Posted by Jazqu (1x1 for Leo and Dev)

Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2017-05-01 01:50:37

It's been quite a few years since Jacob's rule. His Great-Great-Grandson is the current King of the pack. With his Great-Great-Great-Granddaughter set as the next Queen. Since the last two Ruler's of the pack, the giant Beats have lay low. They are still there, and every now and then there have been troubles, but nothing too bad. Now they are starting to pick more fights. More wolves are winding up dead at all boards, even Akahli and Trinadon's boarders. Prey is also being found, left to rot as a message to the packs. Because of this, three Guards have been assigned to the royal family, and at the persistence of the Head Wolves. Dytos assigned two of the older members and one younger, hoping his daughter and sons would go along with the idea more if a younger wolf was there as well. But when things start going south, will this young Guardswolf and Riley start to hit it off in the middle of an all-out war?

More info on the pack and plot can be found here.

Head Knight:

Head Hunter:


Head Scout:


Head Guard:




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Edited on 01/05/17 @ 09:11:02 by Leopardess (#98076)

Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2017-05-01 13:37:09
|| Rιℓєу || Ƒємαℓє || 2½ || Ƥяιηcєѕѕ ||
Riley blinked open her eyes. She groaned unhappily as she rolled over. Her name was called out from the entrance to the den; the wake up call her father had to set up for her. The wolf gave a sigh and forced herself up from the floor of the cave. Carefully, she picked her away out across the den, being careful not to step on tails or noses. At the entrance to the den, she found her younger brothers, Max and Thomas. "Morning, runts." With the affectionate nickname, she leant down and touched her nose tip to their heads. The two pages ran ahead of her squealing and laughing. One quickly leapt on the other in a game of 'kill the beast.' Riley shook her head and padded on to her father and mother's den. Stepping into the den, the Princess plopped down on her rump. "Morning..." Her words trailed off into a yawn. "So, who am I with today?" Even though her formal training was long over with, she often trailed after either a guard, hunter, knight, or scout. Guards and Knights were her favourites to follow, and she always dreaded being told she was assigned to hunters or scouts. While she enjoyed hunting, she hated hunting with the hunters. They were too methodical for her liking. When her father mentioned she'd be with the Guards that day, Riley almost gave a happy exclamation before leaving the den to go along with her morning routine.

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Dev (#112107)

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Posted on
2017-05-02 11:51:49

Rowan padded out of the den entrance, eyes bleary and half closed, and her tail dragging along the ground. She squinted as the sun hit her face, and she let out a weak yawn. She shook out her fur and took a nice, long stretch, preparing herself for the day's activities. She was yawning again, when she noticed a sudden bustle of activity right behind her. A curious look on her face, Rowan turned, and spotted many of the other Guards flooding out of the den, many of them wagging their tails like overexcited pups. The other wolves' excitement was infectious, and Rowan was suddenly wide awake. She bounded into the crowd, ears perked, trying to gather any information on what was going on.
"What's happening you guys?" She asked no one in particular. She was met with a chorus of jumbled barks, all of them leading up to something about the Princess, one way or another. Rowan pieced it together quickly, and her eyes lit up. So the Princess was with the Guards today! That was exciting! Rowan wondered who the lucky Guard would be, and suppressed the hope of that lucky Guard ever being herself. Usually only older, more experienced Guards were ever assigned to the Princess. But it was still exciting that she would be hanging around. So Rowan went along with her morning, trying to see if she could spot her brother anywhere.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2017-05-02 13:29:22
|| Rιℓєу || Ƒємαℓє || 2½ || Ƥяιηcєѕѕ ||
As Riley padded from her father's den, she saw the group of Guards and knew they had caught wind of her joining them today. She turned back in time to see her father exit the den and notice the group as well. He jumped up on top of the den and gave a loud bark. "Guards, join me please." The King waited as he watched his Queen leave the den and settle herself outside of it. Riley padded over as well, and settled in next to her mother, leaving room for the young Prince's to join. Once all were assembled, Riley listened to her father begin his little speech. "So, it has been brought to my attention by the Heads that maybe Royal Guards would be a good idea. With the Beasts starting to act up again, three of you will be assigned as Royal guard. Jasper and Lexa, you'll be assigned to myself and the Queen." Riley knew her father had been thinking about this for a while now. Hell, he had even consulted her about it. And now she watched as the two wolves who were called on stepped forward and dipped their head. "And Rowan, you'll be with the Princess and Princes. Now you three are still responsible for your other duties as well. But if were are to leave the camp, you'll need to tag along. I'm sorry to have to drag you all away from your duties, but the Heads were right, this is a smart idea." Riley nodded along to what her father was saying. And as she finished, she found herself eyeing the group, looking for Rowan. Her eyes finally settled on the grey, cream, and brown wolf, and she gave a slight smile. She was the same age, and they had trained together a little. Riley was happy that her father had listened to her advice of a younger wolf being assigned to herself and her brothers.

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Dev (#112107)

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Posted on
2017-05-02 14:23:48

Rowan's ears twitched at the sound of the bark, and she looked up at the King, now on top of his den. The Guards all obediently pooled around the den, ears alert and eyes focused. As Rowan trotted over, she forced herself into her Guard mindset, and sat down near the back of the cluster of Guards. The group was full of chattering, but everyone immediately silenced as the King began to speak. Everyone listened intently and quietly, aside from the murmurs at the mention of a "Royal Guard". That definitely sparked interest among the older Guards. As Jasper and Lexa were called up, there were a few whoops and hollers for them, but the two Guards only gave the slightest ear flick in acknowledgment. Rowan watched them proudly, happy for them, and only the slightest bit jealous. If only she were a little older...Wait, had she heard her name correctly? Rowan? Not Ryan? Robin? Her only clarification was her fellow Guards looking back at her with excited looks. Rowan held back a yip of excitement, and put on her Serious-Tough-Guard Facade quickly. She walked up next to Lexa and Jasper, and dipped her head as well, barely containing her excitement.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 11:03:04
|| Rιℓєу || Ƒємαℓє || 2½ || Ƥяιηcєѕѕ ||
Riley watched as the realization covered Rowan's face. She gave a small smile and walked up to the wolf once the King had ended the meeting. "Guess you're stuck with me and the runts, huh?" About that time, Max and Thomas ran up and started bouncing around Riley and Rowan's paws.
"So you're Rowan!" "Hi, Rowan!" "I'm Max!" "I'm Thomas!" The two small Princes were yapping and talking over each other.
Riley gave a small chuckle. "Sorry about them. But hey, at least they are stuck in the camp still." Riley leant her head down. "Hey, boys..." The two small wolves nearly skidded to a halt in front of their sister. She gave a smug smile. Often times, she could control them better than her mother or father could ever hope to. "Why don't you run along.?
Here, I'll tell ya what. You two stay out of trouble for the day, and I'll be the Beast when I get back tonight?" With happy yips and yelps, the two pups ran off, leaving just Rowan and Riley standing there. Riley rose back up and gave a smile. "There ya go. They're out of your fur for the day."

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Dev (#112107)

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Posted on
2017-05-04 12:47:13

Rowan stared down at the two hyper pups, giving a small nod and grin when they greeted her. She opened her mouth to reply to them, but looked up at Riley as she spoke. She watched as Riley made a little compromise with the boys, and Rowan smiled to herself. It was pretty endearing how well Riley handled the pups. Rowan shook the thought out, and smiled at Riley, holding back a sigh of relief. She wasn't the best with pups. It wasn't as if she didn't like them, she just didn't know how to handle them, so she was grateful for the Princess sending them off for a bit.
"Thank you," Rowan smiled at Riley, her eyes sincere. Rowan looked around for a moment, before settling her eyes back on the Princess. "Do you know how long this...arrangement, will be?" Rowan asked, referencing their newfound partnership. She hoped it didn't sound like she didn't want to be there, because it was quite the opposite. She was only asking because she was wondering how long she will have to savor this alone time with the Princess.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2017-05-06 21:07:53
|| Rιℓєу || Ƒємαℓє || 2½ || Ƥяιηcєѕѕ ||
Riley sat down and watched the group of Guards. Knights were gathering as well. Maybe today would be a nice one after all. She'd tag along with though who are gonna get some fight training in. She loved watching Squires learn. But currently, everyone was too hyped up barking happily about the Royal Guard to get anything done. So Riley settled herself down. In the meantime, she might as well get to know her new bodyguard. Riley looked down for a moment when asked how long this would go on. Looking back up, Riley searched the other wolf's eyes for any sign of discontent at her situation. When she found none, Riley allowed a small smile to find it's way to her face. "Honestly? I'm not sure... The Heads are trying to convince Dad to keep the rank for good. But he only wants it until things are safe He doesn't really like us being treated so differently..." Riley let her voice trail off. She had to agree with her father. They were just like any other wolves in the pack. They just so happened to be the Royal family. Nothing different.

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