Posted by Vermehren: Customs

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-06-07 07:25:43
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You are currently on the Traditional Pack Behavior page.
[Let's go over some Traditional, Vermehren behaviors!!]

AFFECTION/BONDING: (Picture above)
A wolf that you can walk over and latch on to, is a wolf that you have a CLOSE and/or LOVING bond with!
Vermehren customs are strange, aren't they? Growing up in a society where 'Fighting is Life' and 'Life is Fighting' tends to completely mold all aspects of life itself; and so, this is a perfect reason to explain how these wolves tend to include violence in just about everything. MOST display their affections for one another, especially to another sibling, by simply walking over and chewing on them. NOM NOM NOM, you taste so good today! This affectionate gesture can extend anywhere between 'a little love nip' to a 'let me grab your shoulder and try to rip a mouthful of flesh from it'. Be careful of what wolves you do this to! Some might groan with pleasure in response to the added pain.. Some might intend to snip your airways!! If it may lead to a fight though, it's so worth it, right?!


FOOD AGGRESSION: (Picture above)
Another common thing within the Vermehren family! Their pack began by having to branch off from their family's pack, and this was due to food scarcity. It is no mystery as to why these wolves have developed a strong defense against sharing their meals (large or small). You can peek at our Character Sheets in order to see which wolves have a HIGHER or LOWER tendency to show aggression while eatting, or simply discover it yourself through roleplay!!


SPARS/FIGHTING/Tournaments: (Picture above)
Fight? FIGHT?! This is a term that gets MOST Vermehren wolves EXCITED!! Normally when fights break out among these wolves, or even a planned spar, they rarely result in death. They were taught in the MotherPack to be honorable when it came to 'The Fight', and to submit when one found themselves in a situation spelling defeat. To not submit is to ask for a continuation though, so be sure to remember that important step when nearing the end of your brawl!! Vermehren often hosts tournaments, similar to the MotherPack. This is a time where promotions are given, but participants do NOT risk losing their rank! Challenging a rank is a different story, and is NOT for Tournament time! Tournaments are a time of fun and bonding over the art of 'The Fight'! Be respectful to your rival! .. But oh, please do make a mess of them.


Being in this new terrain means Vermehrem is faced against some new prey options. Our wolves are used to thick forests and White-tailed deer. This new area is more open, and plain like, with larger beasts such as Elk and Bison. This is going to be difficult for the family! They might find themselves scavenging more often than not, or receiving worse injuries as these chances have risen!

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