Posted by The Isle of the Excluded ~RP Thread~

The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-03 02:46:41
Sign-up Thread!

Chat Thread!

You're different. You always have been and always will be. The scientists that created you called you "special" and told you that you would do great things. But that was when you were still just a child and they had to be nice to you. Now that you're older they want less and less to do with you, they've been instructed to put all their experiments on an island, teach them to survive, and then leave them there to check up on at a later date.

Here's the cold, hard, truth; your parents gave you away before you were even born. They agreed to have their child genetically altered while still in the womb, and once you were born they gave you away to the scientists, never to see you again.

Now all of their experiments are gathered on a small, isolated island in the middle of the ocean, miles away from the nearest populated land mass. The choice is now yours to make, will you accept your fate and stay on the island? Or will you rebel against everything you've ever known and try to escape? It won't be easy if you do try, there are armed guards everywhere on the island, specially trained, and specially equipped to handle each person on the island. You're constantly watched, a guard assigned to tail you at all times, one trained specifically to take you out if you step out of line.

:: Rules ::

1.) Please, Please, please keep your abilities in a logic stance. Such as mind reading or even elemental powers, please know how to make this work in a understandable way.If you can't, don't use it.

2.) No one is the 'most powerful' or the strongest character, everyone is pretty much equal.

3.) You won't be able to instantly slaughter the guards, these are highly trained men going against someone who possibly doesn't even know how to control their abilities...

4.) Think of the school like college, everyone is going to have a dorm room inside the school.

5.) When trying to escape, do not make a magical boat pop up magically. Weeks of planning may be pushed into the plan of escaping and once you do, your characters are free and not allowed To Return to the roleplay.

6.) If you cannot explain your ability or how it works, don't roleplay as it!

7.) Please put Nirnroot in other to show you've read and understand all the rules!

8.) Everything coasts energy, people are going to be tired after using their ability.

9.) Feel free to post, no need to wait, but please don't turn the rp into a 1x1 with your buddy.

10.) Please, please, please, be literate. No text speak. Try for at the very least 4+ sentences, I understand writers block, but one liners will only be let to slide one or two times as they do nothing to help move the rp along in anyway.

:: Dorm Rooms ::

2zg6zrt.jpgImage Source
(Any combination of male and female can happen in the dorms.)

Dorm 1 -
Faye Bone - played by LunarLiones (#95755)
Dakota Collier - played by FearedLion (#67784)

Dorm 2 -

Dorm 3 -
Xylia Jacqueline Grimsong - played by NightShade (#99089)
Jake and Cane House - played by Lady Khajiit☣ (#6408)

Dorm 4 -

Dorm 5 -

Dorm 6 -
Leon Timberson - played by Kaalia (#74930)

Dorm 7 -
Aiden "Anubis" Roman - played by The Joker wolf (#93618)
Vivian Legar - played by Kaalia (#74930)

Dorm 8 -

Dorm 9 -

Dorm 10 -
Maximus James Strausse - played by Uchiha Prodigy (#38424)
Jade - played by ➽ℳoo∩❍{Primal} (#100696)

.:Classes These people Will take :.

~ Each class has no specific Ability required to be in them since everyone will be in each ~

.: Primal Class :.

This class will be taught by :

Played by :

This class will be teaching the inner animal of everyone, even if they are not a shifters. They will learn how to work with nature it's self and use it in a good way.

.: Physics Class :.

This class will be taught by : Javier Greyson/Mr.Greyson

Played by : Ravenflare (#89598)

This class will teach how to control your abilities and how to use them. It will tap into your mind and give you a basic mind set of keeping yourself under control under every circumstances.

.: Martial Class :.

This class will be taught by :

Played by :

This class will teach you how to be fit by using you abilites. You will have a rigorous course to train in and will provide plently of opportunities to learn how to defend yourself as well as do offence.

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Edited on 09/02/17 @ 18:59:07 by Drunken Uchiha Prodigy(1/20gb) (#38424)

The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-02-03 03:13:28

Why the hell was he laying in sand? Opening up bright green eyes revealed the bright sun, prompting the young male to close his eyes again and growl softly to himself, lifting his arm up and shielding his eyes from the sun. Shifting could be heard next to him, prompting Max to turn his head and look at a pair of military esque boots facing him. Going up from the boots he locked eyes with the armed guard that had been by his side for as long as he could remember, the man looked down at him, shaking his head slowly, "We had to sedate you to get you on the ship with the others. At the mention of leaving you freaked out and shifted, hence the Dino sized imprint on the sand around you kid." Face scrunched up half in pain and half in confusion, he sat up, looking at the ship that held all the other experiments, "How'd you even get me to fit?"

It had been a journey indeed, getting a fully grown, 50 foot, out cold spinosaur onto a 30 foot ship, but it had been done and they were here now. A look around revealed an island with mountains and a crator in the center covered by lush trees and dotted by little fresh water lakes and ponds. It was a beautiful place, and Max would think as much if he didn't know this was the place intended to hold him for the rest of his life. Pushing himself up to his feet Max looked around, rubbing at his back in pain, "The others are still on the ship?" The guard nodded, "Can't have them seeing what you are just yet kid." Max sighed, he was one of the "top secret" secret experiments and so his other form had to be kept secret, though there was no possible way to hide his imprint on the sand. Turning his head up he watched as the guards began to unload all the others.

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Edited on 03/02/17 @ 11:59:38 by The Drunken Uchiha Prodigy (#38424)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 05:11:13

Aiden "Anubis" Roman | Female | 20 | Aquian Shifter | Location: Boat->Land | Mentions: Maximus (indirectly), None (open)

Her eyes had averted towards the front of the boat with alertness. It had been announced that they had made it to land and everyone may exit. She had been one of the first to get up, wanting to leave the crowd as soon as possible. She hated crowds, let alone being forced to stay in one. Once she exited, a slight breeze had approached with the sweet scent of topical aroma that entered her nose and made her slightly smile with delight. Ah.. Fresh air.. she thought. A noise had interrupted her thoughts, making her turn slowly to see what it had been. It had been a male, and he was on the ground, with a guard beside him. Wonder what happened? she thought curiously. But the curiosity had been cut short. It's best to stay away from trouble, specially with that guard around... she thought. She brought her hands up to her arms, rubbing them slightly as she walked a bit to get out of the way of others. What are we supposed to do now? this thought worried her. What if they try to experiment on us? What if they try to experiment on me because of what I am? Have they brought me here because I'm the only one of my kind known to existence? the thoughts troubled her, making her want to swim off or something but knew very well that these guards had probably set traps for those who dare try to escape by water.

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Kaalia (#74930)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 05:57:11
Vivian Legar | Female | 17 | Avian-Homosapien hybrid | Location: Beach -> Air | Mentions Everyone indirectly.

Vivian had been rudely awoken by a wetted shoe. She snapped her eyes open and her foot was washed over by a wave. She snapped up and put her hands out as though she were trying to keep balance as she stood. Her slender legs slipped slightly as the water wicked away more sand. She shook her head and unfurled her chestnut speckled wings. "The hell is this....." she sighed mildly annoyed she took a deep breath and inflated all of her air pockets(small pockets in her lungs to store extra air to make it easier at high altitudes like birds.) She then slammed her wings down creating a large amount of thrust as she took off into the air. She flew up at about 300 feet to avoid any tree tops and took a circle on the island she saw people here and there but she wasn't sure she recognized them. "What now damn it." she cursed to herself as she came to hover momentarily to assess what it was that was going on, her focus on the beaches.

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Edited on 03/02/17 @ 13:03:43 by Kaalia (#74930)

The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-03 05:59:08
(Hovering the word that you're searching for is Hovering.)

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 06:02:03


Jade•||•18 years•||•Female•||•Shapeshifter•||•Locations:Shore•||•Mentions:Aiden, Maximus(both indirectly)

The blonde girl shot her eyes open suddenly. Her eyes quickly began to widen as she sat up in the sand, gazing around her. A rough ache appeared in her head, making her frown. She narrowed her eyes, reckoning everything that has happened. Abandoned, experimentated on, thrown in here. Actually, she wasn't alone. Her gaze averted to the other two figures laying in sand. Her frown deepened as she noticed a huge imprint in the sound behind a boy. She eyed him from head to toe before gazing over at the other girl. She puffed and slowly leaned on her arms, her knees beginning to tremble. She slowly got up and bent down, holding on her knees weakily. She shook her head and straightened her back, staring at the sea.

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Edited on 03/02/17 @ 13:03:35 by ➽ℳoo∩❍{Primal} (#100696)

Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-03 06:38:53
Cane | 17 Years | Power: Water | Location: Shore|

Cane's eyes open to just be assaulted by the rays of the sun coming down on his eyes. He cover his face with his arm as he sits up. He can feel the warm sand on his other hand as he digs his fingers into it. He smiles as he shakes head a bit. He undo his bun to shake out his dreads to make sure there is no sand in them as it will suck butt to wash his hair as he did before they went on the boat.

He looks to his right to see there's others and their guard with them. He can sense his was be hind him. He looks to his left to see his brother was already stand up look at his gaurd as they just stand there starring. Cane smiles more as he gets up and turns to his.

"I hope you guys have the shampoo and conditioner I need for my hair," he ask his guard who is been cautious as Cane is only a few inches shorter but as masculine as his guard. Cane could over power him but he didn't have the training his guard Luke as.

Jake | 17 Years | Power: Fire | Location: Shore |

Jake was standing in the sand with his bare feet enjoying the warm that was coming if it. He was starring at his guard who was staring back at him. They just have a stare down most of the time. Jake rarely gets into trouble so they give him a women guard who was in her early twenties. She looks like she came back right from boot camp. Her dark blonde hair was tied back in a tight bun. Her dark blue eyes watching ever move Jake was doing.

She was stand with her feet shoulder length apart with her hands behind her back. Jake got into a fight with her twice and he over powered him and got him into a head lock. Jake knows if he tried again he will just lose. He may stand well over her but she is fast and strong. Jake didn't mind Sarah as his guard. It can be annoying to have a guard following them everywhere.

He plays with the rings on his fingers, making small sparks that he can use to make fire but doesn't want to be hand cuff. Jake just stands there looking at his guard Sarah.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 09:06:12

Aiden "Anubis" Roman | Female | 20 | Aquian Shifter | Location: Beach | Mentions: None (open 9.9 )

Aiden didn't seem to get better, or at least thought wise. She shook her head softly, her big curls bouncing as well with each turn. Enough.. They wouldn't bring others as well if they were trying to experiment on me..right?..right. she confirmed to herself with a small nod. Her eyes began to watch the waves as they slowly made their way to shore, lapping at the light colored sand. If I really think about it.. It might not be all that bad.., her mind contemplating the subject. She kept observing the area around her, noticing an odd impression that had dug deep within the sandy shoreline.

The imprint had caught her eyes, making her very curious on what creature of size could leave such an indent in the sand. The only animal that could make such a similar mark, would be me I suppose.. But this seems a bit bigger. Maybe someone has similar powers! this thought captivated her. She began to think of ideas on how the mystery animal could have looked like. With that on mind, she turned her head innocently to face a nearby guard. " Excuse me Sir, but may I ask what we are doing here?" she asked politely, but the guard had seem to not react to what she said. All he replied with was with a solemn grunt and a cold looking gaze. Her intentions of getting answers had been dropped, like it were nothing. Aiden gave a soft sight, withdrawing her question with just a lowering of her gaze.

How will I ever get out of here.... she wanted to moan, but complaining about the situation will do no good. She stood aside, not really making any eye contact with anyone as she looked at the ground. She began to saunter over towards a nearby tree, not really caring wether or not a guard calls her back over. She then sat at the base of the palm tree, as it over-shadowed above, giving her a small amount of shade. She began to fiddle with what she found laying around at the base of the tree. With such a creative mind, Aiden can become bored really easily and starts to do odd things that can turn into art with time and patients. A twig...rock...and a palm leaf... she thought as she bunched them up close. But with so much on her mind, she didn't seems to have any ideas.

Ooc: someone wanna interact with her??

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-03 09:16:06
Cane | 17 Years | Power: Water | Location: Shore|

He sees that Lukes was no going to give an answer as he was just looking at him with is harden eyes. Cane just smiles with sigh. He sees out of the corner of his eyes this blonde girl was walking to a plam tree.

"I expect that will be things I need in my dorm because if there's not. There will hell to pay," Cane says to Luke before he walks to the pretty blonde girl.

He makes his way slowly there as he didn't want to frighten anyone with his size. He didn't want them to see him as a threat yet.

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Kaalia (#74930)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 09:21:19

Vivian| Female| 17 | Avian-Sepian hybrid | Location Air-> Beach | Mentions:Aiden

Vivian noticed a light colored blob moving around her eyes focused on it. "Another girl....." she said curiously and nose dived downwards. She curled away slightly and once she landed she tucked her wings as close to her as possible. Though it isn't possible to hide the giant speckled beasts of wings that are bigger than her BUT she could try. She attempted to pull her hair up but instead managed to hurt herself. "Ouch!" She shouted briefly. A small squeak slipping out as she realized she had yelled that. Curiously she moved towards the girl she'd spotted. "H-hello?" she spoke curiously wondering if she was where she thought she was. (short post is short)

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 09:46:12

Aiden "Anubis" Roman | Female | 20 | Aquian Shifter | Location: Beach | Mentions: Cane & Vivian

She blinked slighty as she heard noises around her. She looked up, being greeted by a male of big size approaching her. Did I do something wrong? Had the guards sent him to fetch her? But without warning, a swoosh had interrupted her gaze on the male and now turned towards a winged female. Her eyes widened with amazement. Wow.. I have never seen a winged person before.. she thought, her breath tooken away and unable to speak with words. After the few moments of her being stargazed, she looked each of them, a bit curious on why they had approached her. " Umm.. Hello. Did-d I do something wrong? Did-d the guards sent you both to fetch me?" she said shyfully. Her hand began to pick at her curls out of habit. She does this when she is nervous or embarrassed.

Ooc: lol now she might regret all the attention

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Edited on 03/02/17 @ 16:55:05 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

Kaalia (#74930)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 09:50:53

Vivian| Female| 17 | Avian-Sepian hybrid | Location Air-> Beach | Mentions:Aiden and Cane

"Nope. I was just bored." She said with a goofy grin as she turned towards the bigger gentleman. "What 'bout you?" Her accent definitely said north eastern American which wasn't inaccurate at all. She put her hands behind her head in an attempt to once more make her wings seem smaller than they where, a never ending task for the 5'6.5'' girl. Her dark blond hair bunched up in front of her arms making her hair seem messier than it was as well. "Just explorin' too?" She said her eyebrow peaking up curiously.

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-03 09:52:52
Cane | 17 Years | Power: Water | Location: Shore| Mentions: Aiden .

After the winged girl landed he laugh loudly very loudly. His dread locks bounceing at the movement. He normally gets that answer.

"Ha am not part of the guard. Yes am pretty big but not part of them. You see," He points to his guard about five or six feet behind him with his arms crossed over his body in military outfit.

"I am just wearing jeans and a black shirt. Not guard uniform. I don't think they can wear anything else only Thier military outfit. I don't think they want to be confused for us." Cane says with a smile.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 10:10:36

Aiden "Anubis" Roman | Female | 20 | Aquian Shifter | Location: Beach | Mentions: Cane & Vivian

She listen to both, hearing each of their explanations. She gave a weary smile to both. Neither seem like they are a threat.. she thought finally. " Well that's good.. The guards seem like they are not very pleasant." she said with a small giggle, trying to lighten the mood. She began to get up, now eye to eye with each of them. " My name is Aiden, it's a pleasure to meet you both." she said with caution. Her name doesn't really seem like it would belong to a girl like her. So when she speaks to others, she knows the most likely outcome would either them laughing at her name, or questioning on why she has what seems like a male name.

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Kaalia (#74930)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 10:14:00
Vivian | F | 17 | Avian-sapien | Beach | Cane and Aiden

"They're not all bad some of them nicknamed me!" She joked with a laugh. "Pleasure I'm Vivian though my nicknames Bird Brains." She said with a fluff of her wings, and a chicken like head bob. She once more adjusted her hair over her shoulder. It seemed no matter how she ever adjusted it the positioning with her wings never sat right, her hair would have down feathers in them or her wings would catch her hair. It was a never ending mess.

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-03 10:25:22
Cane | 17 Years | Power: Water | Location: Shore| Mentions: Aiden and Vivian

"Am Cane. My name's was going to be Janette because the doctor told my egg donor that my twin and I was going to be girls. But then pop here comes two boys instead. Oh the guards never look pleasnet ever. Mine never is has am as big as him right now. They assigned my brother a female one. Not sure why as he is also as tall as me. Don't think we are done growing yet. I also like your name Aiden," Cane says.

He turns to Vivian, "Was it hard growing up with your wings?" He puts his dread locks back up in their bun as he is sure there's no sand in them.

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