Posted by The Exiles | Animal pack RP | W.I.P.
Paranoia (#95657)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-01-19 13:11:19

Main Roleplay Thread


Edit this post to list your character sheet form.

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Edited on 19/01/17 @ 22:04:01 by Paranoia (#95657)

Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-01-19 14:20:05

Name: Archie
Age: 2.3 years
Gender: male
Personality: Archie hides behind his smile. He isn't necessarily fake. He just doesn't want anyone to worry. He is very open and honest about most things. But once you wander into a topic he is uncomfortable of. He'll try to instantly shut you down. But most of the time he's bubbly and happy. Energetic if you may. Though. If left alone with his thoughts too long he'll get pessimistic and upset.

Appearance: This male has very long fur and legs. He's very lanky but he manages well. He is a borzoi. Which is a sleek greyhound breed. His nose is a black color but his wavy fur is a white color that has blotches of a rich cream and a darker version of that color. His eyes are a deep green color although he is indeed blind in his right eye he acts like he isn't. His fur is a mix of rough and silly wavy locks which matts easily. He is very quick in speed if dragged back by his fur a little bit.

Orientation: pan
Crush/Mate: na/n
Likes: Running, light, grass, watching birds, playing
Dislikes: fish, dark, moths, and for some reason, small yorkshire terriers.
Strengths: speed, intimidating height,
Weaknesses: long fur, clumsiness, soft heart
Theme song: Love Like You
Quotes: "I always thought, I might be bad- Now i'm sure that it's true. Cause' I think you're so good, and i'm nothing like you!"
Other: I was exiled

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Edited on 20/01/17 @ 16:55:40 by Archie (#104190)

QueenOfGrimm (#101065)

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Posted on
2017-01-19 21:21:16
Age: 2 and 2 months
Gender: Female
Species: Wolfdog (Australian Shepherd x Wolf)
Personality: Maggie is very timid and hardly ever speaks unless spoken to. However there are a selected few individuals who she will be able to talk freely to. Despite how her old pack had treated her she always is smiling and laughing, even when she isn't particularly happy
Orientation: Bisexual
Crush/Mate: Open pm me to discuss
(OptionalHistory: She was born in a pack that was obsessed with keeping the bloodlines clean from any traces of a dog. When Maggie was born her mother knew she wouldn't be welcome so she did her best to keep her hidden however in the middle of when her mother as teaching her to hunt another wolf in her mother's pack found her and attempted to kill her, however her mother came out of no where and protected her, getting mortally injured and began to take her to the exiles. About halfway there her mother died of infection and left Maggie to found her refuge on her own. When she turned 2 years she finally found the pack.
Likes: Deer meat, being around others, the idea of having a family one day, and her pack.
Theme song:
Quotes: Optional)

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Alastor (#102960)

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Posted on
2017-01-20 04:28:34
Name: Hardcastle
Age: Two years and one month
Gender: Male
Species: If it is allowed; Just a simple German Shepherd
Personality: German Shepherds are known to be some of the most obedient, intelligent dogs that were man bred and or created... Hardcastle may be intelligent and clever, but he is more on the grumpy and lazy side. He lets things happen in front of his eyes, not giving a damn in the world. He always thinks that it isn't his problem, but all of the disasters that happened haunt him for the rest of his life. So generally, not very obedient and or active, but he makes for a good nerd friend.
Appearance: Hardcastle is your usual German Shepherd, a black and brown canine with average teeth and a long coat he sheds during summer.
Orientation: Bisexual
Crush/Mate: insert sneezes here
(OptionalHistory: I don't feel like writing a wall of text nobody will read, so there's that problem
Likes: Hardwood floors, wood in general, being alone, the taste of chipmunks, rabbit meat
Dislikes: Idiot pups who don't listen, reverse psychology.
Strengths: Leaping and Planning with a hint of hiding
Weaknesses: any physical activity ever
Theme song: excuse me
Quotes: Optional)
Other: 'I was Exiled'

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Korë (#104224)

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Posted on
2017-01-20 09:17:10

Name: Felan
Age: 5 years
Gender: Female
Species: Brown Bear
Personality: Calm and passionate. The two words that describe Felan the best. Difficult situations always bring out the best in her, she is able to work around a problem without aggression coming into it. However, this can be her downfall. A rather passive bear, she prefers to stay away from fights, but will attack if she has too. Along with that, her intelligence is very high, she learns different things quickly and with her passion driving her forwards she does her best to learn them to the best of her ability.
Appearance: Felan is a typical bear. Mainly. Her body is an average size and her legs slightly longer than normal, however her right eye is blind. Not by her own doing or by someone else, but towards a birth defect.
The large bear in the photos taken by Bobs Wildlife photos.
History: Felan has a simple but sad history. Her previous group was compassionate, but didn't accept those with deformities or with weaknesses. Her mother had bred with a rogue male, not knowing of course of his faulty genetics. Unlike most bears, her mother and her were part of a group, ofcourse knowing that they wouldn't want a deformed bear, she was in hiding for the begining of her life before finally her mother came clean. At this point, the group decided that Felan could stay till she was old enough to fend for herself, and so untill the age of 3 she was safe, and then chased away. After two years she found The Exiles, a place to call home.
Orientation: Hetero-sexual
Crush/Mate: None, open.
Likes: Berries, rabbit meat, herbs, flowers and socialisation.
Dislikes: Fights and aggressive others.
Strengths: Long distance running, hunting and foraging.
Weaknesses: Her sight.
Theme song: Sound the Bugle.
Quotes: "There is no need for violence, when words can mend the broken pieces."
Other: Wears a feathered chain round her neck.
'I was Exiled'

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Edited on 20/01/17 @ 19:15:51 by Korë (#104224)


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Posted on
2017-01-20 09:35:19

2 years and 1 month
Husky (if allowed)
Solstice is snarky and usually sarcastic. She is known as selfish and inclined to aid no one in any situation. She grew up with the phrase, "Survival of the fittest."
She has a white coat, laced with black and gray. Solstice has a muscular build under her thick coat. She has golden-brown eyes.
Crush/Mate:. N/A
Solstice grew up in a pack where she was seen as "too violent to be kept around others". Her mother and father had grown distant. After a fight with the alpha's kin, she was exiled to live the life of a rogue. She had traveled, stumbling upon the pack after she'd reached her second year.
Hunting, the sensation of running down a breezy slope, the heat in a battle
Pups, annoyances, other living organisms
Because of Solstice's muscular build, she can usually overpower her opponents. She also has quite a large amount of endurance.
When frustrated, Solstice often attacks blindly out of anger.
Theme song:.
"It isn't my fault, is it? Only the strong survive."
I was exiled.

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Edited on 21/01/17 @ 17:21:49 by Chocolate-Sama (#101071)

lily (#104300)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-20 10:43:53

♦ Name ♦
Catarina, "Cat" for short
( A cruel joke from her mother )
♦ Age ♦
Adult, 2 years
♦ Gender ♦
♦ Species ♦
♦ Personality ♦
Fierce and aggressive. Cat tends to stick around the edges of the pack, being a loner by nature. She's lazy and opportunistic in the finest form of the word. While she doesn't intend to make friends, and often yells, hisses, or otherwise berates other pack mates, she at least makes an attempt to stay on the higher-ups good side. Despite her laziness and aggression, she will protect the pack with her life and is truly loyal to it. The concept of a pack is sacred to her, and she would feel lost without it.
♦ Appearance ♦
Cat bears rounded features- round ears, round eyes, and, strikingly, a round belly. Her hide is a tawny brown, and her belly and underside of her muzzle is a cream. Her tail, ears, and the top of her snout gradient into a dark brown, with dark lines coming down around her nose. Her paws are large, with large claws.
♦ Orientation ♦
♦ Crush/Mate ♦
♦ History ♦
While cougars typically don't form packs, Cat comes from a small group of females, banded together to raise their cubs. Cat was born and raised by a rather abusive mother, selfish and self-centered in her own ways. Because of this, Cat had an on-again-off-again mother and often took to other females to raise her. She had no intent on leaving her "mothers" at all, but was forced out because of her aggression towards others, specifically other cubs, and putting them in danger with her larger size as she grew. Cat was out on her own for a while before finding a mate, though wanted to stay with him during her pregnancy. She was, of course, chased off, and wandered alone until she found the Exiles. While she's a loner by instinct, Cat prefers the company of a group. She doesn't seem to understand that cougars are almost entirely solitary animals due to her upbringing.
♦ Likes ♦
Sunlight, autumn days, hunting alone
♦ Dislikes ♦
Her pregnancy, other cougars, being nagged or pestered
♦ Strengths ♦
Strong and large compared to canines. She's got power behind her claws and keen eyes
♦ Weaknesses ♦
Antisocial. Tends to drive others away/provoke attacks with her snark. Her belly is a big weak point due to her pregnancy.
♦ Theme Song ♦
♦ Other ♦
I was exiled.
Her belly is large from pregnancy.

// I hope this is ok! Let me know if I need to change anything!

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Edited on 21/01/17 @ 06:08:25 by lily (#104300)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-22 08:58:13

"I expect no help from you or my family. I walk by myself in these cold nights."

5 Months


Gray Wolf


Oswald as a pup is very ambitious, dark, clever, low tempered, powerful, bold, competitive, merciless, always wants revenge, tough, misunderstood, cautious, confident, strong, scarred, proud, angry, sly, lonely, dominant, and very rough. He wants to be a winner on everything and gets into a fight every single time someone says something about him. He always wants to fight and will take on anything. He never says 'I'm sorry'. He never wants to show weakness to ANYONE.

Oswald is a big, tall, long-legged, sturdy, heavy, lean, sleek-furred, patched black and red fur. His actual fur without his markings is white. He has unusually good hearing. He has broad shoulders and chest, and wide, burning amber eyes. One of his ears is split in a deep "V" shape near the top, along with a scar on the bridge of his nose.


"I feel like I'm waiting for something that you're never gonna do..."
~Uma [Mother - Hate] [Unknown]
"Why do you hate me, father? I'm trying my best...."
~Bodolf [Father - Hate] [Unknown]
"I'm your brother! Not your slave!"
~Accalia [Sister - Hate] [Unknown]
"Little bro, you'll never be alone...You'll always have me."
~Argo [Brother - Love] [Alive] [OPEN]


Oswald as a pup was neglected by his mother and father. His mother who was a pack wolf member bred with a loner wolf. She got pregnant and gave birth to two beautiful pups. Accalia was favorited by his mother and father while Oswald was VERY lucky to still get a name. She was favorited because she was the first pup and because of her incredible strength for a pup. Oswald however had no strengths but many weaknesses. He was to fend himself and try to catch food at a VERY young age. He was lonely and heart broken. He gritted his pup teeth every single he saw his parents nuzzling his older sister. That's when he was puppynapped by a strange black wolf who often used to abuse Oswald. Oswald escaped but was scarred for all his puppyhood. He is starting to grow stronger, tougher, and braver every day gaining confidence.

Gotta see all the chars.

Gotta see all the chars.



Theme Song
Imagine Dragons - Monster

"I expect no help from you or my family. I walk by myself in these cold nights." Oswald to some wolves that asked him to be in their pack.
"I feel like I'm waiting for something that you're never gonna do..." Oswald to his mother, Uma.
"Why do you hate me, father? I'm trying my best...." Oswald to his father, Bodolf.
"I'm your brother! Not your slave!" Oswald to his sister, Accalia.
"Little bro, you'll never be alone...You'll always have me." Oswald to his brother, Argo.
"If I could give you one thing in my life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me." Oswald to his crush/mate.

I was Exiled
Roleplay Sample: In FireClan Roleplay Thread.

Mentions: Lostpelt, Cloudstar, Brokenshade, and Goldenheart.

Thistlekit squatted down, slipping out of the nursery. He slid out, the bushes brushing his long fur as he slid out quietly. He turned back around to look at the bushes that brushed his back. He growled, smacking the bushes with an unsheathed paw which caused the leaves from the plant to fall down slowly. He grabbed one in his jaws and flung it away. "Stupid small nursery...The entrance is too low." He hissed, he turned his attention to the three cats. He saw Lostpelt have something in her mouth. "Ginger fur...." He blinked slowly. "Goldenheart." He meowed, scratching his ear silently. "Hmm...Should I tell Brokenshade? Would he want to know?" He looked to see his older sibling already there. "Ok...He's seen it." He flicked his ear.

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