Posted by Going Home [Roleplay][members only]

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-04-26 12:45:21


Our Chat Thread
Our Character Sheets

Going Home

Human life has long since passed its time on earth. With no one to take records anymore, there's no telling what year it is or how long has gone by since the last human died. After the end of humanity, it took a few years, but nature began to flourish again. Animals that were going extinct suddenly repopulated, and the dying planet turned green once more. With nothing save larger predators to curb their population growth, canines (specifically those once domesticated), began to forget their human companions and turn to themselves once more.

The dogs who once knew human companionship are no longer, and the only stories most will hear are those of magnifiscent beasts who either viciously hated, or viciously loved, their canine companions. Now, instead of the humans endangering their environment... the environment is failing on its own. Due to unforseen- and unknown- circumstances, animals all over are starting to migrate, searching for a healthier, safer place to make home.

You are coming from an area in North America, and whether you're alone or facing life with your pack, you have a lot of decisions to make. Decisions that will change and effect your life forever. It's up to you to decide the best course for your survival.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>your character(s) should have no knowledge of humans, besides stories passed down through packs/family lines (Dog A might think humans are gods while Dog B believes they're devils)
>breeds don't matter, just prove they can survive in whatever life they're given (loner/pack dog/etc.)
>your character's main goal should be moving to a place better suited for survival and/or just survival where they're located, based on their opinions
>make relationships with other people! (for example, my dog can be your dog's brother! just ask!)

Rules of the Roleplay
♦ All LioDen roleplay rules apply.
♦ Be capable of writing a full paragraph. Proper grammar and spelling are prefered.
♦ Godmodding and powerplay will not be tolerated. Remember, all characters have strengths and weaknesses. No one here should be invincible or omnipresent.
♦ Your characters may not be in love with each other. Diversify!
♦ Be polite and kind at all times, no matter the situation. If a problem arises, notify me.
♦ No more than five characters per person at most.
♦ Be active. I understand things come up, but please just let me know if you can't continue. If you haven't posted or messaged me in a week, your character(s) will be removed.
♦ If you've read the rules, please add your favorite quote, with the person it's by in the 'other' section!
♦ Give everyone a chance to respond before moving the plot forward. If I see anyone 1x1'ing you'll be warned to stop. If you keep doing it you'll be asked to leave.
♦ This is going to be a smaller group and the amount of people accepted will be limited. Anyone can feel free to apply and I will pick the people/characters I'm most impressed with on April 17th. That gives you a week to get up applications.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 04/05/17 @ 15:15:50 by West (#43497)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-04-26 12:45:33

These photos and their captions tell a small story that will likely aid you in beginning the roleplay. I'd advise you read all of this post in particular.

This is where we come from. A once lush place slowly returning to dirt and little else. Most of us don't know each other. Some of us have never ventured past our pack, our territory. But here we are, starting our journey together and venturing past this slowly dying wasteland.

This lies to the West. A desert more barren than our land, strewn with rocks and rocky hills and little vegetation. Mountains lay in the far distance, hardly visible through the mirage of heat that lies in this direction. There aren't many sources of water, or food for that matter, on this patch of dirt. There's no guarantee one would make it to the other side if they ventured this way either.

This lies to the East. The abandoned city-line stretches for miles before it reaches the sea. Most of the buildings are in ruins, but some of the strongest human buildings still remain. To some dogs this is a place of eerie misfortune and ghosts, and to others it bring an easy snack in the fair share of rodents and even some small felines that can be found in the area. It can be dangerous, however, to venture to the higher places of the buildings, and it's best to watch your step anywhere you go here.

This is the land to the North. It still has a lush quality to it, more everlasting it seems, than our own. This is the goal, at least for most. The animals and the vegetation here are more plentiful, and the river doesn't run dry. In places it creates small marshes, and there are plains of promise running parallel with the forests. The mountains rise in the distance, but here they seem more inviting, though excitingly dangerous. Here is a place to find and make a home. But there is much standing in the way.

All images in this post link to their source.

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Edited on 28/04/17 @ 10:18:57 by West (#43497)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-04-26 12:45:50

Day One

It is mid morning
The weather is warm, clear and breezy, with fair clouds
There have been sightings of a grizzly bear near the North-East and coyotes in the West
Most canines are in the low-lying plains, hills, & scrubby forests to the South, though some are/have ventured to the East and West

No Known Packs

No Known Affiliations

No Known Enemies

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Edited on 28/04/17 @ 10:28:30 by West (#43497)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-04-28 04:06:30

[Female][2 yrs. 3 m.][Border Collie]

"Hey! You!" A ceaseless barking erupted near a few bushes, and if one looked closely, a long-furred black and white dog stood there, backed against a tree and fearlessly barking. "Get away from him! Go on!" A few coyotes, one her size and the other two nearly there, were scrapping with a younger and smaller dog than Misha herself. Wanting to help, she'd ventured closer and attempted scaring them off only to be scared off herself. The small dog she wanted so desperately to save was exhausted and almost dead, collapsed near their paws as they chuckled and ignored her.

Another sudden burst of stupidity and bravery led her to drive at the coyotes again, barking and snarling as loud as she could manage. One broke formation for a moment but their leader turned on her and caught her across her muzzle. Screaming in pain, Misha scrambled backwards, kicking and pushing at the canine on top of her. Once she was free, she turned tail and abandoned all hope, bolting back across the grassy field.

It was only when she stumbled over a few rocks and plunged into a shallow stream that the border collie stopped running. Panting heavily and occasionally dripping blood from her nose where the coyote had grabbed her, she lied down in the water and tried to clean the wound. Only managing to whine and drip some blood in to the stream, the crawled over the rocks and lay her head down. It had been only a few sunrises since she'd left her parents and yet the world as she knew it was already so overturned and upside down.

[Male][5 yrs. 2 m.][Musterlander/Spaniel]

A low growl shook him from his sleep and even as it faded on his lips it took the large spaniel a second to realize it was his own growl. Hackles rising and fur already puffed up, he lifted himself gingerly from the hiding hole beneath a dying tree and glanced above to the steady-rising sun. Without anything threatening in sight or hearing distance, Flynn calmed himself and glanced about his hidy-hole. A few birds flitted around the branches of his tree but he paid them little mind, merely stretching and wagging his tail a little to incite his brain to wake up.

With a yawn, the dog turned and settled into a steady trot as he moved uphill, tail low. The morning's new scents filled his nose as he meandered along, marking scent trails and trying to think of what he needed to accomplish for the day. Moving North was certainly the main goal, and as his eyes searched the promising landscape in that direction, he felt his chest swell. Sunny would have loved the view, and she would have wanted so badly to join him on his search. The thought made his stomach curl and the dog almost retched on instinct.

Swallowing his sadness and bile, Flynn bitterly turned away from that view and set off to hunt and make amends with his own heart and soul.

[Male][3 yrs. 5 m.][Fox/Unknown Terrier]

"Here kitty kitty kitty!" The small, wire-haired terrier glared at the feline perched among the rocky rubble. It was one of the only few buildings in this area, and the only one still partially standing. He assumed it was one of the last human settlements before the end of the world sort of happened. But now... well, he was hungry.

When the cat suddenly turned it's head, distracted, he leaped up and scaled over the rocks until his teeth sank into flesh. Claws scrabbled with his shoulders but he clenched harder until he felt it fall limp. Trailing back down over the rocks, he glanced towards where he'd been hiding and waiting on his prey. What a clever kill, he grinned and dragged the cat closer to his body as he settled onto leveled ground.

As he ate, the small terrier eyed the openings to his small building, though they were larger than he was sure they were supposed to be. A few rodents scurried by but a short growl from him had them bolting off. Meat and bone crunched under his teeth as he chewed and swallowed, showing off sharp teeth in use. For such a small dog, he believed he was faring pretty well.

[Female][1 yr. 3 m.][Irish Wolfhound Mix]

to be determined

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-04-28 07:39:58
(hey. I read the posts, so, meow)

Aero||Female||German Shepard||Fields near the East

Aero angrily turned to the three coyotes near her as she chewed on a small mouse she had chased after for hours. "Ooo, look at the little wolf, Jolly-Teeth! She thinks she can beat us!" One of the coyotes snickered. Aero snapped as saliva flew in the air, and she raised her jaws to reveal white, pearly teeth, stained with blood of mice and rats. Back off, you mutts! The coyotes watched as she turned back to the mangled pieces of mouse that lay strewn across the ground. She ate up a few bits until one of the giggling coyotes bit down on her long tail that lay behind her.

The female jumped around, and lunged at the coyotes. Fur flew as she bit the windpipe of one of the coyotes, and the two tried to attack her as she saw the last breath of the third coyote blew away, into the wind. The two others exchanged glances and then continued attacking her. "You coulda just let us have that darn mouse!" One pleaded. Aero yanked ones tail as she tried chasing after the other, as he ran considerably faster. She guessed they wouldn't come back for a loooooooong time. Aero returned to her spot, and looked over her wounds. One looked bad. Her tail was in a bit of a clinch. "Damn mutts!" she hissed as she rose to her paws, and went over to the dead coyote. His eyes were in a permanent peril look that made her look away.

A beast called hunger took over her, and she finished the crime scene with a lick of her chops.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-28 14:03:33
Lucifer - Daemon
Female - Male/ 3 - 2 / Czech Wolf-Dog - GSP
Location: City in the East

Paws thudded loudly against the pavement as two large dogs raced across it. Tongues lolled out of their mouths as they ran, 'sister' and 'brother', both inseparable. The wolf-dog was always just faster than the pointer, though both had their eyes set on the prize! A huge tom cat was barreling away from them, trying to hide but getting cut off at every turn. They were closing in on the feline though with a single bound he was gone. "NO!" The pointers sharp voice cut through the silence, echoing through the city as a slight grief overtook the male. It felt like they hadn't eaten in days, and now.. They wouldn't eat yet again, though the wolf-dog did nothing. She just sighed and turned away once again, for the fourth time this week she turned away from the food that got away and led her younger 'brother' away from the site. Something could be done yet! She was sure of it, she flicked him with her tail, "Come Daemon, time to track something else.. Maybe a bit of canine yea?" The disgruntled snort sent a small bit of laughter through her system, though it never shown on the outside.

Ginger - Vall
Female - Male / 4 / Swedish Vallhund
Location: Plains in the South

Two small dogs sat snacking on a opossum they happened to cross while roaming the plains. The pair had been dodging large animals for a long time, hoping to cross some friendly dogs to form a pack! Though for now, they'd hide away in the small hastily made den and tear away at the rodent that lay shredded before them. It's beady eyes stared at nothing as it's mouth remain slightly open in a permanent snarl. Ginger, the female of the pair, licked her lips, "Now brother.. What luck do you say we have here? Food AND a shelter!" She bobbed her head happily, nub swinging behind her. "Yes Ginger, though an eagle, if there are any left, could easily swoop in and take one of us away!" He complained loudly, ears pinning slightly before a loud snort nearby quieted the two.

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S23melsy- poop
please (#93271)

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Posted on
2017-04-28 14:45:03
Storm|female|2yrs 4month|Location:south|

The day warm with a slight breeze but with the hill Storm battled up it felt stifling. This hill was the steepest she had climbed in a long time, for in the east she never ventured past the second floor of any building. But the end was near she thought as she pressed on. Not long until fresh water and lush grass. Just like they had said, maybe a pack would be there.. and maybe just maybe she could join them.

As the top of the hill approached her joints ached and her mouth was dry. Yet she felt accomplished. Alas what Storm saw was not the lush grass and rivers of clear water she had been told about but a flat wasteland. "No, No, No" she rasped. She ran down the hill in a crazed state. She ran and ran but the land scape was all the same, dead and barren. Her mind was somewhere else a hellish place until a dead tumble of weeds tripped her up and sent her flying.
Storm didn't move from where she lay as the pain began to register in her brain. Exasperated she laid, down in a funk of despair. She thought about nothing at all, of course Storm was partly in denial... but wouldn't you be too?

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2017-04-28 15:33:03

Male | German Shepherd x Border Collie x Kugsha | 2 Years Old
Mentions: Misha

A cloud of dust billowed into the air around him, staining the whiteness of his coat with dapples of dampened mud and grainy silt. He was intent on pursuing the morsel of prey that had scurried away from him and disappeared down a rather well-used burrow. It was probably owned by something, whether that be a coyote or some small dog. He didn't really care. "I am going to bite you." He snapped into the darkness of the den, spitting dirt from his jaws and blinking it feebly from his eyes. "I am going to bite you and throw you into the air and then eat you! You are not going to die easy for making this such a difficult task for me. Look at my fur! It was so lovely before and you have ruined it. Stupid mouse."

Letting out a huff, the mutt finally abandoned the mouth of the burrow and fell back onto his haunches with a wrinkled nose and drooping ears. He was starving and the loud rumble from his gut confirmed that, but it didn't seem likely he'd have much luck hunting independently. The familiar dryness of thirst wrapped around his tongue and he stood up, setting off towards the nearest scent of fresh water. "Maybe I'll catch a fish. Maybe two." He mumbled to himself, waddling off towards his next destination. It wasn't long until the metallic tinge of blood hit his nostrils and a small, tri-coloured collie came into view, hunched over the bank and allowing a ribbon of crimson to stain the water below her face. Instinctively, he felt the fur along his shoulders stiffen nervously, but a few more glances around revealed that she was indeed alone. Taking a few hesitant steps forward, he nodded his head to her. "Oi!" He called, tilting his head as he quickened his pace to approach her. "Don't tell me a fish did that. That's a bloody good bite you got there. I was planning on fishing here, but if the fish have got teeth that can do that.. nope. Nuh uh. Not a chance." Silence came between them and the smirk fell from Reever's lips, transcending into one of awkward concern. He didn't know the female, but he couldn't just leave her to bleed out in a river, could he?

Male | Beauceron | 4 Years Old
Mentions: None

Massive curved fangs scraped flesh from bone, ripping tendrils of meat from a rabbit carcass with a ravenous desire. North hadn't sank his teeth into a good meal in what felt like moons, and he sure as hell wasn't planning on leaving any scraps behind for scavengers. A few black-feathered ravens had fluttered down from their perches in the pine trees, hopping around him and pecking in his direction with the hope of obtaining a few traces. Fuck no. He thought darkly, lowering what was left of his torn and tattered ears and snapping his jaws aggressively in their direction.

North had been solitary for years now, and though at one point the Beauceron missed the company of a pack community, this was what he was accustomed to now. He didn't like sharing his meals, he didn't like involving himself with conversations he didn't care about, and he didn't like establishing bonds with other dogs. There was no point- not in this wasteland now. He'd been approached by strays in the past, most desiring a partnership for the benefits of joint hunting and protection, but his sour temper was enough to leave them wandering away pretty quickly. Abandoning the grubby carcass, he finished his meal with a single swipe of his tongue around his jaws and pushed himself onto his front paws with tensed muscles. Hesitantly, his eyes flickered over the dip in the earth that lay out in front of him, exposing what looked like miles of untouched terrain. Little pinpricks of black danced in the distance, a tell-tale sign of other canines that he dreaded encountering lingering throughout the valley. But not a single soul that will be worth my time.

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S23melsy- poop
please (#93271)

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Posted on
2017-04-28 15:57:47
Storm|2yrs 4months| location: south

Perhaps Storm was meant to be isolated with her own demons, it was time she learnt to embrace it. The wind blew and with it came the scent of other dogs, for what seemed like the first time she didn't desire to be with a companion. Not even a little bit. Crows started circling her most likely taking her for dead. It wasn't until she lunged at one who dared venture close to her face. Once upon a time she wouldn't even think of eating a dead crow, but now... things were different. And like that there was no trace of a black bird, just a tiny pile of bones. The heat of the day grew like a wildfire, completely relentless.

At last stretching to her paws. She started to venture out into the wasteland's poor excuse of a forest. At least it promised a refuge from the heat and hopefully any predators which would see her out in the plains. Storm kept herself busy with thoughts like she always did. Thoughts of what the south was like once upon a time.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-04-29 00:23:18
Aero||Female||German Shepard||Fields near the East

Aero toppled on her back, and rubbed herself on the gravel that used to cut her pads severely. After a few minutes of doing this, she stood and let out a long, fierce howl. Anyone comes, they're in for some trouble. Aero thought tiredly. Fighting always made her tired. Although, she hadn't gotten sleep in a few days, why suffer any longer?

Aero snarled as she awoke. She can't go to sleep! A dog might come and kill her while she's sleeping. Aero jumped up, and groaned as a sharp pain appeared in her shoulder. Right...Mutts... A skitter along the rocks made Aero turn her broad head, only to be met with the sun blaring in her amber eyes. Blinking, Aero stumbled over to the fields where the population of snakes and mice was full. Snakes weren't good, so she let them be. Almost all of them were little Grass Snakes, or Gartner Snakes. They tasted horrible, but then, cats did to. The cat the now dead family had had been killed, well, the one that claimed this house as it's own, had been killed by the one and only...Her.

She killed the orange tabby that was extremely mean to her. She never really understood that. Why cats attack her when they know she was much bigger, and much more scary than cats.

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Edited on 03/05/17 @ 05:08:07 by Compy [Ouhsha] (#84624)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-29 00:26:43
Female / 3 / Czech Wolf-Dog
Location: City in the East
Mentions: Daemon, Holden

On the wind she smelt a bit of blood and her stomach growled loudly, Daemon's answered in return. She snorted and took off before the small trail was lost, she came along a building. Large claws clicking on the broken pavement as she walked. The pair circled the building and noted a few entrances as they did. "Hey! Whose in there!?" Called the wolf-dog, hunger driving her to one of the entrances and noting a small brown and white wired haired terrier. She flicked her tail once, sniffing the air. None seemed to be in here with the small mutt, her lips curled upwards as she yawned. Though no movement was aggressive as of yet, the pointer beside her had stuck his head all the way in and tilted it towards the dog. Both tails were wagging slightly, the food wasn't enough for the either of them, but they never moved.

Female / 4 / Swedish Vallhund
Location: Plains in the South ---> Forests
Mentions: Vall, Storm

The vallhund was tired of just sitting in this hole, she led her slightly younger brother out into the open and the pair immediately took off towards their main destination. The forest, coverage, less heat, maybe more food! It sounded astounding and she was full for the time, but not for long. The dog hit the trees in record timing though a new smell hit their noses. Dog. She let out a huff, why did everything turn out this way? Ginger snorted, though she didn't stop. She tossed her tiny head and continued on. Though the small canine was much more cautious then she had been before, eyes flicked to Vall before long a black canine appeared up ahead. Though she was lost in the clouds and the pair should be able to slip by undetected.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-04-29 00:26:43
Female / 3 / Czech Wolf-Dog
Location: City in the East
Mentions: Daemon, Holden

On the wind she smelt a bit of blood and her stomach growled loudly, Daemon's answered in return. She snorted and took off before the small trail was lost, she came along a building. Large claws clicking on the broken pavement as she walked. The pair circled the building and noted a few entrances as they did. "Hey! Whose in there!?" Called the wolf-dog, hunger driving her to one of the entrances and noting a small brown and white wired haired terrier. She flicked her tail once, sniffing the air. None seemed to be in here with the small mutt, her lips curled upwards as she yawned. Though no movement was aggressive as of yet, the pointer beside her had stuck his head all the way in and tilted it towards the dog. Both tails were wagging slightly, the food wasn't enough for the either of them, but they never moved.

Female / 4 / Swedish Vallhund
Location: Plains in the South ---> Forests
Mentions: Vall, Storm

The vallhund was tired of just sitting in this hole, she led her slightly younger brother out into the open and the pair immediately took off towards their main destination. The forest, coverage, less heat, maybe more food! It sounded astounding and she was full for the time, but not for long. The dog hit the trees in record timing though a new smell hit their noses. Dog. She let out a huff, why did everything turn out this way? Ginger snorted, though she didn't stop. She tossed her tiny head and continued on. Though the small canine was much more cautious then she had been before, eyes flicked to Vall before long a black canine appeared up ahead. Though she was lost in the clouds and the pair should be able to slip by undetected.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-02 14:42:18

| Bahat |
Female • 2 Years, 3 Months • Albino Ibizan Hound
Mentions: {Directly} Vall, Ginger, Storm

Pink eyes narrowed as Bahat gazed deeper into the forest, conflicting scents flooding her senses and causing the slender white hound to sneeze. A dainty paw was lifted to rub at her rosy nose before the young leader pushed herself onward, searching the scrubby woodlands for her missing packmates. Anger coursed through her in a heated wave, causing the skin beneath her thin pelt to flush. How did she let this happen? Alpha had left her in charge and this was how she rewarded his trust? Disgruntlement swiftly changed to shame and she quickened her pace, searching the trees desperately.

Bahat had convinced herself she would be able to find her group mates here after a vicious storm three days prior had separated them, the dogs scattering in a panic as torrential rain poured down on them and lightning cracked overhead. Many of her companions had wanted to stay in this pathetic excuse for a forest rather than move on when they had passed through and she had been so sure at least a few of them would have returned. Dread gripped her heart and Bahat suddenly felt ill. Could they have drowned? “What have I done...”

Choking back a whimper, she rested on her haunches for a time, allowing her grief to consume her before drawing in a shaky breath. Rising to her paws moments later, she knew the only thing she could do now was keep going. There was no home for her to go back to and she could either give up or keep moving forward. She chose the latter. Bahat pressed forward with renewed determination, only pausing when the shape of another dog came into sight, her pelt like a starless night in contrast to Bahat’s pure ivory hide. As a light breeze blew under her nose she was certain she detected the scent of two others and slowed to a halt, waiting for the strangers to either approach her or carry on their way.


| Aspen |
Male • 3 Years • Greyhound
Mentions: {Directly} Misha, Reever

Paws glided over the grass in quick bounds, their owner in hot pursuit of a fleeing hare. Aspen gained on the leporid with ease, swerving around his terrified prey to cut off its escape. Teeth met in the hare’s spine, quickly snapping it and ending its struggles. Warm blood filled his mouth and the blue-brindle hound took a moment to savor it before gripping the limp body in his jaws and padding off in search of somewhere quiet to eat. Chocolate colored eyes scanned the field, pleased to find he was still alone. Truly the Greyhound wouldn’t have minded some company, but more often than not the presence of a fellow canine around food usually meant a fight. Prey was getting scarcer these days and no dog wanted to share.

The thought saddened him as he took shelter beneath a low-hanging tree, tearing into the hare without haste. He was about halfway through his meal when savage barks and threatening snarls reached his ears. Aspen’s hackles rose and he scented the air, but he was too far from whatever was causing the ruckus. Bundling the remainder of his hare beneath a nearby bramble bush, he tentatively moved to investigate. The rank stench of coyote filled his nostrils before long and Aspen immediately sprinted in the opposite direction. His height and lean build would have given him an advantage, but one dog against a pack of coyotes was unlikely to win. Whatever they were into, it was their business. Guilt wormed inside him as he put distance between himself and the wild dogs, but he couldn’t bring himself to go back.

As his pace slowed Aspen realized he was rather parched, his mouth slightly ajar as he panted lightly. He headed toward the nearest stream, intent on refreshing himself before returning to retrieve his kill when dog blood became apparent on the wind and Aspen suppressed a whine. Violence grew harder and harder to avoid each day. He proceeded toward the stream with cautious pawsteps, ready to bolt at the first sign of an ambush. As he drew close he found a Collie sprawled across the bank, blood flowing slowly from a gash across her muzzle while another male approached her warily. His ears perked forward to try and catch what the male said as he ventured closer from the other side of the stream. “Is she alright?” He called, doing his best to keep his voice free anxiety. “Do you need help?”


| Drill |
Male • 1 Year, 6 Months • Beauceron
Mentions: {Indirectly} Aero

A howl in the distance caught his attention immediately, broad head rising from where it had once rested against his paws. Large, half-pointed ears flopped to the side and his lips curled in the beginnings of snarl. He tipped his muzzle up, a howl of his own echoing back to the owner of the first, deep and full of challenge. It had been far too long since he had last tasted dog flesh. The thrill of a potential fight energized his limbs and he leaped to his paws, making quick work of loping across the landscape until he arrived at the patch of gravel where the she-dog had once stood.

Bitter disappointment left a bad taste in his mouth when he found the stranger had already gone and he lashed out at one of the tiny gray stones, sending it flying across the field. He considered tracking Aero’s scent to wherever she had wandered off to, but by then the fire inside him had dwindled to embers and was replaced by the intense feeling of hunger gnawing at his belly. Drill might be a proficient fighter, but his hunting skills were poor in comparison. He hadn’t eaten in nearly two days. Begrudgingly turning away from the gravel patch, he skulked through the valley in search of mice.


| Jarek |
Male • 4 Years • Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Mentions: {Directly} Lucifer, Daemon, Holden

Jarek padded through the rubble on silent paws, unseen and unheard by those around him, but perhaps not unscented, though the only smell to touch any stranger’s nose would be a strong fragrance of herbs. A leaf-wrapped parcel dangled from the wolfish canine’s jaws, stuffed full of the healing plants he’d spent the day collecting. As he ventured closer to the crumbling stone building where he kept his stock he tensed as the scents of other dogs came rushing toward him. He had visitors.

More irritated than fearful, he approached the two lingering near the entrance, stopping a few paces behind them and setting his herb bundle down between his paw. “Can I help you?” He asked dryly, leaving enough space between himself and the newcomers in case they turned on him. His eyes squinted as he realized they were looking at something, or rather someone.

Some dog was inside. Making a mess of things. A growl rumbled in his throat and his pelt bristled. “Get the hell out of my den!” He snarled, already imagining the difficult days ahead of washing smeared blood from the walls and getting rid of the cat’s death scent, which would likely cling to the place for weeks.

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S23melsy- poop
please (#93271)

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Posted on
2017-05-02 16:55:25
Storm|Female|2yrs 4 months|location east| Mentions: Bahat (directly) Ginger (indirectly)

Storm could feel eyes on the back of her head, but when she turned she appeared to be imagining things so she shook her head and carried on walking, where exactly? she didn’t know, this dying forest didn’t have any prey that she could smell nor hear. Storms long black fur slightly ruffled in the wind as she nimbly trotted along the forest, never misplacing a step. She stopped by a big tree and this time she knew she could definitely feel someone staring at her. The breeze which was a telltale sign left her with peace of mind, she wasn’t going out of her mind. She turned and locked eyes with a dog as white as a ghost and skinny like a skeleton that you often see crows surround. After an quick analysis of the situation she started to trot up to the white dog. Perhaps the skinny dog knows where water resides. To say that Storm’s mouth was dry would be an understatement, it could’ve been the Sahara desert in there. As the white dog got closer, Storm began to feel apprehensive in her decision. Yet she knew it was just her insecurities getting to her and this dog would probably increase her chances of survival.

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 06:55:38

[Female][2 yrs. 3 m.][Border Collie]
[mentions: Reever, Aspen]

It was a few moments before Misha began to realize where she was again, pale eyes blinking slowly. The stream gently lapped at her paws and she pressed the pads into the mud there, relishing in the life that spread between them and caressed the earth under the water. Her muzzle stung and she desired to clean it, but the more she tried to clean it, the redder the stream became and the more the cuts on her muzzle stung. She swatted at the water with a low huff just as a rumbling, loud voice became apparent. A moment later, Misha swung around, baring teeth towards a white and brown male pacing towards her. He had a similar coat to hers, though his was longer and more colorful, and he stood quite a few inches taller than her as well.

His friendly words astounded her, and her perked ears froze as she eyed him over. "W-what?" she finally muttered, voice still hinting towards a growl. It'd been a long time since she'd been around any other dogs, especially those not within her family. His curious gaze had her tucking her tail and tensing her legs in preparation for flight.

Neither of them were prepared for the second male, however, and Misha rounded on him with a startled yelp that turned into a growl as she realized she was stuck between them. The only way was forward, into the stream, or behind her and into the steaming plains. The other male, she noted, was a blue-colored brindle dog much slimmer and taller than herself, and even the other male. She eyed the newest addition warily and took a few steps back, glancing at the last bit of blood as it faded away down stream. A fresh drop bloomed on her nose but she ignored it in favor of peering between the two males.

"Who are you guys?" she demanded, tail still mostly tucked. Her immediate instinct and distrust led her to ask her next question. "What do you want?"

[Male][5 yrs. 2 m.][Musterlander/Spaniel]
[mentions: Storm, Bahat, Ginger, Vall

A spotted black and white spaniel trotted uphill, tail high among the grass but heart still very low. His eyes seemed solemn, and it wasn't hard to tell, even if you didn't know the brute. The sweet scent of grasses filled his nose, and with his belly not rumbling for once, the long-furred canine collapsed and rolled in the foliage. It ruffled his fur and stuck between his paw pads, making him stand and awkwardly shake out his coat. When he rose fully and reached the height of the hill, he could just see the shape of two dogs, one approaching the other.

For a moment, Flynn seemed blinded by the sunlight, stunned by the pale white dog who stood stock still as another approached. Just for a second, her fur tinted golden in the sunlight and he thought he could see Sunny. Her bright smile made his heart flutter in expectation. And then he could see the differences, the slimmer build, the whiter and shorter fur, and he stilled, watching and waiting to see what the two dogs were doing.

A small, faint scent of two more dogs drifted by and Flynn wrinkled his nose in distaste, hesitantly taking a step back but still curiously and warily gazing at the albino dog in the field below.

[Male][3 yrs. 5 m.][Fox/Unknown Terrier]
[mentions: Daemon, Lucifer, Jarek]

Small, triangle-shaped ears tilted suddenly forward as the sound of claws clicking over concrete filled them. The rat terrier fell silent at the sound, quickly gulping down the last bit of meat from his meal. Blood stained his paws and muzzle, and he wanted to clean them, but... two noses appeared in an entrance a second after a loud voice boomed, "Who's in there?"

Holden went still, staring at the two pairs of eyes that suddenly met his from across the building. They could fit through the hole if they wanted to, but they stood and watched him. Although he was scared, Holden had learned a lot in his few years, and he swallowed his fright with a low growl.

"I believe that's not your concern," he replied, fur bristling along his spine and short tail wavering as it rose defensively. "And there's nothing left but bones, if that's what you're looking for." He rose and stood stockily over the remainder of his meal, ready to show them what small dogs were made of until another sudden voice entered the building. The scent of herbs hit Holden's nostrils and he exhaled noisily. Who are all of these dogs?! I just wanted a nice meal... Holden took a few steps away while the pair was distracted, unsure if the other dog was with them or not.

The vicious snarl had Holden suddenly on his belly, pressed tightly back against the cement with his brown eyes wide and focused on the male wolfdog. "D-den?" He gulped noisily. "I didn't know!" he yelped back, "I-I'll clean it up! I'm sorry!" The once-confident-against-two-dogs little male watched warily from his spot on a block of cement, fur still bristled but teeth no longer bared. There was no way he'd make it out of this alive. "I-I'll catch you a cat too..?" he attempted.

[Female][1 yr. 3 m.][Irish Wolfhound Mix]
[mentions: North]

Dark-feathered birds fluttered at the tops of the pine trees nearby and watched the large gray dog from where she sat. The smell of dog and fresh rabbit blood drew the young female closer, her empty belly rumbling. She was strong and she was fast, but the wire-haired dog wasn't used to the weight of her body or the length of her legs yet. Lana wanted so desperately to find companionship, but her size often scared others away before she had a chance to even introduce herself. So she stayed alone and she scavenged.

A dark shape moved in her peripheral and Lana suddenly noticed the large male finishing up his meal and overlooking the plains beneath the hill. Tempted by the smell of food, Lana fell onto her stomach silently and inched closer, attempting to hide her long body behind the thick trunk of a pine. She eyed the dog and his remaining bones warily from afar, too scared to move any closer lest he figure out where she was. The ravens in the tree above her suddenly alighted and she froze, staring them down as they flew out over the horizon.

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Edited on 06/05/17 @ 12:59:07 by West (#43497)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-03 13:44:32
(No time for headers I'm sorry D:)


The female turned her head as a male questioned her and Daemon. She fluffed up suddenly and sent a growl his way, "No." She replied back just as dryly before she slammed her tail into the pointer and walked off. The latter followed with a slightly downcast head. Both were starved, food was scarce, but for now they'd travel alone. Though he stopped once the male threatened the smaller. Daemon reared back with a growl of his own, "Pick on someone your own size!"


The small pair looked to the bigger canines with hope, they could provide food! Both stared at the larger for a moment before the female bounced forwards with an excited grip. Still in the undergrowth and still to small to be seen for the moment, but every step could be heard now. Though the male nipped her in warning, nodding to the spodded spaniel up on a hill watching them below... A trap? Probably.

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