Posted by Into The Wilderness:: Character Sheets

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-10 06:30:32

Main Roleplay Thread


Please make sure you've been accepted here before posting a character sheet!

Mercer :: Sophie
Decided by Leaders during RP
Aurora :: Kaya
Hades :: Altair
Lucifer :: Kohana



ιт'ѕ αℓℓ ιи α иαмє

Eight Years Old
Siberian Tiger

ѕςяαριиg тнє ѕкιи

Like all tigers, Mercer is built for hunting. He is quite large weighing in a 650 pounds, most of which is muscle. He is just under 9 feet long from head to tail, making him the largest member of his tribe. His coat is typical to his species, with a rust colored base and black stripes of varying thickness. His white underside helps him to hide in the snowy conditions, while the white accents on his face accentuate his masculinity.
Unique Differentiations:
In proportion to his body, Mercer's legs appear to be borderline too short. However, they are very strong and well-developed.

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Mercer is a very quiet cat who keeps himself, even with cats he knows. He would rather listen to what's going on around him then make his opinion known, however anyone who looks closely at him can tell that he is paying attention to everything being said. Mercer has been referred to as manipulative in the past, and perhaps this is true. He doesn't do it intentionally or maliciously, so others still tend to trust this tiger.

When he does speak up, Mercer is very soft spoken. He wont even raise his voice to be heard during important conversations or verbal disagreements. In fact, this cat tends not to waste time on exchanging words. He is quick to unsheathe his dangerous claws when he feels threatened, and he has a reputation for ending drama before it has the chance to start. However he is fair with his 'punishments', often leaving things with a simple club to the ears much like a mother would do with her cubs.

Unlike some of the cats he shared the 'rescue' with, Mercer was born in captivity. He and his littermates were born to an older tigress that the humans held captive. However, his mother had fallen ill during her pregnancy and the cubs were born smaller than normal. Three of them passed during that first cold night, and the rest came very close. Luckily for Mercer, the humans were quick to take the survivors and raise them while giving their mother a much needed break. No more tigers died after that first night, and as they grew older the humans decided their fates for them. Mercer's sisters were shipped off to other facilities for their breeding facilities while Mercer was kept as a candidate to continue the species at home.

When he reached maturity, Mercer was placed in a cage with a younger, unrelated tigress. At first he was met with claws and fangs, but eventually the two grew close enough to mate. Immediately after their mating, the female was removed and when she returned she carried the scent of milk, but there was no other sign of cubs. To this day, Mercer has not asked about the litter.

Yes, but he knows no details about them.
Devotion Level:

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Edited on 17/01/17 @ 09:38:17 by Transkitty (#101285)

Fall Out Boy (#78868)

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Posted on
2017-01-10 08:29:08
Image removed by staff


Four years.


Snow Leopard.

Physical Features:
Height: 23 inches

Length: 40 inches

Tail: 37 inches.

Similar to her species that live in higher altitudes, Aurora is wrapped in the finest of alabaster fur that take on a blueish hue in direct light with spots and rings made up of onyx to hazel strands paired with a brilliant auric gaze. Her size imitates that of a slightly above average female, just by an inch or so although her weight stays at an average seventy pounds made of pure lean muscle, and trim fat that supplies her body with the warmth it needs to live in such frozen climates.

Not much is known on how a snow leopard would act socially amongst others, even so in private, however for Aurora she is a well deserved feline. She would prefer it if she be left alone and not be bothered unless it was important, she built a foundation of trust with you already or she sparks the conversation first. She is a rather docile female as well, shy and quiet as she prefers to observe than be a social butterfly. But once trust is established she is gentle and sweet til provoked then her claws and fangs come out and blood that is not hers will be shed.

Unlike many of the felines that were born in captivity and bred there, Aurora was born in the wilds of the frozen mountains in central Asia. Her litter mates consisted of herself and her brother that shares her colors except for his gaze which is a rare shade of sapphire. It is rare for felines in the wild to be gifted such a shade but not uncommon amongst her kind. Some are even born with gray or green eyes and even bronze colored pelts. For two years she lived with her family unit til it came time for them to separate and begin their own lives. She would stick to the territory near her mother's for her first year or so on her own before moving further away. However she wasn't seven months into her new life before she felt a sharp pin prick in her flank and out she went to the darkness. Several hours later she awoke in a strange metal cage with a heavy collar around her neck that smelt of dead animals. Some kindof human contraption. For almost two years she lived in captivity, being showed to humans as what they call, an endangered species and was used while drugged as a show piece in schools and exhibits. When the time came for her to breed, she instead his from the males advances and received a smack to her nose that left a trio of claw marks that would forever brand her. Now that she is free, time would only tell.

To be decided further on.

None. NPC will take effect in roleplay.


It is unknown to her if her original family is alive and well as true to her kind, she lived a solitary life for a good few months before her brash youth got her trapped in a poachers trap. The last she'd seen of her brother and mother was when they separated for the first and last time at their old densite. If they are alive and well, she wishes to find them and see them atleast once more in her lifetime.

OOC: Just placing this here. Still working on it, heh.


Sourced by Giphy. Credit to the Narnia movies.

Name: Altair

Age: 7 Years.

Rank: Citizen

Gender: Male

Species: African Lion

Weight: 450 lb

Length: 8.2 ft

Height: 4.0 ft

Description: A dense skeletal system covered with thick and hard muscle that powers his immense frame. Colors ranging from dark auric to light alabaster cover his bodice with a mane that reaches to his mid abdomen. Scars paint his handsome frame in several spots. The largest running from his hip to his left rear limb from where he was hit by a poacher with its Jeep. Claw marks from his old pride of lioness' and rivals mark his backside and shoulders from years of fighting and keeping a strong hold on his territory.

Personality: Being an old prince and king in his prime even when captured by those damned humans, he acts like he has. Intelligent. Reserved. Kind to some.

Relationships: No mate, he takes many wives. He has had many litters but has not seen them in almost three years. His own family is spread throughout northern Africa. Several brothers and sisters.

Devotion: High, but keep in mind he takes more than one female.

History: WIP

(More coming later.)

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Edited on 15/01/17 @ 20:31:01 by Fall Out Boy (#78868)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-10 08:51:28

Photographer: Seb Photos

Name: Kaya

Age: 5 Years

Gender: Female

Species: Panther (Melanistic jaguar)

Rank: (Hopefully delegate) Citizen

Large for a female, Kaya's entire body is covered in sleek black fur and lean muscles built for running and hunting. With a weight of 120 Ibs, she is a small big cat, but it allows her to run faster and get through the dense jungles that were native to her homeland. She was the biggest female in her tribe before she was captured and relocated. Standing at 2.5 ft tall at the shoulder, with an added 5 inches for her neck and head, Kaya can bring down a male of her species easily. From the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail, Kaya is just over 6.3 ft long.

Unique differences:
Instead of her entire body being jet black, Kaya's fur grows to a dark brown at her stomach, allowing her spots to show through.

Fierce and intrepid, Kaya would do anything to protect those she cares about. She will charge head-first into a fight no matter how impossible it may seem, and she will never back down. Despite being stubborn and headstrong, she is actually quite calm most of the time, and usually keeps to herself. Though young, life has taught her how to survive, and she has become wise because of it.

History: When only 2 years of age, Kaya left the safety of her tribe to go hunting. While following an unfamiliar scent, she was caught in a human trap, and was soon after drugged and captured. When she awoke, she was in a loud and smelly place, with bars all around her. It was nothing like where she had come from. And that was where she stayed until the great storm.


None (Open)

Devotion Level:
Extremely High

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Edited on 12/01/17 @ 21:43:08 by Arcan (#97595)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-01-10 08:56:26



Six years


Bengal Tiger


8'11" & 265 lbs

Physical Uniqueness:
Sophie has the wide band gene which causes her fur to be softer then most tigers, her orange to become paler then others and her stripes to be a darker orange rather then black. She also has an ear ripped from the tip almost down to the base from fighting with a male she had previously been paired with at a different facility.

Personality (gist):
- trust issues
- attacks first, asks questions later
- hates snow
- acts cold and distant but is actually fairly sensitive and caring
- has a major soft spot for cubs
- When it comes to tribe affairs, she will leave settling disputes and discipline to Mercer. Her responsibilities will be hunts, cubs and keeping the courtyard and den clean.

This tigress is the product of multiple generations of line breeding and inbreeding for the wide band gene that causes the oh so popular golden tigers and near stripe-less white tigers. These unscrupulous and irresponsible breeding practices have caused issues in her line. Thankfully, the only issue that has resulted for Sophie is bad fertility, which her mother also had. She was the sole cub of her litter and therefore did not get the ever important socialization that comes with siblings. Before she was even old enough to be weaned, she was taken from her mother and placed in an "Experience" program. Here, people were allowed to hold her and take pictures with her for a price. Most of this time, she was drugged so it's all fairly hazy for her. What followed were years in a small cage owned by a traveling zoo until she was sexually mature. Repeated failed breedings caused her to be bounced around from facility to facility and put with ever increasingly aggressive males until she finally landed in this last place where she was paired with Mercer. Previous experiences caused her to be suspicious and aggressive towards him until finally, with time, she grew to trust him and even feel some form of affection towards him. Their mating was the first to result a pregnancy but she was removed from Mercer before her cub was born and hidden in a back room away from public eyes. She gave birth to one cub and did not get to keep him for more then a couple of days before he was ripped away and she was put back in the same cage with Mercer.

1 cub, unknown status


Devotion Level to Mate:

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Edited on 28/01/17 @ 07:41:45 by Jalesi (#99503)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-13 12:30:09

"Now I've got thicker skin. I'm a warrior, I'm stronger than I've ever been and my armor is made of steel, you can't get in. I'm a warrior and you can never hurt me."

5 years, 2 months


Siberian Tiger (85%) x Jaguar (15%)

( Applying for Delegate :3 )

A fearsome, yet attractive, Bengal Tiger with fur of a variety of colors, including a orange color, white markings, and black stripes. Along with this, the fearsome brute has an intimidating, yet captivating, yellow eye and white eye that intensely stare at others as if he's staring into their soul. A gaze so intimidating, if one was to keep eye contact with him, one's gaze would soon avert away from the unfriendly stare. Standing at a fearsome 3.9 feet (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 600 pounds (most of it muscle), Hades is certainly larger than most felines, close to the size of a male lion, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, like his father before him. Being around 9 feet long and as tall and heavy as mentioned before, he is actually as large as their fearsome leader, Mercer. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from his father+by himself), and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Hades is a tiger known to strike fear into others, having a fearsome appearance, and he's a bit infamous among tigers; he is known to be strategic, intelligent, powerful, and merciless. Being part jaguar, this tiger has benefited from his parents breeding choice. From his tiger father, he got size and good looks, then from his jaguar heritage, he got the strong bite, as Jaguars have the strongest bite force of all felines, with long razor sharp fangs similar to those of their prehistoric ancestors, the sabertooth cat.

This broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including one down in between his eyes from his mortal enemy [OPEN], a long one down/across the left side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, yet noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). The most significant, of course, is his white eye. But no one knows why its white, and no one asks. The fighter also has many other various scars on his pelt (look to the picture above), but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Despite all the scars Hades wears, the brute is still an attractive tiger, though he does appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his fur, scars, piercing eyes, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.

Some unique physical qualities about Hades are his eye and his teeth. His left eye (his POV) is as white as a cloud in the blue sky, from an incident he experienced as a younger, abused cub. His teeth are extremely long and sharp, very similar to those of the long extinct sabertooth cats that his breed descended from.

Living a life tainted by loss, Hades is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Hades is a very quick-to-fight brute and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Hades. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a group, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Hades is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Hades is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a significant other/mate, he'd probably eventually be interested in having children.

In the midst of a dark forest, a rogue watched as his mate gave birth to three pups: Hades, Ajax, and Vivian. The first born, Hades, was the strongest of the litter and would grow up to be a very powerful and fearsome brute. As expected for a group of rogue wolves, the family grew up harsh. Not that much food or water. Not to mention, an abusive father, Claw, who beat them as a way to deal with his anger at their situation. Their mother, Petal, although she would cry when they were beat, was helpless against the bastard she was forced to called her mate. Too weak to take the beatings, Ajax, the runt, soon died- the starvation, dehydration, and beatings too much for his already frail body.. Hades himself was the strongest of the two and even defended himself against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Hades stronger in the end.

About a week after Hades and Vivian turned a year old, his mother gave birth to another litter, yet there were only two pups in this one, a male and a female. The first born of the two was Violet and the male was Ghost. With Hades being a little more than a year old, Petal planned on running with the kits, knowing the older brother and Vivian would be able to help. And it almost worked. They waited till Claw was gone hunting before they left. But he came back early. Furious that his mate and kits even thought of leaving him, the scary male attacked Ghost and killed him before attacking Vivian and violently leaving her mangled body on the ground before he attacked Petal, who tried her best to defend Violet. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed by a strong bite to the throat. Looking down at his mother's body in sadness and anger, Hades looked up at his father, hatred shining in his fiery eyes. He attacked his father and the two battled for a long, long time but Hades, fueled by rage and loss, soon defeated the male. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away.

Then Hades grabbed Violet by the scruff and ran. A month after the male turned two, the two were attacked by a bear, guarding his home apparently. During the attack, Hades had grabbed Violet and hidden her in a bush before running as fast as he could, the will to keep the bear from his sister fueling him. He lead the bear away from his sister, but the two were never reunited. Having lost the bear, he went back to the bush and found his sister nowhere to be found. He followed the trail but never found her.

~ Jupiter [Father - Hate] [Deceased; killed by Hades]
~ Iris [Mother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Jupiter]
~ Ajax, Violet, Ghost [Other siblings] [Deceased; killed by Jupiter]
~ Vivian [Little Sister - Love / Protects] [Alive] [OPEN]

~ Crush: Aurora
~ Mate: N/A
~ Offspring: Open (mate required first unless adopted)
~ Best Friend: Aurora
~ Enemy: Open (can be more than one, I have a small plot >:3)

Pm me if interested <3

Warrior - Demi Lovato

Hi! :3
Resulting in his size, Hades suffers from VERY minor Gigantism.

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Edited on 15/01/17 @ 22:51:46 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-01-15 14:03:39
Name: Lucifer
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Species: Lion (White Variety)
Personality: Lucifer is a nice lioness unless you get on her bad side, then she is a lioness from hell. Her white eyes seem to turn a hazy red color when she's pissed. TBD actually.
HEIGHT/WEIGHT Stands at 3.7 feet and weighs in at 300 LBS
- Heights
- Bears
- Fast Moving Water
- Speed
- Strength
Mate/Crush: OPEN
Rank: Uh.. .Citizen?
Lucifer was born as an outcast, though to a loner who was out deep in a forest with bears around. She was the only of the litter with a white pelt, the other had died before birth. Having its umbilical cord wrapped around it's throat. She was tortured by her siblings, having also been the smallest. Though as she grew, and grew, they were soon MUCH smaller then she. Luci even weaned faster than the twins who had been born Much bigger. Upon being weaned, and growing to a year old. Though one of the twins was sucked away in the rapids when they were six months old, the other and her mother being mauled by a bear. Now Lucifer was the only left, and now resides with the tribe/pride.
She has white eyes

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Edited on 16/01/17 @ 21:12:39 by Wolflord (PM me for Work days) (#17200)

Wikina (#78263)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-17 02:19:41

[ still need to do his history and fix up some stuff! Should be all finished by tomorrow. ]

K o h a n a

sioux name meaning 'swift'

name / Kohana
gender / male
age / three years old
species / cheetah
rank / citizen

measurements & weight / he is relatively small for a cheetah, standing 30 inches at the shoulder and weighing in at 110 lbs. From the tip of his nose to the end of his slender tail, he is just above 6' in length.

physical appearance / Kohana has a lightly built body and long legs made for running. Although he may be a smaller specimen of his species, he is still a tall cat who effortlessly manages to capture the cheetah’s natural grace in his movements. The golden shade of his fur fades to a soft white on his stomach and throat, and his spots gradually become black rings near the tip of his tail. The fur along the back of his neck is slightly thicker than the rest of his pelt.

"Where will you go now you've no home?"

personality / a reclusive and cautious individual by nature, Kohana dislikes being around other animals. He would much rather spend his time alone and he isn’t exactly the most pleasant feline to be around, either. His cynical persona and dry, sarcastic remarks tend to grate on the nerves of his fellows. Beneath the critical examination of a keen eye, however, it becomes clear he does not mean to be as rude and ill-tempered as he sounds. In many ways it is a defense mechanism, almost similar to a porcupine sticking out its quills to prevent being bitten.

Kohana is skittish and unsure of the world around him, and if left to his own devices will sit quietly on the sidelines, simply watching things unfold. A survivalist at his core, he is prone to turning tail at the first sign of danger. Beneath the scathing comments there is a kind, if somewhat prickly, soul, and it shows in the wistful smile that ghosts across his expression when thinking of his homeland or the soft lilt to his voice when he comes out of his shell enough to joke around.

history / w.i.p
mate / none, not currently looking for a mate or any sort of relationship.
sexuality / demisexual
other / more to be added

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Edited on 17/01/17 @ 23:06:51 by Wikina (#78263)

Sage (#98372)

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Posted on
2017-01-18 01:19:37



Name: Rabi
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Species: Cougar
Rank: Citizen

Smaller than the average cougar, Rabi stands at a height of twenty-five inches at the shoulder and weighs in at 132 lb. When outstretched his tail reaches 27" long, adding to his body length of 78".

Physical Appearance
Sporting a white chin, light green eyes, small rounded ears and a black tail tip, an ombre of dark to light brown fur covers the young cougar's body, accompanied by barely visible spots across his flanks. His back legs are both longer and more muscular than the front due to his jumping capabilities.

Though considered small for his species, Rabi reaches an amazing length of 8’.

Childish, impulsive and naive, Rabi thrives off of attention. When bored the male can usually be found pestering the other citizens, annoying them by mimicking their actions and/or speech, or even walking in between those having a conversation; he’s rude and obnoxious, sometimes without even realizing it, and has a rather loud voice as well.

As young and inexperienced as he may be, the cougar is fairly capable at hunting down smaller animals such as rabbits and raccoons, and is slowly getting better with bigger prey such as elk. Still learning, he often takes the time to sit back and observe the more competent cats do the work, practicing what he’d seen and showing off his newly developed skills to anyone willing to watch.

Life in captivity wasn’t the worst, but it certainly wasn’t the best either. Despite being born and raised in a cage, Rabi had never quite gotten used to the constant stares of the humans. They’d point, tease him with their food, were loud enough to make his ears hurt. Thankfully, his mother had been his protector, shielding him and his sisters from prying eyes and hands; she’d always kept a watchful eye on them, making sure they’d eaten, and keeping them safe. As a naive cub, Rabi had assumed that it would always stay that way - the four of them together, but the humans ruined that. At 2 years old they’d taken him from his family and left him isolated in a new, unfamiliar cage without protection, and now he had no one to make sure he ate, no one to keep him warm when he was cold at night. The worst part about it all? He knew he’d never see them again, and he was right.

It had been just over a year later when the piles of snow crushed down as an unforgiving force, breaking cages left and right. It had been a chance at freedom, one that he knew he’d never get again. So with a heavy heart and the feeling of guilt weighing him down, he’d escaped, along with all the other animals that were running for the exit.

None, but available.


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