Posted by Together (Post-apocalyptic RP) - Sign Ups

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 07:32:16

"Together we will overcome this."

Source: Clicky

Its been two years since the zombie outbreak and the fall of society, the majority of zombies have been weeded out, but so have the living people. Society is still in shambles, with no working electricity or running water. Its a struggle to survive, and many have chosen to do so alone, but some people believe in restarting society, eradicating the zombies, and getting as close to normal as possible.
There are some glimpses of society that have popped up over the globe, but nothing organized enough to function properly, just clusters of slums.
Will one group be able to restart it all?
Will they be able to survive the horrors of the world together?

The Zombies:
Source: Clicky
These are your typical limping, slow walking zombies. So far, the virus hasn't mutated any further to create some sort of extreme zombie, but it could.
The virus is passed various ways, but basically if any of the zombies bodily fluids come in contact with a wound or are ingested, the victim will catch the virus, and inevitably turn.
The process of turning can take up to a week, starting off as a fever and vomiting, but in some cases takes only a day.
Zombies aren't too common anymore, most of them have been killed off, but they still pose a risk. They no longer roam in hordes and can be found mostly lurking about the cities looking for food.

Setting: Outskirts of a large city in the United States

Starting point: The group has yet to really form, only a few people are in it to start, meeting up with the rest of the group as the RP goes.


1. Follow all Lioden rules!
2. No being rude to people.
3. Anime/drawing pictures only for character appearances, sorry, but that's my preference and this is my rp. I just find using real peoples photos creepy. Also, please credit where you got your image from.
4. In RP, use the header Name | Location | Interaction (you can edit this as you please, just always include those three things)
5. Most of your replies should average around a paragraph. Less is fine, more is better! :)
6. Max of 2 characters per person


Age: (16 and up)
Sexual Orientation:
Past Occupation:
Alliance: (Main group or Alone, possibly some other alliance, lets discuss that first)
Short Bio:

Character Sheets

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Edited on 02/03/17 @ 16:13:37 by Mayonayys (#68948)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 07:32:22

I want this to be relatively small so only 8 character slots for now.

Main group: (Only four for now)
1. Ava Hawthorne - Mayonayys (#68948) (Female)
2. Dakota Silver - Direwisp (#98474) (Female)
3. Zander Mlain - 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827) (Male)

1. Andrew "Addy" - {:} Night Beloved {:} (#82520) (Male)
2. Junshi Wei - Renegade! (#97481) (Male)

Post and let me know if your characters will be in other small groups and i will add those groups.

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Edited on 03/03/17 @ 17:41:20 by Mayonayys (#68948)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 07:32:28

Ava Hawthorn



Sexual Orientation:

Source: Clicky

Past Occupation:
Police Officer

Main Group

Baseball bat
Beretta M9 with only 9 bullets left

Ava is pretty stoic and put together, though she does have a good sense of humor. She is very leader-like and group oriented. However, sometimes she can be seen as too empathetic and it has got her into some tough situations before.

Short Bio:
Ava grew up in a military family and police officer family, after retiring form the military, her father went on to be a police officer, while her mother remained in the military until old age. So it was pretty set that Ava would do one of the two things. She always dreamed of being able to actively protect those that she held dear, so she became a cop. She got a lot of shit for being a small female officer, but she took it and became a more stoic person because of it. Despite her small stature, she is very strong, always working out and eating healthily.
Being a police officer, she was one of the first to hear about the zombie outbreak. Panicked, she disregarded her duty to her city and left for her parents home. Sadly, when she got there, the place had been broken into and zombies had gotten to her elderly parents. She had to put them down her self. Ever since, she just hasn't been herself, finding joy in little things, and just focusing on protecting herself and those she gets close to.

Extra: N/A for now.

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Edited on 02/03/17 @ 15:09:09 by Mayonayys (#68948)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 07:47:15
Name: Dakota Silver

Age: 19

Gender/Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

JbJJCXxHQmfxuj8fEQfQPicture Source

Past Occupation: Captain in the U.S Army (you can join at 17 and the TIS requirement is 3-4 years))

Alliance: Main group

Weapon(s): Taurus 1911 5" Stainless Steel 9MM 12RD & Taurus Model 44 .44 MAG. Revolver along with various Knives

Despite overall appearance, Dakota is an extremely empathetic individual.

With a very careful, tight reign over her composure, she's mastered that precise somber stare, even in dire situations.

Dakota is somewhat of a benevolent individual, contrary to her reputation and austere demeanor. She is willing to go to great lengths to keep those under her protection safe, even if it is “weakness”

Dakota can be somewhat Sarcastic at times which can be surprising to some due to her somewhat cold demur.

Over Protective
When she loves someone or something she will do everything in her power to protect them, although she may go overboard at times.

In (most) situations requiring her to step up, Dakota will rise to the challenge.

Dakota is a person who will get things done. She is not the type of person that will start a project and then abandon it. When she says she will get something done it will get done.

Dakota is a very smart girl and tries to base her actions on her head and not her heart (she doesn’t like to let her emotions control her)

Although she will try to avoid situations in which a fight is required, when the time calls for it, Dakota is a force to be reckoned with.

Dakota can be very stubborn at times especially when it comes to protecting those she loves.

Short Bio: Dakota always had a large respect for the military with her own mother and father both having been officers in there youth. So it came as no surprise when she joined as soon as she was able. 17 years old with the lowest rank Dakota started her time in the military learning how to handle most every situation. Slowly as time went on Dakota gradually raised her rank up until she got the rank of Captain. She remained this rank for approximately 6 months when the unthinkable happened. The government of course tried to control it, sending in soldier's to shoot down the dead. This of course didn't work, most of the men and woman being to terrified to aim correctly, growing even more terrified when there bullets did nothing, only a few manged to understand that the head is the only place to aim. As expected the dead over ran the soldiers, causing even more chaos then before as civilians only line of defense was over took, It was then that Dakota's fight or flight instinct kicked in, she ran, knowing damn well that if she stayed she would just die like everyone else. She continued on her own for a while, collecting what she could, killing an occasional Undead but otherwise keeping to herself and away from any people before ultimately deciding that there is safety in numbers and joined up with a couple of people


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Edited on 02/03/17 @ 16:31:49 by Direwisp (#98474)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 08:09:23
Okie dokie :)

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The Cheshire Cat (#39139)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-03-02 08:44:10
Me too:3

Also, how common are zombies and what are ther rules? (i,e. Bitten-you turn, Scratched-you turn, blood in a cut-you turn, etc.) Do they travel in herds, are they attracted to noise, things like that:)

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 08:48:35

Good questions! I'll add those to the main post in a moment.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 09:07:34
Dakota's up (I really need to start using my other OC's an not use Dakota for everything xD )

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 09:19:40
Zombie info has been added to the main post, if you guys wanna check that out. Let me know if there is any more info that should be added to the main post :)

And Dakota is accepted and has been added to the character list.

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Fred the Jellybow
Rainpupstric (#82520)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-02 15:12:49

Andrew Holmes, (Nicknamed Addy.)

Twenty Three


Sexual Orientation:

Addy is a extremely pale, almost completely white. Bleach blonde locks go down his forehead and silver, almost icy blue eyes. This man is an ugly sight, looking like he was torn apart three or six different times. He is a living corpse, as one could say. His arm has a old stitch going all the way down his arm, another going up his right rib cage. Even some going up his throat. His right hand is gone, being chopped off at the wrist, resulting it always being covered with a bandage wrap. It is almost gruesome to watch this man undress, he has scars, cuts, bandages and stitches everywhere. However... he does have a very feminine look to him. He stands at Five foot eight and weighs right around hundred twenty pounds.

He wears tight clothing, T-Shirts and tank tops. Once in a while he'd dress up in a flannel or dress shirt, but only when he isn't in his normal joking mood. Skinny jeans is his often go to but... every once in a while, in an odd mood, he could be seen dressing in... different clothing.Source.

Past Occupation:
He was in a mental hospital but he worked as a therapist for many who didn't mind his sick humor.


A four inch knife and a crowbar.

Everything is a joke to him. He laughs, smiles and messes with people whenever he can. This man doesn't take threats seriously and tends to be very jolly all the time. Nothing seems to bother this kid, that is till someone hits a sweet nerve. When actually not himself, he is twisted and aggressive... sometimes.

Short Bio:
He was a insane child, always finding the joy in darker things. His parents sent him to the mental hospital when he was eight due to him being 'demon like'. Different events lingered in that hospital before the apocalypse was set free, allowing him to be as well. He was quite enjoying himself in this new world.


This is "Baby", the crow. She is a bird that Addy holds close to him, resulting in him often clipping the ends of her wings so she can't fly off. She is fairly tamed, often riding around on the man's shoulder or even resting on his head.


Cullodena Alan, (Nicknamed Alan.)



Sexual Orientation:

Alan is a ginger girl, hair going just bellow her shoulders. With a orange mixed gold eyes, she doesn't truly stand out. She barely reaches five foot five and weighs a good hundred and a half pounds. No scars line her frame and she truly looks untouched by all the activity happening around. Her attire ranges from sweaters, tank tops, gym shorts, jeans, sweatpants and shirts, and anything big. (Source.)

Past Occupation:


All this girl has is a tiny butterfly knife.

Sweet, innocent. This girl is untouched by the sinful world she is now exposed to. For some reason, she is far too shy for her own understanding and tends to roam towards groups that know what they're doing. She bounces from one group to another, staying more rogue and alone than anything. A smile is almost always lining her lips and she's willing to lend a hand to anyone who asks... she also doesn't get angry most of the time, any other emotion besides happiness is a distant memory.

Short Bio:
She grew up being spoiled by two male parents. A gay couple who taught her morals over anything else. She was sheltered from this entire thing till recently, when her fathers 'disappeared' without a note. She is now slowly understanding the time of era she is now in... though, she still has hope for a new difference in this world.

Literally, she is an innocent child. I'm simply adding her so there can always be an middle person though this entire roleplay, a person to switch from side to side and be everyone's friend. To make people talk and interact, feel free to add any connections to her as you like.

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Edited on 05/03/17 @ 01:05:35 by {:} Night Beloved {:} (#82520)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 05:49:12
@Nigh Beloved: Andrew is accepted, were you planning on doing another CS?

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Renegade! (#97481)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-03 06:05:05

Junshi Wei

Twenty Seven


Sexual Orientation:
Pansexual, leans towards men.

Past Occupation:
Businessman - His family owned a company specializing in the import of industrial Chinese goods. His twin brother was slated to take over, and he himself was an heir by proxy.


Whatever he can find or pick up. Usually there are one or two blunt force weapons like 2x4s, baseball bats, crow bars, etc... Sometimes he'll get lucky and find a knife, but those are rare. He can be fairly innovative on the spot when it comes to improvised tools and weapons, but he rarely carries anything with him long term.

A somewhat wild, unpredictable young man, Junshi hasn't always been the type that you'd call "friendly", even less so after the world went to pieces. He's polite enough when you first meet him, if not cold and distant towards anybody he comes across. He just doesn't like closely associating with people and will commonly excuse himself from any group that tries to form around him, though he isn't opposed to hanging around for a few days.

Junshi has a tendency to be erratic and reckless, somehow surviving long enough for it to be a technique to his survival. He's also stubborn in his ways and will likely do his own thing regardless of what others think of it. Now that the waves of zombies are dying down and time is stretching on, he's slowly grown quite morose and gloomy.

Short Bio:
Junshi was born into a very wealthy family, with a twin brother that he stayed closely attached to throughout his life. Though brought up together and given anything they'd ever want, his brother proved to be more successful than he was when it came to the everyday running of the family business. It was decided by their parents that said business would be passed to his twin, with Junshi being a proxy in case anything happened to him.

He wasn't much too resentful of this, though he did find the constant grind of having his own interests put second very tiring. He pursued many of his own passions while his twin brother was slaving away, including the finer arts like painting, drawing, music and martial arts.

When the zombies came down in droves upon the city, he was separated from his twin and unable to find him again. He's mainly set out to find him now, though as time goes on, he's growing more and more dissonant over the idea of actually finding him alive.

- Has a twin brother he's constantly in search for.
- He can be an antagonist to the main group and others, if a plot calls for one.
- He is very much killable, though I'd like to plan this out and have a worthwhile plot for this to happen.

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Edited on 03/03/17 @ 13:05:32 by Renegade! (#97481)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:29:39

Zander Mlain

Twenty Seven

Sexual Orientation:

Appearance: (Anime ONLY OR DETAILED description.)
57ab4db82eab71567527977f.png x

Past Occupation:
Collage Professer- Mathamatics

Main Group

Different types of guns he can find, knives and sometimes pipes or wood

Zander is just quiet, it's not a shy quiet, he's just quiet, he puts in his opinion when asked, he's a follower, not a leader. The male often loves stories and will tell other's stories when they ask.

Short Bio:
Zander wasn't born high class, but also not low class, he was just middle class, he got along quite well with other people and did rather well in school, but he hit university and he changed, he retracted himself and started focusing on school stopped bothering with friends and graduated in the top ten


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Edited on 03/03/17 @ 17:25:05 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 10:25:18
Zander's up!

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Fred the Jellybow
Rainpupstric (#82520)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-03 10:35:30
Aye, I was planning on making another. They'll be up as soon as I finish them.

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 10:39:15
Renegade and Minnie, you guys are accepted :) I'll add you to the list in a moment.

And alrighty, Night Beloved.

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