Posted by Alternate Suggestion To Auctioning Banned Lions

Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:26:38
Hello everyone! Off the back of the lovely discussions I had with a handful of users on this thread, I am creating this suggestion thread.

The current, revised suggestion is as follows:
❀ Banned accounts are to be wiped completely clean of items, lions, and their profiles emptied (completely, tags, art, coding, everything). This portion of the suggestion is so that we free up database space, but keep the profiles so that users aren't confused by an ID disappearing, and moderators can still look back at previous ban decisions for future reference.
❁ There would be a cool-off period of 3 months before a banned account is considered for wiping. This leaves plenty of time for the user to appeal if they need to. :)

❀ Instead of the original poll to auction off the banned users' lions, the admins & moderators will:
❁ Note down the markings, bases and manes of the lions on the banned users' account. (Without reference to whom they originally belonged).
❁ Use this as a reference list to generate either an identical or similar lion, to give other users the chance to own the same combination of marks that were deleted from the game on the banned account.
❁ I stress heavily that the original lion will be unrecognisable unless you followed banned accounts, and as such will have no emotional or moral connection to the original user.

How should the generated lion be distributed?
❀ Auction
❁ Cap on how many times you could win a lion auction a month. (So more people get a chance.)

❀ Game stud (users stud to the lion)
❁ Stud changes every week
❁ Cap on how many times you can stud to get the markings (to avoid flooding)
❁ Same price as base stud fee for the amount of marks the lion has

❀ Add an extra raffle
❁ High ticket prices?
❁ No limit on entry in terms of impression.
❁ Cap on ticket prices? OR cap on how many times you can win a month?

Suggested revisions:
❀ Katze: Create a new 'auction' feature for the generated lions that is specifically for the purpose of re-introducing older, rare marks, or marks that may in the future 'die out' due to event circumstances. Consider a stat cap or NCL stat reset. Perhaps consider auctioning generated lions with the referenced mutation.

Any more ideas for the distribution, or any constructive criticism is absolutely welcomed. I respect your right to disagree with my suggestion and point of view, but I would like to politely request that respect in return. <3


This suggestion has 160 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/10/16 @ 20:08:31 by Fea :: The Original Assbag (#42722)

ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:31:27
This is way better. Supported.

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:33:17
I think this is a nice compromise. Support!

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:33:57
I actually really like the second option (studding), for the same minimum fee as regular studs.

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:35:32

I think that it should be generated through auction, as another SB or GB sink.
It could be weekly, or even bi-weekly, and could be accessible by all users regardless of impression.

My own personal thoughts would be that it would work differently from the special lioness raffle, in which it would not operate to release new markings or new exclusive backgrounds--it would exist to re-release older markings that may have died out in a certain slot, and perhaps even be used to toss in more "true special" bases (such as Ice, Pearl, Skyward, etc.) into the system.

I am not sure whether the lions should have NCL-tier stats or have a stat cap, although I would personally not mind if every few weeks, a mutation were auctioned off.

Knowing the userbase, I feel like it would be a great potential currency sink, especially if mutations came into play, and it would not devalue bases or mutations much as it would be bi-weekly and the amount of mutations would likely be limited.

Of course, these are my OWN thoughts on the matter, but this is what comes to my mind when I imagine this system being put into play.

Great suggestion by the way, I've supported it. :>

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vihuff (#87417)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:36:14
Yep. This is pretty much on par with what I said in the other thread, so I agree.

"I very much think that you could leave accounts up, but just make a note of what the lions looked like and then wipe everything off the account. Make it a blank slate. Like someone who just started. No lions, names, coding, items or anything. The number still exists, it's still an account so nothing gets messed up. But then we don't have users wondering about banned account lions or items because they all get deleted. And we don't have names, pictures and coding creating memorials or shrines for rule breakers. If everything but the account itself is wiped, then it's nothing but an account number."

I would really like to stress the fact that there won't be anything identifying about the wiped accounts accept for the number itself. No names, no lions, art, tags, coding. Main lion replaced with a rolled. Everything wiped. I realize that's what Fea was getting at but I wanted to cement that. That way when users go to the account, there is nothing to show who used to be there. No more watching banned member's lions and asking about them and no more memorializing rule breakers. It's like they were never there.

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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:45:46
Thank you everyone for your replies!

I have added the following to the first post:

❁ There would be a cool-off period of 3 months before a banned account is considered for wiping. This leaves plenty of time for the user to appeal if they need to. :)
❁ Katze's suggestions.
❁ Vihuff's clarification on wiping.

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vihuff (#87417)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:49:33
Thanks Fea ^.^ I also think that a raffle or an auction would be good. I don't really like the stud thing though.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:51:48
I don't know, I'm really against an auction, you can buy a lot of GB and trade it to various other players for a lot more SB.
Even without that option, I have over 27k SB from selling food and toys found in-game. I don't think newer players would even be able to compete with that, let alone the fact that some people have 2-3 times (or more) what I do and if they wanted to they could take it right up straight away and keep the mark exclusively for themselves.

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Sassy [Ice/BHR] (#72099)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:52:39
I can actually support this - I like the idea of studding or raffling best, since that offers an even ground to players new and old whereas older players with lots of gb/sb could easily out-auction newbies or people who aren't as active.

I feel like studding would be the best bet though tbh, I've had people win my lion raffles who haven't been online since, so the cubs are in the same sitting around situation as banned account lions, whereas studding would be available to everyone and ensure that the issue of markings dying out/being only on inactive accounts is minimized if not non-existent

it could work similarly to the weekly raffle lioness/be on the same schedule where the stud changes every week - that way people who're busy during the week and can't get on much have enough time to get to it and nobody has to worry about wanting to breed a lioness to a stud that changes say, once per day, but their lioness isn't in heat until the next day

you could also maybe have a lioness per week limit - maybe 5 lionesses/week?

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vihuff (#87417)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:52:59
Well then a raffle, because even if you buy a lot to increase chances, it is still random to which is drawn. I really don't like the idea of studs, I'd rather get the lion itself. I don't breed and my gals are usually plain, so breeding is pointless, but I wouldn't mind taking a chance to get a new gal or guy. But just breeding to them, when you could end up with a terrible thanks. I don't want the lions offspring, I'd want an already premade, nice lion, even if the chance is low.

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Edited on 07/10/16 @ 19:55:32 by vihuff (#87417)

😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:58:17
I think raffle with higher ticket prices and/or the option to purchase multiple tickets would be best. Maybe raffle them using the new raffle system?

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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-10-07 12:58:34
@Majesty & Sassy, thanks for replying!

I feel like studding would be the best bet though tbh, I've had people win my lion raffles who haven't been online since, so the cubs are in the same sitting around situation as banned account lions, whereas studding would be available to everyone and ensure that the issue of markings dying out/being only on inactive accounts is minimized if not non-existent

Just personally, I think this is a great point and I like the idea of the studding myself, although I'd possibly consider some kind of cap on how many times you can stud to the lion. Maybe twice a week, just so we don't accidentally flood a marking by reintroducing it in too much volume at once.

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-07 13:00:28
Personally I do like the studding option the best, but i also see a need for more gb/sb sinks.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 13:01:25
Being able to purchase more than one ticket for any raffle would also need a cap.
Say the ticket price was 100sb, I could still buy over 250 tickets, whereas a newbie could buy one or two, and I just don't think that's fair odds at all.

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vihuff (#87417)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 13:02:12
Well I was looking forward to this idea but not really if it ends up being studding. That's not getting a nice lion, that's mixing two lions. Like a shot in the dark >.

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