Posted by 1x1 for Oliver Queen and myself

HearMeRoar (#27573)

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2017-06-23 18:54:15
After escaping from the Underworld and getting on the surface of Earth, he finds himself at a loss. When demons are no longer able to meddle with human interactions, how is it that there are so many sinful things taking place, is his first thought and question. Still, it appears his aura of sin affects those around him, though not to the extent that it once had. However, he finds a girl (your character perhaps?) crying and mentally slaps himself as he begins to work his way forward. He tries to console her despite himself, not understanding why he feels like he should. The girl was maybe six or seven years old and he led her back to her family.

Somehow, that demon finds a way to survive in the world. It has been seventeen years and he has started a business and runs as its CEO. Life is going surprisingly well for a demon who cannot age and whose only goal is to live a better life than in the Underworld. After all, he won't be accepted back, not after he had helped the girl. They don't want it back and the angels never give chances to demons. He is trapped on Earth, so he might as well make his life far easier with earning the strange human currency, money. Maybe your character goes to his business to apply for a job after having gone through a college education of some sort and thinks he seems eerily familiar?

This is a bit of rough plot, but I figured it would be easier to look off of it!

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Edited on 27/06/17 @ 21:29:12 by HearMeRoar (#27573)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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2017-06-27 00:11:36
(( sure ))

Name: Ainsley Wynters

Age: 24

Gender: Female

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Personality: Ainsley tends to keep to herself. She is more of a quiet girl and doesn't speak up most times. She prefers to be alone than with others. She doesn't usually have a lot of friends because of how quiet she is. Ainsley will stand up for what she believes in and doesn't back down. She's kind, but she isn't big on second chances as if she has to give them then the first chance shouldnt have been given. Ainsley is always very willing to learn.

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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2017-06-27 13:52:42
Name: Luca Xavier

Age: Looks approximately 29 or very early 30s

Gender: Male


Personality: Luca likes silence almost as much as he enjoys watching the sins of the humans play out before him. He is blunt, determined, and generally very bossy when it comes to most encounters. That is why, perhaps, he chose to head in the direction of becoming a CEO, that and the power being one brings. Most magazines call him ruthless, and he has to agree quite a bit. He gets what he wants and doesn't like obstacles to his goals. Luca is observant, able to see through most lies and get to the truth of the matter, and intelligent which has caused his business to soar.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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2017-06-28 01:19:27
(( can you reply first ))

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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2017-06-28 11:10:33
Luca Xavier-

He let out a frustrated sound, throwing his keyboard at the wall and hearing the resounding smack. The jolt of the sound caused his personal assistant to hurry into the room. Her eyes were wide as she took in the mess. His papers were scattered on the ground and several keys had hit the ground. He was pacing back and forth, a hand rushing through his hair. When she came in unannounced and gawked at him, he'd reached his limit. His eyes flashed dangerously as he slammed a hand against his desk, stopping himself from getting closer to the girl and scaring her off. She had worked for him for probably three weeks and she already looked completely frightened by everything he did. It wasn't that he just destroyed his office every day, but rather that he was easily frustrated by the incompetence of the human race half of the time.

"Mr. Xavier, sir, can I-" she began with a forced calm. His jaw tightened and he growled.

"You're fired." It wasn't that she was a bad personal assistant, but she had messed up dozens of times in a matter of three weeks and he wasn't known for his patience when it came to being unable to listen. So, he pressed a button on his phone and cleared his throat. "A new position has been opened as my personal assistant, fill it," he instructed into the phone to be answered by a chuckle. The woman disappeared with shock and more than a few tears on her face.

A sigh escaped Luca as he began to gather and reorder things in his office. He hated messes. "Right away, sir," the man on the other end of the speaker spoke. Then, the short call was ended as Luca sat back in his seat, a hand running through his hair. With a grunt, he pressed the same button again and heard a slight laugh escape the other end. "Yes?" the man on the other end asked.

"Can you get me a new keyboard and a coffee?" Luca asked. A full out laugh came from the phone and Luca ended up rolling his eyes. Still, he didn't mind his senior vice president in charge of financials.

"Of course, sir. My assistant will be up in a moment and I've had the ad bulletin ready since you hired your, now ex-assistant. I'll have the news out right away and I'm sure by tomorrow you will have a dozen candidates at least," the man on the other end reassured him. Luca grinned at the idea. Yes, a new assistant was exactly what he needed and he needed one quickly.

(This is just setting up the scene where your character can apply to be his personal assistant! Hopefully, this is good!)

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Edited on 28/06/17 @ 11:10:59 by HearMeRoar (#27573)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 16:28:21
There was one thing that Ainsley had in common with other teenagers around her country. College wasn't easy for her. Not because she wasn't smart enough. No, she full well was, even having managing to be valedictorian in her school in her senior year. No, it was because college was expensive and demanded something that Ainsley and her family didn't have very much of. Money. Her family had never been the richest, but they also didn't like commonly. Her father, Dylan, was the only one who worked in the household. To say it was hard to provide for four kids on one paycheck was an understatement. Her mother had to stay home to do the household chores and take care of the children. Besides, she'd dropped out of college and didn't have the experience to work anywhere, not really. Ainsley was the eldest while the younger had just turned six. As soon as she could have gotten a job, she did. At the ripe age of fourteen, and she hadn't stopped working since then. Ainsley couldn't afford to. So while a majority of the money went to help her family, she'd kept a stash hidden away just for college. Because she knew she would need it.

Lucky for Ainsley, college hadn't costed her parents a dime which was good for them because they wouldn't have been able to afford it. She'd been able to get a scholarship which paid for all of her finances. And the good thing was that she had over fifteen hundred dollars stored away from those years of working. So AInsley had been able to go to the college she'd wanted. But now the time for college was over, and she had to get into the real world. The cruel, cold world, but she was ready.

"Someone called you earlier." Ainsley hears her roommate's, Anna's, voice when she walks into the house after having been gone to get a few groceries. Ainsley had met Anna during college. The two of them didn't do the same major, but Anna was more into filming, photography and editing than anything. And she'd get a few jobs here and there. She was making a petty good resume and was applying for jobs everywhere, just waiting for her first call. The two girls were as close as friends could be, and Ainsley was so happy to have the blonde in her life. They didn't live anywhere fancy, but it was comfortable for the two of them. The apartment had two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and living room. And then rent was cheap which the two of them split. Besides, it allowed for the two of them to have a car, a crappy one, but still one. "Who was it?" Ainsley asks, putting the three grocery bags on the table, as she walks towards the house phone.

It wasn't really in her budget to have a phone of her own. And even if it was, it wouldn't be much more than a flip phone. So instead, Anna had gotten them a house phone which worked out just fine for the two of them. "Don't know, but they said to call back as soon as possible." Nodding, Ainsley picked up the phone, redialing the number Anna gave her. Turns out, it was a job offering to be an executive assistant for the CEO of the fourth most successful businesses in the country. Quickly she said she would be there before telling Anna the good news. Without another thought, she set her alarm clock before getting into bed, excited for the next day.

Ainsley woke up around six. She didn't have to be to the interview until eight, but it was an fourty five minute drive, and she wanted to be there semi early. She put on the outfit she picked out last night which was a dark grey pencil skirt with a light pink blouse and short heels to match. She pinned half of her hair to the side before telling Anna bye and taking the car. Once she arrived, Ainsley took a deep breath, waiting until she was instructed to enter the office of the man who was to be interviewing them, the CEO himself. Nervous, Ainsley walked in before sitting in the chair cross from him. "Hi," she greets, giving him a smile before holding out her hand. "I'm Ainsley Wynters."

(( sorry for it being so long. My first replies always are. You don't have to make yours this long lol ))

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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2017-06-29 16:52:21
Luca Xavier-

He had several interviews set up for the day starting at six in the morning. It didn't bother him to wake up early, rather he expected it of those who worked for him. If they decided to give the time and effort into work as he did, then they were worth hiring. The first girl who showed up was far too shy, quiet, and overall nervous around him. When he asked a question she would whisper out a stuttered response that would have his jaw clenching and his eyes turning into slits at a moment's notice. "I-I-I am S-S-Susan," she had whispered to him in a brief introduction. Her hand had shaken in his and hers was especially sweaty against his palm.

Luca had rubbed the sweat off his hand and leaned back waiting for the girl to continue with raised eyebrows. "I-It is good t-t-to meet you, s-sir," she had continued with the same stutter. By the end of the fifteen-minute long interview, his patience was next to none and she had left him. For the next hour, he interviewed two more girls, one far too friendly and the other more of the edgy type. Neither seemed interesting to him.

By the time that seven thirty rolled around, he was already angry and quite irritated with the way things were going. Luca had a second cup of coffee he was drinking. The seven thirty interviewees didn't make it on time according to one of his CFO's assistants. She was helping him find a new PA and was on loan from the man he had talked to the day before, Aiden Matthews. "She arrived late, sir. What shall I tell her?" the woman asked with a soft tone. Luca didn't have to think as he pressed the button to answer her.

"Ask her to leave. Tardiness is not accepted in my corporation," he stated. When he had let go of the button, he began to look through his contracts. He didn't care to lift his head up when he heard Aiden's assistant buzz in to inform him of a new arrival for interviewing. She was a bit early, something that Luca appreciated as he continued to go through the contract. "Send her in," he told her over the phone without even looking at it.

"Right away, Mr. Xavier," came the quick and efficient response. He listened as the door was opened and the woman sat herself down. He set down his papers with raised eyebrows and proceeded to watch her hold out her hand to shake it. He accepted it, giving a firm handshake of his own before pulling back and looking over his contract papers once more.

He knew how easily some could get uncomfortable with him doing work in front of them and not really paying too much attention. It was just another one of his tests to see how well she worked when nervous. Luca grabbed his cup and took a long sip of his coffee before setting it back down. "I need a pen," he told the woman sitting across from him and held out his hand. Luca learned a long time before that normal interviews work and that he had to do the interviews himself. For each interviewee he used different methods to see how they reacted. It may have been rude, but it gave him a glimpse at just how efficient she could be.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 18:10:08
Luca Xavier. She'd heard things about the man that was sitting across from her. She'd heard that he had anger problems, tore up his office every day and cleaned it up as well. It was as if he was infuriated with the entire world, doe what reason no one seemed to know. All of his employees were probably scared shitless of him though it was probably good to make sure that everything was turned in on time. No lateness. No mistakes. And what worked to Ainsley's advantage. She hated turning in assignment late and made sure everything was on time if it early. She didn't mind coming to work early or staying late. These were things she hoped Mr. Xavier would see in her. Things that would make him want to hire her.

Luca shook her hand, his grip firm. And Ainsley her so many questions. What were the work hours like? What jobs would she be doing? How many hours was she working a week? A month? How many days a week was she working? What was the pay like? Would she get her own office? Would she be attending meetings? Would she have to fetch him coffee in the morning? Ainsley sure hoped she didn't have to do the last thing. Fetching coffee was not wjaybshe wanted to do for a living. If it was, she would just work at Starbucks.

It seemed like Ainsley had interrupted Mr. Xavier when she entered because he quickly went back to look at this form that was on his desk. Ainsley sat up as if trying to get a peek at it before looking up when she heard his voice. It was smooth, almost like velvet. Deep, incredibly attractive. Ainsley quickly tried to shake that thought out of her mind. There was no way she could be thinking like this. Bit looking at him, she felt this connection, as if this wasn't exactly the first time the two of them were meeting. Ainsley didn't know where this feeling was coming from, but she quickly shook it off, clearing her throat beforelooking at the clipboard she'd brought in with her. There was a pek attached to it, and she quickly slid it off before putting it into the hand he'd been holding out. Then Ainsley sat up straighter. "Is there anything I can help you with?" She asks, her eyes darting from him to the paperwork.

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 19:47:00
Luca Xavier-

He accepted the pen and moved to sign the paper after thoroughly reading it. His head lifted at her question, an eyebrow raising. Her reaction wasn't that of someone irritated with his manners. It was good that she already figured out his personality and she seemed to come in expecting his attitude. A noncommittal sound escaped him finally and he set down the signed paper. It was another contract that his lawyer had looked over before sending it his way in a folder full of papers. Given that his assistant was usually the one who went through the papers, finding which ones were worth his time to read, he leaned forward against his desk. He was watching her for a long, silent moment, knowing how uncomfortable that could so easily make most people.

"I'm glad you've asked that Ms...?" he prompted with a wave of his hand towards her. He rose from his seat and picked up his near empty mug. In his office was a large desk and outside of it was his assistant's desk that was in its own area away from the cubicles of normal office life. However, in his office, there was also a door that led away from his assistant's desk and to a different area completely. He opened it and walked through to a small living space with a couch and all amenities he would need through different rooms and so forth. He technically stayed most nights at his office and knew there was no point in keeping that quiet. After all, most already knew of his very serious demeanor.

"You see, I don't require a temp to make coffee runs nor do I expect my assistant to do anything than what I ask of her. The hours are long and while you have weekends to yourself, you are expected to follow me on business trips and to answer your cell phone if I am to call you, even on your hours off. Now, while most people would find that annoying, it is business and it pays handsomely if you do it correctly and if you listen to me," he explained as he moved in the kitchenette area of his separate room and filled up his cup with more self-brewed coffee. "So, what I need from you, is to know what further questions you have and if you are willing to put in the work starting now."

With that, Luca turned back to the door and raised his eyebrows at her, waiting for her response as he blew on his hot coffee. People knew he made decisions quickly and that his staff had to be ready to adapt. She did well in his small test and if she still wished to work for him, he was willing to give it a try. Besides, she had a personality that he appreciated.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 20:16:28
Ainsley had a feeling that she had caught him a little off guard by her response. Or maybe he just hadn't been expecting it. She began to wonder if he'd done it all on purpose as if for a test. It would make sense, testing his people to see which would break under the pressure and to see which wouldn't. Well if it was a test, Ainsley had passed which was good considering she'd never failed anything in her life, and she didn't plan on starting now. Besides this job was extremely important to her at the moment. Being his executive assistant was a big, no Giant, step in the right direction which was exactly what Ainsley needed. Looking at Mr. Xavier, she studied him, as he looked at the paper. He was incredibly handsome. He had black hair along with a beard and mustache combo. His eyes were an ice blue but ones that were easy to tell his emotion in. He had nice cheekbones and nice skin. Ainsley was surprised she hadn't heard anything about him having a girlfriend with his looks. But as soon as she thought about it, Ainsley could tell He didn't seem much like a boyfriend anyways.

Ainsley quickly looked away when those cold eyes met her own. He studied her which made her exhale before making contact with him. She fidgeted before standing still, sitting up taller, trying to shake the feeling off that she knew this man. "Wynters," she fills the black in for him. "Ainsley Wynters." And then she watched him rise to his feet. Her mouth opened as if she were about to ask a question. And she was. Ainsley had been about to ask whether or not she was supposed to follow him before she shook her head and stood up, following after him, as he opened the door and revealed a small living area in its wake. It was nicely customized with a chair, a small tv, a plant, a couch, a counter with things such as a coffee machine which made Ainsley smile. No running to get him coffee that was for sure, and that made her happy.

Hearing his words, a grin slowly etched across her face. This was his way of telling her that she had gotten the job. Not to mention he'd answered all of her unasked questions. He brewed his coffee before turning and facing her, waiting for her to answer him. And Ainsley had a feeling he wanted an answer then. "No questions,"Ainsley tells him, grinning before she ran a hand through her hair. "I'll be here every morning, and I'll make sure everything is done on time. You won't be disappointed with me I guarantee." Then she scrunched up her nose, biting the inside of her cheek, as She looked at him before around the room. "I actually don't um have a mobile phone," She tells him. That meant whenever she wasn't at home, he wouldn't be able to reach her. Maybe it was time she invested in one since after all she would be making a nice paycheck now.

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 20:59:04
Luca Xavier-

Ainsley Wynters was the girl's name and, for some reason, it rung a slight bell in his mind. However, he quickly brushed it off, not wanting to distract himself from focusing on his business he had built from the ground up in a few years time. He leaned against the counter while watching her. There was a huge grin on face, bringing out her dark eyes and cheekbones. His eyes moved over her as he took in the details before she spoke up once more. A chuckle escaped him at the fact that she seemed to get very excited that he had hired her. He supposed she was the type with a lot of patience and the ability to smile at the worst of times. Either that, or she was just very well educated on how Luca worked.

His eyebrows furrowed when she said something about not having a mobile phone and he nodded his head. Calmly he took out his phone and typed a quick and efficient message with one hand. "Don't worry. That will be taken care of quite shortly. By the end of the day, you should have a mobile phone in which I can contact you with. Now, I understand that it may be unusual to hire so quickly, but I am a very busy man. So, I'll need you to get yourself acquainted with Ms. Benidict. She will teach you the ropes of being a PA, give you advice and so forth," Luca explained. "Currently she is working at your new desk, but once you've learned everything she will be sent back to her normal position."

With that, he took another sip of his coffee and walked to the door. He brushed past her, his hand unconsciously touching her hip, as he moved out of his private quarters and into his office once more. Luca took his seat and picked up the paper. "Oh, and hand this to Ms. Benidict. She will know where it is supposed to go," he added with the paper being held out, along with Ainsley's pen being held in place on the small stack of papers he had signed and looked through.

Luca continued looking through papers with his free hand, already focused on completing something else that was necessary to his business.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-07-01 16:24:41
Ainsley did think it was pretty weird how he'd hired someone without her having even said much, but there was not a way in hell that she would comment that to him. He knew what he was doing, and if he wanted her then there was obviously a good reason for it. The reason Ainsley didn't yet know, but she wouldn't ask because frankly she didn't care. She'd gotten the job. What more to it did she need to know? She saw his eyes scan over her and had to try exceptionally hard to make sure that she didn't blush because that wouldn't work out too well. She didn't want Mr. Xavier thinking that she was one of those girls obsessed with his looks because in all honesty she wasn't. Yes, Ainsley didn't fail to realize how amazingly handsome Luca was, but that didn't mean she had to ogle him. After all, this was all professional, nothing less, nothing more.

Seeing his furrows furrow at her statement, Ainsley bit the inside of her cheek. She knew that it was weird that she didn't have a phone. It was basically what all teenagers her age were obsessed with the small pieces of electronic that could he carried in their pockets. But not her. She'd never been though she knew it was mostly due to the act that she hadn't had such luxuries as a child. Her family had been no where near close enough to affording that. Running her fingers through her hair, Ainsley was about to say something before he said that the problem would be solved before the day was over. She nodded.

As he was walking out, Luca touched her hip making her cheeks turn red at the feeling of his hands on her body. It made her begin to heat up, and she had to shake her head to get rid of the feeling. Why was she feeling so strongly about this. She took the papers as instructed before nodding her head and about to walk out before she stopped, knowing she had to get to the bottom of this. She turned back around. "Mr. Xavier, first I want to say thank you for this amazing opportunity but the entire time I've been here, I've felt as if I know you? Do you recongnize me from anything maybe?"

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-07-01 16:43:50
Luca Xavier-

He paused when he felt her hover in between leaving and staying. His head picked back up and he found himself staring at her with raised eyebrows. She seemed to be thinking about something from the way her beautiful eyes stared at him. At her question, he leaned forward, his elbows on his desk as he tried to think about when he would have seen the girl anywhere else. His fingers quickly folded together and he leaned his chin on top of them as he assessed her unabashedly. Certainly, he had never seen a woman like her before, but the fact that she had seen him before gave him pause.

Despite the fact that he was often in magazines, his picture wasn't exactly plastered around, as he hated pictures. The fact that she seemed to know him from somewhere had him thinking back to his past calmly. There was a moment when he seemed to freeze before he relaxed back with a chuckle. "Sorry, Ms. Wynters, but I don't recall ever meeting you before. I would definitely remember your face," he explained with a shrug as if he was saying, 'what can you do'.

However, he did remember quite clearly a beautiful little girl with the same dark eyes and hair that had been crying one day as she walked, lost, in the city. He had just escaped the confines of the Underworld and he had been confused as he observed the sins of the humans around him. As he walked the city sidewalks, wearing a long coat and looking every bit the rough demon he was, he had stumbled across the girl. She had looked so lost, so scared, and most of all, so innocent. He had cursed himself as he watched people moving past her as she struggled to find someone she knew. Finally, he had walked right up to her and began to try and calm her, holding her close and promising he would find her family.

Whatever had possessed him that day, to protect her, he could recall it very well. He had saved the girl and brought her to her family, remembering the warmth of her hand in his, so small and shaky, as he led her up the stairs to her house. Before her family could see him, he had whispered not to speak of him and disappeared into the fading light of the day.

Luca tried not to let it be known that he had a moment of recognition in the moment he had frozen before laughing it off. She couldn't possibly be the same girl, right? Yet, she felt the same when he accidentally touched her. The warmth, so inviting, was still there and so much more. Acting like nothing was amiss, he moved through a pile of papers, although he was listening for Ms. Wynter's.

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Edited on 01/07/17 @ 16:44:23 by HearMeRoar (#27573)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-07-01 16:55:39
The way his eyes assessed her had Ainsley biting her bottom lip before she ran her fingers through her hair, swallowing as she tried hard to make sure he couldn't see how embarrassed he made her feel. Which he did. There was always so much heat in his eyes, eyes that seemed to burn a hole right through her. It was pretty intense, but for some reason she liked it. And the funniest thing was that for some reason she felt as if she had remembered it. As if she been looked upon by those eyes before. But it wasn't possible for their to be eyes like that. No, they were only one of a kind. But if that were true then how would she remember that gaze as clearly as if she'd known him forever? Ainsley didn't know what any of this meant as she could remember but couldn't at the same time. How did things even work like that?

And Ainsley felt as if he felt the same way. He had to recognize her from something, some where, some body. There had to have been a way that the two of them met before, but what way she didn't know. And then she saw him freeze. It was for a fraction of a second before he was at ease again, a soft chuckle leaving his mouth though he said he didn't remember her. Ainsley scrunched up her nose slightly, a small part of her not believing his words. Why else would he have frozen when she brought it up? But Ainsley saw the best in people, saw the truth and sighed before nodding and giving him a brief smile. "Oh, I must have been thinking about someone else. I'm so sorry. I don't mean to waste your time as you're busy man. I'll get to work now."

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HearMeRoar (#27573)

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Posted on
2017-07-01 17:37:39
Luca Xavier-

He picked his head up again and looked her over once more when she seemed to realize that he wasn't going to say that he remembered her. It wasn't like he could exactly admit he was the same guy who had saved her when she would have been in kindergarten. She would question why he seemed to look the exact same way he had nearly eighteen years before. Even if he had been a teenager, which he hadn't, it would have still put him more so in his thirties than anything, which he looked nowhere close to. So, he couldn't just up and say that. Plus, he hadn't even looked like a teenager then. Rather he looked like he was the same age as he was then and there due to being just who he was.

"Good. I expect great things from you, Ms. Wynters," he stated with another chuckle. Then, he was focused completely on his papers and reading through them.

His anger from before had disappeared, something he hadn't expected to happen. Perhaps it was the influence of Ms. Wynters, a girl who had made him care enough to help. Or, perhaps, she had just given him a needed distraction from the irritations of listening to more and more pathetic interviews. A thought hit him that made him pick up his phone, calling to Ms. Benidict. "Call off any more interviews. As you can see, I've made my choice." He heard her moving things on the desk before hanging up, no doubt surprising her. She had probably thought he would go through most of the other applicants before deciding.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-07-01 18:05:59
"And I expect to give you great things," Ainsley tells him, smiling once more before she leaves his office, closing the door behind her. It wasn't until then that she realized she had no idea where Ms. Benidict was. For a moment she thought about asking Mr. Xavier before she forced that thought to leave her mind. It was a known fact that his assistants never lasted very long. The last two weeks if Ainsley remembered correctly. And she had a feeling he liked to work alone and not have someone constantly nagging him which is why she refrained from going back in. Ainsley wanted to last longer than two weeks and knew that she would have to work hard to do just that. Instead, she went down the elevator, pressing the first floor button. Once in the lobby, she asked the desk lady who had red hair dark brown eyes, and freckles dotting her nose, where she would have luck finding Ms. Benidict.

"I would check fourth floor, room twenty six," Olivia, the lady, answered, a grin across her face which made Ainsley chuckle softly once she'd made it back to the elevator. Had she not been hired to be Mr. Xavier's assistant, she would have done a hell of a job as a clerk. Once Ainsley reached the floor, she quickly found Amelia Benidict's room, going over everything Luca had asked of her. Once finished, Ms. Benidict stared at Ainsley. "I was surprised to hear he'd picked an assistant so fast. It usually takes him a lot longer, but now that I've met you, I'm glad he did. You're a fine worker Ms. Wynters." At the woman's praise, Ainsley felt her cheeks burn red, as she thanked the woman, not having been used to compliments. Before she left the office, Ms. Benidict's voice stopped her. "One more thing before you leave." She handed Ainsley some papers. "Please give these to Mr. Xavier before you leave. He can't forget about his business trip to San Antonio to check on his firm down there and because he has an important meeting." Nodding, Ainsley left before going back up to her boss's office, forgetting to knock and just slowly opening the door. "I have some papers that need your signature that needs to be filled out for your San Anotonio trip by Ms. Benidict."

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