Posted by Overboard [1x1 with Lexi]

🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 13:38:33


Everyone is afraid of being alone on a deserted island. When people go on vacation they worry about the plane crashing on the way there and they worry about their cruise ships crashing. That is just what happened.

On a deserted island that is in the chain of Solomon islands, there are few survivers of a crash. They now fight for their lives. What the band of misfits don't know is the hidden history behind the island. The sinister evil that lurks. The thing that caused it to become uninhabitable.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 02:29:02
Name: Avery Odin

Age: 16

Gender: female

Personality: Avery is a very sweet, kind and generous soul. She always gives second chances and always tries to see the best in everyone. She is never quick to judge and most times isn't quiet unless she is spoken to. She doesn't like to be alone and is very passionate about anything she does. She has an extremely good heart and always believes that anyone can do better.

Other: Her brother, Jacob, is also on the island also.

Appearance: WGy8tbU.jpg

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Edited on 28/01/17 @ 09:35:37 by Lexi {ice based symmetrical} (#101978)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 02:30:31
Name: Josephine (Jo) Styles

Age: 19

Gender: female

Appearance: XYDlbYh.jpg

Personality: Jo is a very hard worker. She likes to get things done and hates when things are late. She is always on time and precise, but her attitude can be rather cold. She doesn't like making friends or netting new people. She likes to stand up for what she believes in. Jo won't do something that she think she is wrong and won't stand by it. She can be mean, rude, and often does have a smart mouth. Jo doesn't believe in giving second chances because obviously they weren't even good enough for the first. Jo is a fighter and doesn't mind doing the impossible to get what she wants. But if she allows you to get to know, there is a whole world left to be discovered.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 02:38:13
Name: Stephen Barton

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: Stephen prefers to be alone above all else. He thinks that other people weigh him down and that he doesn't need them. He believes that he can do twice as much without people than he can with people. He doesn't like being in big groups of people and will often go off alone if he can. He hates small talk and is cold to just about anyone that tries to talk to him. He has a softer side that no one has really seen yet but it is tjere.

Appearance: sZVgWHw.jpg

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 02:42:41
Name: Jacob Odin

Age: 14

Gender: male

Appararance: EMNQESy.jpg

Personality: Jacob is very mischevioue and can often find himself in the midst of danger. He is a people person though sometimes he likes to wander off alone to think. He loves cracking jokes and making people laugh because he hates when people are upset. He likes climbing and rarely is he ever really serious because he feels there is always a way.

Other: Big sister, Avery, is also on the island.

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🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 08:12:10


Erica Harding



Erica didn't grow up in the most privileged household. Since both of her parents worked full time jobs she had to raise herself. She is very independent and can handle herself. She likes her own space. She doesn't like to be dependent on others so she doesn't ask for help. Erica is headstrong and stubborn. If she has made up her mind, she won't change it. Although shenlikes her alone time, she likes to socialize. She is very smart and has always had straight As throughout school. She isn't a stereotypical blonde.




Barron Ferris



Barron is a happy-go-lucky kid. He loves to play with his dinosaurs and trucks. He is high energy and his faviorte thing to do is run around. He is just a little kid so he doesn't know a who lot about the world. He is very social and will talk to any stranger that takes interest in him. He is a mommy's boy. He loves his mom and normally clings to her like a magnet. He is a super sweet kid who just likes to have fun.

His mother is Kinsey Ferris



Kinsey Ferris



Kinsey is a mom. She likes to be in control of situations. She doesn't really know how to loosen up, except for with Barron. She loves her son with all of her heart, he is really the only family she had. Since she had to grow up so fast, she acts like she is in her thirties. She likes to tell others what to do because she thinks its what's for the best. She only has the best thoughts in her mind. She tries her very best to not be pushy towards others. She really does care even if she mothers everyone.

Son is Barron Ferris



Jamie Green



Jamie is an outdoorsman. All of his young life he went out hiking, camping, and backpacking. He knows a lot about the outdoors and loves to be outside. He finds relaxation being with nature. He is a really sweet guy and likes to socialize. He prefers the quiet over the crazy and loud. He has a soft heart and is kind to a lot of people. If you push him too much then he will snap. He has a temper, even though he is mostly chill. While he is normally really sweet, he can be vicious and mean if pushed over the edge.


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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 10:19:57

When Avery regained consciousness, she had a splitting headache that felt as if her brain was pounding against her skull, trying to break free of the barrier. She let a hand come up to her head before she slowly let her eyes flutter open, and it was an understatement for Avery to say that she was surprised to see the crushing waves in front of her. She closed her eyes, thinking that maybe it was just a dream and she reopened them, and still the sea was there. Avery's thoughts started flooding her mind, as she wondered why she was here and how'd she gotten there. And then everything came crashing back. The memories of last night flooded her thoughts. The ship. The crash. How she'd had to swim to this little bay of island that she had saw. Avery's eyes widened, as she thought about her brother. She immediately tried to stand up, her hand still on her head because of the pain. "Jacob!" she calls out, beginning to walk around in search of her little brother.


Jo looked around at the small getup she'd had. She'd managed to build a small fire when she had gotten to the island the night before after the plane crash. Her thoughts again went to how an why the ship was crashed. At first, everything had been fine, and then out of nowhere, no storm, no anything, the ship had just started to go down. It had been supposed to be the best of its class, but Jo knew that there was no way that that could be right now. She began to wonder if she was the only one who'd made it. She hadn't seen anyone from the ship yet and had been given no reason to believe that any other human being was on this island. But she also didn't know if there were any predators, so she stayed to the shore though she knew she would have to go scavenging later if she were to eat. And Jo knew she would have to brave up. Her head snapped up when she heard the calling of a name, and she immediately looked up, trying to find who had said the voice.


Stephen was in the tree, as he looked at the shores in front of him. He was over forty feet in the air though there was no fear in his system at the height. He'd been known to climb trees at a young age and he'd never been afraid then though he had always scared the hell out of his parents. But he'd never gotten hurt once. The waves were hitting the rocks constantly, not letting up, and Stephen was beginning to think that was the reason the ship had gone down. Because of the waves. He'd already seen one person on the island with him though he'd done nothing to greet her. He didn't need her. Stephen had been up all night and hadn't gone to sleep yet because he wasn't about to be vulnerable and let his guard down. Now, he had a stick in his hand that he was using his pocket knife to carve, beginning to think that those archery classes he'd taken as a child were finally about to come in handy.


The scene around him was beautiful. Jacob had never seen anything like it before, in his entire fourteen years. It was really astounding. Ever since he'd arrived on the island, he'd wandered into the woods, looking at all the amazing things the forest had to offer. He had seen some exotic animals and had seen fruit though he knew better than to eat it since the ones he;d found had been yellow with red spots signifying that they were poisonous. Jacob was a smart kid, and he took his studies very seriously. He knew how to identify poisonous and safe. He'd always liked studying the things around him.

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🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Slothï (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 12:08:23

Barron Ferris

Barron didn't understand what was going on. The ship was sailing one minute and now red lights were flashing and everyone was rushing around. He held firmly to his mother's hand. Handed a big jacket, his mother clipped it on. "What ever you do, don't let go of my hand, okay?" She asked him with a nervous smile. Barron nodded his head slowly. She kissed his for head. "We're going to be fine," She reassured him, "You need to be a big brave boy for me, okay bud?" He again nodded and huged his mom.

A surge of people rushed around them to escape boats and rafts. Barron ran along with the crowd. That was when someone bumped him and his grasp of his mother's hand was broken. "Mommy! Mommy!" He had screamed as she continued down the sea of people. His mother had disappeared under the waves of hands and heads.

The next thing he knew, Barron was in the water. He yelled over and over again as salt water flooded into his mouth. Waved crashed over his head. The only thing that kept him alive was the jacket around his body. "Help!" The little boy screamed across the empty expanse of black ocean.


Barron felt the warm sun on his face. He flt the sand grit under his body. His eyes fluttered open, only to be squinted at the brightness of the morning. The waves lapped at his feet. His hair was coated in salt from the sea. Barron pushed himself up with a grunt. His body hurt. Why did everything hurt so bad? What happened? And most importantly, where was him mom?

"Jacob!" He had heard a voice call. It wasn't far. It was a woman's voice but not his mom's. Maybe she could help him. With the jacket that had saved his life still strapped around his body he started running, more like waddling fast, towards the voice.

"Help! Help!" He called as he saw her. She had long dark hair and looked older but not as old as his mommy. Barron ran up to her. "Help me! Help me find my mommy. Please, help me find my mommy!" He pleaded with her, his eyes filled with tears. His face full of fear that she was hurt.

((I'll just put this up for now. I'll put up more intros when we get to them.))

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 00:12:37

Avery continued calling for her brother, walking and twisting her head as she continued looking, wondering where he could be. If he had gotten far? If he was even on the island? Had he survived? Avery pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, as she trudged forward, knowing that he had to be on the island. All that Boy Scout stuff had to have paid off. When she heard a boy's voice, crying help, Avery immediately turned, thinking it was her brother but recongnizing that it wasn't. He had brown hair and grey eyes and didn't even look like he was eight years old. He began crying, telling Avery to help him find her mother, and she knew that he must be stuck on the island as well. She bent down so that she wasn't on her knees before she used the sleeve on her shirt and wiped his tears away before wiping his nose. "Don't cry," she tells him gently. "We are going to find your mother."


Having heard the different voices, Jo immediately left her fire that had begun dying down and went to investigate. She didn't know exactly where they were but tried to listen to the voices to find herself at the right spot. And it worked. After a few steps, she peeked her head from some shrubs and saw a beautiful lean girl with brown hair and dark red hues. And a little boy with brown hair and grey idea. Maybe that was the Jacob she had been calling for. Jo watched the two of them for a moment before she ventured forward, making herself known. "You have got to stop being so loud. You don't know what's out there." Even though the words sounded genuine and like she cared, Jo was saying it only for her behalf. She didn't want to get eaten up by any of the predators that this island had to offer.

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