Posted by Falling Skies (Private)

Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 03:46:06
Humans live in a world where the planet is harsh, dangerous, and unforgiving. They have lived safely upon a collection of mysterious floating islands for hundreds of years. The islands have provided everything they have needed: safety, rich farmland, and crystal clear waters. The humans thrived and built magnificent cities and towns. They travel between islands by airships or dragons; these mythical creatures had been living on the islands when humans arrived and were quickly tamed.

However, within the last 50 years, something has gone horribly wrong. Something from the surface began to infect the islands. It spreads like a disease, killing everything it touches. Eventually, it would kill the islands themselves and cause them to fall from the sky. When the humans first arrived, there were seven islands. With the infection quickly spreading, only five remain; one of which is quickly dying as well. People and animals alike have also seen the affects of the disease; numerous strange ailments and mutations have shown up.

Numerous groups of scientists and adventurers have gone to the surface to try and figure out what is causing the disease. None have returned successfully. Eventually, people stopped volunteering. In order to encourage more people to travel to the surface and try to save the islands, the government has set up a "raffle" system. In return for entering their names, each participant receives a sum of money. Those whose names are drawn are promised a second sum and their own plot of land upon the island of their choosing, upon their safe return.

What will they find upon the surface, and will they make it back alive to tell the tale?

The Islands
1. Keskus: The center island, and the largest. It houses the main government buildings and a large, bustling city. The inner city is lush and rich, while the outer city tends to be poor and faces a lot of cime, despite its proximity to the government. Many refugees from the fallen islands were moved to the outer city.
2. Talu: An island with rich soil and plentiful waters, it was cultivated into a series of farming and fishing communities. It consists of mostly small towns and villages scattered about the land, with one main port for trading with the other islands.
3. Mägi: Consisting mainly of a mountainous landscape, this island's focus is on production. It is rich in ore, minerals, and gems. A few mountain-dwelling species of dragons reside here, and so some ranchers have also established themselves here.
4. Jahimaa: An island covered in a thick forest. Despite its proximity to the central island, it has not been cultivated much. It is mainly used for hunting wild game. Many ranchers like to set up home here, as it provides plenty of land and game for their dragons.
5. Turg: A strange, desert-like island. It has been transformed into a bazaar of sorts, where people from all regions can gather and sell their goods. There are rumors of a black market somewhere on the island as well, though this hasn't been confirmed. Unfortunately, this island has begun to show the signs of the disease. This has frightened some people away, for fear of getting sick.
6. Mülgas: A swampy island. It had been a successful fishing spot, though a lot of criminals were rumored to hide out in the marshes, beyond the eyes of the law. Unfortunately, this island was one of the first to collapse.
7. Tasandikel: An island of mostly flat, open plains. It had also been cultivated for farming and ranching. There were numerous towns and even a few smaller cities. However, this island was most well known for its impressive schools. It was the first to show signs of the rot and collapse.

The Dragons
1. Tatzels: Thick-bodied, lizard like creatures between 2 and 4 feet. They have flat heads, large eyes, and impressive front claws for digging. They are not the best flyers and are too weak to carry passengers, but they have tough skin and quick reflexes. They are also very adaptable to any terrain.
2. Puks: A household dragon of 5 to 6 feet. They are typically used to herd and protect domestic animals due to their gentle nature. But they are tricksters by nature and enjoy hoarding shiny things. They have a serpetine body, four legs, standard wings, and a firey tail. They can breathe fire.
3. Goliaths: Giant, wingless dragons of 10 to 12 feet. Yet by some unknown mechanism, they are still able to fly. They are thick-bodied, with long tails. Yet despite their size, they are quite gentle. They are often kept to assist in farming and development, travel, or as companions.
4. Zaltys: The fastest of all the dragon species and excellent fliers. They are often used for racing and travel. They tend to have fiesty attitudes, but bond closely to their owners. They range between 4 to 6 feet. They have slender bodies and long tails. They lack front feet but instead have clawed digits attached to their wings (like bats).

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Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 03:46:28
Reserving first post, in case needed :)

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-03-06 10:11:42
Will edit once forms are finished

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-03-06 10:18:26
Will edit with Characters

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Lassassin (#92225)

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Posted on
2017-03-08 18:05:57
One day before departure

Keelin was already at the harbor, where the ragtag group of people were supposed to be meeting. She had nowhere else to go, honestly. Her home consisted of back alleys and refugee shelters. So being provided with a free bed and a few hot meals a day were enough to lure her in early. She was dressed in ripped and sun-washed jeans, a loose jade cardigan thrown around her shoulders. The sleeves were pushed up about her elbows due to the warm, sunny day; a stark contrast to the dread she was feeling internally. Why had she signed up for this stupid raffle again? Even though the money was good, she doubted she would live to see any of it. Currently she was sprawled out in front of the stables where they were housing the dragons for the journey, sketching a Goliath that was grazing idly in his stall. She had been told that each participant would receive a dragon, if they didn't already have one. What would hers be like? She was honestly excited about the news, though she tried not to show it. Keelin loved animals more than people, and would be happy to have one to call her own that could keep her company amongst whatever sort of poor souls that also got dragged into this...

Addison couldn't believe his dumb luck, getting drawn from the hundreds of names thrown into the raffle. Well, that was life, he supposed. He finished fastening the saddle to his Puk; a lazy little fellow named Copper. He was named, rather unoriginally, for the color of his glistening scales. "Now, don't go gettin' us into trouble when we get to Keskus," he muttered to the dragon, who wasn't paying him any attention. He was dreading the flight; trilling anxiously and stretching out his wings. After checking to make sure he had all of his belongings in his saddlebags, the man swung himself up onto the Puk's back. He gave one final glance back towards his home; a cozy little cottage nestled in the Jahimaa jungle. All of his dragons had been released to roam the island free in his absence - just in case it was permanent... He tried not to think that way, though. "I'll be back, sooner than you kin shake a Puk's tail at," he promised the building and the few dragons that had decided to remain close by. Slinging his guitar across his back and placing his cowboy hat on his head to hide his horns, he clicked his tongue and gave a twitch to Copper's reigns. The dragon seemed to grumble as he flapped away into the sky.

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-03-28 02:26:28
Anarin was humming as she finished packing up, her toe tapping unconsciously as she moved about the room as if she was chased by the hounds of hell. She closed her backpack and jumped at the knock at the door immediately following her finishing getting ready to leave. With a spin, she looked over at her mother, her fingers tapping once more, this time on her leg. She moved from foot to foot as her mother, a sweet lady who smelled distinctively like bread, something that she seemed to always be cooking, moved to hug her. She whimpered and jumped at the touch. "Mother, I have to go! I put my name in and-" she began.
Her mother's hug tightened, making it impossible to move. Anarin's eyes grew wide, finding herself trapped in her mother's love and affection. To anyone, that wouldn't have been a bad thing. However, Anarin was quite upset, she couldn't move and her body demanded she do something, anything to keep herself in action. "I love you, darling. I know I fought you hard on this, but I want you to be happy," her mother's kind words made her pause and she nibbled at her bottom lip.
"I know Mother, I know. I just- I just have to go!" she exclaimed. Her mother nodded, releasing her daughter who immediately hurried over to her backpack, slinging it over her shoulders and practically jumping with how excited she felt. Her mother watched as the girl who had always been running around, disappearing on her for ages, was leaving. Tears gathered in her eyes as Anarin paused to kiss her mother on her cheek. "Be happy for me, Mother. I am getting off this island. It's far too small for me now. You must know this," she explained with wide hand gestures. Her mother only nodded before stepping out of the doorway, her hand going to her mouth and tears rolling down her face. Her hand only pressed harder to her mouth as Anarin left her room, which was nearly empty and devoid of life, and tried to hold back her own sobs.
Anarin breathed in the outside air, a wide smile on her face as she noticed Izzle up in the air, tail flicking gently. She was a giant, sweet Goliath, that she doubted she would have been able to live without. She jumped up, waving to the dragon so that it would come down to the ground. As soon as it was low enough, she dragged herself up to the back of the beast and smiled widely. "Let's go!" she exclaimed, bouncing with energy and excitement.
Then, they were off to Keskus.

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