Posted by The Fall of Babel (Adventure)

Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-30 13:16:23

Main Roleplay Thread


The time is roughly 2AM March 9th, of the year 4907 the setting is in the immediate area surrounding the massive New Tower. Set on the plains of Shinar, in the ancient country called Babylonia. This civilization, conveniently tucked in the Fertile Crescent near the Persian Gulf, is one with no rivals. There are few peoples strong enough and large enough to even compare to the massive city. It has all the latest technology and is preparing to take over the entire world in fact. There is no civilization that has not felt the power of Babel nor seen the military might it possesses. Every single person on Earth is fearful of what will happen if the mighty country succeeds in claiming the world as its own.
As for Babel, all its citizens believe they are far more than mere humans, they are immortals in their own eyes. In the eyes of the world they are monsters, not one of them deserves what they have. Sadly enough that would seem to be the truth. Babylonia is so rich her inhabitants have no need to work, or at least they didn’t until now.
Today was going to be a special day, the best day of Babylonia’s long life.....

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Edited on 30/11/16 @ 20:18:38 by Sumriaias(Sumria) (#32475)

Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-11-30 13:55:15
Name: Acteon Emil
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Acteon is a straightforward, cold sort of person who should be looked to with the up most respect. His expression is set in a stony sort of grim line, his eyes are dark and of a indeterminable color often set in a horrible glare. His hair is short and shaggy, falling in rough dark auburn colored curls.
His frame is light and muscular, he is smaller than most would expect, but then again he is an assassin and prefers to keep himself small and light as possible. Often clothed in dark fabric his lower face is more often than not covered in a black mask. His favorite weapon tends to be his extremely powerful and silent Air Gun, a more shady sort of weapon only gotten through the black market.
Personality: Whether ye be enemy or friend the best angle to get on the good side of Acteon is to respect him and to try to not mess up. He is cold and distant, often coming across as harsh, but he has only the good of the people in mind with every action he takes.
What side are you on?: Head of the D.E.E he is also the Assassin that took out the President.
History: (Is not mandatory.)
Kin: Some of his family would be effected horribly by the take over of Babylonia.


Name: Xochitl
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Her small round face is framed in medium length very dark colored hair, which is often kept up in a braid or more often than not a bun. Her eyes are wide and brilliantly blue. Her frame is slight and whispy and she often looks far more weak than she really is. She is fairly muscular but still very slight of frame and easily underestimated.
Personality: Xochitl is... a bit of a hot head. She can think clearly through her anger and can use it to her advantage. She prefers to think of herself as a tomboy and a bit of a rougher character. While she sees herself like this her family views her as more of a overprotective puppy dog.
What side are you on?: Currently a Civilian, she has not yet picked a side.
History: (Is not mandatory.)
Kin: Her father was a part of the C.C until he was disabled in the service.

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-11-30 15:52:34

Atlanta Reid

:: Quote ::
”I'm a little unsteady,”

:: Age ::

:: Gender ::

:: Sexual Orientation ::
Asexual | Demiromantic

:: Occupation ::
D.E.E Sniper

:: Weapon ::
An M24 sniper rifle with silencer.
Once belonging to his father who was a military sniper.

:: Personality ::
Stoic and emotionless, members who have been with the D.E.E for quite some time have learned that he'd rather be left to his own devices when not on a mission. Choosing to mind his business rather than worry about others, and rarely ever speaks out unless absolutely necessary. He might even come across as uncaring, but in all honesty it seems as if he's just lost the ability to do so. Unless of course one of his comrades were facing the hand of death and only he were there to prevent that, he'd be quick to act. Though this would be rare due to his PTSD, and fear of actually being present on the battlefield. After what some have guessed to be his tragic past, he chose to stay in the air and be a sort of look out for groups out on missions. Himself and his sniper watching for any possible threats at a safe and violence free position. Which would lead others to believe him selfish, and he's not gained many friends among the group due to this. He doesn't show any signs of sadness or rejection when called out an his “fearful” actions, and looks rather unfazed by it all. But as stone-faced as he seems in the eyes of others, he tosses and turns, even wakes screaming in the dead of night. If anyone notices they fail to mention, and sometimes he wishes they would.

:: Brief History ::
Doesn't like to speak about it.
Though some have guessed that it might be very tragic.

:: Description ::
Standing at 6’0 and weighing around 170 pounds, Atlanta is a fairly strong looking boy with a lean physique, blending in well with his height. He has a small build of muscle, most of it residing in his forearms and biceps from carrying the M24 around everywhere he goes. His face is round with a faint hint of jawline, a sharp nose with a round tip, and drooping honey eyes that seem to be barren of any emotion. His skin is a pale peach, contrasting strongly against his faint russet curls that hang over his eyes and ears, sticking up around his head. He has a fading of freckles over the bridge of his nose and pouring over onto his right cheek, as well as on his shoulders beneath the loose button ups he wears.

:: Relationships ::
| Father |
After dying of his wounds, it hit Atlanta hard. His father was a sort of role model for him, and he holds the M24 sniper rifle very dear because of this.

| Mother |
Slowly lost her mind and wandered off from their property years ago. He hasn't seen her sense, and has stopped looking

| Brother |
A strong willed boy who was desperate to help his family in their hardships. Though he passed while doing so, and apart of Atlanta blames himself.

| Acteon |
He doesn't know exactly how to feel about the D.E.E leader, and follows him solely for his view on stopping the so called "new world" from commencing. Though he thinks his distant and harsh personality is a little strange for someone taking such a position in a rebellion.

| Khalave |
Respects her for joining them in the fight, but is a little confused as to why she hasn't fully committed to their side yet. A part of him failing to trust her.

:: Theme Song ::
Unsteady ~ X Ambassadors

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Edited on 01/12/16 @ 15:49:04 by NaiPherah (#88158)

Zoë (#100691)

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Posted on
2016-12-01 03:50:30
Name: Ashara Maon
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heteroflexible
Appearance: Ashara is a woman that in many ways looks the way she acts. Although somewhat slight of build, she is defined and toned from physically taxing work, and her face is as stern as her attitude. Cheekbones sharp enough to cut yourself on, hair long, dark brown and pin straight. Usually pinned up and out of her face, as not to be in the way - she didn't spend enough time in the field for her hair to be of all too much concern. Her skin a soft fawn shade of brown, bordering on taupe when having spent too much time out of the sun. Her wide, yet somewhat slanted eyes made her a bit more human, a bit more soft in her expressions, but coupled with her lithe body and generally expressionless face, they did little to help her image.
Personality: Ashara is a woman of rules and order - you have to be, raising your 12 year old little sister at 17. She sees how the world, in her view, would fall into chaos, should the pre-established system collapse, and is terrified of this. Stubborn to a fault, she can seem cold and angry for the most part, but when it comes down to it she cares all too much. She simply worries for the future of the country and her sister. For that reason, she tries to keep herself and her world as together as possible, and is an excellent strategist and organizer. Hence her organising position within the CC.
What side are you on? CC. Her prefered weapon is her silent, but deadly handgun.
History: Raising her sister on her own wasn't the easiest of jobs, but the pay from climbing the hierarchical latter at Crudelis Civis, did in part make up for it. 'Nothing good is ever easy, nothing easy is ever worth it.' is her motto, and she worked tooth and nail for everything she and her sister have today.
Kin: Her only living kin is her uncle, who she doesn't speak to, and her sister Khalave.


Name: Khalave Maon
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Like her sister, she very much looks the way she acts. However, she is completely unlike her sister. Wide, doe-brown eyes are the focus point in the heart shaped face of hers, cheeky grin and dimples usually drawing the observers eyes second. There is a small gap between her two front teeth, adding an extra layer of childish charm to her looks. Her prolonged exposure, and a devil-may-care attitude towards sun blockers, has given her a deeper, more caramel complexion and freckles across the bridge of her nose and shoulders. Her deep brown hair falls in whisps and curls around her face, bold and wild like her personality, and rarely in anything more complex than a messy bun. She's shorter than her sister, with more curves to her body.
Personality: Khalave is a wild child, free of spirit and heart. She burns more for justice, and a new world, revolution, than that 'stable, known is better than unknown' mentality of her sister. Having felt near suffocated and supressed by not only the totalitarian regime, but also the household of her sister, it is perhaps not surprising she'd taken the turn for supporting Domus Exasperans Est. Still meeting and helping them (quite eagerly) in secret from her sister, she does her best to aid the operation with her inside knowledge, and hopes to fight with them proper in the near future.
What side are you on? D.E.E - She prefers her small throwing knives.
Kin: Ashara Moan

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2016-12-01 06:07:09

Acace Johnson

18 Years



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Acace is a bit on the quiet side, but when needed his personality can flip an 180, He goes from quiet to a cocky, loud and flirtatious. Acace is extremely Loyal to those who see what he sees. Acace stands on his own but when he makes allies that he trust, he is honest and kind of a smart ass

What side are you on?
He prefers to have two small swords or two small axes to fight with

Acace doesn't share much of his history, only that he was raised by his uncle and he had younger twin brothers

Mother- Unknown
Uncle- Passed on
Brothers- Missing

Adan Johnson

17 years



Appearance: X

Adan is much louder than his younger brother, he tends to think before he acts and causes him to get into fights his brother has to get him out of, he's a bit of a jerk and lives up to his reputation he has with others

What side are you on?
Extremely new agent, He likes the two handed sword

He knows his older brother is still alive and is looking for him

Mother- Unknown
Uncle- Passed on
Brother- Searching for him

Andries Johnson

17 years



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Andries is definitely the quieter twin, he doesn't act out and tends to just watch others and learn weaknesses, he likes to use words against people and becomes quite confident and cocky when someone doesn't know how to argue against his large words

What side are you on?
Just a Citizen right now

He knows his older brother is still alive and is looking for him

Mother- Unknown
Uncle- Passed on
Brother- Searching for him

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Edited on 04/12/16 @ 20:11:21 by Minniexx (#62827)

{bisected} (#99119)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-04 13:08:52
All of the pictures are links to their original sources.

Name: Brendan “Danny” Scrys
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: A gentle giant who has been walked over perhaps to many times to count. So now he has closed up, protecting what little bit of kindness left. He does what is best for him, what will provide the best outcome for himself. Yet he does occasionally give, knowing it is the right thing to do, to provide for others, to stand up for those that can not. But there is little of that softness for most, he does have a fierce temper that he tries to control for the most part. However it often does get the best of him, releasing a terrifying rage. He will lash out at how ever is in range, even if it is a loved one. That causes almost instant regret, something he can never forgive himself for doing. So he has learned to keep away from those he cares for and live in solitude. Yet it leaves him with a sense of loneliness and a type of guilt. Danny covers it up with his booming laughter and expressive eyes. He can be quite the party animal, doing first thinking later. But that by no means makes him unintelligent. His mind is always running, figuring out the best solutions for the current problem, not matter what it is.
What side are you on? D.E.E, his preferred weapon is an assortment of knives, a hunting knife being his favorite.
History: will be roleplayed out
Kin: Both parents imprisoned by the state, girlfriend killed in the initial chaos, and sole caretaker of infant daughter, Iphigenia.

Name: Oli Lang
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Panel XVI
Personality: A wanderer, a lost soul. She dreams in color, vivid patterns and movements. Yet she lives in a world of black and white. Shoved down and trodden on, yet her child like wonder of the world is still there. Her cheery greetings and gentle voice make her nonthreatening. Making friends is not an issue for her, but they never really get to know the deepest part of her. The part that holds grief and anger. Hatred for the lack of answers she receives. How she is always treated like a child, never told the truth or given the real tasks. For underneath the childlike exterior she holds rage and twisted morals. Her cruel words are often held back as she sees no need to add hate to the world. She strives to support those who need it. Her only want is to better this world.
What side are you on? D.E.E., her preferred weapon is a dual set of bladed fans.
History: will be roleplayed out
Kin: Both parents deceased and only child. Parents died mysteriously after challenging the government.

Name: Victor Iliescu
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Perhaps a bit aloof or cold at first, he does eventually warm up. Sarcasm and a sharp quip are his two best weapons. Yet under that he is actually a decent person, though he is not one to share his emotions. He tends to take on the fatherly or protective role in his friendships. He seems hesitant to let others close to him, almost always doubting people's motives. But his morals are unwavering, they stay steady, bowing to no one. He works for himself, trying to further himself. But if one truly needs the help, he will do so. Yet he will hold it over your head and extort it for his own use. If you can truly get past all of those barriers and negative qualities. He will be a sweetheart, protective and nurturing. His word will no longer be harsh, rather they take on a whole new quality, gentleness.
What side are you on? C.C., his preferred weapon is a new-age crossbow.
History: will be roleplayed out
Kin: Grew up with his grandmother, told various stories that all contradicted each other.

Name: Emilia Valkeryn
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
On Tiptoes
Personality: A stunner for sure. Gorgeous and seemingly perfect. Her words float along the air like silk. Her eyes send such a seductive glance. Her body moves with all the grace of the dancer she is. Yet there is more behind the perfect girl image. Her motives are selfish, her word vindictive. Her actions treading the line of right and wrong. Yet it is the only way she knows. Part of her wishes she could be something more. But she just continues on her way of bribery and lies. There is the slightest bit of hope for her though. If someone stays around her long enough she does loosen up. See her eyes twinkle with laughter or a gentle touch. Trusting others has been the hardest thing for her. She would rather feign friendship and keep herself safe. For that is what she knows best, having grown up in the troubled world she knows.
What side are you on? C.C., her preferred weapon is a dual set of small haladies.
History: will be roleplayed out
Kin: Grew up a ward of the state

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Edited on 26/12/16 @ 21:46:36 by Eva-Mairéad (#99119)

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