Posted by [OPEN] Lion's Pride RP (#30369)

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2018-02-17 22:36:16

A Lion's Pride

You slowly open your eyes as the sun shimmers bright over you, you slowly look around not remembering who you are or why your here, as you stand you look over a large field view of land, on the left you see a field of dead trees, bones, and dirt. It looked as if no life has touched there for years. you shake your head suddenly looking north, a snowy mountain touches the sky, as the colors white and blue, shimmer up ahead. You smile, turning right and see an open field with water rushing down a stream wrapping into a lake that seemed to have no bottom, life blossomed, and the sun glistened over the fresh grass, As you take moment to observe your surroundings, you look at where you are now, a thick forest full of wonders and opportunities, where will you start?
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RULES: Please Read

1. Before you begin you must fill out a form, this form will be placed on the first page so everyone knows who you are, and when interacting with you they know exactly what they are role playing with. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE APPROVED TO ROLE-PLAY

Home: (One of the options below)
Picture or Description :
Pride or Loner:
Species: (only can be a mix of up to 3 big cats)
Extra: (anything you'd like us to know, keep and mind personalities and backstories will be revealed in role-play not in the info thank you)

2. This is a Lion's Pride Role-Play, please, I'll allow other big cats and hybrid big cats, but no horses, canines ect.
3. if you make an area your home, you don't own the territory, that's just your tundra where you adapted.
4. when you pick a home! your built to live in that area for example! if you live in Death Valley, and you wonder over to the Arctic Mountain, your gonna freeze your ass off. BUT be creative ! use an enemies fur pelt as a coat, ect.
5.NO GOD PLAY, this'll get you blocked. you can't walk on water to get to the other side, and you can't block every attack without getting scratched! be reasonable, if you can't you can't!
6. Every scratch, bite, marking is temporary, if you wish to kill, scar, impregnate, or ect. you must "attempt" and the other person will confirm.

Example : Player A : -With a loud ROAR, Player A body slams Player B to the ground ATTEMPTING knock out him-
Player B : -Player B smashes into the snow below his enemy, with a sudden chill, it falls quiet then black, "did i lose?" he thought-

7. You can curse, get gory, be a complete jerk, but no sexual descriptions, or being rude to others in [[OOC]]
8. You have a max of 4 Characters to Roleplay NO MATTER WHAT. whether you have cubs or one character dies, and NO you can't pull a Mufasa Scene, once he's dead he's dead.
9. Each Character must have a different color text! while speaking in third person only! those who don't know how to do the coding for color. its <*font color*=#HEXCODE*> Text

look up the hex code for colors, this keeps this organized with each post.
10. ONLY TEXT IN 3RD PERSON & IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. as much as you can folks, i can't explain to you how annoying short line rp replies are.try to avoid it.
11. there are no magical powers in this rp, sorry, there can a little abnormal markings, but no wings, antlers, horns, ect.
12. When building a pride you must get confirmation between the characters, and should let me know.
13. 3 Prides are allowed in each Tundra! that's right! Loner don't have territory they risk, walking into other prides territory.
14. YOU MUST HAVE 2 PEOPLE TO START A PRIDE no not yourself, two ooc people! until then you are a loner!
15. Congratz! you made it down here, do me a favor and next to your form put a <3 letting me you know you agree to the rules above and ready to play!
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Tundras AKA Homes

Death Valley:
A Place with very little food, or water. the heat is over 110 Degrees, but believe it or not life thrive here more than you think, Kangaroo Mice, Giraffes, and Rare Occasions ,Mule Deer. Though, water thrives very little here and often have to travel out to find it. Big cats here are adapted with very thin fur, often brighter colors, and very skinny. they don't have much strength, but speed is defiantly on their side. Death Valley is home to the fastest big cats on the planet!
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Arctic Mountain
Unlike Death Valley, it gets below freezing here, and your lucky if it doesn't snow here! the snows over 5ft constantly, with rocks and cliffs! but the privilege of hot springs appears in 1/3 territories for big cats, mountain goat, many types of birds, and medium sized fish live up here. Water is moderately easy to find, but in some occasion it freezes over! Big cats are fluffy! keeping all the warmth to themselves, but they are relativity small, and has agility like no other! the can balance and climb high very fast!
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River Valley
Spring year round! the field is flourished with running water, underground water, and lakes! all 3/3 territories has water, but the prey tend to be very large, such as, elephants, water buffalo, and elk. you'd need a pride to down most of the prey here. or you'd have to travel out to find food! Big cats that call this home tend to be stronger than other big cats, causing them to be larger among the big cats! and the strongest! but speed is not there specialty, they prefer working as a team, and stalking prey than a chase.
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The Unknown
spooky? or beautiful, i guess it comes to opinion! the unknown forest is still pretty unknown! we know that elk, small deer and other animals flourish here, but good luck finding them! water is unknown and if it shows its just a tiny creek! and whatever's caught in the trees after a rain fall! The Forest here is so large ! that there are a total of 6 territories here! Big cats that home here, are slim and most of the time camouflaged so well you wont noticed until it's to late!
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The Kings

Each Biome has a King, these king are very special and well known throw each big cat (the ones in there home of course) each of these big fellas have personalities , behaviors that interact with big cats! they are OPEN RP meaning anyone can play them, control what they do act, and move. all i ask is fit their personality when running into these beast. they can be killed, but it takes a max of 5 big cats to even have a chance to kill them. after they are killed a new king will step up. ect.

Bambi King of the Unknown
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Bambi is exactly what he looks like, an overgrown elk on steroids. he's bulky and strong, he doesn't need speed when you never run away! he prefers attack his predators then being a COWard see what i did there? he grunts and will protect his lovely cow elks to the end! better watch out!

Rudolph The Arctic King
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Roaming the Arctic looking for a bright red nose? won't find it. despite his name, Rudolph is the a weakling, but doesn't prefer to fight, his idea is to hide. have you ever tried to find a lone white deer in 5ft snow? you'd have better lucking finding a needle in a haystack that's for sure!

Sven The King of Death Valley
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But there's no grass in death valley? yep, that's correct. This stag lives off something no other species of deer does. Birds, and sometimes the bark off of trees, but this king has no empathy, care or worry. He is not bothered with often and he doesn't bother with anything! you can kill all his does and he wouldn't bat an eye!

Ronno King of the River Valley
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Ronno is a Stubborn Bull! he would prefer his territory in the shades and safety of the trees in the unknown, and this often leads to big fights with Bambi! causing loud ruckus in the forest and valley. Ronno's is a loving bull and guards his beloved cows.

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Edited on 18/02/18 @ 17:56:09 by *|You Can't Handle The Fluff|* (#30369) (#30369)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 22:37:21
The snow is falling fast, the wing howls and Tommy has herself sitting under a small cave formed of fallen rocks, the steam from the hot springs. "It's to cold you hunt, right now" she thought

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Edited on 17/02/18 @ 23:00:28 by *|You Can't Handle The Fluff|* (#30369)

august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 13:32:25
Zen slowly made his way through the forest on his haunches, his muzzle raised to the air to smell any incoming prey. Yet again nothing. He growled impatiently and stood up, shaking leaves from his fur. "If I don't find food soon.. ergh.." His ears flicked in anger. Although his stomach told him to keep looking, his mind was restless. Flinging himself onto a tree and scaling it up onto a branch, he rested his eyes.

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Posted on
2018-02-18 14:00:32
Tommy yawn from a quick nap burried within the snow, she shakes her fluffy fur knocking the white powder back to where it belongs. Her stomach growls in a sharp short pain, but there was hardly any easy prey around. With a sigh, Tommy steps down her small cave and walks on the thick snow down the moutain, hunger was drawing her out of the snow.

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august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 14:04:46
A sharp howl of pain made Zen's ear perk and he followed the source with his eyes. A small canine of sorts was struggling against a vine that had caught his foot. Zen licked his lips at the sight of the lump prey. These days, Zen hunted whatever he could get. Today, fox was on the menu. He flung himself off the tree and rolled on top of the tiny thing. It yipped in fear and bit at Zen's huge paws. It's bark was replaced by a deep gurgling as blood poured from it's mouth. Zen smiled at his next meal and picked it up, trudging over to eat it in the shade.

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Posted on
2018-02-18 15:05:09
Tommy finally reaches the bottom of the mountain, it's already so much warmer, she rubs herself against a tree trying to rub off and shed some fur to reduce the heat. A quick look around there's water everywhere, and prey! but, the pray were to big here. she growls as her stomach aches and heads further south. After a very long walk she stops where the forest starts, with a sniff she knew there was prey here to hunt, but she wasn't exactly the right color. Her coat glistened a shiny white. "I'm a glowing warning sign" she muttered. Tommy takes a look to the right, and sees the desert from a distance, "to hot" she groaned. She stared at the forest and managed to talk herself in. She begins to walk deeper into the forest.

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august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 15:15:50
The meal made Zen's mouth water even after finishing the last bite. The forest was silent today and that meant the Prey would be fumbling around somewhere. There was bound to be a noise, and it was right on time. The crunch of leaves made him look up, eyeing his surroundings cautiously. Then he spotted a bright female, her soft fur white as snow. He snarled lowly as he turned to face her. He didn't like outsiders, especially ones who might scare off his only source of food,

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Posted on
2018-02-18 15:51:25
Tommy stops in her tracks, tilts her head and swivels her ears in the direction of the noise, it takes a moment to notice Zen, but it was the smell of a fresh kill that gave away his exact location. She looked directly at him her eyes narrowed and ears folded back, she wasn't as big as him, but she stood her fur on end making her look larger than she actually was. Tommy didn't let out a growl, she wanted no invitation to fight, she was still very hungry after that long walk to be here.

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august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 15:57:12
Zen's eyes blazed their fiery amber color and a small smirk began to tug at the edge of his muzzle. He wasn't one for fighting when there was no need, and it seemed this female didn't want to. Slowly but cautiously he made his way towards her but kept his guard up. There was no trusting outsiders. By the looks of her she was hungry, and that wasn't anything new. The only reason for one to wonder to the forest or anywhere outside their home was for food. "Greetings, I am Zen." His voice was as smooth as honey, but had a deep rasp to it.

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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:04:57
Tommy keeps her distance, and her guard up, she slowly takes a step back "That's how you greet cats here?" she said in a firm sarcastic tone. She looks around every couple of seconds at any exits thinking if she ran, she could out maneuver him, and find her way through the forest, but she doesn't know if this cat had a pride, waiting for her to run, or maybe he just knows the forest to well, and get her in the end. Tommy keeps her head up as she thinks of her options.

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august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:24:26
His eyes flickered dangerously as he noticed the feline's nervousness. "Only the beautiful ones." He chuckled lowly as he began to circle her. "A joke. Don't be afraid, I hope you stay a while. The forest gets lonely." His voice was menacing, although he meant well. He was just raised to intimidate others. It did, indeed, get lonely. Although others lurked around somewhere, they never wanted to show their face.

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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:30:09
Tommy drops her fur against her body as Zen said lonely, "wait, lonely? there isn't any other cats around the forest?" she says in shock. "I thought, with a territory this big, i thought there would be man other cats" she watched his every movement as he circled her. her stomach growls softly not only was she hungry, she was gonna need some water.

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august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:34:52
He shrugged and dropped into a sit in front of the girl, boredom clear on his expression. "Well, yes. Some of them just stay hidden. It is the Unknown Forest afterall." He joked slightly, a devilish glint in his fiery eyes. His ears perked up at her growling stomach. "You must be hungry I take it. I can show you where the prey is the best, but you must keep quiet. Very, very quiet." He hopped up into a tree and took off, expecting her to follow him whether she was on ground or in the tree.

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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:42:50
Tommy let out a soft grin as she looked up and followed under him making her way across and over the roots with ease. the sound of food sounded great. looking up every once in a while she smiled as she followed, she felt as she was playing a game, and hadn't had this much fun sense she was cub.

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august ⭐ G2 Echo (#119511)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:50:50
He leaped between tree to tree, lowered on his haunches. Leaping down into the foliage gracefully, he made not a single noise. He eyed the white cheetah curiously as she followed closely. Below in the forest clearing was a herd of deer, which were stronger than most. It'd take both of them to take them down. "When I begin to herd the smallest one," He pointed with his paw to indicate which one he was talking about, "You attack and then I'll follow."

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Posted on
2018-02-18 16:57:03
Tommy nods "got it" she whispered a lowered herself into the foil stepping in the soil, the forest was quieter than the mountains, no wind to black the sound of your paws hitting the snow, but despite this the soil was soft enough not to make single noise, she waited for zen to make a move and waited patiently, looking through the leaves at the deer grazing the forest floor.

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