nd, 1 month
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year on August 2nd / 2 years on August 14th / 3 years on August 26th / 4 years on September 6th
Phenotype: Carrot Tail | Sexually Mature on: August 2nd
Genotype: Wild Type het Tremper Albino (Wta) | Breedings: 0 of 5 for Year 1


Name: No Name
ID: #M3F3B102
Owner: Chellerd (side) (#13036)
Hatched on: July 22nd, 1 month
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on August 2nd / 2 years on August 14th / 3 years on August 26th / 4 years on September 6th
Phenotype: Super Hypo Carrot Tail High Yellow | Sexually Mature on: July 17th
Genotype: Wild Type het Tremper Albino (Wta) | Studding: Unlimited


Name: TaeHyun
ID: #M010
Owner: Korea (#101361)
Purchased On: July 24th, 6 months
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year on July 30th / 2 years on August 5th / 3 years on August 11th / 4 years on August 17th
Phenotype: Coming Soon... | Sexually Mature on: July 30th
Genotype: Unknown | Studding: Unlimited

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Edited on 31/07/17 @ 20:02:26 by Komainu (#64351)

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