Posted by WIELD | Character Sheets

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-12 13:41:59

Main Roleplay Thread








(To Pwerus or have you yet to find them?)

(One major and one minor)

(A picture may be included, and it must be linked to the source. A paragraph describing the character is needed, too)

(a paragraph at minimum)

(no one was born into this pack, so feel free to be creative ;D)

(list relationships with packmates here) (optional)

(family members)



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Edited on 12/06/17 @ 13:48:32 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-12 14:06:28

▸ Name: Torin
▸ Age: 4 yrs
▸ Gender: Male
▸ Sexuality: Heterosexual
▸ Rank: Alpha
▸ Allegiance: Pwerus
▸ Powers: Shadow [major]; fire [minor]
▸ Appearance: Torin is a tall, sturdy wolf. He stands about 40" at the shoulder and weighs about 175lbs. He looks formidable, and he is. Under his fluffy black and silver coat is pure muscle. His eyes are a pale gold color, and are constantly watching. He carries himself confidently, as an alpha would.
▸ Personality: Torin is a very hard-working wolf. Even now, as he is gathering a pack that is quite strong, he makes it a point to be active in taking care of every wolf that have come to him for guidance. Over the years of doing so, he has become patient and cool-headed. If one can manage to get under his skin, however, they will know it, for he can be explosive when actually angered. Torin, although he is a caring fellow, is not one to forgive easily, especially if a wrong has been done to him or his packmates. Even though he is relatively young, Torin has much wisdom from his days of travelling. He may know more about the nature of elemental powers better than any wolf alive. On the outside, Torin often seems cool and unemotional, but he still gives out the feeling that he cares, and he makes sure of it.
▸ History: Torin was born into the Veraen Pack, a single brother at his side. Torin and Terik were inseparable from the beginning, often getting into puplike mischief in their young days. Then, one day, Terik came to Torin and divulged the secret that he could create holes in the earth with little more than his mind. Torin was skeptical at first, but Terik gave a demonstration, after which it was hard to deny. Torin was amazed, as any pup would be. Soon after, he discovered that he could blend with the shadows and use them to move around. Before long, however, the pack began to notice the antics of these two strangely gifted pups. They weren't sure what to do, but they decided that it would be okay to keep them in the pack for the time being.
As time went on, Torin gained better control of his powers, easily slipping into the shadows and using them to hide and sneak around unnoticed. Eventually, he realized that he could summon fire, although it was always only a small flame. Still, this excited him. By this time, his parents had given birth to another litter. There was only a single pup this time, called Kilian. Torin liked his new little brother, but as always, Terik was his prime partner in crime. When Kilian was around four moons old, it was discovered that he, too, had special powers. Sometimes, when the pup would walk, flowers would sprout out of the ground from nothing.
Another few months passed and Torin noticed that Terik had withdrawn. He was acting strange, and his powers seemed more out of control than they had ever been. The ground would crack when he would walk, and this made some packmates nervous. Even Torin wasn't sure what to make of it, but when he approached Terik about it, he said that his newfound power would make him strong. Torin asked what it was, but Terik only replied "dark." Torin didn't know what a dark power was, but it didn't seem good to him.
Then, one day, Terik indeed lost control of his dark power. He had wanted to test it on someone, and that unsuspecting someone happened to be an omega of his pack. He tried to engulf the wolf in darkness, mostly to confuse him. This did not work as planned. The dark power ran rampant, out of Terik's control, and soon, even his earth powers weren't doing what he wanted. The ground split, right in the middle of the pack's camp, revealing an endless pit of darkness that many of his packmates fell into. Torin was out of camp when the destruction occurred, but upon his return, he was dumbstruck. He was told by his remaining packmates that Terik had fled, and if he wanted to continue living, he should do so, as well. Torin proceeded to look for his parents, but couldn't find them, and he found Kilian cowering in a nearby tree, protected by vines. He took Kilian and fled.
For a while, Torin wandered aimlessly. He was then told of a wise old wolf in the mountains that had some strange powers, as well. Daring to try and find this wolf, Torin went to the mountains. There, he found an ancient wolf dwelling in an ice cave, likely of his own design. The wolf knew much about the elemental powers that Torin and Kilian possessed. Torin told him of Terik, and how he had lost control of his dark power. The wolf was not surprised. He shared with Torin all that he knew, and gave him a few artifacts of the ancient elementals. Torin then set off again, back to the wolf lands. Once there, he began to hear tell of some wolves with powers. He starting searching for them, looking to help them with his newfound information. Soon, he was building a pack.


▸ Relationships: tba
▸ Kin: Kilian [younger brother, alive], Terik [littermate, unknown]
▸ Mate/Crush: Open
▸ Other:


▸ Name: Kilian
▸ Age: 3 yrs
▸ Gender: Male
▸ Sexuality: Demiromantic, heteroflexible
▸ Rank: Hunter
▸ Allegiance: Pwerus
▸ Powers: Nature [major]; water [minor]
▸ Appearance: Kilian is a tall, slender wolf. He is eye-to-eye with his big brother, but he lacks the same heavy build. He stands about 40" but weighs only about 150lbs. His fur is fluffy around his cheeks and chest, but coarser on his back. His pelt is a mix of browns and tans. His eyes are a deep golden, almost amber-looking color. He usually retains a relaxed posture.
▸ Personality: Kilian is a very laid-back male, usually content to be with his friends within the pack. He generally doesn't get angry, ever, and typically fends off a confrontation with some kind of dismissive joke. He tends to be a peacekeeper within the pack for this reason. Kilian is rather friendly, and most have said he would talk to a tree if he had no one else, and this would be absolutely true. He is also known to be a flirt, and every female - and even some males - in the pack has received a flirtatious compliment from him at some point. He means this as a way to be friendly, mostly, as romance isn't something large on his mind. He supposes that if the right female comes along, he would be willing to settle down. Under the layer of wit and jokiness, Kilian is an observer. He is very good at reading others.
▸ History: Basically the same as Tori's.


▸ Relationships: tba
▸ Kin: Torin [big bro, alive], Terik [big bro, unknown]
▸ Mate/Crush: c;
▸ Other:

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Edited on 14/06/17 @ 16:49:42 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-12 14:18:18


Ceyla Key-La




3 years 11 months








Major: Nature
Minor: Fire



Ceyla has a very thick, soft, brown pelt that covers her whole frame, though on her muzzle it gets much darker around her eyes. Surrounding her orbs are white specks of fur that resemble quills of a porcupine, giving her a rather cute, interesting look. She has very light hazel eyes, which if made eye contact with, she has a very good way of lifting the mood and giving off a good vibe to others. She is a rather light wolf, only weighing 56lb and is 2.7ft long from her shoulder down.



Having a rather nice appeal to others is usually how Ceyla is known by her packmates. She is found as polite towards those who she is fond with, and is also rather a sass to those who she's not. Having a very weird mixture of traits such as brash, civil, sharp, sassy, a brat, and very social, can make her quite the character to unfold, having a new surprise for others everyday. Mainly she is good at being kind and she is very talkative, and sometimes may even talk in her sleep. She has a knack for being very empathetic and is usually helping others, even if they're not in need. Whether she's ever spoke to someone before or not, if they spark interest in her mind she'll make them a friend, having a very fox-like tricky mind. She likes to make jokes, and also play tricks on others time to time if she's close to them. Being associated with Ceyla is quite the adventure due to her very imaginative mind.


Ceyla was born into a very large pack with two other sibling and a mother. Her father had been a generic stray that her mother had fallen for, but he never stuck around to properly sire his offspring, leaving Ceyla to grow very attached her her mom and sisters, and was usually just the clingy pup that followed them. She had a hard time learning independence when she grew older, and didn't ever enjoy being away from her kin. It wasn't until she was old enough to be put in training that
she became more self-reliant, but it was also when her powers were growing stronger and were harder to hide. The pack was deemed to soon find out, and that they did. Though they didn't kick her from the pack, her mother being a high rank and not allowing it, she was placed as omega, and was basically a door mat for the rest of the others. With this, many complications turned up, and Ceyla had grown a deep anger for all of her pack. In return, she waited for the next wolf to say something to her or give her a tender bite, and it happened to be her own sister. Blinded with fury and agony, she tied her up with vines that were growing within seconds beneath her paws and instantly smothered her to death in a second. With the cause of her sisters death, Ceyla was also supposed to have a death sentence, but she was able to get away from her pack without being touched, but yet still held the dread of her actions heavily in her heart. Seeking shelter, she found a pack who would support her powers and treat her well, and has been a warrior for them ever since, and is rarely known to use her gifts as it reminds her of her past life and what she has done.


To e made {open}


{Mother - Adored - Alive _unadoptable_}

{Sister - Adored - Alive _unadoptable_}

{Sister - Loved - Deceased}







Devaki Dev-ah-key}




4 years 2 months








Major: Shadow
Minor: Water



Dev has a very dark, grey base pelt, the fur texture more wiry than soft. Through the winter, it grows very thick and being able to move it to see his grey skin is nearly impossible. During warmer months, it is very, very thin, and offers little warmth due to the sun. Throughout the grey, speckles of white are clear to the eye, giving him a much more older seeming look due to the white on his muzzle. With very bright, golden eyes, he has a more beautiful look to his frame with his orbs defined perfectly by his pelt. At the shoulder, he is 2.8ft long balanced by a steady weight of 160lb.



With a light heart, Devaki is very playful and is very high-spirited. Being in a sour mood is not something he is known for, always looking out for his pack-mates and making sure they're well being. He is very fond to socializing, and is able to spark a conversation out of the blue with ease. Making friends is very easy for him, and he is sure to stay on his pack-mates good side at all times, for he's not one whose good with grudges against him. He's very loyal, especially for his pack, but his packmates just as well. Risking his life to protect another's is no question for him, and he is willing to sacrifice anything for ones he loves. He is easy to fall for another, so being lead on is something he takes extremely personal, and is one of the very little things he may disown someone over. he has little anger, but being put in danger or anyone he's friends with is able to encourage him enough to win any fight brought to him.


Devaki was not born into a pack, instead he was the offspring to a traveling family that never stayed in the same spot for one day. As a pup, immediately learning survival skills was crucial for life, as the weak were left behind. Beside his other littermates, Mochi and Nera, being able to stand for eachother in times of need wasn't allowed by their parents, Birdie and Duck. It was hard to grow up while teaching yourself everything you needed to know without support, but with his strength growing at only a few months afterbirth, his powers were able to grow with his muscles as well. It started with suddenly walking where he was to being standing in the shade of a tree. Soon enough, mere excuses like 'you just didn't see me run over there' or 'what do you mean? the water never did that' stopped working and the family turned on him, accusing him of some sort of witchcraft. One night while they settled for rest, he woke up again in the morning to an empty nest with a half eaten bunny beside him. Heart dropping, he was grateful they at least left him a meal as he had not grown enough to hunt. Still yet, surviving after this was near impossible.

Life on his own wasn't all too different, except he had no family by his side to keep company while traveling miles a day. His lack of hunting skills quickly led to him starving to near death, hardly able to lift one foot any longer. While tumbling to the ground after walking for too long, he noticed some wolves hunting. Curiosity sparked the last bit of strength he had left, prompting him to follow the wolves back to where their camp was, his power of traveling shadow to shadow being very useful for him. He presented himself to the pack in a glorious fall to the ground in their camp, his body no longer capable of holding him up, let alone hardly keeping him alive with his lack of nutrients. Weeks after, the pack had taken him in under their wing, and he was as healthy as possible. From a pup, he worked his way to the top, earning his Beta rank. Hoping to be the opposite of his parents, he offers everything that they never did to the pack in hopes no one would have to suffer the puphood as he did.




{Mother - Tolerated - Unknown _not open_}

{Father - Tolerated - Unknown _not open_}

{Sister - Liked - Unknown _not open_}

{Soster - Liked - Unknown _not open_}





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Edited on 29/06/17 @ 17:38:58 by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-06-13 06:08:06



✾ Name ✾
[Name of Greek origin, meaning "peaceful"]

✾ Gender ✾

✾ Age ✾
2 Years, 8 Months

✾ Sexuality ✾
Pansexual - Panromantic

✾ Rank ✾

✾ Allegiance ✾

✾ Powers ✾
Major: Nature
Minor: Earth

✾ Appearance ✾


Evania is an average-sized wolf. She's around thirty one inches at the shoulder and weighs in at one hundred pounds. She has long legs and a lithe figure, allowing her to move swiftly and gracefully. She might not be the strongest of wolves, but if she hadn't picked the path of a Healer she might have made a fine Hunter. Her pelt is grey in color, with some darker, black patches on her head, back, and tail. Her fur is very thick and fluffy, especially around her neck and belly, which makes her look slightly larger than she actually is; it's also very soft, making her very good for cuddles. She has a narrow muzzle and small, slightly rounded ears which give her an alert, yet gentle expression. Overall, she looks like a friendly, approachable she-wolf.

✾ Personality ✾
If Evania's personality were to be summed up in one word, it would be "quirky". She's very kind, but she's definitely a bit of an eccentric character. She sees everything in a positive light, and is often able to find beauty in places where others see none. She's a free spirit, but at the same time she's surprisingly perceptive. She notices much more than others would expect her to, and although she doesn't show it very often, she's actually very intelligent. However, she doesn't seem to be aware of her own intelligence, and occasionally she says something really wise without even realizing it. Needless to say, Evania is the wolf to come to if you need advice. She's also probably one of the sweetest wolves you'll ever meet. She's willing to be friends with anyone, no matter what others think of them, and she firmly believes that everyone has a good side and that they can change. That being said, she's always willing to give second chances. This immense trust in others may make her seem naive at times, and it unfortunately means that she's easy to use or manipulate. She also hates harming others, and absolutely refuses to use violence unless it is the only option left. This unwillingness to fight may get her landed in trouble sometime. She doesn't care too much about what others think of her, but she truly values those that accept her for exactly who she is, and if you get close to her she'll be your most loyal ally. She cares deeply for her friends and family, and for her, no sacrifice is too big to make if it means her loved ones will be safe.

✾ History ✾
Evania was originally born into a fierce pack of wolves that called themselves the "Ingenuus Pack". She was the result of an affair her mother had had with a lone male, but her mother had kept this covered up from the pack by getting one of her close male friends to pretend that he was the father of the pups. Her mother was very young when she had her litter, and unfortunately this meant that her body wasn't quite ready for it yet, and many of her pups were stillborn. Those that did survive were weak and far too small, and Evania was the only one to survive past the first week. At first the pack thought that she was going to grow up to be far too tiny to be of any use, but she surprised them by catching up to the other pups, and she was soon put into training to become a hunter.

The training didn't go very well, since she kept refusing to kill the animals, and the pack almost considered making her an Omega before the Healer said that he'd mentor her. Healers weren't valued very much in Ingenuus, but it was far better than being an Omega, and Evania actually ended up loving her training. The idea of being able to help others inspired her. When her powers began to develop she was originally very scared, and she told her mother about the strange things she was able to do in hopes that she'd be able to give an explanation. Her mother was shocked to hear that she had powers, but tried to help her control them. She often left camp to go practice her powers by herself, and after a few months she was able to control her Nature powers completely.

Things were looking up for her, and the day that she was meant to be made the official Healer of Ingenuus was approaching. Unfortunately, the male that had pretended to be her father fell in love with another female in the pack, but she would not return the feelings because she insisted that she needed to stay with Evania's mother to take care of the pup. He then revealed to the female that Evania was not actually his pup, and that he had only been covering for her mother. This did not have the effect on the female that he had wanted, and instead she was shocked by the discovery, and she informed the Alpha of the pack. The male was kicked out of the pack for keeping such a big secret, and Evania's mother had been sentenced to death. But Evania couldn't let that happen, and when the Alpha tried to harm her mother, she used her powers to wrap vines around his legs. It didn't hurt him, but it kept him in place long enough for her mother to run away. The pack was afraid of Evania's powers, and didn't want anything to do with her anymore after figuring out that she had them. So they left her out in the forest, hoping that she'd somehow die on her own. Instead, she went off in search of her mother. She never found her, but instead found a male called Torin, who had powers like her, and she quickly decided to join his pack.

✾ Kin ✾
Flo - Mother - Presumed Alive - Whereabouts Unknown
Cesario - "Father" - Presumed Alive - Whereabouts Unknown

✾ Mate/Crush ✾

✾ Theme Song ✾

♪ And just when I think it's over, just when I think I've lost my mind, I'm in a field of clovers, I'm running forward back to life~ ♪

Clovers. by JoJo

✾ Other ✾
Pictures are linked to their sources.


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Edited on 13/06/17 @ 06:54:14 by BlazeRed (#27478)

West (#43497)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-14 17:47:39

2 years, 7 months
hoping to be Hunter
To None
later to Pwerus
Major: Earth, Minor: Nature
Pictures above, linked to source.
Top is Summer coat, Second is Winter coat.

Rana is overall a fit but slim and lengthy individual of standard height and weight. She has a thicker, silver coat paired with gentle cream and black markings that define her from others. Her lower half, including her underbelly, legs, and some of her face and sides, are all a silk-like cream that fades upwards into silver and beige undertones. This silver is layered with thin black streaks, defining her shoulders, ears, back, and tail. Rana has a thin face with a dark, black nose and pale, green-hazel eyes.

Rana can be a highly controversial individual and most tend to find her tendencies irritating and eccentric. At first, depending on her mood and various other seemingly microscopic things, this female can be either shy and quiet or energetic, aloof, and very talkative. She can be incredibly temperamental and often chooses to withhold her emotions from most situations, leading others to call her cold-hearted and indifferent.

However, Rana is a secretive and very intellectual being. She enjoys helping others she believes need it, and can see both sides of a story without prejudice to solve problems. She has an adaptive energy, and will sometimes be claimed “a fake” or “two-faced” because of her ability to shift alliances. This is often due to her inability to be lonely often, but also collides with her occasional need for solitude and time to herself for thinking and the pursuit of knowledge.

Abrupt, timid, and sometimes aggressive, Rana is very determined in her goals and knows exactly what she plans to do- most of the time, that is. Without the correct amount of mental stimulation, she can grow very bored and very quirky. The world is always full of endless possibilities to her, though she likes to believe she has a steady set of morals.

Rana wasn’t the only one born into her pack with powers, but she was the one of the only ones who left by choice, one of the only ones who wasn’t found out and chased from her home. Her mother and father were the Beta pair under the Avalak Valley wolves, and her mother’s sister- though she was smart and secretive for a long time- was the first wolf to be discovered as unnatural and nearly killed by her packmates. Exiled and beaten, Rana’s aunt left home, her powers of Ice and Air likely the only thing keeping her alive. Rana, hardly over five months old and discovering her own abilities, watched in terrified silence.

A year later, Rana’s parents gave birth again. She had long learned to control and hide her powers, choosing to go off alone to practice and perform her talents. But this litter… At four months of age, Rana noticed a young male by the name of Lokin starting to behave quite the way she had at the same age, and she knew. Wishing she had had a mentor and someone to tell her about their pack’s beliefs- instead of witnessing the horror herself- she decided she’d help her little brother out. His powers weren’t Earth-based like hers’, so the progress was slower, but neither of them were alone anymore and they could bounce things off of one another, no matter how young Lokin was. He grew fast and learned even faster and Rana came to adore her little brother.

When Lokin turned a year old, he suggested something Rana had been considering all this time but was too hesitant to insist upon. That they leave. The two of them. Rana had considered it but stayed for the sake of any other wolves born the same as them, alone and likely to be found out and killed later in life. It was a terrible life, to be sure… hated unknowingly by your own family. It wasn’t as hard of a decision as it probably should have been.

After two months of traveling- following rumors of a pack of wolves with powers- Rana lost Lokin. They were on a hunt and it was storming. They should have stopped, but the rain was so sudden and they were already so invested in the hunt. And so young and naive. In the tremulous rain, Lokin managed to barrel head-first off of a steep cliff-side. It wasn’t incredibly high, and there was water underneath, but… Rana has tried to look for him but to no avail.

Now she searches for the pack of wolves with powers like hers’, in hopes she might find a home, or possibly even her brother.

doesn’t know any Pwerus wolves currently

Lara - Mother - alive
Einath - Father - alive
Lokin - Brother - unknown


Rana's Theme Song:
Halsey ~ Gasoline
Rana's Voice: emotional and ranging in tone, though often vaguely husky and sometimes sharp
Emma Stone ~ Top 10 Performances

3 years, 10 months
Major: Fire, Minor: Air
Picture above, linked to source.
Top is Summer coat, Second is Winter coat.

Valandur is a taller and thicker male wolf of an even and muscled stature, his coat thick and of various shades. He can easily be described as multicolor, as his coat starts as cream but easily varies between tan-browns, red-browns, greys, and blacks. His underbelly and muzzle are cream but that quickly fades into grey and then the browns gather over his head, shoulders and back, and his tail. The black shading adds thickness to his ruff and thickens into an almost stripe along his backside and down to the tip of his tail. His nose is a dark grey and his eyes are a golden-yellow.

Valandur can easily be described as a tactful and practical but very uncompromising being. He’s a very devoted individual, but that can often lead him down the road to unhealthy obsessions. Reliable and willing to stick with a plan until the deed is done and he feels completely satisfied- even if it means repeating said plan over and over again- he doesn’t always see the realistic perspective. However, when he does, he can be a very wise and well-grounded to any situation.

Valandur can also be a very possessive wolf, over both items and those he comes to care for. He can be overprotective and sometimes overbearing, lest he’s told to back off. Once reminded, he can be a very sheepful and tender friend, or lover. He can be very wary of sudden changes and often won’t like them unless he’s suggested them himself- or someone he respects has. It can be a challenge to earn Valandur’s respect and admiration, but it can and has been done. A very loyal and steady friend, he can be unwavering in his friendship and is willing to do most anything for those he loves. He believes in debts to be paid and is grateful for most help he receives.

A free-spirited canine, Valandur has a need to travel most of the time, and can find it hard to be stuck in a small place for too long. He has a desire for unique and rare items, mostly of jewelry likeness, and is known to be both a hoarder and dealer in said items. A very enduring and adaptive individual, Valandur both loves and despises the wolf he’s become.

Valandur was born in the far, mountainous regions of the Valkerian pack’s territory. A hierarchical society reigned by a King and Queen, Val shared the title of upcoming-ruler (Prince, and in his sister’s case, Princess), under his parents. Powers were very rarely seen among them, but not unheard of or despised like in many other places. The last known “Super” was a Priestess and Healer for their pack and carried the powers of Water and Nature, which she used to grow special herbs and heal her packmates.

Valandur never understood why he kept his powers a secret from his pack, and he will still never answer the question to this day. He can admit neither relief nor regret for having done so. See, nothing was ever planned well in the Kingdom because tradition reigned and it was thought that it would always reign. Until the knights and guards of the Kingdom staged an uprising and planned to murder the royal family, including each of his siblings, his parents, and himself.

When it happened, secrets came out and the world came toppling down. A few of their knights had powers, and though they were mostly untrained, Valandur found that you couldn’t fight what was mostly fire and water with more, well, fire. Losing his sister was devastating, and Val found himself burning through canines around him with vicious ferocity in order to save his remaining family. Escaping from the back of their caving system- which in all reality was a terrible system, one which Val came to despise with most of his being afterwards- they were ambushed.

Their father pushed the remaining knights back, sacrificing himself, and forced Valandur to take Van and their mother and flee. In the running and somehow meeting some of their fleeing subjects, as well as a pair of rebelling guards, Val and Van lost their mother in the confusion. They looked for her for days, but were forced out of their kingdom by a despised instinct to live and a need to leave the place their family had been murdered in. Val’s powers were accepted with little words, and the two brothers lived together for some while in a terrible, grievous peace.

After a year of little to no spoken words between them, the brothers parted on mutual terms and Val wandered alone for months. He hadn’t heard anything of Torin’s pack when he stumbled across their borders one day and realized just how far he’d come from home. And just how familiar the buzz of energy and power was in the air around him. It took a day or so to find them on good terms and get himself accepted, but he has been an undyingly loyal follower of Torin ever since.

Torin - Alpha
respects and admires; has undying loyalty for; sees him as a very level-headed leader with compassion for all who deserve it
Evania - Healer
finds her personality fitting for a healer but disapproves of her unwillingness to harm others and often finds her kindness unnerving
Ceyla - Warrior
Kilian - Hunter
believes he’s missing a “serious streak”; is sometimes grateful for his jokes and friendly personality; unsure of how to react around him at times
Kalgnak - Hunter
respects that he provides for the pack though Val is often sent into a bad mood around Kalgnak due to the hunter’s grumpy demeanor
Patch - Hunter
finds him at least vaguely intriguing enough to not be annoyed or allured by his charm; often is confused by his demeanor but is also willing to amuse him at times
Turnip - Apprentice
with a softness for younger wolves, Val admires Turnip’s loyalty to her pack and believes/hopes she will grow into a strong female one day

Nakita - Mother - Unknown
Rorin - Father - Deceased
Valerie - Sister - Deceased
Van - Brother - Alive


Valandur's Theme Song:
Hollywood Undead ~ I'll Be There
Valandur's Voice: low-toned and thick with a gentle and fading Scottish accent
Sam Heughan ~ Quick Questions with...

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Edited on 01/07/17 @ 08:58:01 by Msasi (#TeamTefnut) (#21461)

Tinyboops (Clean) (#113796)

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Posted on
2017-06-16 17:29:48
(WIP in terms of format)

Name: Kalgnak
Gender: Male
Age: 6 years
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank: Hunter
Allegiance: Pwerus
Powers: Major- Earth, Minor- Fire

Appearance: (I shall pull a picture later) Kalgnak is rather small in stature. At the shoulder, his height is just shy of 27 inches. His weight is around 70 pounds. He is rather lithe as he exercises more in running for long distances than outright tests of strength. His coat is mostly brown but has spatterings of a grey pattern interspersed along his back. His fur is all coarse and thick, and lays rather flat all along him. His eyes are a deep brown- almost indistinguishable from black. His tail is only half it's length, and at its end, it is rough and covered in large scars that grow no fur.

Personality: Kalgnak is one of the grumpier wolves in the pack. He has no tolerance for any sort of slacking or resting. When there is no hunt to be had, he can often be found pacing around camp. He is easily annoyed and will snap at anyone who comes too close for his comfort. Kalgnak desperately tries to stay busy for the whole day and actively avoids any members of the camp besides the other hunters. Unless he is hunting or planing a hunt, he has little to say to anyone. The only members of the pack that he actively tries to be kind to is the omegas.

History: Kalgnak lived an easy life. His mother was the head of his birth pack, and after her his sister was appointed to take over. The only role he had to fulfil was to bring home food. He was, without a doubt, the best hunter in his pack, a fact that he was very prideful of. Constantly he could be heard bragging to the others about his skill. Of course, at that time none of his pack knew of his powers since he always hunted alone.
Durning one of his hunts, an apprentice followed him out, and saw as he proceeded to use his magic to coral and knock down deer. The apprentice raced back to the pack and told them of what Kalgnak had done. Not believing her, selected members of the pack followed Kalgnak on his next hunt and saw the same thing.
When Kalgnak returned, his pack, horrified, at his powers, chased him away. Although he had always been the best hunter, he was never the fastest. Soon his former pack had him cornered and fully intended to do away with him. Panicked, Kalgnak used his powers to drive them off: spitting fire and shooting pillars of stone at his family. After a few tense minutes, he managed to drive them off, but then found himself in another problem. Due to his lack of control of fire magic, the surrounding woods had caught ablaze.
He ran through the fire, desperately looking for a way to freedom, and found a shallow stream. He hunkered under an imbankment and waited for the flames to die. Sometime during this wait, a tree fell against his shelter, almost missing him. Kalgnak's tail had become trapped under the tree.
Once the fire finally died, he chewed off his tail and ran. After weeks of travel, he found himself at the edge of the Pwerus territory.

Relationships: None atm
Kin: Morher- Kuwan (unknown), Sister- Garii (unknown)
Mate/Crush: None atm (message me if you want to set something up tho)
Other: N/A

Name: Turnip
Gender: Female
Age: 8 months
Sexuality: N/A
Rank: Apprentice
Allegiance: Pwerus
Powers: Major- Ice, Minor- Nature (not expressed yet)

Appearance: (I'll get a picture later) Turnip is quite a large wolf. At the shoulder she stands 32 inches tall and weighs about 117 pounds. Her fur is mottled grey and her eyes are a bright yellow. Her fur is quite fluffy and sticks out at odd angles all over her body. Turnip constantly has brambles and dirt in her fur, and has more than once found a bug or two roaming around her. Her muscle is bulky and large, giving her immense strength but little endurance.

Personality: Turnip is fiercely loyal to the Pwerus pack and it's alphas. She follows their orders adamantly, if not a bit blindly, and defends their decisions to other packmates. Turnip is quite the sweet heart and spends as much time bonding with her pack mates as possible. One of her favorite pastimes is to wrestle with others as a test of strength. Despite being full grown physically, she still has much of that pup enthusiasm and mentality.

History: Her parents, and thus herself, never belonged to a pack. They had and always remained loners, perhaps originally they had wanted to start their own pack, but by the time Turnip was old enough to hunt, they had become content in living as their small family.
Turnip began expressing powers at the age of six months, and her parents were quite startled. Cicada did not realize that these were a inherited trait from herself, but consulted the plants nonetheless for any rumors they had heard of other wolves like Turnip. One tree, thankfully, had a cousin who lived near wolves with very similar talents.
After debating for a few days, Cicada and Beetle decided to take their daughter to the pack that resided by that tree in hopes that they could help their daughter.
On occasion, Turnip wanders back and visits her parents and siblings to tell them how she is.

Relationships: Turnip views Torin as a father figure.
Kin: Willow- Brother (living), Ragweed- Sister (living), Carrot- Brother (living), Beetle- Father (living), Cicada- Mother (living)
Mate/Crush: None atm (message me if you'd like to set something up)
Other: Her parents named her after a turnip patch near their den.

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 12:29:37

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"Beware of the heartless that make your heart beat quickly.
They will use yours because theirs won't start."

|Full Name|


2 years, 6 months old




Air; Major
Earth; Minor

Very few scars tarnish this male's pretty fur which take on various shades of black, brown and white. Amber colored eyes have a mischievous spark and a stare that clearly screams 'trouble, turn the other way'. You won't, however, because he will make sure you pay attention to his charms. Carried by long limbs made for speed and stamina, Patch's size is average, standing at 33" at shoulder height. While his weight is undeniably between the standards he wouldn't want it to be, his ribs are starting to mark against his skin, nothing unusual on a loner's figure.

To say that Patch is a trouble-maker is an underestimation.

He is a charmer, an opportunistic. A tornado of emotions that knows perfectly well how to play his cards and win the match. His methods and manners were all absorbed from his father; A gallant able to convince any female to stay with him. While Patch is not even the half skilled as his father, he does have a certain attractiveness of strange nature. He is completely aware of this to feed his ego in industrial quantities, which is instantly translated into a lout of a wolf. His loyalty and deserving trust is yet an unknown subject. His entertainment resides in other creatures, mostly sabotaging their activities to later on make a worthy appearance. Although his personality may indicate he craves for fights, his size and strength reveal that his salvation to countless no-fun situations has clearly been a smooth talk and persuation ability and not the former, which he lacks in an almost humilliating form.

Born to a litter of two, Vektor chose his favorite son in their very first breath of life; Kronos. The larger and in consequence stronger of the two brothers, who would grow to the resemblance of his father in appearance and behavior. Kronos naturally stood out when it came to sparring and other essential skills, while Patch simply observed his brother from the distance receive exaggerated attention. However, one of his greatest virtues was to not hold any grudges and become rancorous. He knew that he would eventually find something in which he was exceptionally good at- And he is still looking for that something. Nobody can deny the fact that by observing Kronos and Vektor 'socialize' with the females of the pack, Patch himself learned more than a few tricks, phrases and movements. If he was catched practicing, though, another lesson was taught to him. All the females belonged to Vektor, and Patch soon accustomed to respect this law. Although this wasn't something he liked and soon became a frustration, it only got worse when his mother, Uyulala, seemed to forget about her offspring's existence to pay more attention to Vektor. As soon as he reached maturity at two years old, Patch left his pack in search of better opportunities and more freedom regarding everything, all found next to Torin and his pack.

To be updated


Vektor [Unknown status]

Uyulala [Unknown status]

Kronos ♂ [Littermate; Unknown status]
He possibly has more half-siblings than he can imagine 

|Crush | Mate|
He will flirt with mostly every wolf surrounding him, but it can actually vary depending on many things about the other wolf. It will be quite the challenge for those who wish to claim his heart; He is not fully aware of his capability to love with true devotion since he has never done so before.


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"You are trying to understand madness with logic.
This is not unlike searching for darkness with a torch."

|Full Name|


3 years, 9 months old




Ice; Major
Shadow; Minor

The owner of this white and cream pelt has an average size, though leaning towards the smaller side, and lean body structure, enabling in addition great agility. Certainly carrier of plenty of scars camouflaged by fur, Charlize is proud of each and every one- They have a story beneath, and in all, the heroine (Or villain) always results to be her.

Wolves that talk to themselves is a normal thing these days, even more when Charlize is imposing the fashion. However, her 'chats' go beyond murmured, short sentences. This female will be seen at all times laughing out loud at her own jokes and actually speak to probably the fleas in her head, making them questions and waiting for their silent answers. Over time, being catalogued as lunatic has become a pride and often entertainment to scare a few intrepid creatures. She is willing to do anything to demonstrate that the voices are real, but she will never deny she was born with her nails loosen. Easily mistaken by a killer of sorts because of her demeanor, Charlize is simply a master at sarcasm and mental games. It is not in her to hurt or kill randomly. The true danger lurking inside of her resides on her words- Calculated. Sly. And, overall, timely.

It is probable that a minor case of obsessive-compulsive disorder is present give her repetitive and anxious behaviors and thoughts.

The most part of her past remains a mystery for Charlize herself, barely having vague memories of what used to be her family, but the predominant images lay on her big brother and a series of unfortunate events that separated their paths.
In a matter of seconds after her birth, the entire family was convinced that Charlize had been the runt of the litter. Fragile, the smallest among a lineage of beasts, and innocent of the hatred and rancor that grew strong among her father and brother, Cedric. With only months of life upon her, she had become an orphan and was cared by her brother for several weeks, until misfortune decided to strike the last.
A mother bear forced Cedric to hide the impotent pup before he attempted to dismiss the larger creature, succesfully leading her away. Charlize, despite the fright that her trembling body clearly showed, knew how to abide and stay where her brother had left her. Her safety didn't lasted for long though, as the bear's cubs had found her and, being bigger in both age and size, decided to follow their mother's aggressive example. Her instincts, and the snappings hot on her tail, guided her to a river, luckily with a rocky and not-so-deep ground which she crossed with little difficulties. The bear cubs got bored of their bravery not long after, and were too tired as to continue. For when the white ball of fur stopped as well, too late she realized that all she had managed to do was to merge further into the forest, more distanced than ever from Cedric.
Only days had passed by before she was found by a lone male, hidding under the shadow of a fallen tree. He took care of her the best way he could, though her luck seemed to decrease as she aged; The wolf used Charlize to do the job that he was supposed to do himself as an adult, mostly hunting whatever her inexperience could catch. She was forced to grow up earlier, learning the tricks of survival near her first year of age and in part, given the traumatic childhood that her past holds. She maintained her patience for a few more months, until desperation said that it was time to leave everything behind, including such a bad company as the male was.
And so her mental health went to visit hell. Loneliness was not a feeling she was accustomed to, and she was rapidly affected by it's cruelty. Her only company during exhausting travels without destination in fact, was herself. In no time, words became phrases, and phrases became conversations. With the conversations came anxiety but Charlize no longer felt alone. Her only friend resided in her head, possibly an alter ego of sorts, whom she'd share her insecurities and troubles with. For her delight, they understood her perfectly, and even advised to let go of certain things to embrace her true and current self. To this day, she knows she has a kinship with some male out there, but she has forgotten enough as to stop looking for him.

To be updated


Matchitehew [Deceased]

Lilith [Deceased]

Cedric ♂ [Unknown status]

|Crush | Mate|
It will be quite difficult for Charlize to recognize feelings regarding love, but heyy.

Charlize's voice is portrayed by Angelina Jolie's character, Lisa Rowe, in "Girl, Interrupted". Be aware that the following video contains strong language and it was only used to visualize better her accent and tone. Reference.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 14:10:51

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I won't fall for your lies again."



3 years old.

Heterosexual | Heteroromantic.



{Major} Air, {Minor} Water.

Iris is a she-wolf of average height and weight for her age, her frame a tad petite, yet still quite hardy. Lean muscle makes up her build and her pelt, while still a typical gray-black color, is a tad unusual as are her eyes. It is not the shade that makes her fur a bit different, but rather the way it is marked. The majority of her coat is a cream color with light gray and black tipped hairs along the face, ears, back, shoulders and tail. Her eyes are a striking pale gray, nearly white, with a dark golden brown outline circling around the irises as if they were meant to truly be brown, but the pigments were lost before they could finish changing. Her left ear is split, starting at the tip down to the middle, a rather noticeable tear, and teeth marks mar her muzzle.

Known for her quick wit and intelligence, yet Iris tends to leave others feeling a bit cold. Her demeanor is icy and abrasive with a sharp tongue and even sharper teeth. She doesn't share her adopted brother Frost's patience and though Iris likes to think herself in complete control of her emotions, the reality is she has a rather fiery temper. Iris has very few friends as a result and even those she holds close find her fairly aloof, even if less sarcastic. One of her biggest flaws is perhaps that she feels she must handle all struggles on her own.

Tragedy tends to overwhelm, and she pushes her loved ones away so she is left to cope alone, never wanting to be viewed as weak or emotional. She is a wolf used to relying on herself and does not trust easily, but perhaps this might change the longer she spends with the pack. She will prove devoted to any wolves who manage to capture her loyalty. Despite her outwardly hostile personality she has a healthy sense of humor and once comfortable with someone may prove a bit more friendly, albeit one should never expect Iris to lose her snark completely.

Iris was born far from the land she now calls home, the daughter of a lone she-wolf who’s pack had banished her for reasons she never cared to explain to her only daughter. For a long time it was just the two of them until Chaos disappeared without a trace shortly after Iris' first birthday. She struggled to survive on her own, lost and alone in a very dangerous world. Iris' powers came to her late, and with no guidance caused quite a bit of damage before she gained some control of her. Eventually she met a young male her age who whispered promises of starting a pack all their own together. She fell for his tricks and followed him wherever he went. It wasn’t long before she became heavy with his pups.

Months before the birth, he disappeared just as Chaos had, and Iris was once again alone. She found a secluded area of the forest to give birth, and hours later three healthy pups entered the world. Life became all the more difficult from that point forward as Iris struggled to both feed herself and keep her pups safe from predators. A small family group of coyotes came upon her when she was on her last legs, half starved and barely producing enough milk for her children. Despite wolves and coyotes being natural enemies the dominant female of the unit was moved to help them. After being taken in her health improved and her pups flourished. She was eternally grateful to the little pack and felt she finally found a place to belong despite not being the same species. Yet all good things must come to an end.

When the cold season came and prey grew scarce the pack decided to part ways as coyotes often do. Iris made the decision to remain in the area rather than move her still young pups. Doing her best to provide for them on her own. With no one left to watch them for her she often had to leave them hidden while she hunted. One such day she returned to tragedy, two of her pups snatched from their den, the third injured and traumatized. When asked what had done this Iris was shocked and appalled when her son claimed it was one of their old friends.

She risked leaving her last pup despite his pleas to stay on a rescue mission for his sisters. By the time she tracked down their kidnappers it was too late, and the feeding site was a grisly scene. Flying into a rage, Iris slaughtered the coyote pair who had eaten her pups, buried her beloved daughters remains and returned to her son with a heavy heart. The next morning she took him away from the area completely. Many days were spent travelling before they settled down again. After discovering there were other wolves in the area, she approached their border in the hopes of joining them.

It was here she met Frost, a wolf she would come to view as a sort of older brother or perhaps even a father figure. Iris found the pack unwilling to take in a mother and her pup. Who needed two extra mouths to feed? She prepared to leave rather than cause any further trouble with the pack that might get herself or Arrow to be hurt when Frost caught up with them, promising to help, and help he did. They settled a decent amount of distance from the pack boundaries, but Frost would still come to them every day to help Iris hunt and make certain they were well. When the alpha of Frost's pack discovered what he was up to he was punished, and ultimately decided to flee the pack rather than suffer further abuse, showing up at Iris' den-site bruised and battered.

Iris had assumed Frost was well respected among his packmates for his wisdom and compassion, but he admitted to Iris he was actually the pack omega, and he had helped her because he knew what it was like to feel alone. Iris suggested he come with her and Arrow when they left and the three stayed together for a very long time indeed. It wasn't long after this they discovered the Pwerus wolves and joined them.

Frost | Friend/Older Brother Figure | Adoptable
"We may not share blood, but you've been more like kin to me than any wolf I've never known."

Chaos | Mother
"No good mother would abandon her pup. Either you're dead or have no heart."

Daisy & Marigold | Deceased Daughters
"I'm so sorry I couldn't save you..."

Arrow | Living Son | Adoptable
"Worry not my son, I will protect you always."

Erebus | Former Mate
"I mourned you once, but now I'm glad you're gone. I will not be sad if I never see your conniving face again."

No new crush or mate as of the start of the roleplay.

Theme Song
My Skin - Natalie Merchant.

She has a mutation known as ocular albinism, which caused the odd paleness in her eyes. Unfortunately, this also means she doesn't have the sharpest vision, is more sensitive to bright lights than the average wolf and sometimes has a great deal of trouble with depth perception. She relies on her senses of scent and hearing over sight when on duty and manages to do well enough, though she'll never be the most skilled huntress.

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"The ancestors are still with us. Can't you feel them?"



5 years old.

Asexual | Panromantic.



{Major} Nature, {Minor} Ice.

Siku is a long-legged wolf with a thick, dense ivory colored coat and dark amber eyes. He's a larger male with a willowy build and huge, darkly clawed paws. His long fur tends to make him appear a bit thicker than he actually is, and while not lacking in muscle, Siku is mostly extraordinarily soft fluff. Black hair tips his fur around the neck, across the shoulders, down the back and over his bushy tail, ending in a dark tip and contrasting from his otherwise white pelt. Old scars are scattered over his muzzle giving this wolf a look akin to a seasoned warrior even if he never goes out looking for a fight. Dark lines surround his eyes giving off the appearance of wearing mascara (to humans at least, since wolves obviously don't know what make-up is).

Siku is an odd sort. Erratic in behavior, often mumbling to himself under his breath about the 'ancestors' and all in all isn't the most sociable canine. If anyone even attempts a conversation with him his responses tend to be short and clipped. Despite not being a shaman of any short he appears quite knowledgeable concerning healing herbs and has claimed he receives visions from wolves of the past. Many are likely under the impression the aging wolf is full of hot air.

Despite his generally off-putting demeanor he is not unkind, often treating other loners if they are injured even at risk to his own well-being. Siku has little to no fear of death to the point of it being unnerving. He is a borderline pacifist, finding bloodshed appalling, but is also aware sometimes fighting is a necessary evil. Most of his life has been spent on his own and he’s grown accustomed to solitude.

Siku has always been a loner, never staying in one place for long. His parents were young and inexperienced. They tried their best, but often proved more interested in their other packmates than their own son. As a result he was unintentionally neglected and often left to entertain himself. Siku never quite learned the skills he would need to properly socialize with other wolves and grew up the pack weirdo, always disappearing into the woods for days on end and returning muttering nonsense under his breath. By the time he was a year old his birth pack grew impatient with his strange behavior and sent him away. He's been traveling by himself ever since. Wandering from territory to territory aimlessly and learning the strength and limitations of his abilities mostly alone.


Hinto | Deceased Father
"Are you with the ancestors now father? Why can't I hear you?"

Ikkuma | Deceased Mother
"All is well mother, do not weep. You are forgiven your transgressions."

No one yet. He's getting older and isn't interested in fathering pups, but a romantic attachment isn't impossible.

Theme Song
Spirits - The Strumbellas.

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Empty slot for a third character I'd like to add once I've proven myself active.














Theme Song


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All images are linked to their sources.

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MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

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Posted on
2017-06-23 21:24:53
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
All Rights Go To The Origional Photogragher Jfulgham @ Pixa Bay
We Are All Broken, It Is How We Let The Light In

Aalin means graceful and serene


|Age |
Three years




major Water minor Air

Aalin has a skinny build quick and nimble, but she also has a surprising amount of power in her back legs which assists her in hunting. She has thick soft grey-white fur and her eyes clearly give away her power, glittering like sunlight on water.

Gentle and caring she is always looking to help and fix people, often neglecting her own problems to assist others. She is good-humored and good to talk but when hurt she shuts people out. She can be too easy to trust and too naive.

Born to the alpha male and female Aalin was raised to be admired in a strict and traditional pack. Powers were omens of evil in their thinking and the few pups that showed signs of those powers were killed or left to die in the cold nights. It was impossible for her however to have such powers as both her mother and father did not carry any super-natural powers. She was born into a famine and her littermates perished in the lack of food, she was the only survivor. When she turned four months she showed signs of water powers, it was easy in the begging for her mother to mask those abilities from the rest of the pack, and her mate. If they found she had been unloyal to the alpha they would have her killed. But, of course, the pack eventually found out and at two years old Aalin had her mother killed in front of her, ravaged by her pack mates and left to die in the night with only a few wounds, blood mattered fur and a mind full of dark memories.

She was found several days later by a lone healer wolf the called "The Sark Of Sowl" who dragged her to a cave and nursed her back to health. The Sark would tell tales of a young wolf gathering a pack of wolves with strange powers, intrigued she set out to find this mysterious pack as soon as she was well enough.

| Relationships |

Snowdon/ Father/ Presumed Alive
"I wonder if he ever thinks to the mate who's throat he cut and cub who was left to the night and fate."

"She was only trying to save herself, but death catches everyone, in the end, it was her time to dance with the truth."

If ya wanna be with her you gotta put on the smooth moves and court her in the RP!

Theme Song: Youth by Daughter

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Edited on 24/06/17 @ 16:06:16 by MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 12:59:53
-Images removed by a moderator-

Name- Phoenix

Gender- Female

Age- 3 1/2 yrs.o

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Rank- Hunter

Allegiance- Pwerus

Major- Fire
Minor- Earth

Appearance- Phoenix is a runt, making her smaller then others, Her body is slim but muscular. Phoenix's fur is a lovely Dark orange with a mix of tan, white and black fur, Her tail has a cream colored tip with a black ring around it. Her eyes, are a burning yellow with black pupils.

Personality- Feisty but Good Tempered, Phoenix is curios and not very pushy. She's a bit of a motormouth and she knows it, she tries to keep conversations short and straight to the point but she usually drowns on for hours. Phoenix may be a motormouth but, she's still a bit socially awkward, she tries to hide it but, she can't. Most notice it when she approaches them.

History- Phoenix was born to a lone female, her mother, Adalwolfa. She was abandoned by her mate and due to her......... differences about the rules . Adalwolfa gave birth to three pups, Jupiter, Alika, and Phoenix. At the age of 7 month's old, Alika died of, Unknown causes, or it least that what Adalwolfa told her pups. When Phoenix was 8 month's old her powers finally started to show, Adalwolfa praised these "Gifts" but, Jupiter showed his differences about Phoenix's new found abilities.......

At two years old, Jupiter left his mother and sister, to conquer the new lands. Phoenix was left to take care of her mother and herself. She struggled but still powered through the troubles of hunting and fighting of enemy's. Nine months after Jupiter left Adalwolfa died in the winter of hypothermia. Phoenix was left alone, her brother gone to God knows where, her older sister dead along with her mother. Instead of lying down and dying she left the land where she had once lived and journeyed off into the North.

After months of traveling Phoenix found what she was looking for, a pack to join.

Relationships- Dead/ Yet to be found

Kin- Adalwolfa- Deceased, Alika- Deceased, Jupiter- Unknown.

Mate/Crush- Open

Other- Shattered

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Edited on 03/07/17 @ 05:53:21 by Shad (#16848)

ZABA (#54723)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 19:06:37
(aah.. major wip alert. will try to finish these by tonight..)


"The woods are lovely, dark and deep
but I've got promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep
and miles to go before I sleep.

Lucrece, Luce


4Y 3M

Bisexual | Biromantic



Air - Major, Fire - Minor


Lucrece is a wolf whose pelt reflects the blazing colors of autumn, her tawny pelt accented by reddish tips mainly around her ears, hind legs, and muzzle. Coarse, black guard hairs make up her pronounced dorsal cape, fading into a light grey near her shoulders and on the back of her head. Around her muzzle and eye area is a stark cream mask, slowly fading into a pale orange that travels down the bridge of her snout and to her nose. Her eyes are a smoldering sable hue and are largely expressive. She is of an average build, albeit quite muscular due to both her current job and her upbringing. The general position of her legs appear to be quite squished, but their location, slightly pushed into the chest, and her outward facing paws gives her the ability to walk with her paws in a single line, allowing for efficient travel in the snow as well as long strides. Her build is willowy yet strong, muscle built onto a lean and agile frame. Most of her scars are hidden by her thick coat, though a large, ugly scar disrupts her thin fur on her left hock. It's a long, ragged scar that tells of a wound that never healed correctly, leaving Lucrece with a subtle limp and a lack of fur around it.

Reserved and aloof, but not unkind. Lucrece is intelligent, but few truly get close enough to discover this. Not that she is generally disliked, rather, it's that she would prefer to blend into the background in certain situations. This makes her a very forgettable person when she wants to be. If one were to inquire about her past, they would be met with an ambiguous description of her history, offering very little detail. All of her secrecy and distance isn't irrational, though. She is extremely particular about the kind of light she wants to be seen in. Edging into manipulative territory, Lucrece often will befriend others simply to help herself. She works for herself and only herself, but isn't so naive as to completely drop her duties.

Secrets are always safe under Luce's tight-lipped watch, though there is no telling about why she is so adamant about knowing about everything that happens in the pack. Sly, perhaps even deceitful in some cases. She enjoys surprises and is quietly ambitious. Those who are truly her closest friends will know it, as Luce will extend her usually self-beneficial efforts to also benefit them.

Lucrece was born into a very large, very old pack. Her memories of it are few and far between, but she thinks of her time there both with hatred and fondness. She was the daughter of the two best herbalists in the pack, expected to continue their proud line of skilled healers from an early age. The young wolf's heart was elsewhere. It was in the land itself, exploring every rock and river as soon as she was able to walk. By the time she turned four months old, she had discovered that, while practicing her hunting skills, the wind always seemed to be favorable, blowing her prey's scent to her.

This new development could not be investigated further, as she had entered the start of her rigorous training as a healer. Extensive practice was required, as well as physical training so that she could carry an immobile patient if need be. It wasn't at all what Luce imagined her training to be, and hated every minute of it. She then realized that her parents weren't simply training her into a job, but a way of life.

It was around her fifth month of life when her attention was once again brought back to the wind. At first, Luce believed that the wind must have taken a liking to her, helping her with hunting. Rumor had it that the neighboring pack had suffered intense harm from one of their own, a young wolf with extraordinary powers. This scared her, as well as the rest of her packmates, but for different reasons. She realized that she was the one controlling the wind, unconsciously shifting its course to better suit her needs. The neighboring pack's report set off a witch hunt, packmate interrogating fellow packmates despite not having any evidence that they had otherworldly abilities. To keep suspicion away from herself, Lucrece accused her closest friend at the time, Micah, of having the power to manipulate the ground.

He was banished from the pack. Lucrece is under the impression that he died some weeks following his banishment, as a wolf barely half a year old could not survive on their own. This move turned out to not only dispose of one of the few people she had in her corner and fail to deter suspicion about her. As she matured, her power became more unstable and harder to hide.

She was, eventually, discovered to be a wolf of unusual abilities. Rather than banishing her, Luce's parents decided it was best for their unruly child to be trained, broken in, as the pack's personal air manipulator. The once loving parents she had always knew to be kind and fair turned sour, enraged by how innocent wolves of their sister pack were hurt by Luce's kind. After they formally disowned her, the months after would spiral into a deeper hell than the young wolf had ever experienced.

After unspeakable months of torment, she finally found the inspiration to leave in the development of her second power. She couldn't bear to repeat the same thing again, this time with fire. So, she left the only home she had ever known in hopes that somewhere it would be different.

Traveling as a loner suited Luce, and over time she began to come to terms with herself and the memories of her stolen childhood. Life was pleasant. Her memories of Micah faded, and she grew stronger. Her first winter on her own approached, and she met it with premature confidence. Luce suffered through a nastily hungry winter, figuring that it would be best to team up with another loner next time. Another year of traveling went by, and she happened upon a wolf that she saw her younger self in - lonely, unsure of his own ability, and scared. He was rather young to be out on his own, but so had Luce been when she left home, so she didn't say anything. The two traveled together for a while, teaching each-other about better ways to control their abilities. As the months passed and the young male grew more confident, they parted ways, and she hasn't seen much of him since.
Eventually she found a place in the Pwerus pack, happy to have a fresh start.

Micah - Childhood friend, presumably deceased, adoptable
Onkruid - Brief denmate, acquaintences, alive

Azukka - Mother, presumably deceased, unadoptable
Desovah - Father, unknown, unadoptable
Atsiri - Unknown younger brother, adoptable

Romantic Interest
At the moment, Luce has very little interest in settling down with anyone. Pups are out of the picture almost entirely. It would take a great deal of coaxing to convince her that having children is a good idea.

Theme: Feels Like We Only Go Backwards - Tame Impala





1Y 3M














#1 - Photographed by Kati H.
#2 - Photographed by Kati H.
#3 - Photographed by Kati H.
#4 - Photographed by Ria P.
#5 - Photographed by Ria P.
#6 - Photographed by Ria P.

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Edited on 30/06/17 @ 16:44:23 by Doug Dimmadome (#54723)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-06 18:01:40



3 Years & 6 Months

Heterosexual| Straight





Light seems to radiate from this female's pelt when she walks, the sleek, rippling hairs forming a beautiful coat on the entirety of her frame. A thick mane starts at the base of her neck and ends while fading gently into her chest. Her body is tall and lean, fraught with healthy brawn that lies beneath her fluffy hide, her frame sturdy and impressive. Large paws lead up to long, elegant legs, the bones stout and strong. She exudes an aura of calm patience, carrying it with her wherever she goes. Her fur is a pale, eye-catching gold, mottled with jet black tips that cause contrast upon her body. A stunning female, Kali's face is well-formed and pretty, with strong features and a long, thin muzzle with a blunt end. Her ears are tall and erect, remaining that way most of the time, unless she is in emotional distress or furious. Piercing ice blue eyes peer out from beneath a broad brow, fringed with dark fur that only intensifies their vivid color. With an athletic build and a firm, seemingly immovable presence, the she-wolf is an impressive sight to behold. Often she can be seen with rays of light dancing beneath her feet, weaving themselves across her body before disappearing. She can control these on a whim, and uses her lesser skill of air to make them fly through the sky above her head. However, the female mostly keeps her talents hidden, not even sure herself just how powerful her powers may be.

Temperance is a virtue that Kali does not lack, learning her level of discipline from years of training and mistakes. She is ever calm and collected, with a level head and a strategic mind that she loves to put to use. Despite this, her anger can be explosive, if one becomes unlucky enough to encounter the emotion from her. As her name suggests, the female is well versed in the ways of war, unfazed by the chaos it brings. In fact, some would say that she regards it with a cold distance, unable to fully comprehend just how horrible it is. Because of this, she is a skilled and intimidating fighter, undaunted by any enemy she may come across. Intrepid and bold, Kali can often be found standing up for weaker members of the pack, be it a bully or an enemy, they will see no fear in her eyes. A calm confidence surrounds her wherever she goes, and she is able to draw the attention of everyone without raising her voice, though she rarely uses this to boss anyone around. With a quick wit and a somewhat sharp tongue, more sensitive wolves avoid her, not used to her sense of humor. Serious in nature, the beautiful fae takes her duties to heart, and obeys her alpha's orders without haste. Simply taking care of a duty is not enough for her, she will go above and beyond to prove herself. Unbreakable in her loyalty, she would lay her life on the line with no hesitation should the need arise, all to protect her pack and those she cares for. Kali has a strict set of morals that she refuses to break, and if anything goes against that code, it wouldn't do well to tell her to change them, lest her wrath be tasted. Despite this, the she-wolf is rather lonely, and aches for companionship as well as close friends. Deeming herself socially awkward, she recognizes her flaws and tries her best to fix them, though most of the time she ends up seeming gruff and inhospitable. However, if one can get past all of this, they will find a truly kind female with a courageous, gentle heart that longs for love.

Little can be remembered. The only memories surfacing from her younger years are the scents of warmth and light, and the taste of spring flowing through the air. Grass was soft beneath her feet, tickling her paws as she bounced along the forgotten path. Distant voices echoed at the back of her mind, their tone worried and frantic, but she ignored them, instead venturing deeper into the darkest parts of the forest. Here, the ground was cold and hard, holding none of the happiness that she had known. The trees leered down at her, hollow faces and broken branches devoid of life. Crow song filled the air, any hint of familiarity gone without a trace. Fear was prevalent, filling her body until a shiver of terror left the tips of her fur. Mist rose from her nostrils, dissipating just as quickly as it had come, the shadowy canopy above her head blocking any light that dared try and break through, chilling the atmosphere diligently. She remembered shining eyes peering out from the inky blackness, watching her oh so closely as she roamed the territory, lost and alone. And then... nothing. Her mind was blank. The latest memory she can recall is of waking up in an open field, orbs of light floating around her, the air crisp with the scent of autumn. Ice blue eyes snapped around, only to see a pair of massive paws before her. She scrambled up, coming face to face with a scarred, gigantic brute. His expression was grim, eyes steely and unyielding. The male introduced himself as Bjorn, and proceeded to tell her the tale of how he'd saved her lifeless body from the shadows threatening to consume it. Of course, she was loathe to believe him. Even back then, she'd been a feisty adolescent, and hadn't been afraid to call him out on his crazy story. This had only made Bjorn smirk, though his eyes never wavered from their usual coolness. From then on, Bjorn reared her, teaching her his ways of surviving. As he grew older, he shared all of his secrets, and with an unprecedented patience, taught her how to control the power of light. Air came much slower, arriving just as she turned a year old, and still she cannot wield it easily. When Bjorn passed, Kali went wandering, unable to remain in the place that he had died. It was years before she stumbled across Pwerus, and its alpha was like her, holding an immense and mysterious power. And so she joined their ranks, finding curiosity and comfort amongst those like her.

Torin| Alpha Male| Deep respect

None that she can remember

Open! PM me!

Heroes- Zayde Wolf

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Edited on 06/07/17 @ 22:36:45 by Arcan (#97595)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-06 19:13:52
Big WIP. Might be finished in four-ish days. Maybe less or more.

"We fear the darkness because we fear the unknown. I suppose you fear the future as well?"
Liana (Lee-on-uh)




Beta Female




Liana, often called Lia by those close to her, is a very cold, emotionless female, she's very sadistic as well, grinning down, watching a deer bleed out. She stays distant, and is a loner by heart. She feels no emotion toward anyone but her pack, and she hates it. That means she would get emotion if they died. Liana does have a soft side, even if it's quite the challenge to find it.

(no one was born into this pack, so feel free to be creative ;D)

(list relationships with packmates here) (optional)

(family members)



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Edited on 09/07/17 @ 06:45:25 by Jackal [Hiatus thru July.] (#84624)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 22:10:15

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Edited on 12/07/17 @ 18:41:22 by Tenshi (#111404)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-31 19:35:26

Aelteth (All-teth)
Agender, uses feminine pronouns
Four years old
Panromantic, pansexual
Beta Female

Aelteth is considered a medium sized wolf with a thinner build than the average wolf. Her coat varies in color from a lighter silver in warmer months to a pure white during the winter, but it is always thick, hiding her musculature. This fae is not powerful physically, lacking in the necessary muscular build, however she is not helpless. Instead, her body lends itself to speed and agility, making her a formidable opponent and an excellent huntress. She is often called lanky, however this is not a bad thing. Her slender build and supple muscles make it easy for her to almost disappear among the trees of the place she calls home.

Aelteth has a rather long muzzle that is accentuated by a dark grey muzzle. Her teeth are kept constantly sharp by the bones she loves to gnaw on, which also help to strengthen her jaw. Her ears have thin, very soft furs on the inside which aid in trapping subtle sounds such as hooves on snow. They are almost perfectly triangular in shape, but complement her long face perfectly. Her eyes are a deep amber in color and seem to never show emotion, a trait she has struggled to master since her birth.

Like many others, Aelteth has a myriad of personality traits, some of them contradictory. She is multi-faceted and cannot be described in one word, or even one paragraph. To start, she isn't too fond of strangers. She is not rude, however she is not friendly to those she does not know. Often times, she will not acknowledge those who are new to her, acting as if they do not exist at all. However, she will watch them closely, trying to determine their intentions and whether or not she should allow them to get closer to her. If she deems the newcomer worthy, she will begin to speak to them, usually simply answering questions directly aimed at her. She figures that if that person can tolerate her short responses long enough to actually get to know her, then they must be alright.

However, once she considers someone her friend, Aelteth's demeanor changes drastically. With her friends, she is over-the-top and easily excitable. She still doesn't speak much, but her body language makes it obvious that her opinion of that person has changed. As well as being incredibly friendly, this wolf is also very protective of her friends and relatives. She will not hesitate to throw herself into battle to protect their safety. In such battles, she is nearly unstoppable, her fury driving her through the most painful of her injuries.

When she is alone, Aelteth's personality changes once again. She hates total silence, and will do any number of things to break it, most often chattering softly to herself. She also enjoys playing with her food when she's caught it by herself, tearing into it with her powerful jaws and tossing it over her shoulder. Another of her favorite things to do is to collect lose feathers and fashion them into a pup-sized bed of sorts. She never uses this bed, and has never told anyone why she does this, however she is incredibly possessive of these small beds whenever she has enough feathers to make them.

So, in short, Aelteth loves others, but she doesn't. She hates to be alone, but she doesn't like crowds. She also has a very impressive temper, although it takes a lot for her packmates to see it.

From her birth, Aelteth was "top dog" of her litter. She often forced her littermates to submit to her before allowing them to eat. She even snapped and snarled at her parents, chasing them from their own meals. The adults allowed her rude behavior, at least until her powers began to show. Once they realized just how different she was from the rest of the pack, Aelteth suddenly found herself on the receiving end of her parents' fangs and she quickly became the omega of not only her litter, but the pack.

She lived like this for the first year of her life before it became too much for her. During a hunt one day, the female decided to keep going instead of returning back with the pack. She became hopelessly lost, although she was very capable of hunting just enough prey to keep herself alive for several years. It was during one of these hunting trips that she spotted some Pwerus wolves in the distance and she quickly made her presence known to them. Surprisingly she was greeted with friendly curiosity rather than hostility, and she decided to settle down with them as her pack. Once she became a member of the pack, she blossomed into herself and was made beta a year after joining.

She doesn't know where her old pack is. She presumes her parents are dead, and she cares not for the fates of her littermates.

She is polyamorous!

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