Posted by The Big Move | Rp | SHEETS

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-15 18:33:01

Main Roleplay Thread


Name: Names are associated with nature. The names are similar to the tribe cats in Dawn of the Clans, like Falling Feather and Quick Water, or they can just be plain names, like Fox, or Meadow.



Breed: Just for fun. There aren't many purebreeds

Sexuality: All are welcome

Allegiance Appearance: Describe what your dog looks like in one sentence.
Example: Dawn Peak - Black dog with white paws and chest

Full Appearance: The full appearance of your dog, 1 paragraph= 5 sentences.




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Edited on 15/07/17 @ 18:59:59 by ₵🜂𝚴Ḍ𝐘 (#83026)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2017-07-15 20:49:17
Name: Angel Forest

Gender: Female

Age: 4yrs

Breed: Pure bred Alaskan malamute

Sexuality: Bisexual

Allegiance Appearance: Angel Forest is white with black markings, she has blue eyes and is a bit big.

Full Appearance: Angel forest is a dirty white due to dirt with black markings. She has a nicked right ear due to a dog fight and trying to escape. Her eyes are a bright blue which people tend to notice first about her. Because of her breed she is a big dog and she just happens to be bigger than most female Alaskan malamutes. Her tail is a sickle tail so it is always up she can't help it it's most comfortable but she has some scars on her body due to fights.

Personality: Angel is a very adventuress dog and loves to play. When it is at serious times she is emotionless. She loves solving mysteries obviously with friends due to she has no family. Angel can get quiet at times and some people forgot she is even there.

Rank: Beta / next in line

Other: Lucky, Silverstream and Lusa

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Edited on 15/07/17 @ 20:50:10 by ✠PriceField (Max x Chloe) (#45108)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-15 20:58:18
Image result for stray dog

Hawk's Cry


5 years

Golden Retriever mix


Allegiance Appearance:
Hawk's Cry - Tan she-dog with one hazel eye and one dark brown eye, with bent ears.

Full Appearance:
Hawk's Cry is a tan dog with paler unders. One of her eyes is a dark brown while one is dark brown. She has large, bent ears and a big build. Even being skinny from hunger doesn't hide her miscles, though she is still weak. Her fur is short and dense. She has a long tail, which has more fur than the rest of her body.
She has a scar on her back to her flank that parts her fur.

Hawk's Cry is a clever thinker, and was born a leader. She knows not to follow her mind but her heart. She is the calmest and most dire situations, though when serious she can be imtimidating.
She doesn't like to argue and if a dog has a plan of some sort, stupid or not stupid, she would like to listen to the plan before she declines or accepts. She is cautious arohnd loners, and won't let them in the pack, once they found a place to stay.


Lucky, Ashfur, Chenoa and Lusa

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 13:13:54 by Skazzle Skittz (#83026)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 20:34:55


"This will not be the end of the Clan. As long as I have breath in my lungs and strength in my body, the Clan will survive."






4 years, 6 months


Caucasian Ovcharka Shepherd (60%) x Akita (20%) x Great Dane (20%)


Heterosexual / Demisexual & Heteroromantic / Demiromantic



•Allegiance Appearance•

Massive and handsome bear-like dog with rippling muscles and dark, brown eyes.


A fearsome, yet attractive, large bear-like dog with incredibly soft, pure black fur. He has a lot fo black, though he has white coming from his chest and trailing down to his underfur, giving him a slightly thin stripe of white on his belly, along with white paws. He also has brown and a variety of different colors. Along with this, the fearsome brute has brown circles around his eyes, which are intimidating, yet captivating, brown eyes that intensely stare at others as if he’s staring into their soul. A gaze so intimidating that, if one was to keep eye contact with him, one’s gaze would soon avert away from the unfriendly stare. Standing at a fearsome 34 inches (at the shoulder) and weighing at a starling 200 pounds (most of it made of compact muscle), King is certainly stronger and larger than the majority, if not all, of the dogs in the tribe, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, alike that of his cruel father before him. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training as a younger, and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Kinb is a canine known to strike fear into others with his fearsome appearance and personality, and is both famous and a bit infamous amongst others; he is know to be powerful, strategic, intelligent, and quite merciless (to some). But still, like anyone in the world, he has his weaknesses. His major one is fire. Experiencing a fire incident as an adolescent, Kinb now has a fear for fire and won’t have anything to do with it. But he’s still powerful nonetheless, with long, saber teeth that are extremely sharp, placed in a powerful jaw that can strongly use them to bite with the intent to kill.

This broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body from the many battles he has fought and tragedies he has experienced. This is including one down/across his left eye from his mortal enemy (OPEN), a long one down/across the right side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, yet noticeable, one across his dorsal bridge (nose bridge). As said before, King experienced a fire incident when he was around two years old, and has the scars to tell the tale; burn scars show on his underbelly, as well as on the bottom of his paws, though these scars don’t hurt anymore and are mostly covered by fur. The fighter also has many other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Plus, a few of his scars are hidden beneath his fur. But not all, of course, as still many show on his slight long, dark coat. Despite all the scars King wears, the brute is still quite the majestic and attractive individual, though he does appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his fur, scars, teeth/fangs, piercing eyes, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.


Living a life tainted by loss, King is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Hades is a very quick-to-fight dog and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a tribe, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

King is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Hades is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a significant other/mate, he'd probably eventually be interested in having cubs.


In the midst of a dark forest, a rogue watched as his mate gave birth to three cubs: King, Angel, and Robin. The first born, King, was the strongest of the tiger litter and would grow up to be a very powerful and fearsome brute. As expected for a family of rogue dogs, the family grew up harsh. Not that much food or water. Not to mention, an abusive father, Adder, who beat them and their mother as a way to deal with his anger at their situation. Their mother, Lily, although she would cry when they were beat, was helpless against the bastard she called her mate. Too weak to take the beatings, Robin, the runt, soon died- the starvation, dehydration, and beatings too much for his already frail body. King himself was the strongest of the three and even defended himself and his mother and siblings against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made King stronger in the end.

About a month after King turned a year old, his mother gave birth to another litter, yet there were only two cubs in this one, a male and a female. The first born of the two was Dawn, a gorgeous little girl, and the other was Rocky, a pure black male, just like his older brother. With King being a little more than a year old, Lily planned on running with the saber-toothed cubs, knowing the older brother would be able to help take care of the little ones and Lily and Angel themselves. And it almost worked. They waited till Adder was gone hunting before they began to prepare themselves for leaving. But he came back early. Furious that his mate and cubs even thought of leaving him, the scary male attacked Rocky and killed him then he brutally killed Angel before attacking Lily, who tried her best to defend the last two cubs of her two litters. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed by a swipe to the throat. Looking down at his siblings' and mother's body in sadness and anger, King looked up at his father with hatred shining in his fiery, yellow eyes. He attacked his father and the two battled for a long, long time but King, fueled by rage, soon defeated his father. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away, something that his younger sister noticed.

Then King grabbed Dawn by the scruff and ran. About two months before the male turned two, the two were attacked by a bear, apparently guarding his home. During the attack, King had grabbed Dawn and hidden her in a bush before taunting the bear and then running as fast as he could, the will to keep his sister alive fueling him. He lead the bear away from his sister, but the two were never reunited. Having lost the bear, he went back to the bush and found his sister nowhere to be found. He followed her cub scent trail as far as he could but never found her. To this day, he regrets having left her in that bush and after that day, he continued to roam the lands.

Then, one day, he came upon the tribe, a large group of dogs. Interested in them and their practices, with them interested in him and his unbelievable strength, he joined them and then went through the training to make sure he was ready to be a warrior.

Not long before he was three years old, King, now holding the rank of deputy at this point, took a few other warriors and two trainees out on a patrol. While they were walking, one of the warriors smelled smoke and told King. Then, he realized that there was a fire, and the group saw the flames approaching from far away. Ordering them to run, King had retreated away from the approaching fire with his patrol, staying behind the patrol to make sure they were safe. But as they ran, one of the smaller trainees tripped and got stuck as a log fell on his legs, the fire swarming around him. Realizing the danger the trainee was in, he told a warrior to lead everyone back while he quickly turned around, racing towards the trapped canine. With a powerful leap, he jumped over the flames and quickly smashed his paws down on the logs trapping the apprentice, grabbing the much smaller dog by the scruff and leaping out, just as the flames engulfed the little area, and he growled as the fire burned his underbelly, his paws already stinging from burns from when he jumped inside to rescue the trainee. Then, the two returned home and King was praised for his good deed, the little canine forever thankful.



Adder [Hate] [Deceased; killed by King]

"I hope you rot in hell..."


Lily [Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Adder]

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, mother."


Robin [Brother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; Malnutrition, Runt of litter, Abuse]

Angel [Sister / Best Friend - Loves / Grieves] [Deceased; killed by Adder]

"Oh, my sweet and innocent sister..."

Rocky [Little Brother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Adder]

Dawn [Little Sister - Love / Grief] [Alive] [ OPEN ]
~ her status is unknown to Frostheart. He assumes she is dead, but still hopes she'll turn up.

•Notable Relationships•

"Don't get too close, it's dark inside."

Open for enemies, friends, and whatever else you might want!


Being as reserved and naturally hostile as he, Hades has yet to meet the right female that can break the ice surrounding his heart and push past his aggressive and cold demeanor. But, if one can do so, he could eventually fall in love with her.

Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay so pm me if interested <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*




( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character might hold against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )

Will be updated as he interacts with characters :3

Character Name [Relation to him] [Rank] [Clan] [ Player ]
"Quote" (optional)

overall view

OPEN [Best Friend - Future Crush] [Warrior] [ OPEN ]
"Don't worry, I will always love and protect you, my friend."

This female was the first to be kind to him when he joined the Clan, the others a bit wary of a massive, fighting, father-killing brute like him. Even though his natural reserved and hostile exterior caused him to be a bit distant to her, he soon warmed up to the pretty she-dog and they soon developed their relationship to being best friends. She is definitely the only one he fully trusts and the only one he is affectionate and loving to. Naturally, King is incredibly protective of the female and doesn't trust many males around her, as a natural result of the incident with his father. When he sees her talking to a male, he immediately will try and go up to her and stand beside her, even if he doesn't speak, just to make sure nothing happens.


Hm.. Idk. For survivors, probably Lucky or Storm. Or Hunter lol
Seekers: idk I don't remember maybe Kallik?
Warriors: Lionblaze for sure xD

Hades' voice is very distinct. Overall, it is powerful, deep, masculine, and commanding. His voice is very strong-sounding and just listening to him speak, one would know he holds some sort of authoritative rank. To hurting pack members, his usually terrifying voice can become soft and comforting, though still deep and masculine. Naturally, no matter what, his voice has its own attractive feel, adding to the already naturally attractive deepness and masculine-sound it owns.

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Edited on 21/09/17 @ 16:17:39 by Christicat15 (#54511)

gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-07-16 21:04:04
Gender: female

Age:2 years

Breed: collie,pit,dane

Sexuality: bisexual

Allegiance Appearance: Describe what your dog looks like in one sentence.
Example: blond base with white dapple and onyx bands and brown patches

Full Appearance: she is blonde with a black spot on her muzzle along with a white blaze she has a black neck band around her neck with speckles on it her ears are cropped like a pits and her muzzle is shaped like one. she is larger than most dogs and has a long tail like a great dane. her fur is softer than a cats and long like a collie and her body build (besides size) is like a collies

Personality:she is soft hearted and stern at the same time. and she is very sensitive and shy about alot of thins

Rank: medic

Other:skazzle dazzle

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 22:49:56 by emphebio (collie) (#106478)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 21:16:12
Name: Starry Sky (Star or Sky)

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years old

Breed: Saint Bernard X Great Dane mix

Sexuality: Bisexual

Allegiance Appearance: Starry Sky - Looks like a Saint Bernard, but is taller than one.

Full Appearance: Star is taller than a Great Dane by a few inches, long fur that looks like a Saint Bernard, but is a little shorter. Her right ear is straight, while her left is floppy. She overheats quickly, so she pants a lot. Her tongue is bright pink, and her left eye is ice blue, and her right is a kind brown. Her tail tip fades to black, her straight ear is light brown and her floppy one is black. Her muzzle is black, fading to white near her face. She has an unusual swirl on her left side, the color is white. Her paws are black, her right back leg white.

Personality: She/I do not know her personality, but she is a quick thinker and has a short temper.

Rank: Queen

Other: Firestar!

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 21:36:35 by Galaxy (#115908)

Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 22:46:36
Setting Sun


9 months

Borzoi/Standard poodle mix


Allegiance Appearance:
Setting Sun - A frizzy-haired brown-red gradient piebald male with brown eyes.

Full Appearance:
[I can't find any good borzoi/poodle mix pictures, sorry.]
Sun has a frizzy, curly coat that seems to thicken around his neck. His stature is more closely resembled to the borzoi side of him, standing with his hind legs pushed back, holding most of his weight. His bones are slightly visible, especially around his hip bones, and you can easily feel them, as per usual with borzois. His back is straighter than a borzoi's, instead of the natural curve that you can see if you look at pure-breeds. Sun's face is narrow, like a borzoi, but more full than a pure-bred.
Sun's coloration has brown black coloring at the top, like a saddle, but fades into a more ginger-red, covering his legs. His coloring is limited to his back, torso, legs, and tail, maybe a little bit over his ear tips. Sun's big eyes are a rich brown color.

Sun is rather skittish, darting when he's scared and usually being rather careful about anything. Despite being skittish or nervous all the time, he can be intelligent, and caring, learning new herbs and their uses rather quickly, how to store them or when to toss them, he's caring in that he knows how to comfort others, though not too good at calming anyone, he's like a doggy therapist, open to talking about deep stuff, despite his young age. Sun, when he isn't being comforting or scared, enjoys running to, what he says,"run off the stress," He's rather joking around with others in his pack.

Medicine Canine Trainee

I love Ivypool and Brightheart. Fallen Leaves as well.

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 14:25:30 by Archie (#Menhit) (#104190)

🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 08:45:55
Name: Ice Whisper (Ice or Whisper)

Gender: Female

Age: 3 years

Breed: Dogo Argentino mix

Sexuality: Pansexual

Allegiance Appearance: Large white dog with three black spots on her right ear and blue eyes.

Full Appearance: Ice Whisper is a very large white dog. Her massive paws carry her muscular body where she needs to go. You can tell that she isn't a pure bread because she had three black spots in a triangle on her right ear. Her eyes are an icy blue that pierces into anyone's soul. Her ears are large and floppy and her tail is long. She is normally very strong, but she hunger has weakened her. She will regain her composure once she gets a decent meal and can go back to her normal routine.

Personality: Ice Whisper is a very confident dog. Some might even say she is a bit cocky at times. She loves her pack and will do anything for them, but she isn't stupid. She will run if the danger is to great to defeat on her own.

Rank: Loaner

Other: I love Tobi but honestly Muddy was pretty great! Lucky, BlueStar

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