Posted by School4Sidekicks (superhuman rp; Open/Jump in)

SarielsWings (#98511)

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Posted on
2016-11-27 01:45:55
Status: Open

Honestly if you're in this board I'm assuming you just want to have fun roleplaying. I tend to just accept everyone anyway so just assume you're in and join the plot with you're characters!
Write however much you want. Have as many characters as you can handle. You can have whatever power you want BUT get permission from other characters if you have a power-playing ability like mind control. It might be better if we stay away from those, actually.

I keep characters here for easy access- Just give me a quick introduction to them when you post, and I'll add them as soon as I can.

Perdix Rhye @SarielsWings
Force Fields. Able to generate them around himself, and also place flat ones in the air that allow him to walk wherever. They are mostly clear but glow an electric blue. 16 (Junior). Male. Shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes. Wears lots of sweaters and jeans. Focused, sarcastic, somewhat motherly, and a hopeless romantic. For the record, Bisexual.
Lettie Duncan @SarielsWings
Able to fade into a gas, rendering her invisible. She can poof! And reapear seemingly at random. Sometimes she only chooses to make parts of her body solid and floats like w ghost. Female. 15 (Sophomore). Keeps her blonde hair in a messy bun. Covered in freckles. Grey eyes. Excitable, shy, awkward, and goofy.

Plot: A bunch of kids with super powers go to a school where they must learn to control their powers in order to help society. There are both heroes and villains in this school.

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SarielsWings (#98511)

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Posted on
2016-11-27 01:54:06
It was almost homecoming, and a group of want-to-be villains had set half the cafeteria on fire again.
Perdix rolled his eyes, separating the flames in a dome from the oxygen in the room. Freaking freshmen. They were the reason this school couldn't have nice things.
Once the small fire was put down and a teacher with her eyebrows burned off was escorted from the room, he went back to eating alone at his table. He was incredibly focused in his studies, Psychology of the Hero-type, and was mulling over the book before he knew the students would all gather to do spirit week activities. He was a new student and felt a bit out of place here, even as he helped make a name for himself by helping out with the more rambunctious supers. This school was full of them. He had a feeling this year would be one to remember.

Lettie, meanwhile, drifted across the room. She was humming to herself, oblivious, and as only a torso and head. Suddenly she squealed, accidently running into another student and splattering sloppy joe actoss her flowery blouse.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-17 07:55:02
(If I can join, that'd be great!)

Ghost walked over to a guy that was sitting alone. She blew her black hair with blonde highlights out of her eyes. She winked at him, and moved her black shirt a little off her shoulder. She knew that she was new, but he seemed to be too. She heard a squeal behind her and she turned. A drop of sloppy joe dropped on her pale white nose. She rubbed it off with a napkin, and got up. She shoved the kid who ran into the 'flower girl'. For a 16 year old, she was strong. She silently managed to get the kid away, off to the napkins and told him to help the 'flower girl' clean off her blouse. Ghost lifted up a black boot, and turned around. She walked back to the table and sat down, eating quietly away at a piece of fish. Though people 'like her' seemed to eat souls to others, gothic's eat whatever they want!

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{bisected} (#99119)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-26 15:36:00
Remy glanced up from his meal as the fire was put out. He was glad that this would be his last year here, then he could go out and maybe doing something. Maybe was the keyword, because how could a paraplegic superhero actually save anyone? He slipped a few carrots down to his service dog and looked but up to see another student run into a ghostly looking girl. Wybert, the service dog, looked on as he too was splattered with sloppy joe. "You know, I don't know why they serve those at schools." He spoke to Wybert even though he probably couldn't understand him. He flicked his fingers, a sign to his dog that he was free to eat the spilled sloppy joe if he so wanted too. Remy's gaze wandered over the various faces, both old and new. It would be an interesting year for sure if this lunch period was going to be a reflection of the year.

A bright blue haired girl wandered through the cafeteria, her nose buried in a book. She was trying to figure out exactly what caused her uncontrollable episodes of power. Evangeline could control her powers for the most part, except when some unknown factor triggered her. The junior feared that she may not be able to graduate next year if she couldn't get it under control. She set herself down at a table, not noticing the new guy and girl already sitting there. She mumbled to herself while flipping through the pages. The book was worn with a tan leather cover and a language that was definitely not english. "Why couldn't they just translate these books sometimes." She huffed, not realizing she spoke out loud. It seemed like most of the information on her powers where from foreign countries and forgotten authors. Luckily she had by this point gotten better at learning new languages, evident by the quickly scrawled writing in her notebook.

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SarielsWings (#98511)

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Posted on
2016-12-29 11:08:22
Perdix's eyes drifted from the text as other students sat down next to him and moved the table slightly as they sat down. He was actually a bit surprised people had chosen to join him... but this was perhaps only because people really hadn't paid too much attention yet. And the girls hadnt joined him together, so he wondered if they were drawn by a new-kid kinship or if they had just plopped down in the first open seat they found.

Always a bit of an introvert, he wasnt quite sure how to talk to them just yet. He read over his page a bit more, sneaking glances at the ladies to try and read them as well. They looked like a fellow bookworm and a goth. And the latter helped the little sloppy joe accident he tried to ignore just a minute earlier. Interesting.
"What are you reading, if you dont mind me asking?" Perdix asked, becoming interested in the worn book of the girl with bright blue hair. He also looked at the goth girl eating fish for a second as well, but blushed a bit as he remembered glancing at her as she moved her shirt off her shoulder.

Lettie had poofed shortly after her little run in. Her body floated, invisible and incorporeal as the mess she created was taken care of. She only reapped when she was ready, and a little red in the face, at a table across from an older student and his dog.
"Hi!" Her voice was cheery and perhaps a bit too high. She fiddled with a water bottle, spilling it a bit as she opened it but tried to keep her fading hands in a solid form. It was harder, she knew, when she was embarassed. She had to keep control.
"I... I, er, I like your dog." Lettie gave a slightly crooked smile as she tried to make conversation, "I appreciate that he''s cleaning up my mess too."

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-29 11:15:54
Ghost held her head up with her hands on the table, uninterested in conversation. She wasn't much of a converstation starter, and she was a little socially awkward, but she tried. "So, anyone NOT a super-villain wanna be?"

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{bisected} (#99119)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-29 15:22:44
( Evangeline Brynwick @ Eva-Mairéad
Energy generation and manipulation. She is able to to summon and control different forms of energy. The energy forms mostly appear to be of an Mauveine hue. She can use it in both a defensive and offensive attack. She has issues completely controlling it, it seems extreme emotions cause the worst episodes. 17(junior) Female & short. Dreamer, easily distracted, & emotional. appearance -

Rembrandt Holt @ Eva-Mairéad
Healing factor. His healing factor is to the extreme, able to heal any injury. The only downside is he cannot heal himself. 18(Senior) Male & paralyzed waist down. Kind, patient, & hopeless romantic(don't flirt, becomes a mess). appearance - )

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