Posted by .:: The Bones Among Us ::. (MultiClan WC RP)

Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-23 00:48:16
Sign-Ups here!
OOC here!

Current Month: June
Current Weather: Sunny Sunny-Weather-Icon.png
Current Temperature: 80°
Time: Sundown

A breeze sends a shiver down your spine as you pad deeper into the forest. Your ears twitch to the sound of a loud brawl, coming from far off. Curiously, you head in that direction to investigate. It is not long before you are met with crimson stained grass, and a battlefield of cats on top of it, fighting to the death. You notice that a majority of them are wearing collars with dog teeth tightly around their edges, while the ones that aren't wearing them are the ones that are fighting them. Being a foreign rogue, you have no idea what is quite exactly going on. A speck of blood splatters onto your cheek. Deciding you should perhaps move to a safer spot to observe, you quickly climb a tree and watch from there. It isn't long before a loud yowl echoes over the sounds of screams and hisses and blood-thirsty battle cries. "Retreat! Retreat!" You could hear a cat shout, as a flood of other cats drove in, causing the ones with the collars to scatter and run off. Your ears rang with the sounds of victorious caterwauling coming from the other cats as they gathered around a large tree, with two cats sitting atop of it. As you looked closer, you noticed that they each had a feather behind their ear. You also noticed a few other cats below had one too, excluding some, though. A small brown tabby jumped up next to you and caught you by surprise, you clung onto the bark of the tree you had been sitting on for the past hour as hard as you could, heaving yourself back up before you fell. "Hello there! Are you new?" The voice asked, before they tilted their head and gave you a funny look. They then looked over at the large group of cats and flicked their tail. "Oh, that's Hawkclan. I'm one of their apprentices! I'm gonna be a big, strong warrior one day. Oh- and uh, that other one? They're a bunch of losers, they're mean and dumb and we beat them every time! I don't even know why they bother.." You gave the cat a stern glare as they continued to ramble on, before pausing. "Oh, uhm, heh, excuse me, sorry about that... Anyway, that was Brokenclan that you just saw's rear get kicked. They said we stole their food- but, but that's not true, of course! So's our leader told 'em straight off that we didn't steal nothin' but then their leader was all like "No, you did, you big liar," and then we been fightin' the whole time 'cuz we 'oughta earn our diginity or somethin' back.. Actually, I don't really know why we fight but oh well! Leader says we have to.. And, well, they've been a good leader these past 12 moons so we obey orders." He explained; although, really, you never asked for an explanation, but it did clear some things up. "Oh, hey, hey! I gots an idea, how about you's go on ahead and join our clan? You look.. Well, strong enough to catch a mouse or two!" He suggested cheerily, before a large black tom landed behind him and approached you. "You don't really want to join them. Join us, we are the strong ones. They are the weak. Their petty beliefs will get them nowhere, why would you join them when you can have true freedom and join us? Unlike them, we can swallow our pride." He sneered, giving the apprentice a cold glare for a quick second before his gaze shifted back to you. Who would you choose? Would you make the right decision? An aching feeling caused your stomach to drop as you realized your choice would stick with you forever.

main-qimg-c7f4ad12faff6c8f5654a4dcd98048 The Bones Among Us

*High ranks are currently open!


Hate the character not the player.
Fade to black during mating/birthing.
Keep gore PG-13.
Keep swearing PG-13.
Ask permission before you injure another character's player.
You may only have 6 characters.
You may only have 1 character of a high rank.
When under attack/in battle, your character MUST sustain injuries.
You cannot have the strongest/most attractive/fastest/most perfect character. Everyone is flawed.
Your own characters cannot be mates with eachother, but they may however have a mild relationship. (i.e crushes, best friends, relatives, etc.)
You cannot magically read other character's minds.
You cannot control characters that aren't yours. (AKA power playing.)
When doing OOC chat, please make it known. Such as, putting these, (around your text!)
When chatting, also make sure to respect other people as you would want to be, and avoid any 18+ or NSFW conversation, such as anything racist/homophobic/sexist/drugs/rape/abuse/etc will have you sent a warning.
Please try to use decent grammar.
Please use a heading when roleplaying! (i.e, Name | Gender | Rank | Location | Mentions:)
Please write a minimum of up to two sentences per post, thank you!
Lioden rules apply.
When signing up with a form, DO NOT use art or photos unless you drew it or bought it from another person or you have permission to use it, and leave a link crediting where you got it from.
Put 'Robin' in 'Other'.
Have fun ;)





Small secluded beach area surrounded by rocky cliffs, with a very large twoleg city just behind them, only a couple miles off. The rocks separate them from a larger beach connecting to it where the two-legs gather.

Leader (1/1): Foxstar
Deputy (1/1): Brokenshade
Medcat (0/1): Open
Elders (0/8): Open
Queens: (1/6): Sparrowleap
Warriors (4/12): Cloudtail, Brambleclaw, Spottedthroat, Spiderpounce
Mentors (2/6): Brokenshade, Cloudtail
Apprentices (2/6): Birdpaw, Sparrowpaw
Kits (2/12): Rainkit, Pinekit





Large redwood forest a few miles from the coast, very far from twolegs they have a lot of water and prey available, but they also have a lot of predators and rogues lurking.

Leader (1/1): Lynxstar
Deputy (1/1): Tigerclaw
Medcat (0/1): Reserved
Elders (0/8): Open
Queens (0/6): Open
Warriors (7/12): Lunarfrost, Sharkfang, Moonshard, Silentheart, Nightflower, Tatteredsight, Featherstorm
Mentors (0/6): Leader chooses mentors!
Apprentices (1/6): Whisperpaw
Kits (1/12): Adderkit

Rogues: Snow, Silver, Aether, Moon, Rosseu
Rogues roam wherever they please, outcasts to clan life, but they dare not trespass clan territory.
Kittypets live the easy life, under the shelter of two-legs in their large colorful boxes, eating pellets and cuddling up to their two-legs.


Age (in moons):

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Edited on 29/12/16 @ 00:51:23 by Zypheria ☯ [Lights On!] ⚓ (#49415)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-23 01:44:03

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Edited on 23/11/16 @ 08:58:58 by 🐾FearedLion🐾 (#67784)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 03:23:56

Ooops, haha. Sorry :/ (if this is the rp thread, I'll just put my roleplay reply here when it starts ;3)

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Edited on 23/11/16 @ 10:26:44 by Christicat15 (#54511)

The_Whistling_Hyena (#99437)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 07:22:42
May I reserve the medicine cat for Brokenclan? Just for about a day or so when my computer gets repaired? ^^

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-23 12:20:06
Sure, Whistling!
Also, how many warrior cats herbs do you know of? If you're not that fresh on them, feel free to look up a list of them. I like to have somewhat of a general knowledge of herbs first, so when someone is injured it's not just 'smacks whatever this is on an open wound'.

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Edited on 23/11/16 @ 19:23:41 by Zypheria ☯ (#49415)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-11-24 13:32:17
I wants to startings!

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-24 13:43:13
(I'm going to have the RP start now. All OOC must have ()'s around the text until I make a chat thread.)

Lynxstar | Tom | Leader | Brokenclan Camp | Mentions; Open

The large masculine licked his paw pads, his crisp, pale yellow gaze shifted as he watched clan members going about their day. He yawned, his large fluffy tail flicking from time to time. He lifted himself to his paws and stretched his limbs, his muscles rippling underneath his thick coat. As he exited the hollow of a very, very large redwood surrounded in small stones, he approached the busy clan life. He walked alongside the organized set of dens splayed out across the territory, inspecting each and every one to see how everyone was doing. On a day like this, with little to no drama, he would always find himself occupied with little things.

Sparrowleap | She-cat | Queen | Hawkclan Nursery | Mentions: Rainkit, Pinekit

The fae licked her two newborns, her gaze soft and warm as she kept her sight locked onto them. She could not look away, pride swelled in her heart as she watched them suckle peacefully. She looked at a small black tuxedo kitten, huddled close to their sibling. "You will be Rainkit." She said calmly, and then looked at a light tortoiseshell kitten like her, but with a faint white tuxedo marking on her belly and chest. "And you will be Pinekit." She meowed. When Rainkit stopped, she lowered her head to bathe him, her gentle tongue smoothing out his thin, messy fur. She watched as Pinekit kept suckling, and let out a light chuckle. "You just won't stop, will you little one?" She said quietly. The dark brown she-cat then rested her head on the ground, to recover from the exhausting labor she had just gone through minutes ago.

Rainkit | Tom | Newborn | Hawkclan Nursery | Mentions: Sparrowleap

The small kitten suckled, sensing warmth coming from his mother. He could not see or hear very well, but cuddled up to the warm, inviting scent of milk. As soon as he had his fill, he mewled, white droplets of milk dripping from his nose and mouth. He felt a large, warm tongue lick at his fur, cleaning off a bit of blood that still remained, clinging to his pelt.

Pinekit | She-cat | Newborn | Hawkclan Nursery | Mentions: Sparrowleap, Rainkit

The newborn kit suckled for a long while, mewling in resistance as her mother licked her head when she had more than enough of her fill, as if telling her it was time to take a break. She nuzzled up to her brother, sniffing him curiously. He cried out for mom as soon as she started getting a little too playful, crawling all over him in curiosity to this new, strange yet familiar scent.

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Edited on 24/11/16 @ 21:38:38 by Zypheria ☯ (#49415)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-24 13:47:39

Mentions: Open

Adderkit leaped out of the nursery, licking his fluffy mane like fur, flicking his ears. "It's so boring in the nursery..." Adderkit yawned loudly, turning his attention inside the nursery which caused him to curl his lip. "I hate sleeping there..." Adderkit scratched his ear carefully.

(Writer's block. :/)

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:01:14
Brambleclaw Male
Mentions: Sparrowleap
Brambleclaw had been awake and trotted into the nursery. He saw the queen with her kits and nodded. "How are they?" Brambleclaw looked at the new mother, happiness swelling up in his veins. Brambleclaw had the urge to groom the kits, but held back. Shouldn't he ask their names? "What're their names?"

Mentions: Birdpaw
Sparrowpaw, seeing Birdpaw in the apprentices den, grinned. "Who's you-your mentor?" She whispered to them.
(Writes blocks)

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:07:53
Sparrowleap | She-cat | Queen | Hawkclan Nursery | Mentions: Brambleclaw

Her ears pricked to hear soft footsteps of an approaching clan-mate. She lifted her head to see a fellow warrior enter the nursery, curious about the new arrivals. "Rainkit and Pinekit. They're both very healthy." She whispered, so as not to wake the sleeping Rainkit, with Pinepaw soon to fall asleep as well.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:16:58
Male / 2 / Hawkclan Warrior
Mentions : OPEN Location : Camp

A large snow-white tom strolled through camp, his tail held high in the air, the tip cocked to the side ever so slightly. It was just how he walked though, nothing that stated he was more dominant or whatever. The young warrior had always had that strange attribute when walking. It seemed he was always 'strutting his stuff' and waving his tail in the air but in reality he didn't even notice what he was doing. The male moved towards the woods after a moment, wanting to hunt but knowing his pelt would give him away. He grumbled and curled up on the cool sand, rolling onto his back and gazing at the stars absently. The sound of the waves crashing gently on the shore lulling him into a light sleep.

Female / 3 / Rogue
Mentions : OPEN Location : Forest (Outside of Brokenclan)

The Norwegian Forest Cat ducked through the undergrowth. Her paws silently carrying her towards her prey, a rather plump sparrow picking absently at the ground. The cat snuck forwards boldly exiting the cover of the brush, the bird paying her no mind for whatever reason floating through its head. SNAP! Her paws launched forwards as her jaws crunched around the now panicking bird. It's wings slicing helplessly through the air as it struggled until it fell still. It's assailant licking her lips and scaling a tree to eat. Luckily her humans left her her claws so she could do as she pleased out here and get away from danger. Her leather collar gave her no trouble, though from time to time it caught on small brambles.

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Edited on 24/11/16 @ 21:20:55 by Wolflord (PM me for Work days) (#17200)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:18:09
Brambleclaw Male
Mentions: Sparrowleap
Brambleclaw nodded and gave a soft lick to Sparrowleap's head, as if to say a congrats. "Congrats." He bowed. "I must go check on my dear sister." Brambleclaw walked over to the fresh-kill pile, and, seeing there was a quail of enough size for a hungry cat to feed off of, he grabbed it. He trotted swiftly back to the nursery, and put the quail beside Sparrowleap. He nodded again and trotted off to the apprentice den. He walked into the den, and nudged his sister. "Birdpaw won't touch you, silly." Brambleclaw beckoned her to the clan grounds.

Sparrowpaw Female
Mentions: Brambleclaw
Sparrowpaw nodded and got up, she loved her brother so much. He was so cool! He let her do whatever she wanted if it was acceptable! She leaned on his shoulder, looking at the stars.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:23:15


Male | 32 moons | BrokenClan | Deputy
Location: BrokenClan Territory; Hunting Grounds -> Camp | Mentions: Lynxstar, Clan in General / Open

Tigerclaw padded in the hunting part of their territory, planning on catching a decent meal for some feline in the Clan. Sure, he was the Deputy and should be in camp, but it was morning so he wasn't needed at that moment. Besides, food was always needed, and extra food was even better. And also, he had woken up earlier, as was normal for the incredibly large cat, and he had decided to go hunting. It was typically his daily routine, and pretty much every warrior in the Clan knew he did this. The sun hasn't risen yet, so he still had some time to hunt before he started heading back. The wind gently ruffled his fur as he walked on the dusty forest floor in the part of the territory where the Clan mostly hunted. But, sniffing and observing the ground before him, a good sized pheasant soon caught this cat's sharp eye and he crouched to the ground, his tail above the ground. Stalking the bird, he got closer until he couldn't go any father without being noticed. Then he ran and the bird flew into the air. Tigerclaw then leapt up and, using his powerful limps, his claws caught onto its wings and he pulled it down as his powerful jaws latched onto its neck, biting hard. In a matter of moments, the massive feline had killed it with his powerful bite, making sure it was dead before standing up and giving thanks to StarClan for the pheasants life, a custom all warrior cats used.

Seeing the sun begin to rise, the fearsome muliti-colored cat began dragging his kill back to camp, knowing he should be there when the morning began. Not really any feline was awake yet at the moment, so he's most likely get there before the Clan cats got up. Soon enough, he arrived back home and traveled into the camp and observed it, his theory correct as it was mostly empty, as he had arrived right when their leader Lynxstar exited his den. He then brought the dead pheasant to the prey pile, setting him down carefully. Eyes landing on the warrior's den, he would latch his jaws onto a tiny mouse before heading inside, eating his share. Once the Clan would begin waking up, he'd walk back outside to greet everyone, his usual greeting was a flick of his tail or a nod of his head. He looked for Lynxstar, the Leader, as he stood up straight, towering over most. Statistically, he was the tallest cat in the Clan and had a very terrifying appearance.

OOC: I know it kinda sucks, don't judge >.>

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Edited on 24/11/16 @ 21:55:25 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:26:51
(Bruh... " Not really any feline was awake yet at the moment, so he's most likely get there before the pack got up. Soon enough, he arrived back home and traveled into the camp and observed it, his theory correct as it was mostly empty, as he had arrived right when the wake-up howl was howled. He then brought the dead adolescent caribou to the prey pile, setting him down carefully. " XD HOW ? SUPER CATS!!!)

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:27:28
( typos C: you know what I meant xD but thanks, I'll fix them now! )

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Edited on 24/11/16 @ 21:27:39 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-24 14:48:30
(Oops, speaking of typos, I mispelled Lynxstar for Leopardstar Dx Fixed it.)

Lynxstar | Tom | Leader | BrokenClan Territory | Mentions: Tigerclaw

His ears flickered, his glowing orbs shifting to see his deputy drop freshkill into the pile. He sprung from his paws and padded over to him, his tail swaying as his paws padded against red, crumbled dirt. "Tigerclaw." He meowed, in attempts to grab his attention. "I want you to organize a patrol by morning. Make sure everyone is asleep." He ordered, a calm gaze settling onto the tom's features.

Sparrowleap | She-cat | Queen | Hawkclan Nursery | Mentions: Brambleclaw

The she-cat dipped her head graciously as he nibbled on the bird, abandoning a few feathers. As soon as she finished, she closed her eyes, wrapping her hind and forelegs around her kits to keep them safe and warm.

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