Posted by FogClan RolePlay

โ˜†Slurgโ˜† (#73628)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-08 03:57:31



1/1 | A sandy, brave she-cat.|To lead a cat must be experienced, brave and wise

Runningstream- A plump, pregnant tortoiseshell she with a usually lean body. | To be a deputy, one must be wise and trustworthy

Medicine Cat
1/1 | Seamint -A small, but long legged cat. He has mint green eyes that glow off of his bluish grey fur.| To heal one must be patient, devoting and honest

Medicine Cat Apprentice
1/1 | One must be wise, have great memory and patient

Dapplepaw- A dapple grey she-cat with an optimistic attitude

6/12 | One must be patient, loyal, brave, skillful|
SilverBat- a slender tom with long but strong legs, he has light green eyes and a nasty scar on his flank.|

SpottedTail - A well built white cat with a fluffy white tail, he has yellow eyes and long claws.|

PebbleToes- A small, scarred grey spotted she-cat with a soft blue eye and stub of a tail |

NightFall- A rather large and intimidating black she cat with feirce yellow eyes|

Silentnight- Silent, dark she-cat

HollyFeather- A long-legged dark she-cat with a mysterious personality but good intentions

7/7 | One must be patient, determind, loyal, healthy|

Firepaw-A daring tom cat |

Blindpaw-A ghostly colored she with beauty stolen from the shores of river's |

Daypaw-a fun loving and goofy tom who wants nothing more than to brighten someone's day |

Smokepaw- A tall tom with voluminous fur like thunderclouds and eyes like autumn leaves|

Ashpaw- A calm and gentle she cat who wants nothing more than to learn and thrive in her clan.

Mothpaw-has an intense desire for association with others and new experiences

Finchpaw- A small, sweet female with fur the Colour of sunshine

1/5 | Must be caring, nurturing, helpful, maternal|
RoseWillow - A gray tabby with varying shades of grays and black.

0/8 | Must be playful, respectful, kind

2/8 | Must be wise, served the clan well, friendly,

Snakeeye- A blind grumpy grey and white tom.

Thistlestrike- deaf, and his large, blind blue eyes gaze emptily.

Cats Taking Part In Prophecy


Territory Of FogClan

Leader's Den
The leaders den is a forbidden place for kits, or uninvited apprentices and warriors. Cats of all rankings aren't allowed inside unless granted permission from the leader themselves, or they'll be mildly punished. An example of a punishment could be dealing with Elder's ticks and mouse bile.

Medicine Cat's Den
The medicine cat's den is a place where sickly or injured cats go to be treated by the clans medicine cat. The clans medicine cat can be often seen carrying marigold in their jaws, scurrying around in a busy manner. Not only does the medicine cat reside here, but so does the clan's medicine cat apprentice.



Warrior's Den
The warriors den is a forbidden place for kits and apprentices. It is where both warriors and the deputy reside. Senior warriors usually sleep towards the center, where it is warmer, whilst younger warriors sleep nearer to the edge, where it is colder.



Apprentice's Den
The den shared between the apprentices. Usually cats between the ages of 6-12 moons, but sometimes longer.



The den shared between the queens and kits. Usually the most protected, safe and warm place in the clan.



The Elder's Den
The den shared between the elders, being retired leaders, medicine cats, warriors and queens. It is usually the second-most protected.



FogClan's Main Hunting Grounds
Meadows with smaller prey flourishing. Field mice, voles, shrews and rabbits. It is a simple field for warriors to dart across and easily swoop on prey. Yet, it is still close to the dense forest.



FogClan's Main Stream
A tranquil place near camp where cats can go to drink and gossip away from spying eyes.



River Defining The Border Between FogClan and AshC;an
A not very rarely used to drink river where cats of different clans, mainly medicine cats, meet with eachother on each edge of the water.



A place where all four clans, FogClan, EmberClan, AshClan and FireClan meet up with every three moons. It is sacred land, meaning no aggression.



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Edited on 26/12/17 @ 22:26:44 by kittypurry (#73628)

“ŽxX (#129420)

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Posted on
2017-12-14 12:43:53
| SpottedTail | Warrior | 18 moons | Turkish Van | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] SmokePaw, open [ID] none |

The rising sun marked a new day for the cats of FogClan, and as the cats slept cozily in their assigned dens one tom slipped in through the entrance. SpottedTail's whiskers twitched as he padded into camp two mice and a plump shrew hung limply from the toms jaws, he trotted over to the fresh-kill pile and dropped what he had caught off with the other pieces if prey. The warrior always woke up well before the sun rose and decided that if he was going to be up early then he should use his time for the clan. A light erupted from the handsome cats chest, he bent down and grabbed the shrew taking it close to the apprentices den. He laid down and began to munch on the shrew feeling pride fill his body,I'm such a great warrior! Always doing my best for this clan He thought to himself happily munching away on his earlier catch. He finished the shrew quickly and buried the bones, jumping to his paws SpottedTail gave a lick to his chest, " SmokePaw should be up soon" He said glancing over to where his apprentice slept, the tom smirked at the thought of SmokePaw. SpottedTail appreciated the younger cats blunt honesty and liked how old he was, although he did not fancy his short temper sometimes. With a sigh SpottedTail sat down and waited for his apprentice to appear.

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Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2017-12-14 13:44:28
| Smokepaw | Apprentice | 9 moons | Maine Coon | Location: Camp | Mentions: Spottedtail |

Rays of the newly rising sun fell softly through the entrance of the apprentice's den. Inside, the chests of several young cats fell and rose in the gentle rhythm of slumber. All apprentices were still far from the shores of awaking. All, except for one tom.
Lazily Smokepaw cracked one of his eyes open. The fog of sleep only started to lift at a sluggish pace as the grey tom contemplated if he could possibly get away with falling asleep again. The sun only started to rise, surely he could remain in his comfortable nest for a bit longer. Then again... Spottedtail, his mentor, had a habit of waking up way before anyone else. In fact, there was probably a good chance that he was waiting for him already. He blinked open his second eye, sighing while convincing himself to get up.
Grumbling slightly, Smokepaw lifted the bushy tail of his nose and stretched his mouth incredibly wide for a long yawn. He pushed himself up quietly, trying not to distrub his fellow clanmates while his paws danced around their sleeping bodies on his way out of the den. As soon as he had the needed space he arched his body quickly, attempting to shake the remains of sleep from his limbs. Suppressing another yawn, Smokepaw to a quick look around and ,of course, found his mentor sitting not too far from him and looking into his direction expectantly.
Honestly, no cat should be up this early.
Accepting his fate, Smokepaw strolled over to where the warrior sat.
"Morning.", greeted the apprentice, concealing the tiredness in his voice just barely.

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TheDwarfQueen (#113836)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-12-14 17:36:51
Rosewillow| Queen | 36 Moons |Gray Long Hair | Mentions: Pebbletoes Smokepaw Spottedtail. |

Rosewillow slowly arose to the warmth of the nursery. Her nose twitched, followed by her tail unravelling. She paused to nuzzle further into her nest. With a quick flop, she was on her belly, marking her scent on the worn bedding as often she did to begin her morning ritual. Finally she opened her eyes, breathing in deeply to assess the den. Everything seemed calm. Already she could hear Warriors stirring to begin patrols and early hunts. At the thought of food her stomach began to growl, causing her discomfort as she sat up.

Grooming took precedence to food. She stretched to smooth her long fur over the scars of her shoulder, and then meticulously picked out any flea and dirt from the night's rest. This whole process took several minutes, and didn't cease until she thought herself presentable. Once she deemed herself appropriate, she finally decided to move. Walking with a severe limp, her bad leg tucked to her chest, she finally left the nursery. She brushed past it's grassy entrance, again marking her scent as it being her nursery to protect. Regardless of her own kits to follow, she still took great pride in watching over the Queens and Kits.

She paused in her walk to notice the warrior and apprentice that seemed to have just started for the day. She bowed her head slightly to Spottedtail and Smokepaw, quietly heading to the fresh-kill pile. She shifted for a few moments, picky on her food before finally deciding on the two fresh mice. She took them both by the tail, carrying them to her sunny patch of grass and waited for Pebbletoes to join her. To keep herself occupied until the warrior awoke, Rosewillow began to groom herself.

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moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-12-14 17:52:08
Firepaw | Apprentice | 7 moons | Mentions; Silentnight

Firepaw awoke with the sun in his eyes. He got up and stretched and let out a big yawn. He jumped over every apprentices, trying not to disturb them. He walked into the warriors den and whispered, "Silentnight, are you awake?".

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moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-12-14 17:55:19
Silentnight | Warrior | 24 Moons | Mentions; Firepaw

Silentnight opened her eyes. She got up and stretched. "Shush Firepaw, your probably gonna wake up the whole clan." she padded out of the den. "Ready for today's training, or is it to early?"

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โ˜†Slurgโ˜† (#73628)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-12-14 19:34:49


Blindpaw| 8 Moons |She-cat | Apprentice | Mentions; N/A |

With a yawn, the white apprentice cracked open her eyes, her fur puffed out. Stretching her spine, she leaned forwards before using her hind legs to get up. Looking down at her mess of a fur, she quickly slicked down the chest area, her ears twitching with slight annoyance. She didn't really know what she was meant to do that day, afterall her mentor was heavily pregnant... Yet still trying to stay the deputy.

With one last stretch, Blindpaw got to her feet, creeping over sleeping bodies of fur. Or, as others would say, the other apprentices. Once she had gotten out from the den, the early morning breeze blasted at her fur, only making it appear scruffier. With a small hiss of frustration, she sat down again, beginning to groom her chest,

This is going to take forever..



Source Here

RunningStream |39 Moons | She-Cat| Deputy / Queen | Mentions; Unborn Kits, BlindPaw |

RunningStream looked down at her increasingly large stomach, a huff leaving her maw. Her already iritating unborn kits were kicking at her stomach, again. With a slight grunt, she rose to her feet, hobbling over to where her apprentice Blindpaw was sat at, grooming at a fast pace. As RunningStream neared, the white apprentice's head snapped up.

''Hey RunningStream!'' She chirped, her tail wrapping around her paws. ''Hello Blindpaw.'' She returned, a small smile on her face. ''Ready for a hunting lesson?''

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Edited on 14/12/17 @ 19:36:16 by kittypurry (#73628)

moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-12-14 19:40:44
SnadStar | Leader | 38 moons | 9 Lives left | Mentions; Open

SandsStar yawned and got up. She walked out of her den and off to the fresh kill pile, grabbing a mouse. She sat next to the kill pile and chewed into the mouse. Tearing meat strips one by one.

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Beoof [BLM] (#111417)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-14 22:44:19
Pebbletoes |45 Moons | She-Cat| Warrior | Mentions: Deceased Mate and Kits, Rosewillow

Pebbletoes appeared asleep, or well, appeared almost dead as if her body had just been dropped in her nest and forgotten. Her pelt was unkempt and despite her regular breathing seemed no more than a cat prepared for vigil. It had only been three sunrises since the loss of Skunkwhisker and their kits, surely more than enough time to accept that life must go on. Yet Pebbletoes felt ready to just let life go on without her. She knew Rosewillow was likely waiting for her; she always did. But before Skunkwhisker and Minnowbreeze would join as well. Sometimes her sons as well if they had the time. Pebbletoes gave a longing sigh at the thoughts and memories of her passed family, curling into a tighter ball.

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“ŽxX (#129420)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 07:51:58
| SpottedTail | Warrior | 18 moons | Turkish Van | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] SmokePaw, open [ID] none |

The sound of paws approaching snapped SpottedTail from his daze, he flicked his tail in greeting to his apprentice and silently got to his paws. Finally he turned to the younger cat, noticing how tired he looked. "I want to asses what you have learned so far" He mewed simply his long whiskers twitching, " Go get something to eat and then we shall leave" He turned away from SmokePaw he wouldn't say another word until he did as he was told. The warrior did not like being so hard on the younger cat, but it was necessary. When he was an apprentice his mentor was hard on him too and only praised him when he did really well on a task, SpottedTail saw a great potential in SmokePaw and wanted to help him too become a great warrior like himself.

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Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 08:22:02
| Smokepaw | Apprentice | 9 moons | Maine Coon | Location: Camp | Mentions: Spottedtail |

Smokepaw didn't wait long to follow through with the orders Spottedtail had given him. His stomach was only waiting to be filled and he would definitly be more awake after getting some delicious piece of prey between his teeth.
The apprentice closed the distance between himself and the fresh-kill pile with a few quick steps and halted briefly to choose his meal. Not too picky with his food Smokepaw selected a vole that was still left from the precious day. The vole held in his maw the tom trotted back towards the apprentice's den and sat down to get on with his meal. Smokepaw hurriedly sunk his teeth into the soft meat and devoured the small animal in a few easy bites. He didn't want to spent too much time with eating as his mentor was waiting for him. Smokepaw enjoyed his training quite a lot because it gave him lot's of opportunities to shine. After all, he was a quick learner. And today he would definitly give Spottedtail another reason to be proud of his apprentice.
Finally finished eating Smokepaw licked across his muzzle while jumping back onto his paws. More awake now and itching to start training he walk towards his mentor with confidence in his step.
"Ready whenever you are, Spottedtail!"

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๐ŸฑCottonCaat๐Ÿฑ (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 08:26:24

|Silverbat | warrior | 29 moons | oriented shorthair tom | Locations: Came | Mentions: [D] PebbleToes, open [ID] none |

A figure could be seen walking through a dimly lit forest, the figure stopped and looked up to the stars his back bristling with unease. the stars that resided in silver pelt were always bright which is why he used them as a guide to get back to his home but tonight...his thoughts were interrupted as his paws felt wet. Looking down Silverbat gasped at the sight, the once soft dirt that he had been walking on had turned to a dark, sticky, and unknown substance. The tom tried to move but try as he might, it felt like his paws had been glued to the ground! The sleek cat hissed as the goo rose up quickly reaching his chest. "Starclan help me!" he yowled desperately to Silver pelt but there was no response from the ancient cats, there was only silence. And even as the goo pulled him under and he screamed for help there was no sound at all.
Silverbat sprang to his paws his heart beating fast against his chest, the warriors fur was fluffed out his claws dug into the ground as he franticly looked around. Once he realized that he was safe he began to relax. With a heavy sigh the tom gave his chest few licks to help his fur lie flat again, "mouse brain it was only a dream" he scolded himself feeling a twinge of embarrassment surge through his body. A noise soon caught his attention and he looked over to see PebbleToes. it was only a few sun rises ago that she had lost her mate and kits, Silverbat's whiskers twitch as he approached the she cat. " Are you ok PebbleToes?" he asked quietly trying to not to wake anymore cats up.

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“ŽxX (#129420)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 14:45:24
| SpottedTail | Warrior | 18 moons | Turkish Van | Location: Camp | Mentions: [D] SmokePaw, open [ID] none |

SpottedTail nodded to the tom as he approached and the warrior was rather pleased that the younger cat had eaten so fast. Quietly the two set off on a small journey to the training grounds, which was close to their hunting grounds. Once the two cats reached the destination SpottedTail turned to SmokePaw his eyes were calm as he spoke. " I want you to go out and catch 3 to 4 pieces of prey. Ill be watching how you do" The handsome cat sat down and took a moment to admire the lush ferns and plants that had made this place their home, a bit of sadness prickled at the toms paws. Leaf fall was upon the clan cats and it wouldn't be too long before Leaf bare took its place, which meant food would become scarce and green cough would flourish. SpottedTail glanced around, there should be plenty of mice, squirrels, and voles scavenging around for food before winter comes. This should be an easy task for his apprentice. " SmokePaw I except you to be back at this spot before Sun high" SpottedTail flicked his tail, dismissing the young cat to go off and fulfill his task. The warrior held back a smirk as he turned from his apprentice, he was exited to see just how much SmokePaw has learned.

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Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 15:50:02
| Smokepaw | Apprentice | 9 moons | Maine Coon | Mentions: N/A |

"Nothing easier than that.", commented Smokepaw on his given task with a grin. Maybe if he was lucky he would be back way before sun high.
With shining eyes he turned is head around for a bit, deciding on which direction to head first. While standing there the apprentice could feel the harsher winds of leaf-fall tug at his long grey fur. This made him think for a few heartbeats before nodding. Finally Smokepaw set out into the direction from which the wind was coming and thus ensuring his prey wouldn't be able to smell him first.
Soon his steps became lighter and more careful, his eyes focused on every movement and his ears perked up to catch even the tiniest sound. For a moment the tom stood still, opening this mouth slightly and inhaleing the scents meadow and forest. There was a variety of possible prey mixed with the usual earthy and comforting smell of his home. Smokepaw couldn't linger in this feeling of home for too long though, there was something more important to focus on right now!
Hunting. Prey. Smells.
Strongest were the scents of blackbird, mouse and squirrel. Now all that was left was to catch one of the animals.
His thought was interrupted by a soft rusteling and as a response his body froze in an instant. Hastly his tufted ears turned, trying to locate the source. It didn't take long until he turned his head silently into the same direction, his dark nose twitching.
Only two fox-lengths from where the young apprentice stood, sat a squirrel busy with it's leaf-bare preparations and shoving some nuts into a tiny hole beneath a root. Smokepaw smirked slightly as he let his body fall into a practiced hunting stance, his bushy tail hovering just above the ground and most of his weight shifted onto his thighs. His steps stayed as light as possible while he crept forward, pushing himself through the grass, greenish eyes fixated on the clueless rodent. Every movement happened smoothly until Smokepaw felt the pads of his left front paw brush something harder than the meadow's grassy floor. Eyes darting down he just now noticed the twig he was about tp step on and corrected his paw immediately and cursing himself quietly for not being careful enough. Directing his attention back to the tasked at hand, Smokepaw was now less than two tail-length away. Close enough to cross the distance with a short dash.
Tensing his hind legs for the next part, the smirk returned to his muzzle once more before darting forward in a single heartbeat.
First to connect with the small redish body were his paws, claws outstretched and ready to dig into flesh, followed quickly by his fangs. With a single bite the squirrel hung limp between his teeth and Smokepaw stood back up to his full height, chest puffed out in pride.
Near the root, in fact close to the little cavern the squirrel itself had created, the grey tom hid his catch underneath some dirt, quietly thanking StarClan for the successful hunt and nodded to himself, satisfied.
One down. Two or three more to go!

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Edited on 16/12/17 @ 01:23:33 by Ravyn (#130409)

Beoof [BLM] (#111417)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-15 19:10:14
Pebbletoes |45 Moons | She-Cat| Warrior | Mentions: Silverbat

Pebbletoes didn't seem to hear Silverbat's panic over his dream. She gave no reaction to his words at first, keeping in her ball. After a few heartbeats she slowly turned to look at him blankly, blinking at him as if the answer to his question was obvious. She gave no verbal response, turning back and tucking her muzzle back against her toes.

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moon_star_pack (#126239)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 19:23:55
FirePaw | Apprentice | 7 Moons | Mentions; SilentNight

"I'm ready" he meowed. Following SilentNight, he asked "How much longer?" His paws where aching, he felt like they where gonna fall off. "SilentNight, answer me!" "SilentNight, SilentNight, SilentNight, SilentNight, SILENTNIGHT!!!" "Er.. Mouse-brain" he meowed under his breath.

SilentNight | Warrior | 24 Moons | Mentions; FirePaw

"HOLY STARCLAN, don't you have any patience?" "Where not far." "Just close by Tall-Stone" "That's where the best prey is." "Oh and, im telling SandStar when I get a chance that you called your mentor a mouse-brain, how would you like it if I did it to you?"

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