Posted by RP- Yellowstone National Park

๐ŸŒพ faerie {lethal
lover} (#112180)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 18:38:37
~You Have Now Entered Yellowstone National Park~

(C) Universal Education Images

You have now left your birth pack in search of fresh blood of another wolf to start a pack with. You will search far and close lands, you'll get in fights, you'll starve. But if you survive, you'll find a mate, make it through winter, and the coming spring you and your mate will have a fresh litter of puppies. But you have to protect them from predators such as bears, coyotes, other wolves, and the most dangerous of all, humans. And against all odds, maybe your pups will survive to adulthood.

You're now here alone in the wilderness. Anything could happen. You could die a slow and painful death. Or, you could make it to the ripe age of 14 and die a painless death, looking back at all the times you've had. But let's not worry about that, for right now at least.



There are none. You make the rules. Dominance is the only thing you need. It'll help you through life!

(But Lioden rules still apply)

Your Pack

You can either join a pack or make a pack. Be aware, if you make a pack you have the risk of all your wolves dying. be careful where you step your paw. But, if you choose to Join a pack you will have more protection, more family, and you will put your life in the paws of your alpha. You may challenge your alpha for his spot, but you must be a beta to do so.


If you have any questions please do research or PM me. :p

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Edited on 11/06/17 @ 15:10:33 by Starfruit {Nigeria} (#112180)

๐ŸพLost๐Ÿพ (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-06-10 21:55:53

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๐ŸŒพ faerie {lethal
lover} (#112180)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 22:08:23
I'm happy with your respond! ^^ please go to the character sheets :3 ))

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๐ŸŒพ faerie {lethal
lover} (#112180)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 22:25:37

The snow falled slowly as Ivory trotted through the grass. The snow was just falling for the first time this year, and she loved it. Her tongue was dangling from her mouth, but she wasn't panting, she was grinning. She couldn't wait for the journey that lie ahead of her. She wasn't very dominant, she was laid back, but if it had come to it she could rip anything up.

She sniffed the cold air, trying to pick up any scent of an animal. She smiled when she picked up the scent of a dead carcass. She padded towards the scent, her nose to the ground the whole time before she came to the carcass. She pinned her ears back as her pride soon fell when she saw how decayed the carcass was. But she didn't complain, she still ate it as she would a full carcass.

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FookMeTitties XD (#97514)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 13:04:08
The shadowed figure stalked the treeline if the territory had recently marked as his own to rule. His ears flickered arop his regal head as he looked down the small valley wall to see a herd of deer grazing. He could take one of the small bucks and does down on his own. But his would be prize would be the lead buck. Fatter and more tough meat to keep a wolf on it's toes during a cold spell. Heavy tail waving like a flag behind him to show his dominance, the male let out a snort and headed towards a carcass had found the other day to refill his belly and power his heavily muscled body. However as he came towards it, the scent of a lone female caught his attention. She smelt like a runaway. A breakaway wolf to start their own pack or join one. Hm, that was good for him. He needed more wolves in his own pack he started a few weeks back and to help produce his offspring if his lineage would continue. Stalking the treeline, blending with the shadows, the male stared down at the female as she devoured the remaning meat on the carcass. Let out a short, baritoned howl, he called to the female. A neutral greetings of sorts.

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๐ŸŒพ faerie {lethal
lover} (#112180)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 13:36:54
Ivory looked around, licking her blood-coated jaws. She couldn't see any other moving thing, but she heard the howl of a male wolf. She couldn't tell if it was a warning call or a greeting call. She stepped forward once, her paw crunching in the snow beneath her. She sniffed the air once more as she caught the scent of the large male she heard. Once she had caught the male's scent she howled a greeting call, wagging her tail slowly. She paused a moment, a cold breath leaving her throat. She began pulling the dry meat off the elk carcass, waiting for a response from the mystery male. She ate it eagerly, knowing it would be a while before she would be able to eat again. But after all, she did have a good sense of smell.

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FookMeTitties XD (#97514)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 13:54:05

The newly acquainted alpha had waited for the return call of the female, his hackles bristling in the breeze as with an unknown territory he claimed came unknown dangers. But a single female wouldn't cause him much trouble. Especially as he acquired a new member of his pack. A young brown male who fought him for dominance but submitted when he had him by the back of the neck and instead became his temporary beta. He would have to fight to keep his beta position. Bael would not lose his spot as alpha given his prowess and power. Plus with his silver tongue, he could talk things out before it escalates to a blood bath. Ears pricking high when the throaty call of the female was returned, he pushed forward and decided to see this female for himself and find out why she was here. Moving sioebtlt, it took him a few minutes but he spotted her silken frame and came to a stop a good two yards from her. A light pant of breath leaving him as his heterochromia gaze laid upon her, tail raised in neutral dominance as he wasn't coming in hostile but was letting her know this was his land. Hello there. Why have you treaspassed upon my land?


The young timber wood colored brute laid low in the bushes, his rounded ears flickering as he stalked a hard a few feet ahead of him. He hadn't eaten in two days and his alpha had taken interest in marking the borders and exploring the land rather than a pack hunt. But he understood why. The land was new and unknown and the dangers upon it had to he found first.

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๐ŸŒพ faerie {lethal
lover} (#112180)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 14:20:46
The female looked up and froze as she saw the male up close. She stopped wagging her tail, clearly intimidated. "I'm sorry, i didn't know this was your territory." She licked her canines and stepped closer to the male, licking his jaws, which is her way of saying sorry. She stepped back a minute before tucking her tail between her legs and whining softly. She was submitting to the bigger male, only because she was sure he could hurt her or cause scars, which she didn't want to happen. Her amber eyes looked at the stranger male, her ears pinned back against her head. "I can leave if you'd like, I was just hungry and I couldn't hunt because it's not spring so no calves, and no elders or wounded elk are around. Sorry again that I trespassed.."

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 14:29:59
Atlas --- 3 y/o --- Female --- Loner

Atlas walked carefully atop the frost covered earth. Her paws padded along quietly, her head hung low. Suddenly, a howl shattered the silence and Atlas' head sprung up. Her ears lifted as she faced the direction of the howl. She paused for a moment, then another howl caught her attention. Had she stumbled upon a stranger pack? Atlas took a few steps back, waiting for any other howls. Atlas was strong and healthy, she could definitely take care of herself if she needed to fight, but she didn't want to cause trouble if it was not necessary. Instead of heading towards the wolves, she turned away, climbing a hill of rocks. Once at the top, she lifted her muzzle and lay her ears flat. She let out a long, eerie howl. The wind was blowing against her back, so her scent would be carried far away. Atlas knew being in a pack meant survival, so she waited on high ground to see if any friendly wolves would react to her scent.

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FookMeTitties XD (#97514)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 15:13:37

The shadow coated make kept a rigid but calm stance as the smaller female approached him and began to lick his jaws. His hackles bristling out of natural urges as he watched her become submissive to him, ready to speak until a second female howl entered the air. His tail stiffened and a low growl rumbled in his throat as he wondered who this could be now. He casted a glance to the female, baring his canines momentarily to tell her not to make any sudden movements before his done lifted to the heavens. A heavy bass toned howl broke from his maw and vibrated his broad chest in answer. Ending his song, he looked the female as he answered her now. I will not harm you if you stay and join my pack. It is in need of followers. Otherwise you will be chased off

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๐ŸŒพ faerie {lethal
lover} (#112180)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 15:50:18
Ivory wagged her tail as she got up from the snow and circled the larger male. "I'll join your pack, but only if I get to be alpha female." She responded, grinning. Her autumn-colored coat shined in the sun which was disappearing into the clouds. She perked her ears as she heard the feminine howl, cocking her head. "What do you want to do about that stranger, Alpha?" She wagged her tail again, facing her new alpha.

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FookMeTitties XD (#97514)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 16:17:19
The alpha looked to the female for a moment when she said she'd only join if she could be the alpha female. She would have to fight any other females for that spot if they wanted it. And he wouldn't be intervening as he had no emotional connection to her as of yet. Then again as the alpha female or any female within his pack, he'd breed her regardless. His pack would be modeled after his father, a few worthy and healthy females carrying his spawn but he'd only pick an heir from the alpha female. And a beta from the other females. The two pups could fight later in life for control if they wished. We go investigate. Call her out and have her join us, or die running.

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๐ŸŒพ faerie {lethal
lover} (#112180)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 16:46:33
Ivory nodded and howled, stepping forward. When her lullabye was over, she started trotting towards where the wolf's howl was last heard. Her Amber eyes were full of excitement, eagerly wanting to see what the wolf wanted. She wasn't very sure of her position in the pack, but she'd kill to be alpha female. Her parents were both alphas of the Druids pack, so she was sure she would be able of being alpha female, and she thought to herself that it would please her parents if they were there to see her. She could smell the female wolf, but couldn't decide what the wolf's age was. She stopped in her tracks and howled again, not a very welcoming greeting but not hostile either.

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♥Amour (#29190)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-11 18:33:49
โ€ข Jedzia โ€ข 3.5 years โ€ข Loner โ€ข

The ebony female sniffed the air lightly as she walked along, massive paws hardly making a sound. Jedzia had traveled far within the past several months, venturing farther and farther from her birthpacks territory. Now she was in a land all new to her, new sites new smells. The air held the scent of wolves in the distance and it hung heavily with the smell of snow. Winter was approaching and already the large she-wolves pelt was growing thicker in preparation of the coming cold.

Silvery white optics scanned the forest around her, taking in every tree, bush and rock. An ear flicked slightly at the sound of twigs breaking in the underbrush. A small creature lurked nearby, a rabbit perhaps, unaware of the brutish she-wolf nearby. Jedzia turned, sniffing the air as she sought out the rabbit in question. Her original goal was to track down a young deer as her meal, but the rabbit would suit her fine for now.

She followed the scent trail until she came to a thicket. All sounds ceased from the little creature so it was safe to assume it had noticed her presence. With practiced ease she circled the thicket and pressed herself against one of the entrances. And just as she was aiming to do, the rabbit leapt from its hiding place out another entrance. Muscles strained as the ebony fae leapt after it, flexing and extending with each sharp turn the rabbit made. The pursuit didn't last too long before the large she-wolf overcame the rabbit and ended its life with sharp, pearly white fangs to the throat. Silently, she sat down to enjoy her light meal, knowing she'd need more later to satisfy her hunger than the mere rabbit.

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Edited on 11/06/17 @ 18:36:44 by LoveArt {Trpl. F.Gold!} (#29190)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 19:47:24
Atlas --- 3 y/o --- Female --- Loner --- Mentions: Ivory

Atlas heard more howling in response to her call. She waited eagerly, eyes scanning the landscape, looking for a wolf. Far in the distance, Atlas spotted something. A wolf was coming her way. Atlas let out a softer howl this time, leading the wolf towards herself. As the wolf came closer, Atlas began making her way down the rocky hill to greet her. "Greetings traveler, state your business." Atlas stood tall, waiting for the females response.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2017-06-11 19:47:25
*double post*

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Edited on 11/06/17 @ 19:48:04 by Xerxes (#52637)

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