Posted by Tamed | WereWolf Story |
Adrian (#116558)

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Posted on
2018-01-08 20:51:42

A thick forest lines a small town known as RedWood, the forests creatures not often daring to investigate any further into the roads. Squirrels rummage among the high canopies, infatuated by the dark- nearly black bark and moss green leaves. Wolves and coyotes are not often seen; but when they are, they're usually ginormous. The majority of them sit between a fully grown mans shoulder blade to lower elbow. They scavenge well in the forests. Towards the town area, though not busy- new comers are easy to spot out; because everybody knows everybody.

Yes, they're real. They lurk around in the shadows, chattering amongst themselves, but, each life is lived for one thing. To find one thing. Their mate. Their life-long partner that will always be by their sides; you'd be surprised how far they look for their other half. These werewolves can shift whenever they like, unless under 14 or an Omega. Yes, you're born into your rank. These werewolves shift into abnormally large grey / timber wolves, and they are often brought into houses due to the fact that EVERYBODY wants a pet werewolf. NO, they do not turn into those crazy furry human creatures that actually terrify people- they're just giant, somewhat scary puppies.

ALPHA- These are the leaders of the packs. They are always the most dominant, but can show their dominance in other ways. They are the strongest, the most powerful and, oddly enough if they're females and find their mate, they are demoted to Luna's... Their mate taking place as Alpha.

LUNA- The Alpha's mate, she can heal the pack- calm them down with a howl, and is usually looked up to be the mother of the pack. But, if she was once the alpha; she will still emit the aura of aggression and strength, more then the aura of nurturing and love.

BETA- They're the second in charge, and are usually very large- about to a mans upper arm. They are strong, but not as strong as the alphas, they are still dominant and still order lower ranks around.

DELTA- The third in charge, they are usually up to directly above a mans elbow. They are strong, but mainly focus on dominance.

GAMMA- The fourth in charge. They usually stand directly on a mans elbow, and are rather strong- and fairly dominant.

SUBORDINATES- These are the fighters, hunters and patroller's. They usually stand between below the elbow and to the lower arm.

OMEGAS- These are the lowest ranking wolves. They are weak, and often the packs chew toy. They stand directly at a mans wrist, no high but they can be lower.



an alpha female walks into the town following after the scent of her mate, still in wolf form. She is captured by a lady who wants to get her son a dog; what happens then?

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Adrian (#116558)

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Posted on
2018-01-08 21:38:00
Source // GTFO Sage

Luca Anne Silvre
Luca moved forwards, her muscles contracting and cracking as her body began to take shape. Her pure white coat glistened in the light, her bright eyes glaring into her younger sisters. "Father told you that you must stay near the pack, and this is what you do?'' She shook her head in disappointment, though a small smirk laced with amusement appeared on her lips. "He's not my alpha though." Lucy, Luca's 7 year old sister snapped; causing the 19 year old to nearly gasp. "You're right. I am your alpha- so get back to the pack. Or else i'll eat all your dinner." Her voice was laced with mock, though it was still powerful enough to send a wolf howling in fear.

She took a paw-step forwards, grinning a wolfish smile as Lucy jogged away. Now, she was finally able to explore the scent. For the past week a sharp scent of timber, rain and most of all- a lingering sweetness has been nipping at her sharp senses. Luca was dying to know what had caused it; though she knew exactly where it was coming from. Walking around in human form would be an issue due to the fact that she had yet again forgotten a pair of clothes; and she may loose the scent if she left... So, she was left sniffing it out in her glowing white wolf form.

Luckily for her though, she was strangely small. The size of a large husky if you will- dont be fooled though, in the last battle she killed abut 70 wolves or so. Her grey paw pads skidded across the gravel as she approached the edge of the human territory, her nose sniffing at a rapid speed to pick up any more of the mouth watering scent. She began to walk on the cold paved footpath, her ears perking as she sped up to a trot. Luca Anne James was going to find out who or what was causing that scent, even if its the last thing she does.

She crossed the road, her mouth watering as the scent only grew. She now knew where it was coming from- the house directly infront of her. She let out a bark of excitement as she leaped over the tall, grey panted fence- her tail wagging so fast it could of easily fallen off. She walked to the glass sliding door, barking loudly as she swatted at it. Luca's paws slid down the surface- her mouth releasing small howls and yaps until a lady in her late 40's appeared at the glass door.

"Rodger! Look, look its a dog! Didnt Jayden want one of those?'' Her voice was laced with an unfamiliar accent to Luca, and the man known as 'Rodger' quickly appeared at the lassies side. "Yes! Let her in.'' Luca thought it rather odd that they were so excited- was this even the right house? It had to of been, the scent was getting stronger and she was resisting the urge to howl for its attention. Rodger slid open the door, causing the white wolf to glance at it cautiously- before rocketing inside and leaped towards the scent.

Rodger and the lady; known as Martha were amused by her actions, allowing her to run up the steps at a quick pace. Her white paws nearly slid off of the timber, though she hadnt noticed; too excited to meet the scent. Instead shew was met with the door... She let out a loud bark, whining and pawing at the white wooden door desperatley. ''Jayden sweets! Bring your girlfriend down here too! We got you a dog!'' Martha's voice echoed through the house, and nearly immediately the door slammed open, causing Luca to bark.

A handsome tan boy was stood infront of her, grinning wildly- a tall, tan brunette standing behind him with a small smirk. ''Hey there buddy!'' Jayden's hand brushed over Luca's ear, causing electricity to crackle around her. All she could think of though was one word.


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Adrian (#116558)

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Posted on
2018-01-13 00:09:05
Source //Sasha The Husky

Luca Anne Silvre

Luca gave out a small bark of joy- her tongue rasping around his hand. Sure, she had found her mate- but she never really wanted a mate either. The white furball was a bundle of mixed feelings, wanting to both growl at the boy and jump onto his chest in joy. Her icey eyes narrowed as her gaze shifted to the thin teen behind her, probably around 16 or so.

A small growl curled from the husky-looking-wolf's maw as she continued to glare at the girl, only to be gently smacked on the ear. "Shh, thats my girlfriend- she's nice. Her names Katie.'' The soft voice of Jayden seemed to calm her down for a moment, until she fully registered the words. Girlfriend?!

A loud, booming growl pushed form her rib cage- her teeth showing with a snarl. Jayden jumped back with shock, only causing a small wolfish frown to form on Luca's expression. She hadnt meant to make him upset, only Katie. The brunette's mouth was wide in horror at what Luca had done- Katie being completely shocked that such a joyful lookng 'dog' could even make such a sound.

"Whats going on up there?" The harsh voice of Rodger caught luca's attention, and she sat down at Jaydens feet- releasing a small whine of apology. With a cautious glance, he brought his hand down and ran it across the white wolf's face- getting a small purr from her throat. "Nothing Pa, can we go get her a collar? I think i have a name for her!'' Luca's mate called back, and footsteps echoed up the staircase.

"Yeah, your Ma's already gone to go get her a collar. She's getting a silver one- and what have you named her?'' The word 'silver' completely flew over Luca's head as she gazed lovingly at Jayden, her pale eyes bleeding with adoration. "I think i'm going to name her song. She's pretty vocal. Where did you find her?'' Jayden's voice was hesitant but curios as he glanced back down at the white cotton-ball licking at his ankles.

"Well, its more like she found us. We saw her leap over the fence and begin pawing at the door so we let her in and- boom, she ran up the stairs." The older man let out a raspy chuckle, shaking his head slightly. Katie broke the joy of both guys with her next statement. "She doesnt like me. She snarled at me- and was going to rip my face off."

Attempting to soothe her worry, Jayden ran his hand up her arm. That was a bad idea. A loud growl snapped from Luca's jaws as she leaped to her feet, snarling with ferocity that no dog would ever hold. The couple both jumped, shuffling away from eachother with fear. Rodger only held an amused smile- seemingly ignoring the 'dogs' ferocity.

"I think she's jealous of you Katy, i dont think she likes you touching him.'' He snorted, causing Katie to frown. ''Well obviously she should be jealous of me- she's a fleabag, i'm me.'' Another growl rumbled out, though she ignored it this time. The front door swung open, and Martha pranced up the steps to meet with the other three- well four if you count Luca.

"I got her a silver collar! What have you named her, Jay?'' She chirped, grabbing a shimmering- silver bedazzled collar with diamonds blossoming around. "Song, she likes to bark alot.'' Jayden replied, grinning down at the dog. He couldnt explain it- but he had a sense of happiness when around her, even though the wolf husky had just growled at his girlfriend.

Martha nodded happily, bending down and stroking the longer stalks of fur from Luca's neck. ''Here Song- i got you a pretty collar for a pretty lil doggy.'' Luca- or should i say Song inwardly cringed, glancing at the collar before realization hit. it was silver! She's a werewolf! As soon as this is on it's going to burn like hell- and she wont be able to shift.

Panic surged through her body, and she began thrashing around in Martha's hold. Both Rodger and Katie began to hold her down, though she still moved around a fair lot. "Shh, its okay. It wont hurt you." Jayden whispered, soothingly patting the top of her head.

Though it was a lie- Luca relaxed slightly, her brain fuzzy with love until she was snapped from her thoughts when a sharp pain stung against her neck. She let out a yelp, watching in horror as Martha buckled it in. Once the three had released the newly found dog from their grasp, Luca shot off, whining in pain.

It felt as if her skin was on fire- and her mate did nothing, for he thought she was scared; not in pain.

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