Posted by Christi's Character Storage Thread :)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-11-05 12:32:06

This is where I store my character sheets for future use, if needed. Please do not steal any information or art that might be here <3

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Christicat15 (#54511)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-11-05 12:33:06

"I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done."


Stormkit ~ Stormpaw ~ Stormwatcher

•Name Meaning•

Storm for his gray fur, large size, and big paws. The suffix -watcher for many reasons. For one, it references his large ears and size. It also refers to his good hearing, mostly as a result of the size of his ears. Two, its symbolic to the protective nature the tom has, always watching his two sisters to make sure they're safe. It's a symbol of strength to overcome, to move on, and look towards the future.


10 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic




Warrior Apprentice


Maine Coon

•Allegiance Description•

A dark gray tom with black and white markings, a strong build, big ears and paws, and yellow eyes.

( this mostly references his older self )
Stormpaw is a rather large, stocky male with broad, powerful shoulders and long legs. His musculature is clear from his hefty build, as he towers above many other cats his age. A handsome young tom known for his large paws and big ears. His face is a bit wide, though average, with a long muzzle and large ears. His fur is thick, making it stick out wildly in places along his neck, much like a mane, flowing coarsely over his muscled spine. His eyes and teeth are wild, much like his father, containing inside them ferocity that few would dare stare into for long, as his stubborn, captivating green gaze will stare into any opponents, no matter their strength. He appears almost rogue-like, as if on edge, with large lumbering paws and a sort of haunting gaze.

Stormpaw, is a larger tom, and is the larger of both his siblings. He stands as tall as 8 inches (at the shoulder), though he will grow to be 15 inches tall, and weighs a slightly bulkier-than-normal 10 pounds. His legs take up a good bit of his height, but these pillars are mostly thick and supple. His bulk is lean and toned from training and trips of exploration, hunting parties, and border patrols. As his kit fur grows out, the ten moon old grows more and more handsome. Strong fur markings distinguish him from those around him. His belly and throat is pure white, surrounded by a sea of black and gray. As you climb his flanks, his black grows only more dignified. He has black markings like stripes and the rest is dark gray, though his large paws are pure white.

He knows he is easy on the eyes and he carries himself as such. Cool, collected, and confident, the young male seems to float, regardless of his thick trunks for legs. His natural expression, a rested look. His face is usually not serious, the only sign of the un-complex thoughts the pretty head holds. With how large he is the tom must have a durable, strong and worthy physical form. His large form is covered with powerful muscles that easily hold up his weight, he is overall built sound. Rarely any scars cover his body, though he will most likely gain some as time grows on. His voice is deep, in terms of young toms like him, though it also has a bit of young, adolescence to it. Overall, it is bold, it is powerful, and it is charming.


The word that most describes Stormpaw is adventurous. It's a trait he most likely got from his father. The apprentice is constantly itching for adventure. He desperately wants to explore the world around him and see what great things there are to discover out there. He constantly feels his friends and family on his back, trying to keep him pinned down as they know, if they let him do what he wanted, he'd explore way past their own borders, way past the borders of any Clan. Another trait that goes hand-in-hand with this adventurous spirit is that he works hard and doesn't give up. He is determined, stubborn, ambitious, and competitive. Stormpaw loves a good challenge. When other cats believe that he can't do something, he loves to prove them wrong. He understands that the only way for the clan, and the forest, to accept and respect him was to be the best warrior that he could be. He was determined to prove others wrong, got into his fair share of trouble. Once he receives a challenge, however, Stormpaw will not back down- even if it means risking his life. Although he is not stupid, he has more pride than brains. and he will not take anything that will damage his self esteem and his pride. Despite the fact that the tom is not familiar with danger, he is quite brave. The reason for this is because he is simply carefree and curious. When a challenge arises, the cat will merely narrow his eyes and take it on with barely a second thought.

Due to the tom's youthful age of 9 moons, the cat tends to be very naive. Lynxkit often shows a certain ignorance or simplicity when thinking about a problem. This is due to lack of experience, information, and proper ability to make judgments. And his stubbornness and competitive nature just make his naivety worse. Though being naive is sometimes a good thing, it can also have its downfalls. Since Stormpaw has such a lack of worldly experience, he tends to believe what others say without questioning it. He's rather gullible, and it would be very easy to trick this cat...

Stormpaw is loud, open, and talkative. The tom is a social butterfly. He enjoys making friends of all ages (though sometimes he can be a bit too much for the elders), and loves getting to know new acquaintances. He just downright likes to interact with others. He knows how to keep a conversation going, even if it is just him rambling about the strangest of things! He isn't afraid to speak his mind, though he has trouble thinking before he speaks, and sometimes his mouth gets him into trouble. Going hand-in-hand with his talkativeness, Stormpaw is brutally honest. This can be either a good or bad trait, depending on how you look at it. He sometimes says things about others that may offend them or upset them, but he won’t lie to you. However, if he discovers he has crossed the line with his words, he will apologize or stop talking altogether.

He cannot handle downtime. The apprentice always has to be doing something, whether it's rolling back and forth in the grass or kneading his claws into the ground. The tom is always running around the camp, exerting his abundance of energy. He simply can't sit still! This becomes a problem during anything Clan-related, such as meetings in camp, hunting/battle training, and gatherings (if he were to attend one). Boredom sweeps over him quickly, and sometimes Stormpaw doesn't have enough self-control to ignore his need for fun. Of course, if a topic is serious enough or of importance to the apprentice himself, he can pay attention for as long as needed.

When playing, Stormpaw often gets too caught up in the moment. The excitement overtakes his body and suddenly the make-believe game he's playing becomes real! He sometimes gets out of hand and becomes very rough in his play-fighting, not knowing where the line is drawn.

Love is like second nature to this EclipseClan tramp. While he sometimes has a tendency to show his love in strange ways, there is never a doubt that he does indeed love. He is loving and supportive of his family and friends and tries his hardest to help them when he can. With this, he is incredibly protective of loved ones. But he has a fear of love and has a tendency to run from any real sort of relationship in fear of betrayal or having his heart broken. Despite avoiding relationships in fear of getting hurt, Stormpaw is known by many of the she-cats in the forest to be kind of a flirt. He has a tendency to do it for some reason, and probably because he acts as if he thinks incredibly high of himself. Deep down, the apprentice is just a bit insecure, though others are unaware of this.

One of the most notable and likeable personality traits of this tom is his gallant nature. He has a tendency to be chivalrous and gentleman-like. It comes to him instinctively. Even if it’s a rogue or loner, if Stormpaw sees a female in danger, he will rush and spring right into action to save her. He would risk his own life to save a stranger if need be.


Stormpaw. Born to Tigerspirit and Brindelheart, though his other sibling died of miscarriage. Growing up, Lynxstep didn't know his father much since Tigerspirit and Brindleheart weren't mates and didn't have a committed romantic relationship. Rather, they were best friends, or best friends with benefits in a way, who were completely in love with each other, and probably still are. Not long after Stormpaw was born, his father, with the same adventurous spirit that passed onto his only son, left to go on some exploration adventure, leaving Brindleheart unknowing of when, or if, he would return to them. Only moons after Tigerspirit left, his mother gave birth to two more kits, both sisters. His beautiful little sisters, named Mistkit and Pebblekit. Most of the young male's life has been full of mischief, and it still is, though he spends a lot of his time being too over-protective of his little sisters, always wanting to know where they are and threatening those he deems unworthy to be near them. He was always running around causing mischief on EclipseClan, but somehow managed to keep the affection of the felines who live in his Clan.


Tigerspirit [Neutral] [Alive] [Adoptable]
Although Stormpaw is unaware whether or not his father is alive, he doesn't particularly like him. He feels that, even though it was based on adventurous spirit, he abandoned him, his siblings, and his mother. Regardless, if his father was to return, there is a chance they could remake their bond, as well as the one the father has with Brindleheart.

Brindleheart [Loves / Protects] [Alive] [Adoptable]
Naturally, Stormpaw is incredibly protective of his mother and loves her more than anything, as most sons are to their mothers. He's the type of mother-loving male who would probably hurt someone who even spoke negative of her.

"My sisters, my responsibility."

Mistkit [Sister - Loves / Protects] [Alive] [Adoptable]
Pebblekit [Sister - Loves / Protects] [Adoptable]
Being a family-oriented tom, the youth finds that he cares for nothing more than his two little sisters. Although they are of the same litter, Stormpaw is definitely the bigger sibling of the three, both physically and mentally, and both of his sisters come to him for comfort. He is extremely over-protective and would defend them fiercely with a loyalty to no fault.

** Names are open to be changed if adopted

•Other Relationships•


Although he tends to run from serious relationships, if he somehow got committed, Stormpaw would be loyal to no fault, and would do as much for the she-cat as possible (chivalrous stuff, etc). He would love her with all of his heart and would trust her with literally anything. Over-protective, and gets jealous easily, but shows a lot of affection.

Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay but he is open for one <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*


Not a warrior yet


Open for enemies, friends, and any other relationships you might come up with! :)

•Talents & Skills•
Stamina :: 73/100
Strength :: 99/100
Agility :: 70/100

~ Defensive :: 96/100
~ Offensive :: 99/100
Hunting :: 90/100
Swimming ::40/100
Climbing :: 90/100

•Theme Song•

Eye of the Tiger - Survivor

"It's the eye of the tiger. It's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rival. And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger."


✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

"This is just a journey, drop your worries; you are gonna turn out fine."


Brightkit - Brightpaw - Brightspirit

•Name Meaning•

Bright for her pretty, stunning blue eyes and white pelt. -spirit in reference to her prefix Bright, noting her optimistic, friendly personality that is probably her most famous and beloved trait.


9 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic




Medicine Cat Apprentice



•Census Description•

A beautiful, optimistic female with siamese markings of dark brown, black, and white, and stunning blue eyes.


Brightpaw is a pretty apprentice, with brilliant, bright blue eyes, that seem to be her most striking feature. She is a somewhat smaller female, standing at 6 inches and 8 pounds, with an innocent face, slightly big eyes, and small delicate paws, giving her a beautiful, yet slightly kit-like appearance. Her fur is a beautiful array of dark brown, black, and white, with gorgeous dark brown and black siamese markings, giving her a sleeker look. The majority of her body is a white, slightly cream color. Her face, ears, paws and tail tip are black, transitioning into some shades of brown on her back. Brightpaw's form is slender, with graceful contours given to her by her curving bones and lean muscles that flex and contract to move her agile body with quickness and ease. Her body has an obvious feminine touch, and her stature is almost lacking in muscle, with the natural muscles resulted from spending her life of exploring and training as she has to as she has a usual adolescent ambition to expore. Her coat is naturally soft though its composed of short fur on her body. Her fur is a bit longer around her belly and chest, but thins out a bit more around her legs, fitting to her frame in an appealing fashion that draws the eye. Her short, yet incredibly soft, fur lets others see her shorter size yet adding to her already elegant appearance.

If one would have to pick their favorite thing about her though, it would be her smile. When she smiles, it brights up the room and her eyes always have this optimistic yet sometimes mischievous glint to them, but still being filled with warmth.

She has a few scars on her soft body from her entire life full of some fightings and and wanderings, especially from when she was younger, but her speed is very helpful when it comes to defense, as she can dodge attacks quickly.

"Only rainbows after rain. The sun will always come again. It's a circle, circling, around again, it comes around again."

The beginning of Brightpaw's life was marked by loss. Her father was murdered, her mother abandoned her to the savageness of the woods, and she became separated from all of her siblings. Despite tragedy haunting her family, depression is a burden that she will refuse to carry. As a young female, Brightpaw will usually view her world through rose-tinted lenses and give others the benefit of the doubt. Even when another's heart seems hardened or devoid of kindness, she will try her hardest to find a sliver of goodness in them. She will want to share her sense of peace and joy for life with others, even if they don't welcome her bright spirit and optimism. She will want to help others who are in need and assist them to solve their problems. She will wants to be the peacekeeper who maintains order and calm, the charitable spirit who gives what she can to ease others' discomfort and suffering, the dependable shoulder to lean on, even if she tends to be more dependent...

The gorgeous female is extremely childish, and loves to show it. She's hyper, mischievous, charming, and extremely devoted to any loved ones, all in one. Her childish side is shown in her love of mischief. Though, it is also shown in her competitive nature. She has always loved proving to her siblings or someone she's met along her travels that she's just as capable as them. If someone gives her a challenge, she's quick to take up that challenge and is always determined to win.

Though, she has her childish side, she also has the side of her, that is fiercely loyal and dependent on her loved ones. She would love them with all her being, and would never abandon them. She would do whatever she could to make them feel loved, make them feel as if the world was complete. Her family did that for her. Well, until they all seemed to leave somehow. Now she's like that with just anyone she cares for. Her mother always said, she had inherited her fathers charms. Of course, she didn't know what these charms were at the time since her father was murdered before she was born. Still, she definitely became a smooth talker, easy to charm her way out of most situations, or.... well, get herself into them.

Flat-out rejection is something that she will struggle with. Brightpaw will want others to grow to like and appreciate her as much as she does them. If they do not, she will be hurt and feel that she has failed in some way. Future events may eventually toughen her up. A large enough betrayal or breach of her trust could teach her what it is to feel the darker, heavier emotions, such as sadness or a craving for revenge. The company she keeps will shape her as she grows older.


Their parent's love was a storybook romance, one that started in passion and hoped to survive with loyalty and purpose. Ironically, the two met in the town as young ones and, once they came of reasonable age, the female gave herself to the stranger in hope of a better life. The male was unlike any gryphon she'd ever known, his gryphon lineage a rare and ancient lineage that surpassed her own humble beginnings. The female was not beautiful, even her partner recognized that much, but her willingness to follow him and help him start a family of superior gryphons made her an ideal mate. And that is how Badgerfang and Silverflight came to be.

But like all those who hope for their relationship to follow the storybook-quo, reality came bearing heavily down upon their shoulders. A victim of a stranger's hatred and carnage, Badgerfang was killed on the outskirts of the Clan's territory and left there for everyone to witness; including his pregnant companion. Silverflight fell victim to the Clan's suspicions but she fled and the Clan members left her to whatever future she hoped to find. The mother-to-be was lost, without a group, a family and now, a mate. Badgerfang gave her purpose but no matter what dreams and ambitions she fed off of each morning, she would now have to provide for herself, and her children, alone.

It is unknown what became of the she-gryphon during her time alone. Sightings were few and in-between, the details became broken and blurred with time and everything came together to make a weak picture of her daily life. What is known however, is that the female birthed her cubs in EclipseClan territory, whether she liked to accept that fate or not, and raised them single-handedly. Soon enough, her mother had had enough of tragedy and heartache and left the gryphon cubs alone. Brightpaw's siblings soon were either killed in whatever ways or ended up wandering away from her, ways she doesn't really remember, and left her all alone.

But, eventually, the little cub wandered and was found by a young, pretty she-cat by the name of ???. This young warrior immediately fell in love (not romantically XD) with the small, blue-eyed kit and took her back to Eclipseclan where she raised her.


Badgerfang [Neutral] [Deceased] [Adoptable]
Since he died when she was young, Brightpaw has no memory of her father, other than the best and pieces she remembers of the stories her mother told her.

Silverflight [Loves / Protects] [Alive] [Adoptable]
She abandoned her. If Brightpaw happened to run into her mother somehow, there would definitely be some tension. Although she's an optimistic, happy person, her mother is the one thing she doesn't like to talk about. The one thing that upsets her.

"I was there for you, in your darkest nights. But I wonder where were you? When I was at my worst, down on my knees, and you said you had my back, I wonder where were you?"

She has five siblings; two brothers and three sisters. From what she knows, all of her siblings either died, or wandered away. But, it is possible that at least one survived.

•Other Relationships•


She is incredibly loving and affectionate, a truly fun partner to hang around with. If this energetic female finds the right match, she will be extremely loyal and slightly clingy, as well as insecure. As a result of her kinder, brighter nature, she isn't as combat-keen, especially when it comes to defending herself, and will probably need a male companion to help protect her and possibly provide for her.

Currently she won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay but she is open for a little secret relationship <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*



Not a warrior yet


Open for enemies, friends, and any other relationships you might come up with! :)

•Talents & Skills•
Stamina :: 90/100
Strength :: 50/100
Agility :: 90/100
Speed :: 100/100

~ Defensive :: 60/100
~ Offensive :: 55/100
Hunting :: 90/100
Swimming ::80/100
Climbing :: 60/100

•Theme Song•

Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammar

"I know it's hard, know it's hard, to remember sometimes, but you gotta keep your head up."


Brightpaw's voice is sweet, innocent, and charming. She still has the kit-like tone to it, just adding to the already charming, honey-like feel it has.

She definitely has the "hakuna matata" view on life and will probably mention it at least once during the roleplay xD

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Christicat15 (#54511)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-11-05 13:21:42

"This will not be the end of the Clan. As long as I have breath in my lungs and strength in my body, the Clan will survive."


Wolfstar [previously Wolfclaw]

•Name Meaning•
Wolf for his wolf-like fur, size, and strength. Claw for his strength and combat abilities.


34 moons old

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic / Demiromantic




Maine Coon (60%) x Norwegian Forest Cat (35%) x Savannah Cat (5%)

•Census Description•

Large and muscular wolf-like tom with gray, scar-covered fur and striking yellow eyes


A fearsome, yet attractive, dark gray and black compact brute with a long, fluffy tail and long, soft fur. He has a lighter gray around his neck in a lion mane-like way as well as lighter gray underfur, the same gray added in random areas along his back, legs, and paws. In relation to the rest of his body, Wolfclaw's face is almost entirely black, with just a tad dark gray, reaching up to his pitch black ears, which have long black tufts at the tips. Along with these traits, the fearsome brute has intimidating, yet captivating, strikingly yellow eyes that intensely stare at others as if he's staring into their soul. A gaze so intimidating that, if one was to keep contact with him, one's gaze would soon avert away from the unfriendly stare. Standing at a fearsome 19 inches (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 25 pounds (most of it muscle), Wolfstar is certainly larger than those in his Clan, if not all, of the cats in both of the Clans, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, alike that of his cruel father before him. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training as a younger, and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Wolfstar is a cat known to strike fear into others with his fearsome appearance, and is a bit infamous amongst the others; he is known to be strategic, intelligent, powerful, and merciless. But still, he has his weaknesses, one including fire. He experienced a fire incident as a younger tom, he is now afraid of it and would never go near it. But he's still powerful nonetheless, with long, razor-sharp teeth that are extremely sharp, much resembling those of his species' ancestor, the saber-toothed tiger, placed in a powerful jaw that can strongly use them to bite with an intent to kill.

This broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including one down-across his left eye from his mortal enemy (ADOPTABLE ), a long one down/across the left side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, yet noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). When he was around a year old, Wolfstar experienced a fire incident, and has the scars to tell the tale; burn marks show on his underbelly, slightly hidden by his fur, as well as on the bottom of his paws, though the scars don't hurt anymore. This incident left him prepared and experienced with fire, though he is slightly afraid of it. The fighter also has many other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Plus a good amount of his scars, and muscles, are hidden beneath his fur. But not all, of course, still many show on his pitch black coat. Despite all the scars Wolfstar wears, the brute is still an attractive tom cat, though he does at first appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his fur, scars, teeth, piercing eyes, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.


Living a life tainted by loss, Wolfstar is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Wolfstar is a very quick-to-fight tom and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Wolfclaw, overall standing for his wolf-like appearance and strength. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a pack, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Wolfstar is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Wolfstar is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a significant other/mate, he'd probably eventually be interested in having cubs.


*Warning: This may be triggering to some*

“My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me; it has only strengthened me.”

In the midst of a dark forest, a fearsome deputy watched as his mate gave birth to three kits: Wolfkit, Flowerkit, and Littlekit. The first born, Wolfkit, was the strongest of the litter and would grow up to be a very powerful and fearsome brute. As expected for the children of a war hero, the family grew up harsh. They were constantly being trained to be the best, even before they were apprentices, by their father. Not to mention, not only did their abusive father, Scarpelt, do this, but he also beat them and their mother as a way to deal with his anger issues at everything. Their mother, Lilyheart, although she would cry when they were beat, was helpless against the bastard she called her mate. Too weak to take the beatings, Littlekit, the runt, soon died- the starvation, dehydration, and beatings too much for his already frail body. Wolfkit himself was the strongest of the three and even defended himself and his mother and siblings against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Wolfclaw stronger in the end.

About a moon after Wolfpaw turned a year old, becoming a warrior, his mother gave birth to another litter, yet there were only two kits in this one, a male and a female. The first born of the two was Owlkit, a gorgeous little girl, and the other was Boulderkit, a dark male, just like his older brother. With Wolfclaw being a little more than a year old, planned on running with the kits, knowing the older brother would be able to help take care of the little ones, as well as Lilyheart and Flowerkit, now Flowerspirit, themselves. And it almost worked. They waited till Scarpelt was gone hunting before they began to prepare themselves for leaving. But he came back early. Furious that his mate and kits even thought of leaving him, the scary male immediately attacked Boulderkit and killed him then he brutally killed Flowerspirit before attacking Lilyheart, who tried her best to defend the last two kits of her two litters. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed by a swipe to the throat. Looking down at his siblings' and mother's body in sadness and anger, Wolfclaw looked up at his father with hatred shining in his fiery, yellow eyes. He attacked his father and the two battled for a long, long time but Wolfclaw, fueled by rage, soon defeated his father. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away, something that his younger sister noticed.

From that day on, Wolfclaw trained more than ever, making sure he was as strong as he could be, using training as a way to deal with his grief. Not long after the death of their family, his poor little sister, Owlpaw, ran away from the Clan and, although Wolfclaw hopes she's still alive, she is assumed to be dead.

Not long before he was thirty moons old, Wolfclaw, now deputy, took a few other warriors and two apprentices out on a patrol. While they were walking, one of the warriors smelled smoke and told Wolfclaw. Then, he realized that there was a fire, and the group saw the flames approaching from far away. Ordering them to run, Wolfclaw had retreated away from the approaching fire, staying behind the patrol to make sure they were safe. But as they ran, one of the smaller apprentices tripped on a log and got stuck, the fire swarming around him. Realizing the danger the apprentice was in, he told a warrior to lead everyone back while he quickly turned around, racing towards the trapped lion. With a powerful leap, he jumped over the flames and quickly smashed his paws down on the logs trapping the apprentice, grabbing the smaller cat by the scruff and leaping out, just as the flames engulfed the little area, and he growled as the fire burned his underbelly, his paws already stinging from burns from when he jumped inside to rescue the cat. Then, the two returned home and Wolfclaw was praised for his good deed, the little apprentice forever thankful.

Then, only moons later, the Clan's leader, Froststar, died, leaving Wolfclaw to rise as leader. He was now named Wolfstar. With his new title, the massive feline plans to lead his Clan to thrive, and is set on defeating the new rivaling Clan.

(Link To Leader Ceremony


Scarpelt [Hate] [Deceased; killed by Wolfstar]

Lilyheart [Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Scarpelt]

Littlekit [Brother ~ Love / Grief] [Deceased; runt, starvation, abuse]

Flowerspirit [Sister ~ Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Scarpelt]

Boulderkit [Little Brother ~ Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Scar]

Owlpaw [Little Sister ~ Loves/Grieves/Protects] [Alive] [Adoptable]
~ Although she is alive, Wolfstar is unaware of this

•Other Relationships•

"Don't get too close, its dark inside."


Wolfstar has yet to meet his soulmate. He needs someone who is willing to break through his icy exterior and will take just a bit to warm up to them. But once he does, he is incredibly protective, passionate, loyal, and affectionate.

Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay but he is open for one <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*




Open- the apprentice he saved from the fire

Open for enemies, friends, and any other relationships you might come up with! :)


( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character might hold against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )

Character Name [Relation to him] [Rank] [Clan] [ Player ]
"Quote" (optional)

overall view

Will be updated as he interacts with characters :3

•Talents & Skills•
Stamina ::90/100
Strength :: 100/100
Agility :: 60/100

~ Defensive :: 98/100
~ Offensive :: 99/100
Hunting :: 92/100
Swimming :: 69/100
Climbing :: 90/100

•Theme Song•

Demons - Imagine Dragons

"I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you. But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide."


Wolfstar's voice is very distinct. Overall, it is powerful, deep, masculine, and commanding. His voice is very strong-sounding and just listening to him speak, one would assume he holds some sort of authoritative rank. To hurting pride members, his usually terrifying voice can become soft and comforting, though still deep and masculine. Naturally, no matter what, his voice has its own attractive feel, adding to the already naturally attractive deepness and masculine-sound it owns.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

"I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done."


Lynxpaw [will be Lynxroar]

•Name Meaning•

Lynx for his big paws and lynx-like ears. The suffix -roar for many reasons. For one, it references his bold voice and size. Two, it's symbolic to the idea of rising above, being above another thing, something like a struggle in his life, whether in battle on the fields or emotionally. It's a sign of strength and defending himself. It's a symbol of strength to overcome, to move on, and look towards the future.


7 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic





•Census Description•

A faded orange and black large tabby tom with a black and white markings, a lynx-like build and green eyes.

( most of this refers to his older self )
Lynxpaw is a rather large, stocky male with broad, powerful shoulders and long legs. His musculature is clear from his hefty build, as he towers above many other cats his age. His face is a bit wide, though average, with a long muzzle and large, lynx-like ears. His fur is thick, making it stick out wildly in places along his neck, much like a mane, flowing coarsely over his muscled spine. His eyes and teeth are wild, much like his father, containing inside them ferocity that few would dare stare into for long, as his stubborn, captivating green gaze will stare into any opponents, no matter their strength. He appears almost rogue-like, as if on edge, with large lumbering paws and a sort of haunting gaze.

Lynxpaw, is a larger tom, and is the larger of both his siblings. As an apprentice, he stands stand as tall as 10 inches (at the shoulder), though he will grow to be 16 inches tall, and weighs a slightly bulkier-than-normal 17 pounds. His legs take up a good bit of his height, but these pillars are mostly thick and supple. His bulk is lean and toned from training and trips of exploration, hunting parties, and border patrols. As his cub fur grows out, the four moon old grows more and more handsome. Strong fur markings distinguish him from those around him. His belly and throat is pure white, surrounded by a sea of many colors, such as black and a shade of orange. As you climb his flanks, his black grows only more dignified. He has streaks of a faded orange, as well as other shades of orange on his body, though his large paws are pure white.

He knows he is easy on the eyes and he carries himself as such. Cool, collected, and confident, the young male seems to float, regardless of his thick trunks for legs. His natural expression, a rested look. His face is usually not serious, the only sign of the un-complex thoughts the pretty head holds. With how large he is the tom must have a durable, strong and worthy physical form. His large form is covered with powerful muscles that easily hold up his weight, he is overall built sound. Rarely any scars cover his body, though he will most likely gain some as time grows on. His voice is deep, in terms of young toms like him, though it also has a bit of young, adolescence to it. Overall, it is bold, it is powerful, and it is charming.


The word that most describes Lynxpaw is adventurous. It's a trait he most likely got from his father. The apprentice is constantly itching for adventure. He desperately wants to explore the world around him and see what great things there are to discover out there. He constantly feels his friends and family on his back, trying to keep him pinned down as they know, if they let him do what he wanted, he'd explore way past their own borders, way past the borders of any Clan. Another trait that goes hand-in-hand with this adventurous spirit is that he works hard and doesn't give up. He is determined, stubborn, ambitious, and competitive. Lynxpaw loves a good challenge. When other cats believe that he can't do something, he loves to prove them wrong. He understands that the only way for the clan, and the forest, to accept and respect him was to be the best warrior that he could be. He was determined to prove others wrong, got into his fair share of trouble. Once he receives a challenge, however, Lynxpaw will not back down- even if it means risking his life. Although he is not stupid, he has more pride than brains. and he will not take anything that will damage his self esteem and his pride. Despite the fact that the tom is not familiar with danger, he is quite brave. The reason for this is because he is simply carefree and curious. When a challenge arises, the cat will merely narrow his eyes and take it on with barely a second thought.

Due to the tom's youthful age of ten moons, the cat tends to be very naive. Lynxpaw often shows a certain ignorance or simplicity when thinking about a problem. This is due to lack of experience, information, and proper ability to make judgments. And his stubbornness and competitive nature just make his naivety worse. Though being naive is sometimes a good thing, it can also have its downfalls. Since Lynxpaw has such a lack of worldly experience, he tends to believe what others say without questioning it. He's rather gullible, and it would be very easy to trick this cat...

Lynxpaw is loud, open, and talkative. The tom is a social butterfly. He enjoys making friends of all ages (though sometimes he can be a bit too much for the elders), and loves getting to know new acquaintances. He just downright likes to interact with others. He knows how to keep a conversation going, even if it is just him rambling about the strangest of things! He isn't afraid to speak his mind, though he has trouble thinking before he speaks, and sometimes his mouth gets him into trouble. Going hand-in-hand with his talkativeness, Lynxpaw is brutally honest. This can be either a good or bad trait, depending on how you look at it. He sometimes says things about others that may offend them or upset them, but he won’t lie to you. However, if he discovers he has crossed the line with his words, he will apologize or stop talking altogether.

He cannot handle downtime. The warrior always has to be doing something, whether it's rolling back and forth in the grass or kneading his claws into the ground. The tom is always running around the camp, exerting his abundance of energy. He simply can't sit still! This becomes a problem during anything Clan-related, such as meetings in camp, hunting/battle training, and gatherings (if he were to attend one). Boredom sweeps over him quickly, and sometimes Lynxpaw doesn't have enough self-control to ignore his need for fun. Of course, if a topic is serious enough or of importance to the apprentice himself, he can pay attention for as long as needed. As he gets older, this little problem becomes not as bad, but he still desires to be doing something constantly.

When playing, Lynxpaw often gets too caught up in the moment. The excitement overtakes his body and suddenly the make-believe game he's playing becomes real! He sometimes gets out of hand and becomes very rough in his play-fighting, not knowing where the line is drawn.

Love is like second nature to this DawnClan tramp. While he sometimes has a tendency to show his love in strange ways, there is never a doubt that he does indeed love. He is loving and supportive of his family and friends and tries his hardest to help them when he can. With this, he is incredibly protective of loved ones. But he has a fear of love and has a tendency to run from any real sort of relationship in fear of betrayal or having his heart broken. Despite avoiding relationships in fear of getting hurt, Lynxpaw is known by many of the she-cats in the forest to be kind of a flirt. He has a tendency to do it for some reason, and probably because he acts as if he thinks incredibly high of himself. Deep down, the apprentice is just a bit insecure, though others are unaware of this.

One of the most notable and likeable personality traits of this tom is his gallant nature. He has a tendency to be chivalrous and gentleman-like. It comes to him instinctively. Even if it’s a rogue or loner, if Lynxkit sees a female in danger, he will rush and spring right into action to save her. He would risk his own life to save a stranger if need be.





Badgerclaw [Loves / Protects] [Alive] [Peachie]
Naturally, Lynxpaw is incredibly protective of his mother and loves her more than anything. He's the type of mother-loving male who would probably hurt someone who even spoke negative of her.

Mistkit [Sister] [Alive] [Meadow]
Flamekit [Sister - Loves / Protects] [LightsQueen]
Being a family-oriented and protective tom, the youth finds that he cares for nothing more than his two little sisters. Although they are of the same litter, Lynxpaw is definitely the bigger sibling of the three, both physically and mentally, and both of his sisters come to him for comfort. He is extremely over-protective and would defend them fiercely with loyalty to no fault.

•Other Relationships•


Although he tends to run from serious relationships, if he somehow got committed, Lynxroar would be loyal to no fault, and would do as much for the she-cat as possible (chivalrous stuff, etc). He would love her with all of his heart and would trust her with literally anything. Over-protective, and gets jealous easily, but shows a lot of affection.

Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay but he is open for one <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*


Not a warrior yet


Open for enemies, friends, and any other relationships you might come up with! :)


( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character might hold against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )

Character Name [Relation to him] [Rank] [Clan] [ Player ]
"Quote" (optional)

overall view

Will be updated as he interacts with characters :3

•Talents & Skills•
Stamina :: 73/100
Strength :: 99/100
Agility :: 70/100

~ Defensive :: 96/100
~ Offensive :: 99/100
Hunting :: 90/100
Swimming ::40/100
Climbing :: 90/100

•Theme Song•

Eye of the Tiger - Survivor

"It's the eye of the tiger. It's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rival. And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger."


May your cats receive surprise minor damage in random events?
Totally :)

May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events?
Definitely, I'm cool with that. I'd prefer nothing drastic, such as losing an eye or part of his/her tail, but other than that, big wounds and stuff are good.

Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot?
Pretty much anyone in Wolfstar and Brightkit's families (except for Wolfstar's alive little sister, Owlkit)
Father | Scarpelt - Deceased
Mother | Lilyheart - Deceased
Brother | Littlekit - Deceased
Sister | Flowerspirit - Deceased
Little Brother | Boulderkit - Deceased

Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot?
Totally! cx If you asked, I'd definitely be up to creating more characters to help with the plot. :)

Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.
Sure cx

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Christicat15 (#54511)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-11-05 15:53:58

"You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. Learn before you judge, for if you were in my shoes, you'd fall with the first step."


Alexander Jevaun Williams


20 years, 1 month


Heterosexual / Demisexual


Gang member (in line for Chief) as well as a bartender as a cover

•Group or Solo?•

Solo -> Will join group three at some point.


A handsome young man with short, slightly curly black hair and intimidating, yet lovely, green eyes. Born of Jamaican and Brazilian heritage, he has lovely, tan, caramel colored skin tone. He has a sharp, chiseled jawline. His face is usually seen with no emotion and his eyes rarely reveal whatever he is feeling. Standing at 6 feet, 2 inches and weighing at a nice 190 pounds (the majority of it muscle), Alexander is a tall, muscularly built man. He is very strong, with firm muscles like stone to the touch, earned from his training, from his father as well as by himself. Having a reputation, the boy is known and feared by many, mostly those from the Americas.

As is expected, this broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body. A short and faint one on his chin, a slightly longer one on his left arm, a short one on his right thigh, a short one on his left ankle, a bullet wound near his right shoulder blade, and many other insignificant ones from his various fights and adventures in life. On his left shoulder is a tattoo of his family/gang symbol. Alexander's clothes consist of either sleeveless shirts and jeans or shorts.


Living a life tainted by loss, Alexander is very hostile, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason (in his mind), this fearless man will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Almost lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he attempts to avoid becoming close with people in general. But, if he does learn to love someone, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for them. Given his slightly short temper, Alexander is a very quick-to-fight guy and, due to his height and great strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. The entire incident with his father ended up scaring the young man for life, making him a tough and slightly merciless man when it comes to it. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Alexander, meaning "defender of men". Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a loved one, or a group), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Alexander is very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Alexander is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes and it is not impossible for him to love someone.


* WARNING: This story is tragic and may be triggering to some readers. *

In the middle of a crime-ridden Chicago, a gang chief watched as his wife gave birth to a baby boy. His name was Alexander Jevaun Williams. Only a year later, a baby girl named Nicole was born. As expected for a family gang members, the mother had to watch her son grow up harsh. A life full of training and hate. His father, Bruno, was abusive and intent on making his son the most ruthless gang leader he could. His mother, Lilian, although she would cry when he and her were beat, was helpless against the bastard she called her husband. Alex was always brave and protective since he was young and often defended he and his mother against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Alex stronger in the end.

About a month after Alexander turned fifteen years old, his mother gave birth to twins. The first born of the two was Joseph, a handsome boy, and the other was Ariana, a beautiful little girl. With Alexander being a little more than seventeen years old, Lily planned on running with the children, knowing the older brother would be able to help take care of the little children and herself. And it almost worked. They waited till Bruno was gone out on a job before they began to prepare themselves for leaving. But he came back early. Furious that his wife and children even thought of leaving him, the scary man pulled out a gun and shot Joseph and Nicole before shooting his beloved wife, who tried her best to defend her last two children. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed. Looking down at his siblings' and mother's body in sadness and anger, Alexander looked up at his father with hatred shining in his intimidating brown eyes. He attacked his father, who's gun had run out of ammo, and the two fought for a long, long time but a powerful Alexander, fueled by rage, soon defeated his father. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away, something that his younger sister noticed.

Then Alexander had continued his training for Gang Chief, more protective of his sister than ever, the previous second-in-command subbing in until the heir could take over. One day, he was assigned a job in the Bahamas and decided to take a cruise there, as one of his targets was traveling on the boat. This job was supposed to be his last test of training and if he returned successful, he would be named Chief. But, unfortunately, as the boat sunk, he doubts this will happen.


His mother (Lilian), brother (Joseph), sister/best friend (Nicole), and little brother (Jacob) were killed by his father (Bruno) while his little sister Ariana is somewhere in the world, though he doesn't know where.

•Notable relationships•

"Don't get too close, its dark inside."

Open for any relationships, though he is taken for romantic interest.


Alexander has yet to meet his soulmate. He needs someone who is willing to break through his icy exterior and will take just a bit to warm up to them. But once he does, he is incredibly protective, passionate, loyal, and affectionate.

Currently he won't have a crush or girlfriend at the start of the roleplay but I do have plans for him with someone <3

•Theme Song•

Demons - Imagine Dragons

"I wanna hide the truth. I wanna shelter you. But with the beast inside, there’s nowhere we can hide."


Alexander's voice is very distinct. Overall, it is strong, deep, masculine, and commanding, with a Jamaican accent. To hurting friends, his usually terrifying voice can become soft and comforting, though still deep and masculine. Naturally, no matter what, his voice has its own attractive feel, adding to the already naturally attractive deepness and masculine-sound it owns.

~~ What do you call a fake noodle? ~~ An impasta
hehe xD

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