Posted by Chased Graced Clan

Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-27 21:28:09

This is an official clan thread for the Chased Graced Clan!

Welcome To Chased Graced!

This is the main thread/chat group of Chased Graced!

Please introduce yourself, chat about the awesome Chased NCLs you've claimed or perhaps the moment you lost a gorgeous chased girl. And while this is dedicated to Chased NCLs, all NCL lovers are welcome here. Just be sure to be a member of this clan before you post!

FAQ will be posted below. But other then that, happy chatting!

Clan Chase
Next Clan Chase On: November 13th, 2020


Multi-Clan Lioness Tracking | Clan Home | Chased Grace Sales Thread

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Edited on 31/10/20 @ 19:13:39 by Liosmirk ⛈ (Clean) ☀️ (#127804)

Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-27 21:28:31


What Counts As A "Chased NCL"?
A Chased lioness has 4 or More markings. Anything less than that would qualify as a regular NCL. Chased NCLs also do not have NCL bases (body, manes, eyes) or NCL markings.
Claiming Lionesses|Lion Bases|NCL Markings

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Edited on 28/09/17 @ 19:15:05 by Aragami (#120485)

Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-27 21:46:12

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Edited on 30/10/17 @ 10:19:55 by Aragami (#120485)

Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-28 08:33:58
Hello everyone! Being part of Hard Mode, I'm pretty keen on Chased NCLs - in fact, I actually help create them by keeping treed adolescents and chasing them when they're old enough. More clean lines for everyone!

Anyway, I'm Lithium, though you can call me Lith - I came back to Lioden a couple months ago after a very long hiatus, and absolutely love it here.

@Aragami - You might want to change your definition of chased lioness - chased lionesses are those that do not have NCL bases (body, manes, eyes) or NCL markings. You can reference the Bases page and NCL Markings page on the Wiki.

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-28 08:41:45
Ahaha. I forgot about that. Whoopsie. I'll go edit the post now. Anyway, welcome! Happy to see you here! And wait, Giving Tree Adolescents (assuming you chase them as adults) can become NCLs? I didn't know that! That's pretty sweet to know though. That'll come in handy.

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Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-28 08:51:30
No worries! 4 or more markings is just a really easy way to tell usually. xD

And yep, giving tree cubs can turn into chased NCLs if they're chased as adults! I claim one a day on each account. Outside of complete potatoes (which I chase), I keep them in their own den and feed/play with them as necessary, then chase once they hit Adulthood. I've used the method successfully in the clan chase and private chases. I think it's a great way to 'reuse' unwanted cubs and no stats are lost as they have wiped stats to begin with, and don't need training either.

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-28 08:58:22
That's pretty cool. I never knew you could do that! I would have saved all my lionesses and chased them away instead of selling them if i had known that when I started Hard Mode. Oh well. I guess i can do it now though!

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Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-28 09:19:08
It's not fool proof if you want to claim them back yourself. There's a few things that make it more complicated:

- You can't catch your own chased lions from the account you chased them from, so you have to chase from one account, and then quickly switch to the other and explore.
- Chased lions only have a chance of appearing in explore as Chased NCLs, not a guarantee.
- Chased lionesses basically go into a "pool," and it pulls from chased lions in the order they were chased for anyone exploring who can claim chased NCLs. Unless a lot of ladies are chased at once, and the site doesn't have many people online, those NCLs will appear in explore within seconds of them being chased, making it almost impossible to reclaim your own.

Of course, you can recruit a friend and set times to chase lions, and that works pretty well. I've been developing a method for that with a friend.

In general though - yep! I do this with my daily tree cub adoptions, and also with any cub of mine that doesn't get purchased by the time they're adults. I think it's important to keep new bloodlines flowing into the system, and chasing lionesses is the best way to get more heritageless NCLs on site that aren't just system generated!

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-28 09:41:03
True. But it is good to know regardless of the costs that come with it! And speaking of chased girls! I just claimed this girl! ~Chased Girl~ If anyone wants her, they can have her. Far to much red for me. I'll be posting this in the clan sales thread as well.

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Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-28 09:41:55
Whew! She's very red, but should be great for breeders who love red markings.

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Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-28 10:07:49
Lost my chance at this beauty. :(


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Edited on 28/09/17 @ 10:08:45 by Lithium [side] :Hard Mode: (#4516)

Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-28 10:14:25
That sucks! She's pretty! Hopefully another girl who's similar comes around for you! The red one I claimed today, I thought I wasn't going to get. I was surprised that I was able to claim her. I can't typically claim girls who have the good pose.

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-28 13:27:36
Congrats to Lithium for winning the "Claim Of The Day Award!" You'll get your prize in a moment. Sad that you couldn't claim her, but she still looks very cool. And you have proof of her too.

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Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-28 14:27:38
Aww, thank you! And yeah, I'm bummed too - she might have worked OK in my project depending on marking order. Ah well!

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Sreox - [Sunset HM] (#120485)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-28 14:39:29
Welcome! I might be able to get a cub like her, raise her to an adult, and then chase her during the Hard Mode Clan Chase? And I can put out a note on the Hard Mode thread that if anyone finds her to give her to you?

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Edited on 28/09/17 @ 14:40:18 by Aragami (#120485)

Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-28 14:43:49
If you do, that'd be great! I would need the nacre marking in slots 1-6 though; 7-10 are reserved for specific markings. (I have specifics of what I'm looking for on our wanted sheet there).

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