Posted by [1x1 Interest Check] Behind the Mask

Divided (#113765)

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Posted on
2017-05-22 20:44:43

[ I do apologize if this is in the wrong place; I'm new to the site, and I'm not entirely sure if you only put 1x1 RPs without pre-chosen partners in the 1x1 section, or if you put them here. So, I decided to play it safe and put it here, but if it needs to be moved, then any mods may feel free to go ahead and do so. I sincerely apologize for putting more work in your hands. ]

Behind the Mask


[ Picture & All Rights belong to OpenClipart-Vectors @ ]


Four months ago, Alexander Becker was a normal teenager, with normal parents, and, most of all, a normal life. No bruises, no bullies, and, most importantly, no Allison Becker.

But then, it all changed. His aunt, who he had been living with since he was an infant, died in a car accident. He was forced to move in with his mother, Allison, who had given him up at birth. He was torn from his old school, old parents, and old life, and shoved into a new one. At first, he tried to look at the bright side. It was a fresh start! But, when he discovered his mother was a heavy alcoholic, everything went downhill.

It wasn't long before his mother began to beat him. It wasn't much longer after that before the bullies starting seeking him out, and he started getting bad grades in school. He would make sad excuses for bruises on his face, and would wear baggy, long-sleeved clothing to hide his malnutrition, scars, and bruises. He began to fall asleep in class, and was easily labeled as a freak for his sudden change in behaviors. He lives and breathes from behind the mask.

You are another student at Alex's high school, living in a neighborhood close to his, and on the same bus. Yet, you've never talked to him; not once. In fact, you know nothing about how he's being bullied, or how his mother treats him. So when a student who is rarely ever on the bus takes his seat, and refuses to let him sit next to them, and he ends up sitting next to you, will you end up being able to take off the mask he relies so much on?

Character Profile


Name: Alexander Becker
Nicknames: Alex, Mr. Becker, etc.
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Gender: Male


Education Level: High School
Grade Level: Sophomore (10th)
Least Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Reddicker
Favorite Teacher: None
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: Math
Science Grade: F
English Grade: C
History Grade: F
Math Grade: F
Age: 16


Maternal Grandmother: Debbie Becker
Maternal Grandfather: Richard Becker
Paternal Grandmother: Unknown
Paternal Grandfather: Unknown
Mother: Allison Becker
Father: Unknown
Sisters: None
Brothers: None
Aunts: Lilly Becker [Deceased]
Uncles: None
Cousins: None

-He/She Feels _____ at Home-

Safe?: No
Comfortable?: No
Optimistic?: No
Confident?: No
Expressive?: No
Secretive?: Yes
Afraid?: Yes
Uncomfortable?: Yes
Unsure?: Yes
Pessimistic?: Yes

-Family Relationships-

Bad Relationship With: Allison Becker.
Good Relationship With: Lilly Becker [Deceased].
Neutral Relationship With: Debbie Becker, Richard Becker.


Friends: Lilly Becker [Deceased].
Enemies: Allison Becker, Jackson Carter, Emily Carter, Zach Josephs, Ethan Water, etc


Alex is short, around 5'3", and currently weighs 108 Ibs. He is skinny, and often wears baggy sweatshirts and hoodies, or oversized long-sleeved shirts to cover up his small, almost malnourished size. He refused to wear anything without long sleeves, lest reveal the bruises all along his arms, and the same applies to long pants. He has golden brown hair that hangs loosely around his head in an almost playful-and-messy manner, and it used to be accompanied by a constant smile, before his smile lost it's shine and his eyes grew sad and sunken in. He's let his hair grow a bit out of hand, too, although he's careful not to let it get too bad lest be bullied more. He has bright sea foam green eyes that have recently lost their luster as a result of his abuse, and often has bruises on his face, always covered up with some sort of bandage so no one can see the true extent of it. Black eyes are common. He has a narrow chin and high-set cheekbones, and his face sometimes seems kind of hollow as a result of malnutrition.


Alex, in the past, was a very cheerful kid. He would laugh, tell jokes, and smile just as any normal teenager would. However, after his aunt died and he had to move in with his mom, he wasn't the same again. He's become very shy and timid, and somewhat sheepish. He's lost a lot of his sense of humor, and it's hard for him to laugh at jokes now. Genuine smiles have become a rarity now, too. How old cheerfulness is long gone, and has been replaced with a very fake individual. He tends to play along with the bullies, but if you can catch him when he thinks he's alone, you'll see the true depth of his sadness. He's full of fake smiles and insincere assurances that he's fine.


Alex was born as a mistake. His mother, Allison Becker, was drunk at a college party and got knocked up by some guy she couldn't even remember. When she found out she was pregnant, she started becoming an alcoholic, having wanted to never have kids. She found kids annoying, and most certainly didn't want one of her own. So, when Alex was born, she handed him off to her sister, and Alex's aunt, Lilly Becker, who acted as his mother for the first fifteen years of his life. However, when his aunt suddenly got caught in a car accident and died the summer before he turned sixteen, he was forced to live with his mom again, who had become a severe alcoholic in this time. He had to move schools, and not to mention into a whole other state, to live with her. At the very least, he was moving during the summer, so he wouldn't be coming into school during the middle of the year.

After moving in, Alex immediately began to notice something wrong with his mother, who he had never met before until now. She was clearly drunk, all the time. He avoided her actively, but she always seemed to find him in order to yell at him to do his new chores, which most of the time he had already done. It wasn't terribly long before the yelling got worse. It began to happen all the time, whenever she had the chance to yell, and would now include vulgar language. She began pounding away at his self-confidence, but he didn't tell anyone, too embarrassed to let anyone know that it bothered him.

The first day of school was possibly the worst first day he'd ever had. Not only had he managed to meet a trio of bullies that first day, but he also immediately made the wrong impression on them. He was now a regular victim for a set of bullies going by the names of Jackson Carter, and his sister, Emily Carter, as well as Zach Josephs and Ethan Water. As if that wasn't bad enough, he was called out by his math teacher, Mrs. Reddicker, to answer a problem he didn't have the slightest clue on. Who even actually teaches stuff on the first day of school?

Unfortunately, school only got worse. Avoiding his mom became a full-time job at home, so much so that it was difficult for him to ever find time to settle in and do his homework. As a result, his grades started to lower at an alarming rate, and he found himself falling asleep in class, as he was often woken up at night by his mother having midnight fits. He became the laughing stock of all the classes he went to, and his grades lowered to all F's, save for a C in English, possibly because his diligence in that class was a bit higher than the others, simply because English was his favorite subject. Still, he was one point away from an F.

Two months into the school year, his mother's abuse got significantly worse. She began to beat him, threatening to lock him in the bathroom with a bucket of ammonia if he ever told about the abuse. That was one bad way to go. And so, he suddenly began to wear long-sleeved shirts or loose clothing, and would come to school with bandages on his face often accompanied with a lame excuse such as 'I was tired and ran into a telephone pole' or 'I was fixing my bike and accidentally hit myself with the wrench.'

The teachers either didn't notice, or didn't care, but the students definitely noticed. It only made the bullying worse, and many students would turn their heads as the Carter siblings would beat him up and steal his lunch money after school. He often went without food at home, so school lunches were his only source of food. His clothing got baggier as he got skinnier, and sometimes his stomach would randomly and loudly growl in the middle of class.

Now, it's three months into the school year and nothing has changed for the better. If anything, it's gotten worse. If there was ever a time for a hero, now would be it.

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Edited on 22/05/17 @ 20:49:41 by Divided (#113765)

Em1Lee (Work/School) (#70535)

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Posted on
2017-05-22 20:58:53
Oh wow, I must say, I love your writing style and I'd love to try and do a 1x1 RP with you. ^^ Uh, I do have some questions, though:

Would you like it to be RP'ed through PM's, another site, or through (lioden) threads?

In regards to you choosing a person to RP with, would we need to meet any standards/criteria? If so, what are they?

And finally, about how long are your usual posts?


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Edited on 22/05/17 @ 20:59:23 by Em1Lee [RR] (#70535)

Divided (#113765)

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Posted on
2017-05-22 22:06:44
I'm glad you like it. ^.^ Fire away!

1.) I'm okay with PM's or Lioden threads, but I probably prefer PM's.

2.) I was trying not to list any in the title thread to avoid scaring people off. >.> Let's just say that if you're asking questions, particularly about how long my posts are, you probably meet them. The main one is to be somewhat intelligent. I'm not asking for stellar level, but at least don't be that one person that manages to impress me with their stupidity. That's hard. I've seen a lot of stupidity, too. Secondly, I'd say I'd need 3+ paragraphs per post. I'm somewhat flexible on that, depending on the circumstances, but...well, eh. You'd have to meet all the other requirements phenomenally well for me to be flexible. Lastly, I require that you actually make some input into the role play and the ideas. Obviously in this role play I've already kind of planned out the entire plot, but help with plot twists and be flexible when I propose ideas. You don't always have to accept my ideas, but don't turn down every one, either.

3.) Hmm. My posts have a pretty wide range, but they're usually always upward of 3 paragraphs. More often, it'll be somewhere around 5-6 paragraphs. Starters tend to be significantly longer than my other posts, mainly because I excel at them. I mean, like, up to ten paragraphs longer. I do have some replies, if I'm feeling really inspired, that may be closer to 10-15+ paragraphs, especially if it includes a flashback, time skip, or dream scene. That tends to give me the ability to treat it kind of like a starter. So, the simple answer is 5-6 paragraphs, but you can expect a lot more than that on a somewhat frequent basis.

I actually already have a pre-made starter written up for this. It will need to be adapted a bit depending on the other person's character, but then it's good to go. :)

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 17:26:28
I would be interested in this as well O.o sounds really interesting!

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Divided (#113765)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 17:42:57

I'm glad you're interested! Would you mind PMing me with your character's info? You don't have to use the same forum I did for Alex, but feel free to do so if you like. :)

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 17:48:40
Sure! I'll use the same form, but is it okay if I leave history and personality blank? Those are things I like to develop within the RP, it just seems to work better that way

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Divided (#113765)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 17:51:08
Go ahead! I do that sometimes, too, depending on the RP and the character, so that's perfectly fine. :)

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 17:53:22
Okay, great! I'll have that done in a moment and PM it to you!

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