Posted by Wolv - Roleplay

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-07 12:35:40
only those accepted may post here

(This follows the books to a degree, but is based about 100 years after Humfrey was bitten in. ALL pack members of the original few are gone, a new generation in their steed. Book Series of "Wolv" on Wattpad. "Wolv" "Ice" and "Home" are the three books. This will follow Wolv, none of the others really. @Humfrey_Mahikan on Wattpad, I have permission to use this concept for my RP! NO ONE ELSE MAY USE THIS WITHOUT ASKING Humfrey_Mahikan!!)

Ow! What the heck? A sharp, burning pain sprung up in your right arm just above your wrist. Weakly opening your eyes you find a perfectly formed bite mark circling your wrist. It felt to the bone, with every movement the pain flared up. At every tooth imprint in your skin black tendrils were wrapping their way steadily up your arm, the burning pain following them. What happened? Then you remember, you were Ojibwa, one of the natives in Bloodvein, a first nations reserve on the Canadian shield. You had gone solo camping, or even kayaking, around in the Atikaki Provincial Park. Though one night three sets of glowing eyes, were the rumors of the Ma'iingan coming true?! You heard of them from others around the reserve, they came to your specific reserve for a symbiotic relationship. Over the years they had stopped biting in so many people, the bites coming few and far between. The pack had all but fallen silent until about 100 years ago an outsider was bitten by accident when he was dying from an incident within the rapids. Now they had resurfaced, engaging in biting 2-3 people a year instead of the 1 every few years. But why you? You were healthy, strong and fit enough to be chosen, and so... they bit you! Though you were alone and in the wilderness with no way to return home now. Steadily over the course of two days you began changing, your fingers and toes began growing long black toes, the palms of your hands/feet turning black as did your eyelids. Next your entire body began changing to this unnatural color, why was it becoming so painful? For hours you coughed up mouthfuls of blood, your insides ripping themselves apart and reforming into their next shape. The one they'd stay in forever, all the bones in your body painfully snapped and reshaped, your skull breaking into pieces and your mouth growing into that of a muzzle. Finally you just blacked out from the pain, waking up with enhanced sight, smell and everything! Your new body felt weird and tired, though a few immobilizing howls irrupted from the woods beyond the waters of Atikaki, you felt yourself wanting to answer the ghostly sounds bringing you forwards. Would you be an alpha or an omega? It's all up to the Wolvs now.

~Wolvs = The bitten, the changed, STERILE! (only TWO wolvs have been naturally born. NONE since!). It's a one way street with them. You change into a wolv but you can never change back, or so it was said for hundreds of years. It's rumored that a past alpha, Keme was his name, could change back and forth but painfully and with a toxic plant that few remembered the name of. Wolvs are large creatures, an alpha-type towering over all the others while the omega-types were much smaller and thinner then their counterparts. It is said an Alpha and Omega cannot be together for obvious reasons.The wolv must constantly have sustenance, always needing to eat. Though if allowed to gorge (on large game like caribou or elk), they can go for a week without eating. WOLVS ARE ONLY SHADES OF BLACK AND BROWN! ONLY OUTSIDERS ARE ANY OTHER COLOR (Match their hair color)
~Alpha - Overall lead wolf, overpowers and towers over any and all other wolves.
~Elders - The wisest and oldest of the pack
~Alpha-Type : The largest of the pack, strong and fast. They are the only ones who can truly hunt down anything larger then a fox.
~Omega-Type : The smallest of the pack, set to doing the 'dirty work'. They run border patrols, drive outsiders away from the pack and can barely hunt rabbits let alone the prey an alpha-type can.
~Ma'iingan = Ojibwa word for Wolf
~Translator found at XX
~~Pack Law : Alphas word is law, don't question what is (don't question the ways), newly bitten are to be left to change on their own, DO NOT bite outsiders, only the alphas can decide who is bitten, omegas will be harshly punished if they are to bit someone. -Alpha is to eat first, followed by elders, lastly omegas-~~
~Punishments : Canines smashed out, all four to be destroyed, Will grow back after 3 weeks (IRL). Separated from the mate for a week *if they have one*. Banished from the pack forever (Worst case scenario).
~There is only ONE pack. NO loner/rogue wolv's, if your wolv is banished you may make another wolv.
~Omega's are sent in groups of two (decided by me) to patrol, their routes beaten into the earth by their paws.
~For anyone wondering they are Direwolves, that's why their wolv's are so large.

Territory Info:
They own ALL of Atikaki, The entire park is their territory. Their borders are about 300 yard short of Atikaki park borders. They stay out of sight this way, but can still watch the pack.
~DEN~ (I forget where it is placed in the books as I couldn't find it sorry ^^'') The den is about 1 1/2 miles off of the Bloodvein River, it lay in a small clearing, a large rocky area jutting out of the ground. A couple crevices lay within the rocks surface, but the den itself lay in the bottom right crevice. Just big enough of a space for the Alpha to fit through, inside it opens into a large cave. The omegas sleep on the floor in the back of the cave, while the alphas sleep on the ledges of the cave.(which are much taller then they appear in the picture).

RP Rules:
~NO Power-play/god-modding; Such as using another character that's not yours in any way. Insta-hitting. Indestructible/Powerful characters.
~5+ Sentences! Be Descriptive. Correct grammar and spelling to the best of your ability. NO "Kills prey runs back home drops and sleeps." Or "__ Panted and slept, it was hot outside." Or "Doug asked Jay 'do u know the best place to hunt? r u hungry?'"
~Keep cussing to a minimum. Put 'marshmallow' in other if you read this far.
~The youngest age of being bitten in is 7, the oldest being 22~
~2 characters per person, can't be your own mate. If you can prove you can handle more you can have up to 4.
~You cant be in one place then suddenly go to another if something is going on that you don't like. If you read this far ignore the marshmallow part and put 'wolv' in Personality..
~Title your posts! I understand the occasional slip up as I do it as well. Title = "Name / Age / Gender / Rank / Mentions/Location
~OOC in ( ), * *. [ ]. { }
~Looking for Admins to help me, PM me.

Alpha; Lead wolv, largest and strongest of all (Mine)
Elders; The wisest and oldest of the pack, help the alpha make decisions for the pack.
Alpha-Type; The largest of the pack, strong and fast. They are the only ones who can truly hunt down anything larger then a fox. Could hunt a young caribou/elk by themselves, only 2-3 needed for an adult.
Omega-Type; The smallest of the pack, set to doing the 'dirty work'. They run border patrols, drive outsiders away from the pack and can barely hunt rabbits let alone the prey an alpha-type can.

Elders (4)
Alpha-Types (5+)
Omega-Types (8+)

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Edited on 07/11/16 @ 20:05:05 by Wolflord (LOff; Weekend Hiatus (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-25 06:58:55
- Ishkode / Male / Pg 1
Elders (4)
Alpha-Types (5+)
-Hades / Male / Pg 1
-Alaska / Female / Pg 1
-Nyx / Female / Pg 1
Omega-Types (8+)
-Nibi / Female / Pg 1
-Erebus / Male / Pg 1
-Omen / Male / Pg 1

~After 11/27/16 we'll time skip 2 months every Sunday~
- //16 [__ months] [SEASON] Pg
- //16 [__ months] [SEASON] Pg

7am (30 min before sunrise)
December, Start of WINTER
Sunny, light clouds rolling in, possible snow flurries

All Alpha-Types are returning from a long big game hunt, bringing back a large caribou buck. Some are bruised but most are unharmed, the majority of the wounds having already healed and disappeared.

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Edited on 25/11/16 @ 19:07:37 by Wolflord (PM me for Work days) (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-25 12:16:27
Male / 29 / ALPHA
Mentions : Hades, Alaska, Nyx
Location : Woods ---> Camp

His paws were aching, they'd traveled for 3 days to reach where the caribou were, took another 2 to figure out a plan, a day to catch it and at last... A day and a half to bring it back, having herded it closer to camp. The trek across the river was easy seeing as a fallen tree had fell across the smaller part of the river. The hardest part, for sure, was bringing this heavy caribou home. The pack was sure to feast good tonight! Ishkode gave a bark as they entered camp, they'd all be dreary and tired but first they needed to eat before resting and the male was not about to have his wolv's starve. Heaving the Caribou's leg off his back he took a chunk off, allowing the others to get some since he was to eat first being the Alpha. Then his Alpha-Types would eat, then the lowly omega-types.. The little things. He had been changed long ago, years ago to be exact. Having grown accustomed to his paws, he didn't miss a day walking around on two legs, and to having a tail.

Female / 22 / Omega-Type
Mentions : All of the pack
Location : Camp Den

She rolled over fitfully in her sleep, the dreams of a pure white male snapping down on her foreleg haunted her dreams every night. It'd been like that for the past two years, it'd taken her a few months to grow accustomed to walking around on four legs and moving her tail around but now the omega-type had it down pat! A bark from outside had her jolting awake in her sleep, her tri-colored fur was glistening with sweat and her ears pinned in slight embarrassment. Though that bark snagged her attention, had the alpha-types returned at last? Did they have food?! Her stomach growled loudly and drove her to the front of the cave, sure enough they were! Four huge wolvs stood around a huge caribou, the largest one, a white male took a huge hunk off the buck and walked off with it. Nibi cowered down onto her stomach and inched forwards until a low growl stopped her. She waited at that distance for the alphas to gorge themselves before she'd dig in.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-11-26 09:45:46

Female || 23 ||Alpha-Type || Location: Camp || Mentions: Hades, Ishkode, Nyx, Nibi

Alaska padded in behind the Alpha, panting heavily, she came to a halt beside Hades. She turned to her friend grinning "the journey was worth it" Once the alpha had taken his share, she glanced around to make sure that it was her turn to eat. Once certain, she stepped forward, taking a small chunk for herself before laying down a few feet away. Alaska curled her tail around her white paws, snuggling her maw into the fluffy fur, although years ago it never seemed possible; she was content here. She gave her paw a few licks, it still ached slightly from where the Caribou had trampled it, although she wasn't one to complain. She looked up at the others and patted her tail on the snow beside her, wondering if they wanted to join her down here. Before she could talk her gaze was captured by Nibi, the omega type sat looking hungrily at the food. Sometimes Alaska wished there weren't ranks, and that all wolvs would get along well, unfortunately, without their ancient systems, their lives wouldn't function normally.

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Edited on 26/11/16 @ 16:47:13 by Sprinkles {4 day hiatus} (#86006)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:44:55

Male | 25 years, 2 months | Alpha-Type | Location: Camp | Mentions: Ishkode, Alaska, Nyx, Nibi

Walking beside Alaska, the massive black brute entered the dusty camp on slightly sore paws with Alaska and Nyx, the three behind their pure white Alpha as the group returned from a week long hunt, a massive caribou laying in the center of camp as a result of their tiring adventure. He looked over at the pretty Alaska as she kindly spoke to him in kind of cheerful words, his large head nodding in agreement as his massive jaws spread open in a yawn. Tail lashing briefly, he approached the food after the Alpha, their eyes meeting. This pure, snow white male was the only one who was not smaller than him. Their heights rivaled, the two both being almost four feet tall - three feet and eight inches to be exact. Nodding to Ishkode, he took a small chunk from the beasts stomach before leaving from the carcass, making his way to an area kinda near the caribou, but where no other wolves were. He was a cold and aggressive male with a tendency to stay away from others. He was really just a big grumpy boy, but no wolf ever tried breaking the stone that surrounded his cold heart. And he didn't blame them. Most thought it was just better to respect from a distance.

OOC: blocked >.

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