Posted by Into the Flames (Character Forms)

Ruler|Glacial Smilus (#33347)

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Posted on
2017-04-30 07:24:37

Main Roleplay Thread


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Note, it has been roughly five years since the Rp started so you may want to adjust your ages.

Lupi (Ranks are listed in order of status, however Guards and Hunters are Equal I just can't list them that way)

Alpha: Nightmare
Healer: Midnight
Healer To-Be:
Lead Guard: Pharaoh
Lead Hunter: Nirvana
Hunters: Shadow
Guard To-be: Sirius, Minkia
Hunter To-Be Ashton

Notte (Ranks are listed in order of status, however Guards and Hunters are Equal I just can't list them that way)

Beta: Ice Storm
Healer To-Be: Aradia
Lead Guard: Silkia
Guards: Blaze
Lead Hunter: Snare Trap
Hunters: Rowan
Guard To-be:Kitara
Hunter To-Be:
Pups: Ebony, Aradia, Aero, Tyrael

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Edited on 04/05/17 @ 17:20:48 by Savannah Ruler (#33347)

Ruler|Glacial Smilus (#33347)

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Posted on
2017-04-30 08:05:10
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Name: Midnight
Rank: Lupi Healer
Gender: Female (She-Wolf, Her, Fae)
Age: Nine Years
Mutation: Ability to heal minor wounds on herself and others.
Kin: Nightmare (Brother)
Calm - Midnight is a very reliable wolf, nothing rustles her and she always seems prepared for anything. She even sometimes seems creepily prepared for events that are yet to happen. She stays cool headed, and logical during the many trials of pack life. She is not moved by emotions (especially negative emotions) and despite her feelings towards a wolf she always does what is asked of her. She even seemingly has no emotions, never getting worked up or nervous. When someone/something provokes her, she deals with the stimuli in a sensible, rational manner.

Mysterious-The fae is not blabbermouth, she never says more than what is needed sometimes not saying enough. Sometimes she disappears for long lengths of time, and seems to be everywhere and anywhere, always knowing much about her pack-mates. Her presence is expensive (not overly social). She give her pack-mates time to miss her, on her elusive “herb hunts”. Unknowing she wants Nightmare to miss her. She never reveals too much about herself to her pack-mates, never wanting to get close to any particular wolf. Midnight is very reserved and never predictable. She has strange mood swings and can often be easily angered.

Principled - Midnight always tries to be a good wolf (and pack-mate), no matter what. She follows basic courtesy such as being respectful, cheerful, helpful and genuine. But sometimes your can tell she is never her best self, even though she tries to stay happy and believe in good. Midnight often learns from negative events/wolves and doesn't let them overwhelm her. They fae always does what she feels is right (because Midnight inherently knows what is right and what is not) and if she messes up, she tries to forgive herself and start afresh everyday.

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Name: Nightmare
Rank: Lupi Alpha
Gender: Male (He, Brute, Lupe)
Age: Nine Years
Mutation: Increased strength
Kin Midnight (Sister)
Cunning The brute did not get to where he is today based on luck, he uses wolves and discards them where he sees fit. He is very persuasive and many wolves follow him, he is not ruthless or a killing machine he just punishes wolves when it is necessary. To cause fear of obedience is mostly the reason. To wolves who follow his rule, he is very protective. He would lay down his life for the pack. Saying so, Nightmare is not afraid to kill. He is fearless in battle, swift and powerful. It is not just other packs which Nightmare is feared, his own respects him and just maybe, fears him. The lupe is in fact savage he love to bare his teeth, and it doesn't take much to rile him.

Intelligent - Nightmare might seem like a dumb musk ox but he is in fact very smart. He loves to 'interrogate' his pack-mates for the slightest discrepancy in their tales and a pack-mates. Nightmare very heavy relies on trust, and if you betray him there is nothing you can do to regain that trust. Strangely, he give his trust out very freely (the first time). Likewise, Nightmare has never again learned to re-trust his sister Midnight, for a incident that happened when they were pups.

Expectant- The lupe to put it nicely expects a lot. He thinks the pack should run like a well planned hunt, every member doing what they need to do (no more no less). Nightmare likes everything to go well, he will freak if a hunt goes wrong or a battle is lost. No mutiny is allowed, absolutely none. If you can't follow his orders you might as well get another pack.

Name:Sirius (Siri)
Rank: Hunter To-be
Gender: Male
Age: One and a half
Mutation: Heat Vision
Description: A pure black wolf with colorless eyes, he is a bit scrawny and short.
Kin: Shadow (Mother), Ice Storm (Father), Minkia (Sister), Ashton (Brother),Kitara (sister)
Bipolar-The lupe is very unpredictable, he changes moods very fast. Siri normally is very happy-go-lucky but sometimes he has off days when no one can shake off his glum mood. One thing that really depresses him is when he can't communicate his thoughts to other wolves. He can't take hints making him very socially awkward, he normally only talks to his family. Siri is a very reserved and quiet wolf; following orders and not expressing his feelings.

Pup-ish -The brute rarely acts his age, and will often act like a pup. He dislikes being put in charge of things, and prefers to follow those his age or older because he is unable to come up with good plans for hunting or border patrols. He often gets side-tracked even if he isn't put in charge, and rarely finishes a task that was given to him Siri loves to play with others, (Despite his communication problems) and loves simple and mindless games like catch a scent or catch the Notte. Even if the game requires some level of competence, he'll still try his paw at it, just for fun. He can get very competitive and play rough with others when training or horsing around. He often forgets that he has the power to hurt others, and can accidentally injure someone (Mostly just bowling over the to-bes)

Lack Of Loyalty - While most wolves would fight and die for their packs Siri is a bit different. While he loves his pack and his pack-mates he would not give his life for pack. The brute feels that has never believed he belonged in Notte, due to his half blood heritage, and would rather distance himself from the wolves who once shunned him. He is a lover of doing what is right, Siri would rather help the pack that he believes is right rather than blindly following Notte. The lupe also ignore the pack laws when it comes to his beliefs. Siri's loyalty and soul lie with who and what he wants, not what pack he was born into.

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Name: Silkia
Rank: Notte Lead Guard
Gender: Female (She, She-wolf, Fae)
Age: Eight years
Mutation: Silkia has a glossy coat, in which the gloss is poison. She discovered her mutation when she was about two years old. She is able to control the amount of poison on her pelt, and she is able to completely turn it off.
Kin Mate: Rowan
Pups: Ebony(daughter) Aradia(daughter) Aero(daughter) Tyrael(son)
Flirtatious - Silkia is a very flirty wolf, part of it is her appearance, with her long bushy tail and silky white fur, that draws the brutes in. She always has good reasoning for doing so, weather to tease in an alpha or just for fun. The she-wolf has never found anyone she really cares for, part of it is her past, and tries not to fall in love or even care for her pack-mates.

Cunning- Born in a time of war, Silkia was trained as a fighter. Her mutation and slender size made her a hero among her pack-mates. But not all of it is luck, the she-wolf has a certain level of cunning that surprises her foes. Slicking back her fur to make herself look smaller, appearing wounded to draw in an unsuspecting target, appearing as a docile Fae only to bare her fangs. All only some ticks of the trade Silkia uses.

Committed - Once you gain this wolf's trust she will have your back forever. She will be blind to your faults and lie day and night for you. The problem is Silkia is very untrusting, ever since her brother died she has had a hard time getting close to another pack-mate. She will give her life for her pack, but she will not betray the pack for you, unless you gain that evasive trust.

History: Silkia and her litter-mates had been born in the worst times of the war where, at least in Notte, all wolves were trained as fighters. Their mindset was to be, Lupi is evil there is no peace until their camp lies soaked in blood of their wolves. Well actually that was their motto. But back to Silkia, she was the fourth born in a litter of five and unlike her siblings she showed no sign of a physical mutation but even worse, her brother Little-Paw had no left fore-paw.

She and Little-Paw were shunned, fed last and taught last. Silkia vowed to become better, even better than her older siblings. And as she trained, by herself, she brought Little-paw along and a bond formed between the two Notte outcasts. But bonds are costly,they make you weak in times of war. But alas it was to be so. On the day Little-Paw died, Silkia challenged her father for the role of Lead Guard, and she won. At 1 ½ years old the fae won, and the pack loved her. Her remaining siblings hated her.

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Name: Blaze
Rank: Notte Guard
Gender: Female (She, She-Wolf, Fae)
Age: Six years
Mutation: Fur can increase in temperature.
Kin None
Skittish- Because of her past, Blaze is a very sacred wolf. She jumps at the slightest sound, hides in camp rather than going out on patrols, stays near her pack-mates. She was born in a time of war, but unlike Silkia it did not have a good outcome. The pup was born early, her mother died. Her father was killed in battle the day she was born, and her Milk-Giver shunned the pup for drinking too much milk. So Blaze grew up alone, and experienced her first battle as a newly appointed to-be. Her mentor Silkia was already a legend, having defeated her father at the age of 1 ½ years for the position of lead guard. Blaze had a lot to live up too. But it was not meant to be, the pup was frightened by battle ad earned unseeable scars that never healed.

Awkward-The golden she-wolf is a social outcast. She speaks with her eyes down cast in a submissive position. She tends to get lost in her thoughts and stutter. Not knowing what to say to others, she stays away from them even though she longs to be 'popular' with the pack. Wolves tend to stay away from her, or even tease her which does not help with her fears.

Rule-Follower -Blaze is also a Rule-Follower, in her mind the alpha's word is law. She hardly has her own opinions on topics and when she does she keeps them buried. The only time Blaze is ever a fearsome wolf is when someone disobeys the alpha or says something bad about him/her. She is fully loyal to the pack, willing to lay down her life for it not for the individual wolves but for the whole Idea of the pack.

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Name: Ice Storm
Rank: Notte Beta
Gender: Male (He, Brute, Lupe)
Age: Seven and a half years
Mutation: Heat Vision
Kin Former Mate: Shadow
Pups: Ashton (son), Kitara (daughter), Minka (daughter), Sirius (son)
Charismatic -Ice Storm's never met a Fae he hasn't liked, and he never takes no for an answer. He is very persistent, and loves to make, Faes and Brutes alike, uncomfortable. He is a sweet talker and often likes to joke around, although most of the time he is never serious.

Confident - Storm is very confident, he has earned his place in the pack and believes he deserves respect. Ice Storm is neither a rule-follower nor a cowardly wolf, often challenging wolves of higher rank; sometimes even the alpha. He is dismissive wolves of lower ranks, and believes no matter your rank you are born into you have the power to “claw your way up”. For that reason he hates wolves that blame their lack of mutations or their physical defects on their failure. Oddly enough he also dislikes wolves who do nothing to come to power, like alpha pups that are destined to become alphas, believing that all wolves need to prove their worth.

Bad Liar - The brute is a very honest wolf, he can't lie and always owns up to his mistakes. He can never keep a secret, and always blurts out others at the oddest of moments. He also is very pup-ish at times, becoming distracted from tasks by a to-be game or moss-ball with the pups. Nevertheless, he tries to be a good friend, and beta.

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Name: Ebony
Gender: Female (She, She-wolf, Fae)
Age: Less than a year
Mutation: ????
Kin Silkia (Mother) Rowan (Father)
Siblings: Aradia(sister) Aero(sister), Tyrael(brother)
Stubborn - In the end there are flaws to every wolf, one of Ebony's is her stubborn personality. While some could consider this a good thing as she won't give up on a wolf, or no matter how wounded she could be in battle she will keep fighting. Even if a wolf has little to no hope of surviving the fae will do everything she possibly can think of keep herself (And others) alive in order to fight for their pack (Pack loyalty is very important to her). She doesn't back down to a challenge and will make sure nobody forgets who she is. She wants the packs (Both Lupi and Notte---- Each for different reasons) to remember who she is. Which is strange because the she-wolf is overly careful. She is very sure to pick who she falls for or who she is friends with very carefully. If you show any sign of betraying her she will abandon any hope of being your friend and will harshly push you away.

Extrovert Ebony loves to talk and gossip. She can't keep a secret like snow stays in New-Leaf. Not many wolves trust her with their secrets as she will tell the whole pack by sun-high. Very important secrets are the best kind to Ebony, as the seemingly innocent fae will back-stab and embellish the story (to the alpha), to reach the top of the pack hierarchy. And forget your spot in the pack if you tell Ebony you are in love with a Lupi, pack loyalty is the one thing that is more important to the she-wolf than her own power. Although, she one day dreams of becoming Alpha female and flirts with brutes (above her rank of hunter) constantly.

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Edited on 04/05/17 @ 17:19:40 by Savannah Ruler (#33347)

Ms. Honeybee {Check
my branch} (#15625)

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Posted on
2017-05-01 08:38:57
photo IMG_1956_zpsztfpxku2.jpg

Name: Pharaoh
Pack: Lupi
Rank: Lead Guard
Age: 8 years old
Mutation: Strong bite power and long teeth
Image/Description: Large black wolf with a scarred eye, muzzle, and ear. Long canine teeth and golden eyes.
-Foster father to Shadow's pups (Siri/Minka/Ashton)
-Unofficial Mate to Shadow
-Sister: Oasis (deceased)

Serious- Pharaoh has a no-nonsense attitude, and always feels as if there is something to be done, even if that includes sitting on a rock and guarding the camp for hours at a time. He does not like spending time with wolves who play nonstop or waste time on trivial matters. This can also make him seem harsh

Loyal - Pharaoh's loyalty is unquestionable. His faith in the Fallen is strong, and his faith in his pack and alpha are even stronger. He would fight to the very end for his pack, even if that means certain death for him.

Honorable - Pharaoh holds himself at the highest, yet he never forgets about those below him. He believes that every wolf can achieve their true rank by believing and working to it.

History: Pharaoh was born as a loner, along with his younger sister, Oasis. When Pharaoh was a few months old, a wild fire blazed through the forest, killing his parents and separated him from his sister. He soon found the pack of Lupi and was raised there alongside Nightmare and Midnight. When he was about 3 years old, his sister, Oasis, joined Lupi and they were reunited. He and his sister fought together in the Great Battle.

Other: Theme Song: Sound the Bugle

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Name: Snare (formal: Snare Trap)
Pack: Notte
Rank: Lead Hunter
Age: 5 years old
Mutation: Black bat wings
Image/Description: White she-wolf with black bat wings and scars on her back left leg. She has sky blue eyes
Kin: No living kin

Hard-working: Snare worked hard to get where she is now. Her traps take time to make, and she knows that. But Snare loves hunting- it is her passion. Be it hunting on foot- or on wing- or by lying in wait by one of her traps, Snare will work tirelessly until she is told otherwise.

Ambitious: Snare knows what she wants. When this white she-wolf sets something in her sights, she will aim for that, be it a moose to bring back to the pack, or promoting herself to a higher rank. Snare will either succeed at that task or fail trying.

Outspoken: This is a neutral trait for Snare. Be it speaking out for what she believes, or challenging another wolf, this trait can either make or break Snare's day. But don't expect this she-wolf to keep quiet about her beliefs.

Other: Theme Song: Centuries

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Name: Minka
Pack: Lupi
Rank: Guard
Age: about 2 1/2 years
Mutation: Black feathered wings
Description: Minka is a white wolf pup with black angel/feathered wings and blue eyes.
Kin: Siri (Brother), Ashton (Brother), Kitara (Sister), Shadow (Mother), Storm (Father), Pharaoh (Foster Father)

Friendly: Minka is a friendly she-wolf who tries to befriend all she meets. This can be rather dangerous for her, especially in a world with killers and enemy wolf packs right outside the borders.

Adventurous: Minka loves exploring the forest- which is why she wanted to become a guard. As a guard, she would patrol the forest, and see all the sights and smell the smells. But, that aside, Minka's desire to explore can lead her to trouble, considering it got her a broken wing and almost got her and her brother killed by one of the killers.

Other: Theme Song: Tem Shop

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rochambeauko (#33335)

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Posted on
2017-05-01 12:09:06
Name: Nirvana
Age: I honestly don't remember how old my wolves are; prob 6-7 range by now.
Gender: male
Looks: "Sleek" is what comes to mind when describing Nirvana. He is a rather tall wolf, covered in smooth dark grey fur that varies in darkness. He is built for agility and speed rather than strength, however, I'd not want to fight against him either. He may be tall and graceful-looking, but under the silky black fur lies a muscular frame. His eyes are a rather pale shade of ice blue, and his nose is tipped with pink.
Mutation: Telekinesis (moving objects with mind)
Personality: Nirvana could be described as arrogant and headstrong, but really, this is just a side effect of his ambition. Nirvana is a wolf who is a firm believer that he would be a great leader. He goes out of his way to prove his worth and show off, which can be annoying to some and endearing to others. In many a circumstance, he has proved to be more impulsive than he should've been, which is due in part to his puppish nature. He is innocent, believing that all wolves are good at heart and that there's always hope even for those who have strayed far from the light.
History: Long and complicated; Nirvana, Rowan, and River were a litter born into Notte. Their father, however, was driven mad by the loss of his mate and their mother (or, perhaps he may have always been deranged). Whatever the case, their father Creek murdered several she-wolves, including his own daughter River, before he was killed by Nirvana. The two brothers Nirvana and Rowan had a falling out over the true nature of justice and family, and Nirvana left the pack to join Lupi before the Great War.
Mate/Crush: none atm; I wouldn't be opposed to a relationship
Kin: Rowan(Brother) Creek(deceased father) Sky(deceased mother) River(deceased sister)
Silkia(Sister-in-law??) Ebony(niece) Aradia(niece) Aero(niece) Tyrael(nephew)
Pack: Lupi (Born into Notte)
Rank: Lead Hunter
Other: Nirvana is the only wolf that can fully block Rowan from reading his mind

Name: Rowan
Age: around 6-7 years
Gender: male
Looks: Rowan is not a wolf of very imposing stature; most of his bulk is made up of his thick silver fur. His eyes are an almost grey blue color, and can seem to be cold and calculating at times.
Mutation: Telepathic. He can enter someone else's mind and speak to that wolf. If he chooses, he can go a bit deeper to read their conscious thoughts, though this ability has become weaker as he is strongly against using it for fear of intruding. At all times, he can "hear" the emotions/feelings of those around him.
Personality: Rowan is a wolf that prefers strategy to force, and intelligence to brawn. He is more of an observer than a talker, but when he speaks, you can be sure that he has something to say. He's a bit of a contradiction in that he tends to "go with the flow," but he has strong opinions that sometimes put him at odds with those he's close to. He cares for his family above all else, even himself, and he places his sense of fairness directly behind his family in his list of importance. He will hold grudges forever, but he'll also stay loyal forever.
History: Long and complicated; Nirvana, Rowan, and River were a litter born into Notte. Their father, however, was driven mad by the loss of his mate and their mother (or, perhaps he may have always been deranged). Whatever the case, their father Creek murdered several she-wolves, including his own daughter River, before he was killed by Nirvana. The two brothers Nirvana and Rowan had a falling out over the true nature of justice and family, and Nirvana left the pack to join Lupi before the Great War.
Mate: Silkia
Kin: Nirvana(Brother) Creek(deceased father) Sky(deceased mother) River(deceased sister)
Silkia(mate) Ebony(daughter) Aradia(daughter) Aero(daughter) Tyrael(son)
Pack: Notte
Rank: Hunter

Name: Aradia
Age: less than a year
Gender: she-wolf
Looks: Aradia is a she-wolf of a slight build; like her father, most of her bulk is her thick fur. Her coat is an almost purple-toned dark grey, growing darker toward her points and speckled with black along her spine, and of a very soft texture. Her most noticeable feature are her eyes, or perhaps, her excess of them. Her three eyes are a misty, swirling blue that in a certain light seem to glow. Her third eye is situated on her forehead, and isn't visible from a side view.
Mutation: Aradia can only see the auras of living things. The rest of her world is pitch black.
The auras are different colors based on levels of sentience and intelligence, an in almost sliding scale. Examples:
Insects-Mint green
Plants-Bright green
The auras are a opaque, colored stamp of an animal or plant. New injuries come to her attention in brown, while old injuries such as scars are just a darker shade of the animal's aura color. As something dies, its color fades as the warmth leaves it until it is transparent white, yet still visible.
Personality: I suppose we'll have to see where her growth as a pup takes her personality.
History: Born into Notte.
Mate/Crush: she's like 7 months old
Kin: Nirvana(Uncle) River(deceased aunt) Little-Paw(deceased uncle) Nightshade(aunt) Silkia(mother) Rowan(father) Ebony(sister) Aradia(sister) Aero(sister) Tyrael(brother)
Pack: Notte
Rank: Pup > Healer to-be > Healer
Other: sorry about the use of the old forms rip

I'll add Ignis when the killers are relevant again

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Edited on 01/05/17 @ 19:09:38 by KokoZuzu (#33335)

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2017-05-02 19:04:15

Name: Alran
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Species: Maned Wolf
Looks: Bright red fur. Long, skinny, black furred legs. Black furred neck. Almost black irises. Like this.?
Mutation: Impala Horns.
Personality: Alran is very short tempered at times and most of the time she is very blunt. Alran can be very tolerant though and loves to help others. She hates fighting and will generally lose in a fight if she gets into one. (Rest to be Rp'd)
History: WIP
Mate/ Crush: None
Kin: Alran's sister died at birth and so did her mother from blood loss. She has no other kin as her dad died from a rockfall. Family is a very touchy subject for Alran and asking her about it will usually result in a nip on the ear.
Pack: The Fallen (Former Notte)
Rank: Healer
Other: I looked through over 130 pages for this form. I'll edit it and add Avalon's later.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-05-03 13:59:57
Name) Shadow
Pack) Lupi
Rank) Hunter
Age) 9
Mutation) Winged/OG Teeth
Image/Description) Above
Unofficial mate to Pharoah
Offspring (Ashton, Kitara, Minka, Sirius)
Personality) Ever since the death of her best friend she's been out of it. Sometimes talking to herself, she is always out of sorts, sometimes has her shit together but rarely.
History) Had a fling with Notte's Storm, 4 pups were produced and she lied about the fling. Now they are seperated and young Kitara hates her mother for this.

Name) Ashton
Pack) Lupi
Rank) Hunter To-Be
Age) 1 1/2
Mutation) Wings
Image/Description) Like Shadow
Mom- Shadow
Dad - Ice Storm
Siblings - Minka, Kitara, Sirius
Personality) Ashton is a carefree individual, though is diagonosed with the sickness. His life is not ensured.
History) Lived a peaceful life, though is sad because of his sisters disappearence.

Name) Kitara
Pack) Notte
Rank) Warrior To-Be
Age) 1 1/2
Mutation) Same as father
Image/Description) ^^^
Kin) Look to Ashton
Personality) She hates her Lupi-Bound family, they abandoned her father and left him to deal with everything on his own. Resents their life choices and wants nothing more than for them to change.
History) Optional

Name) Bear
Pack) Notte
Age) 1
Mutation) Retractable Claws
Kin) Fang - Older bro
Personality) Slight apprehensive to pack life.. He doesn't want to be kicked out again, especially without finding his brother first. Bear is all brawn and brains, he uses these skills to get him through life though the brain part is hardly recognized. The large teen is a loner and prefers time to himself while hunting.
History) Him and Fang were booted from their old pack, Demon Rising, and forced to fend for themselves. The pair stuck together, Bear with his characteristic wolf skull mask and Fang with his chain. Even though they were a mere 6 months old the pack didn't care. So they ran, and ended up caught in a horrid snow storm, separated and forced into separate packs. Soon to be reunited.

Name) Fang
Pack) Lupi
Age) 1
Mutation) As his name suggests, he has hella long fangs
Kin) Bear - Younger bro
Personality) Fang could careless where he is, he gave up on Bear a long time ago. He is very quiet and stands off away from the group most of the time and often disappears into the woods to be alone, despite the warning of the terrible three.
History) Optional

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Edited on 22/05/17 @ 11:56:22 by Wolflord (Brief FEB Hiatus) (#17200)

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