Posted by 1x1 Student/Teacher Blackie x Sword

Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-01 09:39:02
MxM Student/Teacher forbidden relationship

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-03 02:38:58
Max sighed rather nervous for his first day of college, he headed to his World History lecture on the other side of the campus. When he arrived he noticed he was the first one to arrive, sitting down he took out what he needed for his class.

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 12:46:12
When the alarm clock struck six, Jason groaned and slammed his palm down on the snooze button. Jason was just about to dose off again when his phone blared the song 'If It Ain't You" by Alicia Keys. He had set an alarm on his phone a minute after his clock, knowing that he would fall back asleep again. Pushing his blanket off he straightened himself into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes free of the morning glassy look. Jason quickly got ready, pulling on his normal tight jeans and red flannel shirt. Along with that he placed his favorite hat on his head, his blonde hair poking out. When he walked back into his room he grabbed his glasses from the night stand. Heading down his stairs he grabbed his car keys and left for his favorite cafe. After sitting in the cafe with his steaming mug of coffe, Jason remembered that it was first day of classes of the fall semester. Although it was not his first year teaching, Jason experienced a slight tingle of butterflies. His day at work started at eight,but his first class was only at ten. When it was ten, Jason headed towards his classroom, just across the building from his office. Jason was rather a young professor, but he enjoyed his job more than anything and was completely comfortable in his classroom. Being a world history teacher made it hard to engage normal people, but because it was college people were taking the class because they were actually interested in the subject. That always excited him, it meant there was more room for discussion. With his bag in hand he walked into his classroom and settled his stuff onto the table. On the podium was a list of students who should be in the class. Taking the piece of paper up, he glanced around the room to see that almost all the seats were taking. "Good morning everyone. I am Jason Hill, your professor. Just as a get to know you kind of thing I'm going to call your name out. Stand up quickly and say something about yourself that you find most interesting. First on the list is... Bridget Holmes." Jason read off names on the list until he came to Max's name. "Max Jacobs?" he called, lifting his head and looking around the room for a person to claim the name.

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-03 14:41:31
"My name is Max Jacobs and I'm studying to become a bet because I love animals and I grew up on a ranch," replied Max as he looked at his professor, he thought the professor looked rather handsome and he guessed the professor was in his early 30's.

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 15:10:07
Jason smiled and nodded, "Nice to meet you Max." he said. Although Jason stayed away from looking at his students in any particular way other than professionally, he couldn't help but feel his gaydar flip on. Feeling that made him study Max just a moment longer than he had others and found that he was rather attractive. After the pause he continued the list. "Okay, now that we know everyone it's probably best everyone finds a study group. My exams aren't easy but they are rare." he continued, moving around the front of the room until he came to the edge of the desk. There he sat down and looked around the room at the faces that now had names. "Now I will distribute the textbooks. Make this book your best friend. Everything you can't write down as notes you will find in this book." As Jason walked towards Max's desk he smiled at the boy and placed the book on his desk. "Does anyone want to tell me what they remember about Charlemagne?" Jason was not much of a lecturer, he worked better when he could bounce ideas off of people. He always believed that it was a better way to teach and remember.

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-03 15:19:50
(Sorry my posts are so short. Not very good at doing long responses. :/)

Max sighed as he began studying by himself, it looked like nobody wanted him to be in their group because most of them had been friends for a year or two. He always had a hard time making friends, probably because the neighbors lived a couple of miles down the road and no kids around his age to hang around.

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 15:40:32
(We will work on it haha)

Jason took notice of the fact that Max was sitting mostly by himself, but he figured it was because he was new to campus and college life. He himself had loved college, it had been the time for him to grow up and out of his 'i want to be straight' phase. Jason was not sure how much he was noticeable on the gaydar, since he never usually met people who didn't know prior to meeting him that he was gay. "Alright class, so you remember that he was the greatest and most powerful man at the time and that he ruled what was France at the time along side the Pope. That is all very good, but who were the other powerful people? Who really where they?" he asked the class. It wasn't long before someone offered up an answer, "Correct, merchants and traders were definitely wealthy, but who else?" Jason waited for a moment before he answered the question himself, "During the Holy Roman Empire the most powerful people where the ones that could write. In other words, the priests. Why is that so?" he asked again, looking around the room expectantly.

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-03 15:46:13
Max really had no idea why so he just listened to the other students around him talk and give answers, he just listened to what the professor was telling him, also what he was reading in his textbook that was given to him. Max sighed quietly and just hoped that class would end very soon so he could be free for the rest of the day to do whatever he wanted.

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 01:41:18
A smile crossed his face when no one answered his question, "The power they held over people was not wealth, it was their ability to read and write. They were able to interpret the Bible in the ways they wanted and then they could manipulate people into believing what they wanted them to believe. The Church held the most power over everyone else, that is why it was so crucial for Charlemagne to align himself with the Pope. With the Pope and the Church came power." he explained. Before Jason would chew the ears off his students, he added, "Alright the first homework is to read the first chapter and come back with some discussion questions on Wednesday. You are all free to go. My office hours are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from one to four." he said, dismissing the class. He still had one more class after this one and he couldn't want for his upperclassmen who were way more conversational.

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 01:47:28
Max sighed when class was over, nobody even talked to him in between classes so he just decided to head back to his dorm room until his next class started which was an hour away. Pulling his hood over his head he grabbed his backpack and was the last one to leave the class room, he just hoped his rather attractive professor didn't stop him on the way out.

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 02:31:20
Jason watched Max get his bags and head towards the door. Perhaps if he didn't find a study group he would come to his professor for help. Although Jason usually only helped his students with writing their essays, he would make an exception for some students. "See you all on Wednesday, don't hesitate to come see me during my office hours." he called to his students on their way out of his classroom.

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 02:44:49
Max stopped by the door and turned around,"I could use some help, looks like nobody wants me in their group to study," he sighed as he shifted his backpack to his left shoulder. He really didn't understand this class, give him an animal any day and he could tell you all about that animal."nobody seems to want a rancher like me in their study group," Max said sadly.

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 03:27:56
Jason lifted himself from the desk that he was still sitting on and walked towards Max. "Okay, come to me today and tomorrow and I will help you out." Jason said, a soft smile crossing his lips. "Also, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you are a rancher. I'm the ultimate study group anyway." he let out a good hearted laugh and shook his head, lifting his hat from his head and placing it on his desk. "I'll see you at one in my office. It's on the other side of the building, second floor." he added. Jason knew nothing about ranches or what they did, but he was sure that whatever it was wasn't bad enough to make people not want to be friends with Max. He had always been a nerd and never really had time for other things besides school, but ever since he became a teacher he suddenly had a lot of time on his hands. Perhaps it was a good time to start looking into things that Jason did not know, for instance, ranches and ranchers.

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 03:37:52
"Thanks, I'll see you at one but I may need to skip my next class though. It's at the same time that you want me here tomorrow," replied Max as he waved one final goodbye before running to his next class of the day. He ran into a guy in his early 20's that invited him to a party he was having, Max took the invitation with a smile and said he'd be there tonight.

(How should our guys get together?)

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2017-03-04 09:32:02
(sorry was with my horse all day! And I don't know I guess we will figure it out as we go)

Jason raised an eyebrow at his statement. As a professor, he would never want his student to miss one of his classes, so perhaps he could extend his office hours so that he could make it. Then he remembered that he had promised to go out with his friend tomorrow, why he did not know, his friend had made a mystery about the event. Turning towards the laptop that he carried around with him, he pulled up his power point for the next class. His next class was world history but focusing primarily on ancient Egypt, his favorite part of history. After his class it was exactly one, and he rushed towards his office, almost having forgotten that Max said he would come speak with him.

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SwordArtOnline8 (#98114)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-04 13:56:08
Max was waiting for Jason right outside of his office,"thanks for letting me speak with you, I want to prove my family wrong that me going to college isn't a waste of time or silly. So I'm going to try my best to pass my classes," he smiled warmly at his World History professor. He ran his hands through his short messy Black hair and waited for his professor to start speaking.

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