Posted by ✓ The Three Packs (Sign-Ups) ✓ Closed

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-03-19 07:09:46


Character Sheets :|: RP Thread


We come in many, but none are the same. Wander the vast territory of the mystic forests, where things aren't always as they seem. The lands had been abandoned for thousands of years, allowing ourselves to adapt to our environment; as it adapted to us. Predators are still a threat, but remaining as one with ourselves had always kept us safe throughout the years. There are three packs to separate three different elements. Some say that we were seperated for a reason, that they don’t understand each other… But, we once thrived as one.

The Terra Pack is known to be overly friendly. They are spiritual wolves with beliefs of their own. These wolves tend to be down to earth and are open to learning new skills to improve their knowledge. They like to learn new things, and tend to remember things a lot better than any other wolf. Wolves in this pack tend to have a nature elemented power which allows them to contribute to their species.

The Kalla Pack is known to be neutrally behaved. Not every wolf is like this but the each pack comes in their own ways. These wolves have different beliefs but aren’t overly spiritual wolves. They try to be sneaky and outsmart others; though they mean good. Their powers are elemented around water and they know how to use it to their advantage.

The Api pack is known for being savage and harsh. They believe in punishment and won’t think twice about hurting someone; if they want to do it, they will. They try to keep out of trouble with the other pack’s but will sometimes find themselves crossing paths with them. Their powers are elemented around fire. They are also known to be dangerous in some wolves opinions.


♦ You must post AT LEAST once or twice every two-three days.(This is to keep the role-play flowing so that characters don't get stuck with one’s individual. Please restrain from asking what happened, on the RP thread.)
A Chief and Aide can have two abilities. The Shaman might rarely develop a second ability. However the rest of the other wolves only have one ability. There is a rare chance that the Chief's offspring can develop two abilities as well. (This is determined by the thread admin.) Wolves can have no abilities if they choose not to. They can develop in time or never be found by the character themselves.
♦ You must post at least 5 sentences a post.(1 paragraph minimum) Well thought out posts preferred. You can take your time posting.
♦ Delete any areas you don't use in the application. (Ex. Chief RP Example. You don't need it if you don't want to be chief. You can also delete the side comments.)
♦Your character IS allowed to be gay / bi
♦Won’t be logging on for awhile? Let me know! Inactive characters can and will be booted.
♦ Please put:
Name // Age // Rank
in every post. We also need to know who is who, your roleplaying. If you have multiple characters, they must each have their own heading, and their paragraph(s) etc. I don't want multiple characters to be in the same header or interact with each other etc. in the same paragraph as another.
♦ Wolves don't always have to play by their ranks, they don't always have to be dedicated 100% of the time. They are allowed to explore their own feelings and wander off to do as they please. Though stricter characters may disagree.
♦ In Other please put 🔥, ❄️, or 🍃 Depending on your wolves pack is. If your loner put all three symbols.
♦ I would seriously appreciate it if you used a personal role-play character, to dig in deep with the role-play, however if you choose to take a realistic image offline or someone’s piece of art, I don't want you to steal someone's OC. You will be banned if we catch you. I will be looking at all the credited websites. If you take an image offline please CREDIT the image. Mods go through threads deleting non-credited images and it would be appreciated if they get credit for their work. If you own the character you are going to role play, credit it to yourself, and if you remember the artist, include them. If not, I understand.
♦ Piercings and reasonable unnatural colors are allowed.( Jewelry: Earrings, Tongue Rings, accessories ranging from flowers etc. Colors cannot include neon but I will make an acceptation if your wolf doesn't look like a clown. )
♦ Proper grammar is a must. You have to spell out every word, and your post has to make sense.
♦ Allow your character(s) to express human emotion (Do they get jealous? Are they the shy type? Allow his or her passion of emotion to take place during the role-play.)
♦ Be realistic. Injuries with larger animals on solo hunts must be an option. You cannot take down a moose without getting injured. Or, spar with a wolf and not get wounded. However murder between wolves is forbidden.

Despite the well used developed theme of role plays having mates I can't limit a character from finding his or her love but just because I give you the option, doesn't mean you can abuse my approval. (Ex. If a character already has a mate, don't go after that wolf. Your character may still have emotions for them, but do not make any moves that would cause conflict. Leave the peace between not only members of Lioden, but the structure of the pack.)
♦ All wolves are allowed to breed. But, no wolf can come into the role play pregnant. Make sure if they mate/breed that you keep it clean. Fade it into black because not everyone likes to read that.
♦ If a female does not have a mate, she may not settle down with a wolf and have pups. Any wolf can become mates with another wolf as long as the alpha is informed.
♦ The smallest litter can be zero. Zero meaning all of the pups can die. (Stillborn, infertile mother, miscarriage, etc.)
♦ The largest litter can hold up to 4 pups.
♦ If you plan on having pups, make sure you have plans for them after birth. (Who will roleplay them? Will they die? What will they look like? (You must have a visual image of your pups. It keeps the RP open-minded and visually clear.) What are their fates? Will you care for them? Don't overwhelm yourself with RPing more than you can handle. This is unacceptable. etc.)


The Chiefs are the natural leaders of the pack and their word is law. They can decide a wolf's rank and fate within the pack. To contain a chief position you must be an experienced role player, and provide your form with a fresh RP sample roleplaying the desired character for the rank.

The Aide's shadow the Chief and are second in command. They can enforce punishment upon wolves and make decisions for the welfare of the pack without the Chiefs' consent if the situation is dire enough. The Aide's might take over Chief position when they are busy or away. These are the most trusted wolves in the Chief's eyes. And, are mostly chosen during the RP.

The Champion's are the protectors of the pack, this is the lead position and these wolves often have a lot of experience and are dominant, they have proven themselves valuable and are now the brains of the operation when it comes to controlling the pursuant's and conducting major pack hunts. Both Champions and Pursuant's,have the same goal. Hunt for the pack, and join together to help fight off intruders etc.

The Shaman's try to make sure the pack isn't ill. These wolves contain knowledge of healing, and might even have the power to heal. There is only one shaman per pack, because they are hard to come by. These wolves explore and gather their own herbs though are often assisted if they ask members for help.

The Pursuant's try to make sure the pack is fully fed at all times. Champions usually lead the hunting parties, and choose when they take place. Although in their absence, any Pursuant's can take charge. The Pursuant's main goal is to maintain the survival of the pack.

The Pup-Sitters are usually anyone in the pack, when they feel like putting up with their troubling actions. When wolves are pregnant or nursing, they tend to take this task until they are able to return to their normal duty. Lead ranks who birth litters usually have someone else looking after their pups during the day unless they make time and can multi task. This is not an actual rank because everyone contributes.

(No Limit)
The Tyke's are the packs next generation and are protected and cherished at all times.

(No Limit)
The introvert's don't have a pack and are usually are found roaming either in search of a pack to join, or avoiding them completely, they can cause trouble with the pack's but it's not very much appreciated.


(Characters name)
(Male or Female)
(Chaotic good, Neutral Evil, that sort of thing)
(MUST BE AN IMAGE - No detailed descriptions. DO NOT steal other peoples OC's from ANY WEBSITE. You may use internet images if you credit the source. Try to make the image look nicely sized with your application.)

(This is for any scars/jewelry you're character has on him/her. Links would be nice if not a detailed description.)
(At least a paragraph. Include likes, dislikes, flaws, and strengths. Really flesh out your character! This can also be expressed in bullets instead of paragraph form.)

(At least a paragraph. This can include how they grew up, how they were raised, or even how they came to be themselves, etc.)
Special Ability:
(This has to be accepted by the thread admin. Don't do anything over powering.)
Skill Application:
(Make a few small percentages if possible, each trait is out of 100%.)
●Hunting %
●Fighting %
●Herbs %
●Social %
●Stamina %
●Smarts %
Crush // Mate:
(Passcode here)
Other 2:
(How does you're character sound? Anything else you want to add?)
RP Sample:(Chief's Only)

Other Links
Coder Credit
HTML Guide
Fun Symbols
Member Sheets
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Chat Thread

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 19/06/17 @ 16:15:46 by Codisan (Primal) (#14257)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-03-19 07:22:33

Who Plays Who


Lio ♂ (#104843)

Autumn ♀ (#51844)
Mud ♂ (#16165)

Mahiru ♀ (#105486)

Khanate ♀ (#91514)
Lio ♂ (#104843)
Holly ♀ (#43497)


Jun ♂ (#101361)

Archer ♀ (#30862)

Star ♀ (#104843)
Moon ♀ (#51844)

Dmitry ♂ (#97277)

Brindle ♀ (#51844) ♀ (#68415)

Mako♀ (#105486)

Hades ♂ (#54511)

Praimfaya ♀ (#81091)
Arion ♀ (#83166)

Moriarti ♀ (#30862)
Ice ♀ (#51844)

Neo ♀ (#108936)

Hope ♂ (#68415)
Daewon ♂ (#33827)
Jupiter ♂ (#89122)


Castiel ♂ (#30862)
Jikx ♂ (#104843)
Soleil ♀ (#105486)
Borealis ♀(#10363)
Aero ♀ (#84624)

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Edited on 08/04/17 @ 14:02:08 by Codisan (Primal) (#14257)

pupper [looooong
hiatus] (#105486)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-03-19 08:30:48
❝ The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. ❞

☼ Name ☼
meaning "broad daylight" or "midday"

☼ Gender ☼

☼ Age ☼
4.3 years

☼ Alignment ☼
Lawful Good

☼ Pack ☼

☼ Rank ☼

☼ Description ☼
Mahiru wears a dandelion flower crown [source] and a small woven pouch [source] around her neck full of various healing herbs. Her front left leg has a permanent limp.

☼ Personality ☼
- Mahiru is a motherly figure to the pack, and treats each wolf like her own pup, no matter their age, for better or worse.
- She is very protective of the ones she cares about and will protect them at a moment's notice if they're in danger.
- She is always supporting unless she thinks whatever you are doing could seriously harm you or others under her care.
- While she is very friendly, a encounter with Mahiru can turn violent in a instant if you threaten her or her packmates. (Though chances are she couldn't win a fight by herself)
- An extrovert at heart, Mahiru is a boisterous she-wolf with a playful sense of humor.
- Though she is a bleeding heart, she is nowhere near naive. Any attempt to trick is met with her claws, and she can hold a grudge for a very long time.
- Mahiru is fairly even-tempered, but if you're being particularly annoying, you'll soon find she can be quite fiery if need be.
- She is fiercely determined, and as a result, about as stubborn as a mule. Once Mahiru wants to do something, good luck convincing her out of it.
- Selfless to the point of foolishness.
- Mahiru works as both a Shaman and a field medic, healing her packmates at camp or on the sidelines of the battlefield.

TL;DR: basically the mom friend

☼ History ☼
Mahiru had a fairly happy puphood. From a young age, she showed her potential as a Shaman, earning her a high place in the pack. It wasn't until she met Moriarti that her peaceful life began to unravel. With her true bleeding heart nature, Mahiru pitied the social outcast and sought to become friends, whether she liked it or not. Though she could be rather morose at times, Mahiru enjoyed her company and they became close. But Mori was even darker than she could have anticipated; in a fit of rage, Mori nearly killed her. Mahiru just managed to flee, but not without suffering injury. She gained a permanent limp. They were forced to drive Mori off. Mahiru, against her packmate's judgment, frequently visited. She still believed there was good in her. However, on one of her visits, she found Mori dead. Devastated, Mahiru threw herself into her work, promising to never let another wolf she cared about to die under her watch. She is currently unaware that Mori is alive.

☼ Special Ability ☼
1st: Mahiru is able to take away a specific wolf's pain while she is near them. It gets less powerful the farther away she is, and the most powerful through physical contact. It only works on one wolf at a time.

2nd: Mahiru can also disable a specific wolf's special ability, as long as they are at least 4-5 feet near her. It only lasts for a few seconds, but that could be long enough to distract an opponent and flee. Like her first ability, it only works on one wolf.

☼ Skill Application ☼
●Hunting - 35 %
●Fighting - 15 %
●Herbs - 100 %
●Social - 90 %
●Stamina - 70 %
●Smarts - 90 %

☼ Crush // Mate ☼
n/a, not really looking at the moment
homoromantic / asexual

☼ Other ☼

☼ Other 2 ☼
voice claim
theme song
Mahiru is also infertile., which the pack is currently unaware of.



❝ Deserving respect is not enough. Sometimes you have to demand it. ❞

☼ Name ☼
a type of shark

☼ Gender ☼

☼ Age ☼
2.8 years

☼ Alignment ☼
Neutral Evil

☼ Pack ☼

☼ Rank ☼

☼ Description ☼
Mako has shark-like side fins, gills on the sides of her neck, a dorsal fin, and a tail. They are light gray and tinged brown, most resembling fins of a Sandbar shark.

☼ Personality ☼
- Mako is an excellent liar with a sliver tongue. However, with her limited experience of the world, Mako can also be easily manipulated herself if you appeal to her pride, greed or ambition.
- Mako can be very stubborn. Not because she thinks whatever you want her to do is wrong; just because she doesn't want to do it.
- She is very pessimistic, and will eagerly (and loudly) voice her complaints to anyone who will listen. Even if the complaints are petty things like "[name] keeps stealing my fish!"
- Has a mild obsession with death. If you asked, she could probably name a handful of ways to kill you right that minute.
- Small attention span. One moment it's, "How many ways could I kill the Chief?" the next it's "Hey, look, a butterfly!"
- Very sneaky personality-wise, but probably the least stealthy wolf in the three packs. Crunching twigs, stumbling through bushes, you name it.
- Greatly dislikes to be dirty/muddy.
- Under her confidence, Mako is very insecure. One day she might drop the whole thing about being an assassin, but for right now it's her way of mourning her parents and doing what she thinks they would want her to do.

TL;DR: drama queen shark

☼ History ☼
Mako's entitled nature stems from how she was raised. Her mother and father (Kalla pursuants) were particular fans of the "survival of the fittest" mantra, and acted accordingly with their own pups. Mako, being the strongest of the three, was given the most attention. Their family desired power, so Mako was raised with the subtle expectation that she had to take a position of high power once she was older. It was never talked about, but she knew. She was too young to be an aide at the time, and by the time the Chief were to die, she'd be too old. There was only one solution in her parent's eyes, whether Mako liked it or not. They were given "lessons" in secret about the art of killing - and not just prey. Mako knew countless ways to kill a wolf by the time she was two. But there was a problem: she was incredibly clumsy. How could she be an assassin if she couldn't catch a squirrel? Her parents went back to their old ways, shunning Mako like they had done to her siblings. In an effort to get back into their love, she snuck out of camp (which didn't go very well - she woke up one of the pup-sitters, and bolted before they could figure out all the noise she was making wasn't from a squirrel.) But was met with a problem. A rather big problem: a bear. Her call for help thankfully woke her parents, who came to her rescue, but died in the process. Mako lives with the guilt, but as a result tries harder than ever in her plans.

☼ Special Ability ☼
Mako has the fins, gills and tail of a Sandbar shark. This allows her to be very quick in the water. Her gills allow her to breathe underwater, but she can also breath above water as well. Her tail could be used to attack by hitting other wolves with it, but this leaves her vulnerable from attack from behind.

☼ Skill Application ☼
●Hunting - 30 %
●Fighting - 55 %
●Herbs - 5 %
●Social - 85 %
●Stamina - 50 %
●Smarts - 87 %
[will develop as she grows]

☼ Crush // Mate ☼
unlikely, depends how the rp goes and how your character interacts with her, and it really wouldn't be anything more than a pup crush.
demiromantic / demisexual

☼ Other ☼

☼ Other 2 ☼
Likes to talk in a dark/deep voice to make herself sound more intimidating. Her real voice is fairly high-pitched.
voice claim [fake voice]
voice claim [real voice]
theme song


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Edited on 01/04/17 @ 09:20:10 by pupper [1-2 day hiatus thing] (#105486)

Christicat15 (#54511)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-03-19 08:34:57

"You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. Learn before you judge, for if you were in my paws, you'd fall with the first step."


Hades. Means "King of Hell."




4 years, 2 months


Lawful Evil




Applying for Chief.
If not, then Champion.


Hades is a Dire Wolf and stands at an intimidating 40 inches (at the shoulder) with a whopping weight of 200 pounds and an incredible amount of physical strength. He has terrifying, yellow eyes and pitch black fur that is very soft and sleek but is shorter than the average wolf's and is covered in scars. The black brute has a scar across his left eye from his mortal enemy [OPEN], one on his nose bridge, another down/across the right side of his neck, three parallel claw marks on his left, back thigh/hindquarters/upper leg. He has many more scars on his sleek, black fur and most, if not all, are visible due to his length of fur. Adding to this, he has long, razor sharp fangs and incredibly sharp claws.


Living a life tainted by loss, Hades is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Hades is a very quick-to-fight brute and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Hades, the name literally meaning 'king of hell'. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a pack, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Hades is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Hades is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a significant other/mate, he'd probably eventually be interested in having pups.


In the midst of a dark forest, a rogue watched as his mate gave birth to three pups: Hades, Hera, and Faolan. The first born, Hades, was the strongest of the wolf litter and would grow up to be a very powerful and fearsome brute. As expected for a group of rogue wolves, the family grew up harsh. Not that much food or water. Not to mention, an abusive father, Matchitehew, who beat them and their mother as a way to deal with his anger at their situation. Their mother, Vivian, although she would cry when they were beat, was helpless against the bastard she called her mate. Too weak to take the beatings, Faolan, the runt, soon died- the starvation, dehydration, and beatings too much for his already frail body. Hades himself was the strongest of the three and even defended himself and his mother and siblings against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Hades stronger in the end.

About a month after Hades turned a year old, his mother gave birth to another litter, yet there were only two pups in this one, a male and a female. The first born of the two was Hestia, a gorgeous girl, and the other was Ghost, a pure white male. With Hades being a little more than a year old, Vivian planned on running with the wolf pups, knowing the older brother would be able to help. And it almost worked. They waited till Matchitehew was gone hunting before they began to prepare themselves for leaving. But he came back early. Furious that his mate and pups even thought of leaving him, the scary male attacked Ghost and killed him then he brutally killed Hera before attacking Vivan, who tried her best to defend the last two pups of her two litters. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed by a bite to the throat. Looking down at his siblings' and mother's body in sadness and anger, Hades had looked up at his father with hatred shining in his fiery, yellow eyes. He attacked his father and the two battled for a long, long time but Hades, fueled by rage, soon defeated his father. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away.

Then Hades grabbed Hestia by the scruff and ran. About two months before the male turned two, the two were attacked by a bear, apparently guarding his home. During the attack, Hades had grabbed Hestia and hidden her in a bush before taunting the bear and then as fast as he could, the will to keep his sister alive fueling him. He lead the bear away from his sister, but the two were never reunited. Having lost the bear, he went back to the bush and found his sister nowhere to be found. He followed her pup trail as far as he could but never found her. To this day, he regrets having left her in that bush and after that day, he had continued to roam the lands, all in search for his young sister.

But, before he was two years old, Hades managed to cross paths with Hestia again. The two caught up before setting off on their travels once again. When he was around two years old and when Hestia was about a year and one month old, Hades and her came upon the Api Pack. Seeing great potential in a powerful warrior such as Hades, the two were taken in and became Pursuants on arrival, after being tested to make sure they didn't need training. Naturally, Hades rose in the ranks and became a Champion before finally becoming an Aide, after earning the trust of the Chief. Of course, he became Chief after the Chief died when he was about 3 years old and has been ruling the Api Pack ever since.

Special Ability

Supernatural Strength

Upon birth, Hades was blessed with the born, natural ability of Supernatural/Abnormal Strength, granting him an incredibly amount of strength that far succeeds that of the average wolf. He is able to exert greater than normal physical force. It is the ability to be stronger than what is usually, naturally possible. This naturally gives him a more muscular and strong physical structure already added to that of his lifetime training and also gives him greater agility, stamina, and a more powerful jump than average.



This fire elemented power gives Hades the ability to create and control fire using his mind. Using his brain, the Chief can create, shape, and manipulate fire. His body is also naturally a bit warmer than average.


Skill Application

●Hunting 89%
●Fighting 100%
●Herbs 30%
●Social 50%
●Stamina 89%
●Smarts 89%

Love Interest (Crush / Mate)

"Don't get too close, its dark inside."

Being as reserved and naturally hostile as he, Hades has yet to meet the right female that can break the ice surrounding his heart and push past his aggressive and cold demeanor. But, if one can do so, he could eventually fall in love with her.

Theme Song

Demons - Imagine Dragons

"I wanna hide the truth. I wanna shelter you. But with the beast inside, there’s nowhere we can hide."


🔥Hades' voice is very distinct. Overall, it is powerful, deep, masculine, and commanding. His voice is very strong-sounding and just listening to him speak, one would assume he holds some sort of authoritative rank. To hurting pack members, his usually terrifying voice can become soft and comforting, though still deep and masculine. Naturally, no matter what, his voice has its own attractive feel, adding to the already naturally attractive deepness and masculine-sound it owns.

RP Sample

( I will probably use this in the roleplay xD )

A massive brute padded in the hunting part of his Pack's territory, planning with determination to catch a more than decent meal for some wolf in his Pack. Sure, it was morning and he was the Chief, not a Pursuant, but that didn't technically mean he couldn't hunt in the morning before others awoke. Besides, when was hunting a bad or unfortunate thing? Food was always needed, and extra food was especially good. Plus, he had woken up earlier than most, as was a normal thing for the brute, and he had decided to go hunting, as was also normal. It was typically his daily routine, and pretty much everyone in the Pack knew the Chief did this, which was why the Aides took care of the Pack just in case he wasn't back in time, which never happened.

The sun hadn't fully risen yet, so he still had some time to hunt before he began to head back and fully start the day. The wind gently ruffling his fur, Hades padded across the forest floor, in the part of the territory where the pursuants most typically hunted. And sniffing and observing the ground all in front of him, a massive female deer grazing upon the slightly dusty grassy part of the forest caught his eye and he immediately crouched to the ground, moving forward slowly with his tail hovering above the ground as to avoid making noise. Stalking the beast, he got as close as he could, stopping when he couldn't go farther as to avoid being seen. Then he charged, biting. Pouncing, his claws dug into the hard, firm back of his prey to trap the beast before his teeth latched onto its neck, biting incredibly hard with a bite force stronger than that of an average wolf's. In a matter of moments, the massive canine had killed the weaker animal with his powerful bite.

Seeing the sun get higher in the sky, Hades grabbed his kill before beginning to trot back to camp whilst dragging it, knowing it would be wise to be there when the morning fully began. Not really any wolf was awake at the moment, so he'd most likely get back there when the pack was almost awake, or when they were. Soon enough, the guard arrived back home and entered the large walls of his kingdom's camp. The incredibly massive Chief padded into the camp, dragging the massive beast-like doe behind him with his powerful jaws. Intimidating yellow orbs scanned the camp as the few that were awake shuffled that morning in the midst of the camp. The brute soon set the deer down on the ground before him atop the prey pile, massive jaws parting for him to yawn as he stood there, his extraordinary sharp teeth revealed. He had an extraordinary figure. He was incredibly large with firm, rock-hard muscles under his fur, his legs not lanky at all with his height due to the muscles. His fangs were knife-sharp and very long and were very similar to the extinct animal, the Sabertooth, and as sharp as his own ancestor, literally, the Dire Wolf. And his claws were long and sharp. His tail was long, firm, and a bit fluffy. Hades had pitch black fur, with not a single other trace of any other color in his dark fur. He had many scars, not taking away any of the attractiveness of the himself, just adding to his already intimidating and terrifying aura. His eyes were a intimidating, striking, and yet captivating yellow that could easily disturb and scare some animal as he stared into one's eyes as if staring into their soul.

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Edited on 22/03/17 @ 16:43:15 by Christicat15 (#54511)

mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-03-19 09:13:02
may I save a spot for an introvert and an Api Champion? I'll be posting the forms soon!

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Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-03-19 09:16:27
Looking forward to see the three applications to come ❤ I will definitely allow you to reserve a spot I'll mark that down now.

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nPie-3.3k] (#101361)

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Posted on
2017-03-19 09:17:18

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Edited on 24/03/17 @ 18:38:48 by Korea (#101361)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-03-19 09:43:42

"Who am I? Your worst nightmare."



4 Years


Chaotic Evil


She has an assortment of white feathers tucked into her fur, giving it a softer look. 

When you first glance at Ice, she looks like the type of wolf you would want to be friends with. Innocent looking, soft and fluffy fur, and the pure white feathers that add on to her innocent look. You think,
Hey, maybe we can be friends! 

You couldn't be more wrong. 

Ice is cruel, cold, and sadistic, finding pleasure in ways that would disgust any other wolf. When hunting, she tortures squirrels, rabbits, and other such animals - breaking their bones, ripping animals of their fur or feathers while they were still alive, biting in a certain place to paralyze the back end of an animal, - you name it. Sometimes she does this and watches it drag itself across the ground, in a futile attempt to escape its torturer. Sometimes she gets bored and leaves a paralyzed rabbit or bird without feathers on the ground to die.

She is a deranged dog, and she loves it.

When Ice was a pup, she knew she was different from her family. Her mother was a pure Kalla wolf, with powers over the water. Her father was a loner, who's bloodline was unknown. Her mother had run away from the Kalla pack with her father because she was expecting his pups. Her mother and siblings had powers relating to the water and made it no secret that they had these powers to Ice. Over time, Ice grew bitter. I should have a power too, she would always think as she watched her mother and siblings. One day, she found it. She was going through a walk in the forest when the presence of a rabbit made itself known. Pretending the rabbit was one of her siblings, she was shocked to see the rabbit immediately drop dead, the smell of burning flesh wafting through the area. 

Every day, she took a walk, strengthening her powers, her physical strength, and her hunting skills on small creatures. Eventually, her powers grew so great that she could harm a grown wolf with them! (even though it took a lot of her energy.) Her pathetic family was none the wiser that she had any powers. A week ago, her father had left them. Her mother had started taking out her anger on Ice. One night, Ice took revenge on her brother. A few bites to the throat and he met his end. The next month, her sister. This continued, and within a month, her family lay dead.

However, Ice had nowhere to go. She wandered the lands, looking for a place to call home. She found the Api pack, and have lived there ever since. 

Special Ability:
She has the ability to boil the blood of the animal smaller than her, and roast them alive. However, she can not boil a wolf to death, only harm, because it takes her a lot of energy. When you're near her, you feel just a tad bit warmer. 

Skill Application:
●Hunting - 80% 
●Fighting - 100%
●Herbs - 10%
●Social - 20%
●Stamina - 80%
●Smarts - 90%

Crush // Mate: 
None. Open! Other:
Ice's voice is very alluring. It has a soothing tone to it, even though in reality she is a devilish savage. It also has a slightly commanding quality to it, making sure everyone in the den will stop and listen. 
She speaks in a voice softer than a regular voice, but louder than a whisper. She rarely yells, but when she does, it is usually so full of rage that it can make grown wolves whimper, and pups bolt for their mothers. 


"There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy."



4 Years


Lawful Good


She has healthy green vines loosely wrapped around her neck, body, and tail. Sometimes they get tangled. 

Autumn is a friendly wolf. She's very caring and sweet to others, with a giant heart that has enough room in it for all of her packmates without leaving anyone out. Highly devoted to her pack, Autumn would do anything for it. (As long as it doesn't go against her morals, of course!) However, the Terra pack is rarely cruel so this hasn't been a problem for her. Though she has seen darkness the past, she always looks at the bright side of life, forever the optimist. 

Some say she is too soft-hearted. This is probably true, as she cannot resist helping someone she sees in trouble, suffering or in need, and she often doesn't think of the repercussions or situation before doing so. This can be a weakness, as it is quite easy to take advantage of. 

She's just a friendly little fluffball. <3

Autumn's younger years were peaceful and happy, her parents both very loving. Her father was a runaway Terra wolf, while her mother was a loner. When Autumn was six months old, both of her parents were slain by a family of foxes. She managed to escape the fox family, but only barely. One day, she stumbled upon a pack of wolves, called the Terra pack. Vaguely remembering her father talking about this pack, she made a request to join. Obviously, they accepted. She resides in the Terra pack today. 

Special Ability:
She has the ability of growth. With a touch, she can make a plant grow out of the ground. She has only tried growing minor things, such as flowers and vines, so the most she can grow would be a small tree. 

Skill Application:
●Hunting - 90% 
●Fighting - 40%
●Herbs - 15%
●Social - 90%
●Stamina - 70%
●Smarts - 80%

Crush // Mate: 
None. Open! 

Autumn has a very friendly voice. It can be used to sooth crying pups, and even distraught Pursuant's after a failed hunt. Her voice always seems to want to make you smile.
She speaks slightly louder than a regular voice, to make sure she is heard over the sound of her other packmates. When she yells, it is never full of malice, it's meant to grab attention. 


"Stars can't shine without darkness."



4 Years




Her fur always seems to be flecked with snow and ice, making white specks here and there.

Being a rather quiet wolf, Moon is more isolated and keeps to herself. When she's not hunting with her packmates, she's usually outside, talking a walk and admiring the scenery. However, when you can find her, Moon is a wolf you can confide in. If you ever need to talk to someone, you should find her. She will comfort even the strongest, most unbreakable, wolf. 

If you could describe Moon is one word, the word would definitely not be biased. She can give any wolf a second chance, even if they've done the most unforgivable thing in the world. This can be a weakness, as it is quite easy to take advantage of. 

Born and raised in the Kalla pack. She's always been a quiet pup, in the background, watching. Back then, no one could have suspected that she would become champion. At night, she would secretly take walks in the territory, learning all the nooks and crannies of the territory, learning the best hunting spots, and learning the secrets of the land. 

Special Ability:
She has the ability to remember everything she sees down to the smallest detail with just a glimpse.

Skill Application:
●Hunting - 75% 
●Fighting - 75%
●Herbs - 15%
●Social - 80%
●Stamina - 65%
●Smarts - 100%

Crush // Mate: 
None. Open! 

Moon has a very... emotionless voice. It's not like she doesn't have any emotion, it's just the way her voice is. Sometimes it unnerves other wolves, and they tend to shy away. But, she can't really help it. 
She speaks in a voice softer than a regular voice, but louder than a whisper. She rarely raises her voice above this level, but when she does, it's heard, just because it's so rare. 

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Edited on 21/03/17 @ 18:14:40 by Icy [Chat Stalker] (#51844)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-19 10:00:22
Little reminder ! I was informed I forgot to add the pack section in the application. I fixed it ! Thank you ❤ I also edited the Other . It's a little more appropriate for the role play. I will make no more edits so no worries if your in the middle of making your application. If you have made your application and haven't already, please add


And change


At the moment I am in mobile so I will start accepting applications appropriately with proper responses :)

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-03-19 10:25:24

Name: Castiel 

Gender: Male

Age: Five and a half years

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Rank: Introvert 

(I couldnt find an image of this type of wolf with castiel's eyes. His eyes are an icy blue)**

Description: Castiel has a couple scars, including a scar from a gash-like would on his left shoulder, a thin scar on his right flank from a sharp blade/claw, and a nick in his right ear. His wings are navy-black and his feathers are tattered and uneven among the edges.

Likes: Snow, quiet, being alone, small woodland creatures, birds, wolves who don't talk much but still talk a bit, someone who can handle his antisocial tendencies, and raven feathers. He also likes acting mysterious and powerful.
Dislikes: Wolves that are cheerful, optimistic, and extroverted. Summer weather, loud noises, and sakes- he hates them. Bright or too-vibrant colors. Self-conscious about the tears on the ends of his wings, but he still flares them about to intimidate or impress others. 
Flaws: Socialization. He cannot talk politely to save his life, and unless the wolf knows him, or is really sympathetic or forgiving, all the wolves he meets most likely want to attack him, and some even do. He dislikes mentions of his life before becoming a loner- he'll often get angry and lash out. When Castiel is angry, he can do crazy things, such as harming others or himself with recklessness. 
Strengths: Has the skill of being able to adapt to the current situation and lead other wolves through it. Though he can be bossy, he's analytical, strategic and usually knows what he's doing. Sometimes, he gets attached to wolves and cares, something that confuses even him. 

History: Castiel believes he was born in the Kalla pack, but his father took him and left at his mothers unnatural death. He cannot remember her, or any specifics of the incident. He dislikes interaction in with any of the packs, especially Kalla. His father died within the year they had left. By then, they had reached the snowy forests, and Castiel grew up in isolation, hence his inability to be social. He met a few others, but none who he likes to talk about. He travels alone now, only occasionally getting caught in pack business unintentionally.

Special Ability: Castiel has black 'angel' wings. He doesn't fly with them, however he can teleport over small distances. Large distances drain him, and tear the edges of his wings further. He does not teleport out of his range unless it is life or death. Cannot take anyone with him when teleporting.

Skill Application:
(Make a few small percentages if possible, each trait is out of 100%.)
●Hunting %75
●Fighting %95
●Herbs %10
●Social %25
●Stamina %70
●Smarts %80

Crush // Mate:  none (yet?)

Pack: none

Other: 🔥 ❄️ 🍃

Other 2:
Castiel is bisexual. He also has an icy, low voice, and he rarely raises it unless extremely angry.


Name: Moriarti (can be called Mori or Moriar)

Gender: Female

Age: Four and a half years old approximately

Alignment: Chaotic evil 

Rank: Champion

Appearance: 12549941553_2c82b2b2c6_c.jpgsource 
Eyes are a piercing yellow (may not be as clear in image)

Description: Moriarti has two major scars- one of which she used to fake her first death. One a heavy gash running through her underbelly, coming up on her left side, and the other around the left portion of her neck. She also has a few nicks in her ears, and small claw marks here and there along her flanks.

Likes: Summer, heat, a wolf who can put up with her wild topics and ideas of fun, loves squirrels for some reason (and refuses to kill any). Despite her odd personality, she loves relaxing and sleeping.
Dislikes: Sullen silences, enclosed spaces, wolves telling her there is something wrong with her, isolation, hunting, herbs, and the work of shamans (however, as champion she has gotten used to them a little more).
Flaws: When angered, she is thrown into a blind rage, and looses control of her blood powers, any cut or break of her skin can result in fake blood pouring out, sapping her energy. When severely outraged, she reverts back to her psychopathic behaviors and can injure someone or even kill. She tries not to do this, but if she does, it haunts her for weeks after, making her withdrawn and anxious.
Strengths: Extremely skilled in combat and battle strategy. Learned most of her fighting skills from her lonely practice in Terra and the journey to Api territory from Terra territory. 

History: Moriarti was born into the Terra pack. She knew from a very young age, she did not belong there. She even made her cheerful pack mates gloomy, cackling and yapping about death and other deranged topics. A social outcast, Mori showed signs of a psychopath, nearly killing her only friend as a pup accidentally. She never forgave herself, and is sometimes terrified of what she could do. Mori spent all her time alone in the dense forests of Terra, having only squirrels who were the only animals foolish enough to come close to her. She had daily visits from the champions and shamans. When she discovered her power, she practiced until she finally was able to stage her death, fleeing to the Api pack, seeking other wolves that would be more compatible with her chaotic personality. 

Special Ability: Mori can, on command, stop all her bodily functions- her heart, pulse, breathing, and muscles- everything. She instantly 'freezes,' her bloodstream even slowing to a stop. She can also produce a decent amount of fake blood, appearing exactly like her own, just not losing any blood/losing a minimal amount of blood. She uses these to stage 'fake' deaths, tricking enemies to let their guard down, or to escape.

Skill Application:
(Make a few small percentages if possible, each trait is out of 100%.)
●Hunting %40
●Fighting %95
●Herbs %20
●Social %40
●Stamina %75
●Smarts %80

Crush // Mate: none yet (Open)

Pack: Api

Other: 🔥

Other 2: Mori is pansexual.
"To die was an art," Is her favorite thing to say.


Name: Archer

Gender: Female

Age: Six years and three months

Alignment: Lawful neutral

Rank: Kalla Aide


Description: Archer is believed to be half dire-wolf because of her large size, but nothing is certain. She is larger than a regular sized wolf, but definitely smaller than a dire-wolf. A scar is present on her face, running from her right eyebrow to her cheek. She has a bracelet around her left front paw, which is a pale gold and has an arrow engraving. It is hardly visible against her fur, though.

Personality: Archer can come off as stern, lawful, just, and sometimes bossy, but she has the best intentions.
Likes: Order, calm and quiet crowds, doing justice, equality and fair chance for all wolves. She believes in second chances, but only two. She believes showing mercy is always necessary unless there is absolutely no other choice.
Dislikes: Arrogant, unkind, or discriminating wolves, who believe they are better than others. She also dislikes the extreme cold, and extreme heat. Any other temperatures are fine, though. She dislikes wolves who raise their voice or snap a lot, and loud noises in general. Hates wolves who take advantage of others.
Strengths: Can turn an angry Api wolf around, without touching a fur on their pelt. Rationalizing, and offering logical solutions using quick thinking and reasonable judgment is Archer's greatest strengths.
Weaknesses: Archer can be taken advantage of due to her forgiving personality, but the wolf who has done the crime may not withstand her if she finds out, which she usually does. Archer, being an Aide, should be able to order other wolves when the Chief is away, but she is a little soft spoken and withdrawn. However, if circumstances are dire, she will instantly become loud, barking orders like another wolf. She usually feels guilty afterwards. She dislikes punishing wolves unless necessary in her duties as Aide. Some question her position, but she does the job in the end.

History: Archer used to be a very rowdy pup, acting tough and fearless. She was born with a sister- Vixen, but she died from unknown causes when they were adolescents. Archer adopted a new perspective on life after her sister's death, and matured from there. She became fond of candor and justice. Wanting to bring whatever cause her sister's death to justice, or to find what killed her sister, Archer roamed around Kalla in her free time, looking for clues, and asking around. One day, she discovered her power- the ability to know if a wolf was telling the whole truth, or not. Turns out a Vixen and another wolf had stumbled into a moose, who charged and killed Vixen. The other, too scared to fight, ran and never told the truth in fear. Archer learned a valuable lesson, and forgave the wolf. She worked her way up into the Aide position.

Special Ability: The ability to know if a wolf is telling the whole truth, part of a truth, or a plain lie.
She also has another ability- the power to form her fur into sharp icicles. Focusing on the tail, she can conjure ice shards and propel them at prey or opponents. The icicles are small, like tufts of fur, and melt soon after forming, leaving a wound, but nothing inside. Any dirt would also be washed out by the melted water, so her ice arrows do not do that much damage in the end. Archer usually uses this for large prey like moose, or small prey like rabbits as target practice.

Skill Application:
(Make a few small percentages if possible, each trait is out of 100%.)
●Hunting %85
●Fighting %65
●Herbs %10
●Social %75
●Stamina %65
●Smarts %95

Crush // Mate: none, open

Pack: Kalla

Other: ❄️

Other 2: soft spoken, yet her voice is filled with authority and firmness. Archer is demisexual

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Edited on 23/03/17 @ 19:48:44 by Johnlock (#30862)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2017-03-19 10:29:40
There, I updated my form! It should be correct now. c:

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-03-19 11:48:40
finished both forms! <3

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2017-03-19 12:13:53

Pursuant of the Api Pack

•     •     •  
•     •     • 

Praimfaya, or Faya


Three years, four months old

Neutral Evil

Api Pack

Applying for Aide

Praimfaya has many traits worth of mentioning, though most of them are not quite good or positive. She is very determined, starting off from there, and in addition, she is extremely confident. As upset as she can be at times when plans don't result as expected, she never actually doubts that she will succeed. She uses basically everyone who happens to be in her life to her own benefit; if someone serves no higher purpose, they won't be in her sight for very long. Furthermore, she sees those with different ranks in life on varying levels of usefulness, other beings truly only pawns on her eyes.

Even with her obvious cruel nature, Praimfaya is not a ravenous killing machine. She's certainly been at the root of many deaths, but these generally happen for good reasons-- Randomly killing and making a scene is not in her best interest as it would draw unwanted attention. While she is capable, it is not in her to do so. Faya is very conniving and strategic. She always has back-up plans in effect, as she has had far too much go wrong in her life.

After all these things said, one would believe this she-wolf is a boring or quiet specimen. But in the reality she has quite the sarcastic humour that many find offensive and many others see as an interesting attribute in addition to charisma (Which can be also considered to be a smooth-tongue). Her cynical manners are always present, used to add her personal touch to threats and even basic, simple phrases.

Praimfaya was born to a litter of 4, her pack's territory located in a valley with several woods and gigantic mountains around the lands. She was the first born and therefore the one that took on most of the responsibilities. She was raised as a warrior, not as an Alpha's child, and as she grew up, her siblings were raised alongside her, but she excelled above them in every attribute. They knew their place whenever they challenged her, being not the strongest, but the most logical, smart, and with the best endurance among the pups. Reaching the first year of age, Faya was privileged in many ways by their parents, including greater attention and benefits in food, with the excuse that the best warriors should be 'better attended'. First-timer in life in general, the overwhelmed female supposed that things in any other territory worked the same, and did not realized the envy that grew strong among her siblings, whom had not received as much as they desired. Or more likely, as much as their sister.

Months passed, and the pack was in its best moments; The prey was plentiful for maintaining a family with little less than ten members, and they had managed to expand their small territory. This was achieved with the victory of several battles that ensued with rival packs, in where the once-naive Faya refused to face with reality-- Her siblings silently planned dangerous deaths for their older sister, one after the other in case plan 'A' didn't worked, among the one that consisted on leaving her - And their progenitors - alone in the last fight without support from their side, hoping that, if she died, the guilty and envy would burn down to ashes along her body.

Their plan didn't succeeded, the canine dealing with obvious difficulties with what she could, and frustrated, the siblings decided to simply attack her, taking advantage of her condition as soon as the battle had finished. Praimfaya was truly confused during the first seconds of an acute pain all over her until, by instinct, she began to fend herself from the traitors, although her loyalty still hesitated. As soon as their parents noticed the chaos, the three young wolves fled completely with a mixture of fear and satisfaction, the fright owed to what their pursuits could be if they didn't left in time. They soon got lost in the depths of an unknown wood, and nowadays, their current status is unknown. Praimfaya gained most of the scars that are currently hidden under a dense, white pelage in this long battle, the situation ending with a land stained red and skins with many wounds.

A few days later, when her mother had sadly passed away, Praimfaya embarked on a journey towards unknown lands, and eventually joined the Api Pack, swearing loyalty to her leaders. Although she started as a subordinate, determined, hard-worker and ambitious, Faya fought her way towards the rank that she currently fends with honor.

Special Ability
Illusion Manipulation

Praimfaya's ability consists in visual, auditory and sensorial illusions, causing the target to see, hear or feel things which are not real, created and manipulated by her mind with the enough concentration. She is able to alter her surroundings, make the individual hear sounds (Let that be others' voices, nature sounds, etc.) and even touch animals, matter and objects that aren't real at all. However, her powers are limited to be used with one creature at a time, and the bigger the illusion, the more energy will be consumed.

The best way to know if Praimfaya's powers are in use is to look at her eyes, which adapt to a glowing yellow while her expression resembles that of a psychopath wolf, with eyelids wide open and fixed on the victim. Her body is tense and motionless. Though, just a call to her name or the touch of another animal will be enough to decentralize her, and the entire illusion will instantly disappear.

Skill Application

●Hunting 59%
●Fighting 88%
●Herbs 5%
●Social 80%
●Stamina 70%
●Smarts 82%

Crush // Mate
None as of now. PM me if interested.

[ Although she currently doesn't have an element in fact, i may add another power related to fire if she is ranked as Aide.]

Other 2

Praimfaya's Voice - Portrayed by Rebekah, the blonde girl.

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Edited on 19/03/17 @ 19:14:39 by Legolas (#81091)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-19 13:49:57

Application Progress


Mahiru ♀ (#105486) W.I.P
Still a work in progress

No Name ♂ // ♀ ? (#54511) W.I.P
Still a work in progress

Jun ♂ (#101361)W.I.P
Still a work in progress.

Ice ♀ (#51844) Needs a simple edit, Accepted.
I believe her power is a bit over powering, but others may disagree. Your application for Ice is wonderful; it's beautifully formatted and the centered text makes her look 'soothing' even though in reality she is a devilish savage. However I believe that I would appreciate her more if you specify that she cannot boil animals to death who are larger than her. She can still use her ability to boil their blood but it can't kill larger mammals. Maybe she can have a weakness when it comes to killing other wolves? This way, while fighting she can't defeat her opponent by boiling their blood and making them nearly close to death. However she can slow or exhaust them, while still having a fair fight. I don't mind her having the ability to kill smaller mammals by boiling their blood because it's a smaller creature and she would have more control. Let me know how you feel about this. Other than this seeming to be a little minor problem (not really) I accept Ice to be apart of the Api pack.

Castiel ♂ (#30862) // Moriarti ♀ (#30862)Needs Edits
I see a major issue with grammar in both of your applications. Can you fix your uppercase words after each sentence? I was reading it and it seem's okay but this RP requires correct grammar (if you can help it). Castiel still needs an age before he can be accepted, but I see Mori already has an age which is good. In both histories I realized that they were both kicked out by the Kalla and Terra packs. The only way someone can get kicked out of a pack is if they did something wrong. The pack knows everyones powers are different, so they don't judge by what ability one has. The Kalla pack wouldn't have kicked Castiel out due to his ability. As for Mori, the Terra pack is extremely friendly. Those wolves wouldn't contain a wolf in prison even if they thought she/ or he was insane. Unless they tried to wound a pack member; there is always a Grumpy in a group (Take the smurfs for example.) In my rules I stated that each wolf doesn't have to meet the personality standards to join a pack or be apart of one. A friendly wolf can be in an Api pack. Also, would you mind making their personalities a bit more clear? With your male for example I didn't understand "Green Eyes, Brown Fur." Is this what he finds attractive? Be a bit more specifically clear. And I did indeed change the Other so please edit that when you go to edit your forms ^-^
? // 🔥

Praimfaya ♀ (#81091) Accepted
I see nothing wrong with your application, Praimfaya will be accepted into the Api pack and be a Persuant. I will put down her rank soon enough along with the rest of the members. Your formatting is lovely and makes your character boldly stand out. Your coding allows your application to elegantly eye catching ^

We have a lot of applicants for API but remember ! Wolves don't have to be nice in order to join a friendly or neutral pack. Powers don't have to be based off of ice nature and fire they can be expanded such as teleportation with limits etc. Toxic venom. Even shape shifting. Each territory environment will be the same since the seasons change all at once. API may be scorched but if it's summer the kalla territory won't be completely ice. They could turn it that way if they would like to but it would take a lot of effort and energy

Accepted members may post their profile in Character Sheets ...

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Edited on 19/03/17 @ 21:03:36 by Codisan (#14257)

Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-03-19 14:21:00

|| Name ||

|| Gender ||

|| Age ||
2 years and 8 months

|| Alignment ||
Chaotic neutral

|| Rank ||

|| Appearance ||

|| Personality ||
Khanate is a friendly wolf, she is kind to those whom she has barely even met or she has known but they're always somewhat rude to her. She is persistent and stubborn, never backing down on certain topics and usually almost never listening to others, often following her own decisions. The female is quite selfless, never focusing on herself and only ever caring about others. She will even risk her life for those whom she loves, putting others before herself. On some occasions, Khanate is quite indecisive, often finding it hard to make a choice even if the decision is very simple to others. So, she often makes others decide for her, even if they don't want to. On the good side, Khanate is very forgiving, even if a wolf has been a jerk to her or simply doing harmful things to wolves that she love. On the down sides to this female, she has a big fear of big bodies of water and dark areas where she can't see much. Khanate also has a fear of abandonment and betrayal, though it is never really known why those are her emotional fears.

|| History ||
Khanate doesn't speak much of it, bits and pieces will be revealed in roleplay.

|| Special Ability ||
Visual Projection

Khanate has a strong illusory talent. She can make her target see any illusion she wants, or see nothing at all. Her range includes anyone in her eyesight, limiting up to two wolves. However, she doesn't project her ability on two wolves at the same time as it often drains her energy and could cause some sort of injury.
Khanate uses this power by imagining an area and willing her victims to see, or make them see nothing at all. The visions are so real that the victims can easily forget reality. Like some abilitied, she can project to multiple targets at the same time, and, like most, take immediate effect. In battle, this power is useful in blinding her target. She can also use this power to keep her prey from escaping. Since her power is directed to the minds of others, it can easily be blocked by those with clouded minds. Also, her power seems to only affect a target's sight (and perhaps hearing). Her power only affects those who are in her eyesight.

Similar to most abilities like this, this power is very likely to get thwarted if Khanate gets distracted.

|| Skill Application ||
●Hunting 68%
●Fighting 51%
●Herbs 31%
●Social 59%
●Stamina 47%
●Smarts 66%

|| Crush // Mate ||
None, Open

|| Pack ||

|| Other ||

|| Other 2 ||
Vocals - Nina Dobrev

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Edited on 21/03/17 @ 18:23:35 by ☪Ririe (#91514)

Mr. Grieves (#68415)

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Posted on
2017-03-19 16:07:53




2.5 years old (at a guess).

Chaotic Good



Brindle wears two thin, brown, leather strips tied around her tail. They sit a few inches apart, in the centre of her tail, causing the hair above them to bunch up and become especially fluffy. The fur beneath has almost entirely chaffed away.
The she-wolf isn't entirely sure if the bands resulted from some sort of tangled accident, or whether they were some sort of weird gift. Either way, she can't remember a time not having them, and has grown quite attached.
This may have lead to her now-habit of chasing her tail. Perhaps the bands once caused a great irritation. Perhaps her nervous habit of chewing at her ankles comes from failed attempts to chew at her tail.
Whatever the case, Brindle has no desire to be rid of the bands, rejecting several wolves' offers to help.

Brindle is somewhat of a bumbling mess. She is young, clumsy, social to the point of being annoying, and has a terrible habit of sticking her muzzle where it doesn't belong.
Despite not being much of a fighter, Brindle is exceptionally fearless. This isn't always a good thing - she's been in more bad situations than she could count. Upon meeting a threatening stranger, she is much more likely to allow her curiosity to get the better of her, to bombard them with a series of swiftly-spoken questions, than she is to, you know, do the clever thing and be on her guard. But then, Brindle isn't well-known for her intelligence...
What she is well known for is her optimism. It would seem like nothing could bring her down, and, as a compassionate creature, she is constantly encouraging others to do the same, to look on the bright side of life. Some wolves don't exactly appreciate her efforts...

Brindle's history is largely a mystery. Not because she is quiet about it (believe me, she'd yap ya ear off if she could), but because she doesn't remember a large portion of her life.
She assumes she was in some sort of accident, perhaps received some kind of injury to the head, or maybe she encountered an unfriendly wolf with some sort of weird ability to make her forget.
The earliest things she can remember involve her being an already half-grown pup, scavenging for food (and failing miserably). At some point, the skinny little shewolf encountered a pack of full-grown wolves devouring a kill, &, instead of being intimidated like she probably should have been, she saw this as an opportunity to make friends!
Fortunately for her, this pack was amused by her behaviour, &, taking pity on her, allowed her to snack on what remained once the pack was finished. After a few incidents of this, she followed the pack home & became a part of the Kalla pack. As a general rule, she was fairly well accepted, tho there were those who did not regard her as the most useful addition to the pack, & there were those who found her personality irritating. Still, to Brindle, that only gave her more reason to try and make friends with them, right?

Special Ability:
Wolves already have pretty awesome hearing, but Brindle's is exceptional. This super-sense of hers may be part of why she's so damn nosy - she really can't help hearing everyone else's business.
While her ability might seem to pale in comparison to the wondrous talents of her packmates, it does have more practical uses. More than once, Brindle has been able to give the pack early warning of oncoming attacks and disasters, & while she lacks a lot of skill required to be a truly good hunter, she is often able to point her packmates in the right direction, hearing the distinct sounds of prey animals, sometimes long before the others can catch a scent.

Skill Application:

●Hunting 60%
●Fighting 35%
●Herbs 60%
●Social 90%
●Stamina 75%
●Smarts 55%

Crush // Mate:
Brindle may be potentially attracted to males and females, but as of yet, she hasn't shown much of that kind of interest in either.



Other 2:
Brindle has a rather high voice, and tends to speak rapidly.




4.8 years

Chaotic Neutral



Has a long, 1 inch thick, horizontal scar running from one side of his muzzle to the other - a gift from his brother.
Also has two deep scars on his left thigh, where no fur will grow, and the tip of his left ear is missing. Both of these scars were given to him by a bear, which he foolishly provoked in his younger days. He figured, in his 'other' form, he was almost a match for a bear. He was wrong, and it didn't take long until he was forced to flee... though he likes to believe he left the bear with a few scars too.

Hope is not the most sociable wolf that ever walked. He tends to look down on many others, and is known for being cocky, arrogant, & unnecessarily aggressive. Surely, if it weren't for his skills in the hunt & battle, few wolves would even tolerate his presence.
Fortunately for them, outside of what is 'essential to the pack', he is quite content not to bother others, & keep to himself. He tends to find most company tedious, anyways.
Despite his disapproving looks & mocking words, Hope is fiercely loyal to the pack. He considers himself duty-bound to ensuring the pack's survival (although, that may have a little to do with the fact he thinks few others are capable of it)

Abandoned by their mother at a young age, Hope & his brother Fate were left to fend for themselves. They couldn't be certain why she had left - perhaps she was afraid of the pup who changed into a monster before her very eyes, or perhaps she was afraid of the pup who turned the earth beneath his paws to scorching heat, walking through it like he was made of flame himself. Perhaps she hadn't meant to abandon them at all. Perhaps she'd been killed. Or perhaps it was the death of her third pup, the tiny female, that made her panic. Maybe motherhood frightened her.
Either way, the two young brothers had to learn how cruel life can be straight away.
They managed to survive mostly by digging for voles beneath the snow. A few times, they managed to isolate stumbling deer calves, fresh from the womb. As they grew, they worked less together, and became more competitive. As they grew, so did their tempers.
Eventually, mind set to kill, one brother brutally attacked the other, leaving him for dead.

The scar across his muzzle reminded Hope of what he had done every waking moment. If he allowed it to, it would haunt him. It was a good thing he believed that dwelling on the past was for those who lacked a future.

Some time passed, & now alone, Hope became a fierce hunter.
Some other wolves noticed, & so he came to join the Api pack.

His loyalty to the pack is certainly a product of his arrogance, a way for him to measure his own perceived greatness. It also might be, little known to him, a form of compensation - a way to make up for the loyalty he lacked when brother killed brother.

Special Ability:
Hope can transform his shape, taking on the form of a bear-like wolf almost twice his usual size (and he's already rather large!). The appearance is quite monstrous, with sharp fangs & drooling jowls, and easily intimidates 'lesser creatures', as he would say.
Unfortunately, this form is quite strenuous to maintain, and he cannot hold it for long. It also slows him down drastically, making him a somewhat easy target to flank for any threat that is game enough to attempt an approach. For these reasons, it betters serves as a means to frighten away potential threats, or as a last stand, rather than a go-to attack plan.

Skill Application:

●Hunting 75%
●Fighting 85%
●Herbs 25%
●Social 25%
●Stamina 65%
●Smarts 75%

Crush // Mate:
None as of yet.



Other 2:
Sorta deep voice, usually has very snarky tone.




3.6 years

Chaotic Neutral



When he was little more than a pup, Jikx was victim to a very severe parasite infection. He lost a lot of fur, & in some places, where he scratched himself to oblivion, the fur never recovered.
To this day, Jikx still has a terrible habit of furiously scratching himself 'til he bleeds.

Jikx is also a very small & scrawny wolf.

Jikx believes the world is in his paws.
This has something to do with the fact he believes he can have anything at all he wants, & a lot to do with the fact he's convinced his real father was a forest spirit. So, yeah. He basically fancies himself as some sort of demi-god.
Despite how obviously untrue that is, Jikx is 100% committed to the idea. Any other wolves he meets who have interesting powers must also be the offspring of spirits, & he won't let them tell him otherwise.

Other than this bizarre conviction, Jikx is a pretty clever wolf. He is quick-thinking, & can get himself out of most situations. He's also very good at reading others, & uses this information to lead them down conversational paths until he gets whatever he wants from them.

Whilst he lacks a lot of compassion, & doesn't really mind what the consequences of his actions are, he isn't outright cruel. He simply views others as tools, only useful for so long, & he doesn't get attached easily (in fact, as of right now, there isn't anybody he cares about).

Still, he tends to have a certain admiration for any wolf who can outsmart him, or any wolves who share a similar fondness for downright devilish deception.

Jikx was once intended to be the eventual leader of a large pack, to step up in his father's place when the time came.
Always a right little scallywag, Jikx was always being scolded by his father, or, well, the rest of the pack. He was always in trouble with someone, it seemed.
Well, when he was about one year old, during a particularly harsh scolding, Jikx disappeared. No, he didn't run away - he literally vanished before his father's eyes, only to reappear a few seconds later.
If you think the witnesses were surprised, imagine how Jikx felt!

So that was the day Jikx learned that his father was, apparently, not his father.
Apparently, Jikx was a freak, & his father did not want to claim him as his own. Apparently, Jikx's mother must have been running around with one of those wolves, and while none of this was necessarily true, it sure didn't stop his 'father' from despising him.

So Jikx & his mother were both chased from the pack. This runaway duo didn't last for long, tho. She hated him. She said he had cost her everything, & so she left him too.

It wasn't all bad, tho. Jikx learned to persuade other wolves to share their kills with him. Jikx learned to follow wolves back to their buried stash, & raid it when they weren't looking. Jikx used his 'invis-ability' to spook & steal. Hells, he barely had to hunt at all!

He was doing quite all right, if he did say so himself.

Special Ability:
Jiks has the useful ability of being able to appear invisible for about 10 seconds. Sure, it isn't an especially long time, but it can certainly give him a small advantage.
Whilst he has used this ability to make surprise attacks on prey, & he has used it to flee from confrontation, its most common use is, well, playing tricks on unsuspecting wolves, & perhaps helping himself to things which don't belong to him.
Jikx has learned the hard way that he can't be too eager to turn all invisible whenever he'd like - it is exceptionally tiring on his form. His breathing & heart-rate speed up each time he does it, & more than once, he's very nearly killed himself doing it too many times in too small a time frame.

Skill Application:

●Hunting 60%
●Fighting 45%
●Herbs 40%
●Social 80%
●Stamina 75%
●Smarts 90%

Crush // Mate:
He is bisexual.
Jikx tends to be less interested in the whole 'settle down with the ideal mate & have a bunch o' pups' routine, & more interested in the 'lure wolves from their packs, get down to business, then disappear completely' routine.


🔥 ❄️ 🍃

Other 2:
Has a fairly high voice for a male. Also has a rather hideous laugh, like a hyena cackle, & often enjoys bursting into maniacal laughter, for no reason other than to watch horrified birds take to the skies.

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Edited on 22/03/17 @ 16:16:32 by Mr. Grieves (#68415)

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