Posted by • Pine Hollows • [Furry RP; Open!]

ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-30 20:04:59

Pine Hollows
discord chat


Pine Hollows is a quaint little town in the Pacific Northwest, nestled deep in the sprawling temperate rainforests. It is quiet, as most smaller towns tend to be. Almost everyone keeps to themselves here, although the occasional gossip and rumor are unavoidable. It's just a matter of time before buried secrets bubble to the surface.

City Layout

Pine Hollows can be divided into four sections: north, south, east, and west. In the northern section is where the governmental and industrial buildings are. Located in the south and east is the residential area. The west is the university campus and city park. There are two market squares: one in the northeast, and one in the southeast. On the outskirts, hidden in the woods, are small cabins and farmhouses. The map can be found here.

World Overview

The world of Pine Hollows is very much like our own, with one detail changed: instead of humans, there are anthropomorphic animals! That's right, this is a furry roleplay.


1. Follow LD's ToS.
2. Please post at least a short paragraph each time you post a reply to the roleplay! At least 3-4 complete sentences.
3. No godmodding.
4. Do not post in the main thread until you've posted in the character sheet thread and have been approved.
5. You can roleplay a maximum of 3 characters, unless given permission by me.

I will add more if I think of any.

Approved Characters

Tenko - Canine / Red Fox Shiba Inu - (#129725)
Vyctor - Feline / Smilodon (Saber-toothed Tiger) - (#129725)
Celeste - Feline / Shorthair Cat - (#62029)
Lucius - Vulpine / Fennec Fox - (#86278)
Vincent - Canine / Mutt - (#86278)
Oliver - Avian / Barn Owl - (#122301)
Leon - Feline / Leopard - (#102410)
Peter - Canine / Mutt - (#124785)
Cory - Feline - (#129420)


The map of Pine Hollows was made using this generator.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 06:48:01 by ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-30 21:02:24

9:30 A.M.
28°F (-2°C)

Flurries of soft flakes cascaded from the sky, fluttering to the ground where it piled upon anything and everything. If it wasn’t covered in snow, more than likely it was covered in ice. Some of the more rural roads were entirely plastered with white fluff.

Winter was upon Pine Hollows, and although it had just begun, it was obvious it would be a harsh one. A foot of snow was predicted for this particular snow storm, but who knows? It could be more or less; weather predictions aren’t always accurate. Plus, the big Winter Fest in the city park was scheduled for this coming weekend, and nobody wanted to miss that.

The Winter Fest was the holiday festival everyone looked forward to. There's always a light display, vendors of all kinds, and the gift-giving event at the end of the weekend always made the furs of Pine Hollows eager for this time of year.

At the current time of day, it had reached only a few inches. Most of Pine Hollows hadn’t heeded the storm warning and left their homes to tend to errands, attend work, and the like. It was only a little snow, right?

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 02:14:27 by ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-03 01:53:59
[ Tenko | He/They | 20 | Red Fox Shiba Inu | Healthy ]
↳ Location: Record Store
    ↳ Mentions: N/A

The shiba stood behind the counter, tapping his fingers against the tabletop, the click of his claws echoing throughout the small store. It was empty excluding himself and the boss taking a nap in the back room.

He wore a dark grey sweater with blue and green intricate designs, jeans that were a little too big which were held up by a belt, and a pair of black Dr. Marten's boots.

With a sigh, Tenko glanced out the storefront windows. The snow hadn't let up yet, and he had a class at the college later today. The canine sort of hoped it would get canceled. He hadn't even wanted to get out of bed this morning, but his boss called him in.

Tenko didn't hate his job. It was fun to work at a record store, but sometimes he couldn't understand his boss. Who would trudge through the snow for a vinyl record?


[ Vyctor | He/him | 23 | Smilodon | Healthy ]
↳ Location: Home
    ↳ Mentions: N/A


Vyctor rolled over and glanced at his alarm clock. The numbers glared back at him with that intense red glow. 8:57 am. His head ached and throbbed like nothing else.

It took him about half an hour to finally convince himself to get out of bed. He took his morning trip to the bathroom, lazily messed with his hair, and headed to the kitchen. In no time, there was a pot of coffee brewing.

As he made a quick breakfast, the Smilodon took a look out the kitchen window, only to be blinded by the white snow. The unexpectedness of it startled him, and the glow hurt his eyes. He reached over and shut the curtains.

Vyctor took his breakfast and mug of coffee into the living room, where he turned on the news at a low volume. The weatherman was talking about some big winter storm and how everyone should be safe and stay indoors.

Its not like he had anything to do today. He was off work, and it's not like he could go anywhere with the raging hangover he currently had.

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 02:21:06 by ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

Jae [Clean G3
Sunrise] (#122301)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 03:21:20

~ Oliver ; He/Them ; 20 ; Barn Owl ; Healthy ; Record Store ; Mentions: Tenko ~

The bell hanging by the door rang as Oliver stumbled into the shop, disheveled and carrying a large, loose stack of papers in his arms. Gasping, he set his messenger pack onto the counter before flashing Tenko an apologetic and embarrassed smile. Adjusting his sweater vest, it's clear that the owl wasn't prepared for the cold, even with his downy feathers.

"I'm, I'm sorry," Oliver stuttered out, partly due to the cold, "I didn't realise that it was going to snow today. May I please take a moment to reorganise myself? I am planning to buy something but I also have to mark all these tests, and I doubt I can make it back home in time."

Oliver paused, frazzled. Pushing up his fogged up glasses, he quickly darted to a back corner of the store and took out a few records. Scurrying back, he set them gently on the counter and looked at Tenko, eyes wide.

"If I buy these, may I stay a little?" Asked Oliver, feathers twitching nervously. "It's too cold outside and I need to have these marked by today or they'll throw my whole week off and then I can't do my responsibilities and I do to do my responsibilities."

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CrazyAkuma (#102410)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-03 08:22:57
Leo - Leopard - 6'5 - 23 - Male - Location: bench in front of a store

Leo had walked into town at dawn to check out his new town. He had thought it might snow due to the clouds and much to his pleasure it had. He wore a red t-shirt with a white trim and over that a thin black jacket. For pants he had on thin black sweatpants when the first few flakes started to fall he sat on a dark green plastic bench outside a store to watch. After a while he got more relaxed. Sitting in the middle, he had both arms over the back of the bench and stretched out rest his hands on the top. He had his legs stretched out on the sidewalks with his ankles crossed, though if he spotted anyone coming his way he made sure to politely pull in his legs. His long and sleek tail laid next to him on the cold plastic. He flicked it every so often, sometimes in a greeting to whoever passed and sometimes just because he wanted to. Something of a quiet and deep throaty purr emitted from the leopards cream colored throat. When the soft snow fell in his long whiskers he'd twitch them to get it off. Flakes dotted his head and ears, decently visible on his dark spots. He loved the cold. Maybe it was because he was from the north. Maybe it was because of a certain night in a certain parking lot spent with all his siblings that somewhere in him was a reminder that they'd always be family. Whatever way, the large leopard was obviously enjoying himself

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 10:33:51 by CrazyAkuma (#102410)

Lucius [KT] 🌈 (#86278)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 09:49:45
Lucius & Vincent | Fennec Fox, Mutt | 19 & 25 | Location: Library | Mentions: None

A soft, vexed hum resounded within the back of the small mix-breed's throat as his roommate refused to stop toying with his hair. With the miniature fox being off work, Vincent was stuck with him all day and telling him off would only get him a scoff in reply, so he didn't bother. He busied himself checking out a book for a young gazelle, wincing lightly when his fluffy white tresses were suddenly yanked on. "Quit," he muttered hoarsely, French accent sounding a bit sluggish and slurred with exhaustion as he batted Lucius's hand away once the customer took their leave, "I'm trying to w-work."

Lucius's deadpanned gaze flicked up to his accomplice's face, and he gave him a roll of his emerald eyes. "I can see that, Frenchie. You've said that at least four times now, but I have no one else to bother."
Vincent sighed, lifting his arm in disgust when his companion snuggled up to his chest. "Get off of me," he muttered almost breathlessly. Alas, he was ignored, and it took him a moment to pry the cuddle-bug off of him. "Seriously, mon amie (my friend), I have things to do. Don't you have someone's hair t-to braid or... something?"

The Fennec lifted his paws to cup Vincent's face in them, smirking up at him cheekily. He didn't reply, instead moving one paw to pat his hair, before moving out from behind the desk and moving to sprawl across one of the long, oakwood tables, snuggling up in his black turtle-neck sweater. "Even if I did, there's no way I'm going out there. It's nice in here," he purred with a casual flick of his abnormally fluffy tail.
"P-Please don't lay on the-- Lucius, get off the t-table... Ugh." Vincent closed his eyes, shaking his head tiredly. It was no use. He settled for watching the door for customers and tried his best to ignore the tiny lad for as long as he could. Which, granted, wouldn't be long, but at least he was trying.

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CrazyAkuma (#102410)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-03 10:29:47
Leo Torres - Leopard - 6'5 - 23 - Male - Location: Sidewalk/library - Mentions: Lucius (briefly), Vincent

After a while of basking in the cold Leo started to feel stiff from sitting for so long. He got up and brushed the wet snow off his head. His tail swished low. It went down and near the end gently curved up so that the bottom part swept the snow. If he didn't bother to pick some of it up, hence the curvature that slowly rose, it would drag on the ground. He put his hands in his pants pockets and set off down the street to explore more of his new town. Maybe he'd stop somewhere and get coffee. Maybe he'd find a book store. The grey sky above continued to dump snow and the wind was starting to pick up. Leo pressed his whiskers to the sides of his brown spotted face. He paused to bend down and scoop up some snow. While he walked he made a snowball. Unsheathing his pale claws, he used the one on his index finger to poke two holes and make a mouth. He chuckled to himself before smoothing it back over. He tossed the ball back and fourth before dropping it and leaving it in the snow. Paying more attention, he caught sight of a library. Happy with his discovery, he made sure to shake and brush and snow off along with kicking his shoes on the door frame to knock off the snow before going in. He took off his jacket and tied it around his waist. His observant green eyes examined the room carefully. It smelled nice, like books. And if Leo knew anything, it was books. He was pleased with his discovery in the small town. He'd lived in a town without a library before, needless to say it sucked. He wondered why a really short fennec fox was laying on a table. Perhaps this was a strange town. His dappled tail gently swinging to and fro, he walked over to the front desk to ask about getting a library card.

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 20:58:10 by CrazyAkuma (#102410)

ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-03 15:50:18
[ Tenko | He/They | 20 | Red Fox Shiba Inu | Healthy ]
↳ Location: Record Store
    ↳ Mentions: Oliver

As he watched the snow drift through the air, Tenko started to doze. The quiet hum of the lights lulled him to sleep. He fell asleep leaning his chin on his palm pad, arm propped up on the counter.


The sudden noise caused the shiba to wake with a start, and for a brief second, he forgot where he was. When he realized it was the bell above the door, he shot up from his slouched position to greet the customer who had just arrived.

"Welcome to Dreamland Records!" He said, moving his arms off the countertop as the owl placed down their bag. He listened as they apologized profusely, and gave them a smile. "No need to apologize. Go ahead, there's a small sitting area in the back corner over there." He raised his paw and pointed toward a corner with a couple chairs around a small table.

When the customer came back with a few records, Tenko shook his head. "You don't have to buy anything, unless you actually want it." He wasn't going to force the poor owl to purchase anything. "Also, you said you had to mark tests? Are you a teacher?"

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 15:53:38 by ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

Jae [Clean G3
Sunrise] (#122301)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 17:21:08

~ Oliver ; He/Them ; 20 ; Barn Owl ; Healthy ; Record Store ; Mentions: Tenko ~

Oliver's eyes darted up as the canine employee spoke, gaze following his paw towards the table. He quickly packed up his papers and dug around in his bag for his wallet. The owl then quickly flashed a quick, apologetic smile as he slid the records across the counter.

"I do actually uh, need to buy these? My brother is a fan of this singer and he adores records." Oliver said, rolling his eyes slightly. "And to answer your other question, I'm not a teacher per se, just a... very overworked teacher's aide from the nearby university. Finals season is my personal hell."

As Oliver waited for the canine to check out his goods, his eyes wandered until his gaze settled onto his name badge. Oliver realized with a start that he is talking to the college radio host, and.. the person who's test he's currently marking. Quickly snatching up his purchases and leaving some money behind, Oliver mumbled out a quick farewell before scrambling over to the corner to do his work.

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🌸 (#124785)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 18:18:24
Peter - he/him - 20 - Mutt - Slight cold - Grocery Store/Pharmacy - No mentions

Peter tucked his hands deeper into the pocket of his hoodie as he walked into the grocery store, sniffling loudly as he stood to the side of the door and shook slush off of his shoes and shoulders. After hearing about the coming storm his family's old habit of stocking up came to him and he pulled himself out of bed to trudge through the snow. Where he grew up, a snow storm meant a few days locked indoors because the roads were too dangerous. Heading into the aisles, he kept his hands in his pockets to avoid touching too many things, feeling a little embarrassed about his cold. After picking out a few things to eat during the week, he headed over to the in store pharmacy, having gotten a medicine prescribed earlier when seeing the college's nurse for his cold. After talking to the pharamcist for a moment, he went to sit on a bench and waited patiently for his prescription to be filled while he played on his phone.

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ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-03 20:30:47
[ Tenko | He/They | 20 | Red Fox Shiba Inu | Healthy ]
↳ Location: Record Store
    ↳ Mentions: Oliver

"Oh, alright!" Tenko replied, reaching forward to grab the records off the counter. As he rang them up, he continued to chat. "Oh, that's cool! Not the overworked part, I meant the aide part..." He laughed awkwardly, "I-I'm a student at the university, actually! Music major, if you couldn't tell."

The register's screen flashed the price. "$14.95 is your tota--" He trailed off as the owl hurriedly gathered their things, tossed some money his way, and fled to the corner of the store. It was a ten and a five, so he just tossed the nickel into the tip jar. He brushed off the owl's odd behavior as a symptom of stress, and resumed watching over the store.

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xX (#129420)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 20:39:21
| Cory | Male | 21 | Healthy | Location: Home | Mentions: Vyctor |

Cory's eyes fluttered open his whiskers twitching as he groggily sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his head was pounding and all he wanted was a cup of coffee. Like every other night the tom had gone out partying with a few friends, and as always he got carried way with his drinking. "Baka" He mewed quietly scolding himself so drinking so heavily, finally Cory left the comforts of his bed and ventured out of his room and into his bathroom. He brushed his teeth and hair quickly, and left the bathroom in search of food.

The feline hum softly to himself as he rummaged through the kitchen gathering up all of the supplies needed for the perfect meal. One by one he placed the items on his counter and counted off what he had so far, milk, ham, bacon, fish, milk, pancake mix, vanilla. " Oh the eggs!" He chuckled to himself and went to fetch them, but the only problem is that he was out. Annoyance swept through the tom as walked over to his front door grabbing his coat and keys, grumbling to himself the whole time.

He opened his front door and was greeted by a harsh and cold wind, he shivered and peeked his head outside. " I cant drive in this weather!" He huffed his long tail twitched sadly at the thought of no eggs for breakfast. But suddenly an idea popped into his head, Cory grinned as he threw his coat and keys back inside and shut the door behind him. The feline rushed over to the nearest house. Cory walked up to the front door and rang the door bell, he was practically jumping up and down as he waited for someone to answer.

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Lucius [KT] 🌈 (#86278)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 21:32:17
Lucius & Vincent | Fennec Fox, Mutt | 19 & 25 | Location: Library | Mentions: Leo

Vincent went about organizing his desk, which his friend was intent on messing up earlier. He glanced down at his name tag, which had been knocked to the floor, but decided not to deal with it and folded his arms over the edge of the desk with his cheek nestled into the sleeves of his over-sized rose pink sweater. His eyes fluttered shut, and he decided to take a small nap while the library was empty.

Alas, it didn't remain empty for long. Lucius glanced up when he heard the doors open. He then glanced over his shoulder, furrowing his brows slightly at his slumbering companion. After giving the softly snoring lad a good five seconds to notice that there was a customer, he lazily slid off of the table and sluggishly stalked over to him.

"Vincent," he muttered softly. No response. "Vincent." Silence. "Oy vey..." he raised a paw, then smacked his friend upside the head and grunted loudly. "Vincent Delacroix, wake up, you're not on break yet."
Vincent's eyes shifted open halfway, and he glanced up when he realized there was indeed a person in the library. A leopard, apparently. He muttered an apology and stood upright properly while his companion shuffled away to go browse the bookshelves aimlessly.

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 22:23:02 by Marc (#86278)

ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-03 22:12:13
[ Vyctor | He/him | 23 | Smilodon | Healthy ]
↳ Location: Home
    ↳ Mentions: Cory

The smilodon ate his breakfast as he channel surfed, occasionally taking a sip or two of his coffee. That was one thing that he loved more than most. The bitterness of coffee and the surge of energy it brings was always a great thing in the morning. He sighed contently as he brought the mug to his muzzle, taking in a whiff of the dark brew before he sipped.

The ring of the doorbell almost caused Vyctor to drop his cup. He sighed and placed it down on the small table in front of his couch, making his way over to the front door. He unlocked the top latch and cracked open the door.

"What?" He asked as he peeked through the crack, annoyance in his tone. His ears bent back ever so slightly. Not even a supposed snow storm could keep people from bugging him.

He recognized the fur as one of his neighbors. What was his name? Casey? Cody? He couldn't quite remember. They had never really talked before, so he saw no need to remember the feline's name.

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 22:14:48 by ᴡɪsᴘ┆🔮 (#129725)

xX (#129420)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 22:26:45
| Cory | Male | 21 | Healthy | Location: Home | Mentions: Vyctor |

Cory's eyes brighten as the latch unlocked and the door cracked open, that was strange but Cory kept the smile plastered on his face. The wind cut through him like a knife and the tom began to shake realizing that maybe she should have brought his jacket with him. He was wearing his favorite black leggings and a cropped top, a deadly choice for this weather. " Hiya! my names Cory and I was making my breakfast this morning but ran out of eggs" He giggled giving the stranger an apologetic smile before continuing.

" I was wondering if I could borrow an egg." he mewed rubbing his arms quickly trying to warm up little " well... actually can I have two?" He said changing his mind. " No wait three, hmm that's too much two should be fine. But I am really hungry" He trailed off getting lost in his own words. Cory stood there for a moment contemplating if he should stick with two or three eggs, he then remembered that he didn't even know the guys name.

" Oh sorry did I ramble on?" He gave a quick apology and continued on, " Hmm I don't believe we've met before. What's you're name ?" He squeaked completely forgetting that there was a storm brewing behind him.

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CrazyAkuma (#102410)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-04 15:36:39
Leo Torres - Male- leopard- 23 - location: library - Mentions: Lucius & Vincent

Leo's green eyes glinted with amusement at the interaction. "You're fine, today's going by pretty slowly, I'm sure just about everyone is tired. I was looking to get a library card?" He'd picked up on the librarians french accent and assumed that's where he was from, and planned on asking about it later. His ears swiveled, unintentionally, around as he listened to the different sounds of the library. The flip of a cream colored page, the low murmur of voices from studying students, the soft foot falls of those walking along the dark colored carpet. He listened to the scuff of a chair and someone sneeze. The place was warm and smelled like, well, books. It was a neat little place and he planned to spend more time here. His long dappled tail brushed the scratchy carpet. He thought about how a rug burn would hurt on this, a random thought.

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