Posted by [Feb] Aphrodisia Storyline

Graps (#114752)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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2017-08-12 22:34:55
Authors: This was written by Graps (#114752) & Sparrowhawk (#117537)

How many chapters?: 5

Characters: [ Pictures are too big, just open link ]
Alpee [Pronounced: Alphy][ Primary Character] - First character you meet. She’s very excitable, but rather shy. She’s trying to fulfil the duties of this flirty girl, but fails miserably due to being socially awkward and shy. If anything, she just wants to fall in love once and never again. (Maybe ends up falling in love with a girl?)
Devis [ Primary Character] - Second character you meet. She’s very sexual and eager. However, her fault lies mostly with her ambition. Even though sometimes it drives her, it makes her reckless and sometimes even dim-witted. However, it’s obvious from the get-go she’s much more suited for the throne.
Ander [ Secondary Character ] - Ander is the half brother to both of them (He shares Davis's mom and Alpee’s dad, so Devis and Alpee are NOT related) He’s patient but is becoming tired of having to get in between the two of them. Because of this, he’s grown tired and if anything just wants someone else to decide for them.
Polia [ More like BG character but still pushes the plot] - The current ‘goddess’. She’s becoming rather old due to the lack of love in the castle, mostly due to the fact that Devis and Alpee are fighting, but she figures it can’t be helped and must make one of them the next goddess. She is the mother of Ander and Alpee.
Germus [ BG character ] - He mostly doesn’t speak, only really there to agree with and comfort Polia. He is the father of Devis and Ander, so if you’re on Alpee’s side, he’ll sometimes glare at you.
Tnech [T is silent. Sounds like ‘neck’ but with more of a slurred k][Secondary character] - The love interest of Alpee. She’s somewhat like Ander, where she’s trying to prevent the conflict of Alpee and Devis, but is obviously on Alpee’s side. Due to the fact that Devis will be set up to be more suited for the throne, this character is here to convince you otherwise. She’s sweet, persistent, but also a bit close-minded.

Okay: So July’s event obviously wanted you to side with Apollyon or Menhit. The goal we’re trying to strike is to make you have to seriously sit down and think which character would be good to put on the throne. The more neutral routes will reward less sense they’re much more easy to achieve morally. Alpee is kind from the beginning, but it’s obvious Devis is simply better at leading.

Main Conflict: Two lions are fighting for the place as the next goddess. Both find themselves fit to rule, but because of this fights are breaking out, which is unknowingly killing the main goddess. Due to Polia’s submissiveness, she just wants the whole argument to end since neither of the two of them have ever gotten along. The main choices would be to help Polia, help Devis, help Alpee, sabotage both, or help both.

Actual Problem: This is a bit too much like the July event. We tried to break out of it, but for the most part it's pretty similar. There would need to be a lot of changes over all in order to make this perfect

Benefits: Usually, the February events are these star-cross lovers that are just trying to be in love, but we tried to break out of the pattern.

Please note: We didn't finish the story completely, and it's merely an example of what it could be, no where near the final project :')

Alternative Story: Devis and Alpee are fighting, and it's up to you to stop it. The reason we didn't go with this one is because it's petty, and can't really go anywhere.

Suggestions: Think you have a better idea than ours? Comment down below and we'll evaluate if it's better or not. We'll reply to it here, discussing why it's good and bad. If any of them really blow us away, we'll make a new post offering your idea ^^

Chapter 1:
Scene 1: A relaxing scent travels through the air into your nose. The scent of love, perhaps. You don’t care. You instead sit and watch the sunrise as beams of light hit the horizon. You figure that you should return to your home, maybe get a good bite to eat-- but something from the corner of your eye captures your focus.
> Turn to look

Scene 2: It’s… running towards you. You get scared until you realize it’s a lioness, a pink lioness. You hardly have anytime to think because the lion isn’t paying attention, and barrels into you, looking down and surprised as though she didn’t see you there. “S-sorry!” she cries, getting off.
> It’s okay.
> W-what the?

Scene 3: “Oh! How rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself… with running into you and all… hehe…” the lioness gives a nervous laugh. You blink up, her pelt looks rather lovely in the sun, much reflecting the colors of a pink flower, almost distracting you from her introduction. “My name is Alpee, next in line for goddess!”
> Next in line for goddess?!

Scene 4: The pink colored lioness is a bit thrown off by your shock, but continues speaking. “Well… not quite,” she pauses, biting her lip. You’re not really sure what she means by it, but you figure not to push it.
> Introduce yourself

Scene 5: “[lion name], how lovely.... I have to go, but we’ll see each other again. I live over there-” she points to a rather pink skyline with some dotted trees, “just over the horizon. You won’t miss it, trust me…” Before you can question her, or even speak, she races off again. You feel a bit of frustration, but it’s nothing to get worked up over. Though, her pink pelt somewhat sticks in your head, as well as her shy and defensive words. It was somewhat odd to think that she was next in line for the throne. You dismiss all of this quickly, but don’t forget the lioness.
> Go home.

Chapter 2:
Scene 1: Night is falling upon your pride, the birds chattering away as the sun dips below the horizon. You would be sleeping, if it weren’t for the fact that you could hear vicious fighting from the outskirts of your pride. Grumpy and tired, you pad towards the noise, displeased with the apparent trespassing.
>Tread on

Scene 2: You come across two lionesses spitting and lashing at each other, fighting as if they were going to kill each other without intervention. Luckily, you’re their intervention.. Or are you?
>Cheer on

Scene 3:
(Intervene) You let out bellowing roar, afraid to see them fight any longer. No lions are dying on your territory if you can help it. The two of them freeze, finally noticing you, and you’re able to get a closer look.. Is that..? It’s Alpee, from a few days ago, nearly getting mauled by another colorful lioness. Alpee looks shocked, perhaps a bit relieved, but the other lioness is upset.
“Are you kidding? Stay out of this,” she scolds you, a rather hurt look on her face.
(Watch) A fight, on your territory? What a treat! You sit down and watch the two lioness brawl it out for a bit before they tire themselves out. You realize that one of the lionesses is the lioness you met the day before, but her pink fur is tinted with a bit of blood. It looks like she wasn’t the one to start this, but you never knew. The two of them turn to you, realizing your presence. Alpee looks shocked, perhaps a bit relieved, but the other lioness is upset.
“Are you kidding? You just watched?!” she scolds you, a rather hurt look on her face.
(Cheer on) You give a cheer, cheering one of them on. You obviously want the fight to continue, but they stop. The two of them freeze, finally noticing you, and you’re able to get a closer look.. Is that..? It’s Alpee, from a few days ago, nearly getting mauled by another colorful lioness. Alpee looks shocked, perhaps a bit relieved, but the other lioness is upset.
“Are you kidding? Stay out of this,” she scolds you, a rather hurt look on her face.
> Get the two of them home.

Scene 4:
You blow off the rose-colored fae, instead focussing on Alpee who looks rather hurt, physically. She begs you to bring the two of them home, and you give a nod, flicking your tail to the other lioness who gives you a questioning look, but soon follows. You remember where Alpee told you to go, trailing after it. You expecting a few dens and a lion waiting for his two battling lionesses to return, but instead what comes up on the horizon is a massive cave, that’s almost tinted pink. Your mouth gapes open, but neither of the lionesses look shocked.
> This is your home?!

Scene 6:
“Yes, this is what’s known as the Love Kingdom to mortal lions,” instead of Alpee talking, it’s the other female. She sounds much more proper and confident than Alpee. A smile is spread across her maw, quite different than the attitude before. “We live here in this pink cave because it allows us to view all of the kingdom. One day I’ll be up there, as the new goddess of love, goddess Devis…” The rose-colored lioness seems to be very ambitious, but not quite cocky despite the words sounding quite self-absorbed. But, something else throws you off, Alpee had said she was next in line for goddess, what’s going on?
> Enter the cave

Scene 7:
Despite the questions pounding at your head, you enter the cave. It’s even more glorified on the inside, with jewelry lining the insides of the walls. It’s almost hard to see, but there are many tunnels leading to different areas.
Ahead of you, an old but important-looking lioness sits on a throne, her gaze travelling down to you and the two lionesses at your side, who bow their heads. Another male lion sits next to her, but doesn’t seem to hold as much importance. The lioness has pink-colored fur much like Alpee, which throws you off. You realized she’s looking at you, as though expecting you to bow.
> Don’t bow
> Bow

Scene 8:
( Don’t bow ) You decide not to bow, but the lioness on the throne looks in no way hurt, instead rather amused. She gently walks down, lifting the chins of the other two lionesses. “Oh- girls…” she mutters, so sorrowful that you almost have to flatten your ears. “Why must you always fight?” Her voice is pitiful and kind, but also much younger-sounding than you expecting. You perk your ears, looking over at her. She gives her gaze to you in turn. “Thank you for bringing my lovely daughters home, you may go…”
( Bow ) You decide to bow, but the lioness on the throne looks confused at you bowing. She gently walks down, lifting the chins of the other two lionesses, then you before padding to the two lionesses. “Oh- girls…” she mutters, so sorrowful that you almost have to flatten your ears. “Why must you always fight?” Her voice is pitiful and kind, but also much younger-sounding than you expecting. You perk your ears, looking over at her. She gives her gaze to you in turn. “Thank you for bringing my lovely daughters home, you may go…”
> Leave

Scene 9:
As you leave, you feel a sense that something’s not right among the family, or if they even were a family. Suddenly, paw steps sound behind you and before you know it, a large male is meeting your gaze. You open your maw to speak, but he seems to have much better things to say, considering he interrupts you.
“I’m sorry about my sisters,” he mutters, a tired gaze in his eyes. It seemed like the two of them fighting was common. “You see, they’re both competing for the throne, and neither of them can come to an agreement. The thing is, Polia is too submissive to just tell them if they just got along, than she could continue ruling the throne. Polia lives off of love, but their constant bickering is stripping her immortal life away… I know this is going to sound odd, but please, for the love of Aphrodisia, help us.”
The words come swiftly and blow you hard. Unknowingly, it seemed like the two goddesses were accidently killing their mother without knowing. You blink, finding it hard to believe that such a thing is happening. But you nod, despite your better judgement.
“Just- try to find a way to bring them together… get to know them I suppose. Maybe you can choose between the two of them, or… even something else…?” the lion offers. “Anyway, if you need me, my name is Ander. Just holler for me.”
> Go home.

Chapter 3:
Scene 1: You softly pad along, the air surprisingly still despite the clinging of winter still being there. You flick your ear, ignoring the air. You’re not here to complain about weather, you’re here to save a life, or even lives. You have a feeling this is bigger than yourself, but you have no time to complain. As you approach the cave, you feel thick tension in the air already. With a few steady breaths, you’re ready.
> Enter.

Scene 2: Just as you pad up to the entrance, you accidently butt heads with a lion. You hear a rather shocked gasp. The contact the two of you made wasn’t too hard, but enough to throw you off. You look up, realizing it was Devis. “Oh goodness, I didn’t hurt you, did I?” she questioned in a concerned voice, blinking up at you. After checking you out, she realizes you’re okay. As she finds this out, she blinks her eyelashes up at you, as though flirting. “Well, it’s good to see you’re alright…” she muttered, tensing her shoulders up and grooming her paw gracefully. “So, you’re the lion who’s going to save the day, huh? I have faith that you’ll trust your instincts and go with the right choice…”
> Which is…?

Scene 3: Devis pauses from grooming, looking up at you with concerned eyes. “Listen, I know that Alpee seems like the better choice, but you have to know that she’s hiding a lot more than shiness from you… Plus, she was never supposed to become the goddess, it’s just because my mother is so nice,” she explained, her tail twitching. “I know it seems like I’m just trying to get you on my side, but please, believe me…” Her eyes looked almost desperate, as though choosing Alpee would mean the end of the world. You think about it, they are competing for the position of the goddess of love, didn’t that mean confidence and flirtatiousness? Both seems to apply to Devis, but neither seems to apply to Alpee. Perhaps Devis actually has a point..
> Go talk to Alpee

Scene 4: After a bit of walking around, you perk your ears as you hear giggling and sweet nothings from behind a bush. You perk your ears, pushing through as you see Alpee and… another lioness. They’re grooming each other and practically snuggling. Alpee realizes you’re there and looks up at you with a panicked look while the other lioness gives off a rather calm vibe.
> What’s going on here?

Scene 5: Alpee doesn’t move, but instead speaks, her eyes wide.
“I-I’m sorry! You were never supposed to see this,” she exclaimed, wrapping her paws protectively around the other lioness. Alpee gives a defeated sigh, figuring she had been caught. “This is my mate, Tnech…”
The other lioness raises a brow, looking over at you. “Oh- this is the king you were talking about…” she muttered, she looks up at you with somewhat of a glare, seemingly protecting Alpee. “Look, I know Devis might seem light a better choice, but all she’ll become is a tyrant…” Tnech gives a huff. “I know it sounds odd to put Alpee in a position of power, but trust me, she’s better than whatever excuse for a leader Devis will become.”
You noticed Alpee cuddle into Tnech, giving affectionate nuzzles as she speaks. Was this the secret that Devis was talking about, that she was dating a mortal?
> How are you so confident?
> Don’t be so sure I’ll choose her…

Scene 6:
(How are you so confident?) Tnech looks shocked that you’d ask such a thing, but rather than her answering, Alpee does.
“Look, I’m sorry that you’ve been thrown into this whole situation, but you have to understand that Devis just may not be suited for the throne…” Alpee explains herself quickly, making you blink. You’re still unsure about the whole situation. It seemed like Alpee was pretty set on becoming the new goddess. “I know it’s hard to believe, but you have to trust me…” She puts something in your paw, looking much like a rose quartz. “When the day comes, you have to give this to who you choose. Only a mortal who has been chosen by my mother, Polia, will be able to give this stone to the being of their choosing. They have to have the blood of a god, so remember that when choosing…” Alpee steps away from you. “Good luck.”
(Don’t be so sure I’ll choose her…) Tnech looks shocked that you’d ask such a thing, but rather than her answering, Alpee does.
“Look, I’m sorry that you’ve been thrown into this whole situation, but you have to understand that Devis just may not be suited for the throne…” Alpee explains herself quickly, making you blink. You’re still unsure about the whole situation. It seemed like Alpee was pretty set on becoming the new goddess. “I know it’s hard to believe, but you have to trust me…” She puts something in your paw, looking much like a rose quartz. “When the day comes, you have to give this to who you choose. Only a mortal who has been chosen by my mother, Polia, will be able to give this stone to the being of their choosing. They have to have the blood of a god, so remember that when choosing…” Alpee steps away from you. “Good luck.”
>Go home

Chapter 4:
Scene 1: The kingdom seems much more pink-tinted today than any other day, making you curious. You stalk through the grass, your nose twitching when a large lion suddenly approaches you. You realized it’s Ander.
“Heya,” Ander greets, throwing you off. You’re not sure why he’s here, but it seems like he was looking for you. “I know the time hasn’t quite come, but you need to make your decision now so we can prepare…”
> Follow him

Scene 2: You follow the young lion through the grass, feeling it wipe against your side as you go along. The air seems tension filled. You realize it’s Ander. He’s remained neutral all this time, it seemed as though even he wasn’t sure of the proper choice.
The two of you follow up in the pink-tinted den. Near the entrance, the two sisters and the goddess, Polia sit. They raise to their paws, stepping forward and nodding. Before you know it, Polia is putting an amulet in your paw, giving a nod and heading back into position.
> What’s this for?

Scene 3: Ander sits up, looking over at you. “Place this on who you’ve chosen,” he explains, holding his breath. You realize something, he looks desperate… as though he wants to be chosen. You hadn’t considered him as an option, but now that it’s before you, it may be a smart option.
> Place the amulet on Alpee
> Place the amulet on Ander
> Place the amulet on Devis
> Refuse

Scene 4:
(Alpee) A shocked, but excited look spread across the pink lioness’s face as the amulet is placed gingerly on her head, giving you a grateful look. Devis and Ander give a hurt look, but Polia looks simply relieved that the deed is done. Finally, the new goddess has been chosen.
Polia steps forward, her husband stepping forward as well but giving a slight glare. “Thank you, [lion name], the duty is done. Come back when the ceremony is ready…” she mutters, giving a nod. “But remember, this is going to… kill me… so please, just do it quickly…”
You’re not sure what the long term consequences of such an action will behold, so you nod.
You suppose it’s your choice so at least you feel fulfilled…
> Go home.
(Ander) A shocked, but excited look spread across the male lion’s face as the amulet is placed gingerly on his head, giving you a grateful look. Alpee and Devis give a hurt look, but Polia looks simply relieved that the deed is done. Finally, the new god has been chosen.
Polia steps forward, her husband stepping forward as well. “Thank you, [lion name], the duty is done. Come back when the ceremony is ready…” she mutters, giving a nod. “But remember, this is going to… kill me… so please, just do it quickly…”
You’re not sure what the long term consequences of such an action will behold, so you nod.
You suppose it’s your choice so at least you feel fulfilled…
> Go home.
( Devis ) A shocked, but excited look spread across the red lioness’s face as the amulet is placed gingerly on her head, giving you a grateful look. Alpee and Ander give a hurt look, but Polia looks simply relieved that the deed is done. Finally, the new goddess has been chosen.
Polia steps forward, her husband stepping forward as well. “Thank you, [lion name], the duty is done. Come back when the ceremony is ready…” she mutters, giving a nod. “But remember, this is going to… kill me… so please, just do it quickly…”
You’re not sure what the long term consequences of such an action will behold, so you nod.
You suppose it’s your choice so at least you feel fulfilled…
> Go home.
(Refuse) A shocked look spreads across everyone’s face as you put the amulet away for a later time. Alpee, Devis and Ander give a hurt look, but Polia looks curious as to what you’re planning. You still have the rose quartz you were given, after all.
Polia steps forward, her husband stepping forward as well. “ [lion name], I don’t know what you’re planning, but I trust you,” she mutters, giving a nod. “But remember, this is going to… kill me… so please, just do it quickly…”
You’re not sure what the long term consequences of such an action will behold, so you nod.
You suppose it’s your choice so at least you feel fulfilled…
> Go home.

Chapter 5:
Scene 1: The air is rather stiff and thick with tension. Anyone could feel the importance of that day, but you just know the the decision was up to you, and in that moment it was time. You let out a shaky breath. Not sure if anyone is ready for what’s about to happen, you pad into the Love Kingdom, narrowing your eyes as you prepare yourself.
> Enter the den

Scene 2:
(Alpee) Before you enter the den, outside stands two lionesses. Quickly, you realize it’s Alpee and Tnech, Alpee flashing her amulet around her neck, chest puffed. You’ve never seen such determination on the young lioness’s face, but it’s there, and it makes you feel a bit better about your decision.
“[lion name],” Alpee addresses you, her voice not quickly reflecting her stance, but an attempt at determination is still present. “Place the gem I gave you into the amulet,” she inhales softly, closing her eyes, “I’m ready…”
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Polia who’s crying. Perhaps she didn’t want to give up her life so quickly. There’s no turning back now.
> Insert the gem
(Ander) As you crawl up to get into the den, Ander approaches you, looking a bit to smug. The two sister are there, giving sad looks to you. You’re not sure if you made the right decision, but Ander rather forcefully leads you over to the cliff, puffing out his chest to expose his amulet which practically glows in the sunlight.
“You made the right decision, [lion name],” he mutters, looking down at the amulet. His voice is smooth and confident. With a sigh, you bring yourself closer to him. “Insert the gem into the amulet, and I will become a god…”
Out of the corner of your eye, you try to spot Polia to see what she thinks of all this, but she’s nowhere to be seen. There’s no turning back now. (It’s implied that Ander killed Polia, but it’s never directly stated)
> Insert the gem
(Devis) As you’re starting to enter the den, Devis approaches you and stops you from entering, instead guiding you over to the cliff where she puffs out her chest, exposing her amulet which practically glows in the sunlight. The look on Devis’s face makes it look like she’s been preparing for this moment since day one. It’s a determined look, but enough to give you hope.
“I’ve always been ready,” she assures you, a glint in her eyes. “Thank you for choosing me, [lion name], I won’t let you down…”
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Polia who’s crying. Perhaps she didn’t want to give up her life so quickly. There’s no turning back now.
> Insert the gem
(Refuse) Crawling up the den, you see the entirety of the family there, the two sisters, Polia, and the brother. Polia’s husband stays back, not daring to interfere with the ritual. They’re unsure what your decision will ultimately be, but you know that you were uncertain enough not to pick either of the two sisters. No, you need more facts for that to happen.
You’re not sure what to do exactly, as no lion is really saying anything until Polia suddenly speaks up. “[lion name], when you’ve made the decision, you may put the amulet on one of us, then insert the gem you received into the amulet… the choice is yours,” Polia muttered, tensing up as she sits straighter, her old bones clearly having a hard time holding her up.
> Throw the gem onto the ground
> Put the amulet on Polia
> Put the amulet on both sisters

Scene 3:
(Alpee) You carefully insert the gem into the amulet, causing Alpee’s eyes to go blank. She starts convulsing, as though dying. You get concerned, but Tnech hisses at you to get away, helping Alpee back up into the sitting position. Pink light sparks out of her eyes, nose, and mouth, making you almost feel blind. As the light dies down, Alpee lets out gasps, holding onto Tnech then looking up at you.
“Thank you,” her voice is almost mystic, as though echoing one hundred times. “Come, my love.”
Tnech and Alpee go over to the cliff. You didn’t see them before, so you’re shocked to see hundreds of lions at the base of the cliff. They must’ve gathered there as the lights went off, or were there all along.
> Sit down with Alpee and Tnech
(Ander) You carefully insert the gem into the amulet, causing Ander’s eyes to go blank. Droll starts to pour out of his mouth as he convulses, as though having a seizure. You back away as he falls to the ground, not really sure what to do. Eventually, he sits himself up into an upright position, pink light sparking out of his eyes, nose, and mouth. The brightness of it makes you feel as though you’ve gone blind. As the light dies down, Ander takes in gasps of air, his eyes narrowing through the light. His muscles ripple, as though he had just finished a tough battle. He looked up at you, a smile plastered on his face.
“You made the right choice,” his voice seems to echo a hundred times before finally stopping. “Come, the kingdom must know of this…”
Ander stalks over to the edge of the cliff. You didn’t see them before, so you’re shocked to see hundreds of lions at the base of the cliff. They must’ve gathered there as the lights went off, or were there all along.
> Sit next to Ander
(Devis) You carefully insert the gem into the amulet, causing Devis’s eyes to go blank. She starts convulsing, as though dying. You get concerned, approaching her and helping Devis back up into the sitting position. Pink light sparks out of her eyes, nose, and mouth, making you almost feel blind. As the light dies down, Devis lets out gasps, holding onto you and looking up at you with wide eyes
“Thank you,” her voice is almost mystic, as though echoing one hundred times. “Come, [lion name].”
You and Devis go over to the cliff. You didn’t see them before, so you’re shocked to see hundreds of lions at the base of the cliff. They must’ve gathered there as the lights went off, or were there all along.
> Sit down with Devis
(Throw gem on ground) You take the gem in your paw, wrapping your toes around it to the best of your ability. With a mighty roar, you throw the gem onto the ground. It instantly splits into millions of pieces, causing light to flash out of it. Pink, mystical stuff surrounds you. As you breath, some of it enters your nose, making you feel oddly powerful, but only for a second as most of it disperses. It takes you a moment to realize that Ander is on the ground, trying to gather up the shattered gem, but it’s no use. Polia looks shocked, but also somewhat relieved. She turns over to her daughters who are bickering at each other, then back at you.
“Thank you…” she mutters softly, her voice shaky. “Neither of them had to become goddess. I’m sure in due time, they’ll get along. For now, you may go.”
> What will you tell everyone?
(Polia) Much to the other lions’ surprise, you place the golden amulet on Polia, making her eyes light up. The other lions go silent, as though they were shocked that you chose the decision. Polia remains quiet, puffing out her chest as she allows you to insert the gem, which you do. Soft, pink light surrounds Polia, lifting her off the ground. It fills her nose, not in a violent way but in a rather peaceful way. Her eyes glow pink for a few seconds before the light releases her, dropping her to the ground.
> Are you okay?
(Both) Not exactly sure how, you push the two sisters’ heads together, making them confused as they hit their heads together. Neither object to it, as you haven’t made your goals clear to them yet. You throw the amulet over both their necks, shoving the gem into the amulet. Both of them blink in surprise, only having a small reaction. A light cocoon surrounds both of the sisters. They curl up into a ball, seeming to become one for a second. For a while, you can’t see them. The light pulses suddenly, making you blind. The two of them drop back to the ground, both of their eyes glowing.
Devis gives a shocked look to her sister. “I-I am Devis, goddess of sexuality…” she mutters, shocked that the words were coming out of her own mouth.
“I am Alpee, god of romance,” Alpee mutters, turning to look over at you, excitement in her eyes.
> That went better than I thought it would…

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Edited on 18/11/17 @ 08:29:24 by Katze (#3)

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