Posted by In the Bitter North... OPEN RP!

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 23:09:47


Location: A Native American Indian Reserve in Northern Canada.
Season: Mid-Autumn

Life on the reserve can be rough on a dog. Canines run free throughout the reserve, often left unbothered by humans. Unless you have an owner to take care of you or a pack to watch your back it’s every dog for him or herself out here. Lone strays are liable to get roughed up or even worse, murdered. With so many dogs competing for land and food it’s best to stay with a group for your own protection.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the woodlands on the outskirts of the reserve have been forever 'off limits' as the ferocious Wild Fangs laid claim to the area years ago. These hostile dogs are led by Silaluk, a cutthroat, ambitious Wolfdog and his adopted sister, a stern Ridgeback named Ashira The pair rules the pack with an iron paw, making sure that their beloved pack stays at the top of the food chain...

But now there's a new threat to the survival of both Rez dogs and the Wild Fangs alike, a vicious pack of wolves have invaded the territory, claiming more area of their own, and marking it with the blood of slain pups of the Wild Fangs. They are slowly pushing the militaristic pack more and more towards the reservation, where clashes with the local strays are certain. These wolves are even crueler than the Wild Fangs, making even these dogs cower in fear. Where the Wild Fangs are strict, they have a sense of justice, whereas the wolves only know power, bloodlust, and supremacy.

Can two groups of former enemies put aside their differences to push back against a common enemy, or will the dogs be forever fighting amongst themselves for any scraps they can get on the reservation?

RP plot originally created by NightSky01 (#52637). It was then taken over by Potatopaz, who now shares it with me.

Speaking of the Tatertot, they are the co-admin for this roleplay! Listen to them as you would me.

Smol Mods: These are the humans I trust to help out with the thread and keep stuff running smoothly. (More can be added if necessary.)
~ Rabs

Important links

Roleplay post: Click me!
Chat post: You are here

Rules & Guidelines

1. No god modding, power playing, etc.
2. Lioden rules apply. Make sure you follow them.
3. This is a semi-literate to intermediate roleplay. Proper grammar and spelling is a must. If you repeatedly post less than a full paragraph (five sentences) you will be asked to leave. With that said, I’m not going to bite your head off over a few mistakes.
4. Fade to black when mating.
5. The most pups you can have at a time is four as long as you can get enough people to play them.
6. The Wild Fangs are the only established pack thus far. The rest must be created through RP. The requirement for forming a new pack is you must have at least five followers played by different people, and approval from a thread admin!
7. If your character becomes the Alpha dog of a new pack PM me the name and ranks of your pack so I can post it on the pack information thread.
8. You can have four characters each to start with. If you want more PM me and ask.
9. There's a Limit on wolfdog characters. Don't get offended if I make you change it.
10. Ask the person before killing their character. You don't have to ask to attack another character so long as you do not fatally injure them or cause a serious wound without permission. (There's a chat post, use it.)
11. When it comes to fights always attempt, do not just go ahead and do it.
Good example: *Character* lunged for the rebellious brute, aiming to clamp his teeth around the dog’s throat.
Bad example: *Character* lunged at the rebellious brute, clamping down hard on his throat.
You need to give people a chance to react before automatically deciding what happens. With that said, you can’t dodge every move either. Keep things fair.
12. Let me know if you're going to be inactive for a bit. We all have a life off the computer, but it’s good to have some notice if at all possible. So long as you give me notice your characters will not be removed from the roleplay. (Please do, it's nice to know if someone's gonna be inactive for more than a few days.)
13. Put a joke of some sort in 'other' if you’ve read all the rules
14. You can swear but don't over-do it.
15. Your own characters can't mate/be in romantic relationships. It'll get boring fast. Friendships/Family bonds are totally fine.
16. Put: Name/Age/Sex/Breed/Pack(if you're part of one) at the top of each post. (All of these are required, feel free to add more though.)
17. Realistic characters. No powers or odd colors/markings. (Lightning bolts, heart-shaped spots, etc.)
18. Give everyone a chance to reply. Try and wait for 4+ people to respond, especially if you are roleplaying with multiple people. This will help eliminate 1x1 and hopefully keep anyone from being left behind. If it’s been a whole day and the person you are waiting for hasn’t replied you have permission to post again.
19. Each pack will have it’s own rules. Keep them in mind and be willing to accept the consequences if you break them.
20. Keep all ooc talk in the chat thread.
21. Hate the character, not the player.
22. PLEASE put all character's in one reply, unless you have more than 5 (Which shouldn't happen right off the bat. If you've been with Rez Dogs, and have more, you can reserve as many replies as you need for 5 charries per reply.)

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 14/03/18 @ 13:35:51 by Dez {College suffering} (#66551)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 23:10:38

Pack info and Character tracker

Packs: (All info will be found on google docs and sheets with links that people can view)

Wild Fang's Pack law- Must read if making a character in the Wild Fangs. Breaking these rules could lead to punishment of your character.

Character tracker!! This is very important, when making your character, please also put the info into this google sheet!

Character tracker

If you don't know how to use the sheet/cannot for some reason, pm me and I'll fix it up for you, however it would be really helpful on the admins if everyone can do this themselves!

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Edited on 19/02/18 @ 23:44:48 by Dez {1-800-I'm-Not-Slappin} (#66551)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 23:10:43

Packs and ranks

The Wild Fangs

Alpha Male: The main leader of the pack, he works with the Alpha Female to make important pack descisions. Usually the Alpha male is the one to handle Warrior trials.
Alpha Female: The Alpha Female is second only to the Alpha Male, though each is treated with the same respect by the pack. The Alpha pair work together to make decisions about the pack. Usually the Alpha Female is the one to handle Hunter trials.
Beta #1: (Position must be applied for) - Takes over the duties of an Alpha if they are unable to give orders, or if the Alpha dies. Typically the leader of War parties if the Alpha(s) is/are not leading it.
Beta #2: (Position must be applied for) - Takes over the duties of an Alpha if they are unable to give orders, or if they die. Typically the leader of Diplomatic parties if the Alpha(s) is/are not leading it.
Head Warrior: (Position must be asked for) -Trains new Warriors as well as being a 'General' and Strategist for the Alphas and Betas. - If the Alpha/Beta dies, this rank can potentially move up into the Beta position. Trials of new Warriors must have an Alpha present (more explained in pack rules).
Head Hunter: (Position must be asked for)- Trains new hunters as well as keeping stock over all the food, making sure enough is being distributed and stored for winter. - If the Alpha/Beta dies, this rank can potentially move up into the Beta position. Trials of new Hunters must have an Alpha present (More explained in Pack rules).
Healer: (Position must be asked for, there can be 2)- Healers are the dogs that make sure that the Wild Fangs will not die out due to disease or injury. They have an extensive knowledge of herbs and such, and use that to keep packmates safe and healthy. It is expected that during a sickness, pups take first priority when treatment is distributed, then the Alphas, Betas, and so on.

Warriors: (Pseudo-Unlimited; A cap will be put if other roles need filling) - Protectors of the pack, patrol the borders of the territory at least once a day as well as making sure intruders don't attack camp.

Hunters: (Pseudo-Unlimited) - Food gatherers of the pack, they make sure each member of the pack is fed, especially those caring for pups, and the pups themselves.

Trainees: (Pseudo-Unlimited) - These are dogs who are either young or new to the pack and still being trained to be either a Warrior or a Hunter. (Or a Healer in rare circumstances) They haven't mastered their skill yet, and are waiting for their trial with the Alpha of their skill.

Den Mothers: (Ask about being one before making a character) - These are female dogs who either have or are expecting pups. They are fed first out of the whole pack, even before Alphas, as they are caring for the future of the Wild Fangs pack.

Pups: (Ask first) - The youngest members of the pack, either found and adopted by the pack, or born into the pack.

Omegas: (As this is a punishment position, no dogs will be allowed to start in this role.) - This is the lowest rank of the pack, and is reserved to be given only as punishment. Dogs who cave committed crimes that aren't quite worthy of death are made to be the Omegas of the pack, forced to deal with the ridicule of the pack. Once the Alphas feel they have suffered enough, they will allow the dog to move back into the normal pack standings. Due to this system, there are many times where the Wild Fangs have no Omega.


The Wolves (Trust me this is a placeholder name)

Alpha: (Position must be applied for)- This is the sole ruler of the wolf pack, always a male, typically the strongest in the pack.
Betas: (Positions must be applied for)- These are the two heirs to the Pack. When the Alpha dies, these two wolves will fight to the death, and the winner becomes the new pack Alpha.
Delta: (Position must be asked for) - This is the healer of the Wolf Pack. They would not have the same knowledge of herbs that the Wild Fang's healers do, though they have a general idea of them. Most of the time, they treat injuries, infections and illnesses are fairly foreign to them, and they wouldn't know how to deal with one.

Fighters (Pseudo-Unlimited- The majority of the pack is made up of these) - The same general idea of Warriors within the Wild Fangs, but much more focused on offensive strategy than defensive, and the wolves actively seek to conquer.

Hunters (Pseudo-Unlimited) - Hunters are obviously those who find food, however they only find food for the Alphas, all other dogs are expected to hunt for themselves unless a large kill (Like an elk) is made, when the pack shares a feast.

Pups (The Alpha and their mate/Betas and their mates will have to decide this, as they are the only ones allowed to mate within the pack, other pups are killed.) - Pups are the children of the high-ranking pack members ONLY, any other members found to have mated will have their pups killed on birth or if they choose, the mother may leave the pack with her pups to be a loner, the father cannot leave with her.

Omegas (Can be multiple, please ask first though)- These are the weakest, lowest wolves of the pack. They are forced to do the tasks that other wolves refuse to do, and they're terrorized while they do it. These can either be wolves that had the wrong attitude with the Alpha, pups of pack pairs that were allowed to survive, or weaklings that wouldn't fit in other roles. If you're looking for allies within the pack, the Omegas are where to find them, though some might turn on you and tell the Alpha in hopes of being promoted.


The Rez Dogs

There's no true ranking system within this group, however there are different types of Rez Dogs.

They DO have a council to help make general decisions, they meet once a week to discuss, but generally each dog does their own thing. This council is important to the town, as it helps keep order within the population. All dogs, whether they are pets, strays, or wild have a voice here. The council makes decisions about how to handle internal affairs, such as deciding on sites for strays to sleep and where caches of food are so that dogs in town don't just go hungry or die of the cold. Pet dogs involved in the council are expected to help supply the food caches with extra food they have, and in return know that strays and ferals will always be friendly towards them. This is the only group in which leaders are chosen by discussion by all rather than a hierarchy or through fights.

The council can also call upon dogs to help defend the town if the situation ever arises, but the choice to answer that call is always up to the dogs themselves. Most would help, as the council has benefitted all town dogs since it was created.

Strays: These dogs are dogs that had owners once, but were either left behind, their owners died, or they left on their own.
Ferals: These dogs were born on the streets and never had owners, they tend to be less distrustful of humans than Strays.
Pets: These are the animals that belong to the humans of the Reservation, whether they are working dogs or companion dogs. They have a place to live and plenty to eat.
Ex-Pack dogs Some dogs wander onto the reservation after leaving their previous packs (None can be from the Wild Fangs), though they technically count as Feral, they tend to have a different, more social mindset than most Ferals have. They're probably the most likely to join the Wild Fangs if offered.

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Edited on 20/02/18 @ 19:25:47 by Dez {1-800-I'm-Not-Slappin} (#66551)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 23:11:01

Pack rank current standings

The Wild Fangs

Alpha Male: Silaluk (Tater)
Alpha Female: Ashira (Dez)

Beta one: Malo (Allo)
Beta two: North (Reserved for Blue)

Lead Healer: Alaska (Rabs)
Secondary Healer: Akela (Allo)

Lead Warrior: Macey (Rabs)
Lead Hunter: Rushmore (MoeMoe)

Warriors (pseudo-unlimited):
- Serenity (Tater)
- Atoklu (Sharkdog)
- Mirza (Raven)

Hunters (pseudo-unlimited):
- Switchblade (Tater)
- Validus (Gladiator)

Trainees (pseudo-unlimited-- Must find a mentor):

Healer Trainees:
- Piza (Dez)
- Open!

Den Mothers (Ask):

Pups (Ask):
- Stormpup (Sharkdog)

Omegas: (No one may start in this role within the Wild Fangs)


The Blood Moon Howlers

Alpha: Slade (Rabs)

- Reo
- Open

Delta: Tarkik (Tater)

Fighters (pseudo-unlimited):
- Rohgir (Dez)
- Wraith (Icy)

Hunters (pseudo-unlimited):
- (Tentative for Blazered)
- Hexa (Blue)
- Strider (Gladiator)

Pups - Ask:

Omegas (Ask):
- Adonis


The Town Dog's Council - Currently closed to those other than people who are working on WIPS of council dogs. We need to fill the other packs too!

Head Consul: Maex (MoeMoe)
Secondary Consul: Cisco (Tater)

Council members (pseudo-unlimited):
- (Reserved for Blazered)
- Ikkuma (Tater)
- Bear (Tater)
- Kona (Allo)
- Fang (Wolflord)
- Rabbit (Taehyung's Face)
- Mal (Dez)
- Ryker (Blue)
- Cato (Blazered)

Unaffiliated Strays/Ferals

- Tyrael (Wolflord)
- Magnus (Tater)
- Seska (Allo)
- Piper (Blue)

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Edited on 14/03/18 @ 13:24:48 by Dez {College suffering} (#66551)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 00:14:18
Is it possible to reserve/apply for Head Council spot, along with Head Hunter in wild fangs?

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Edited on 21/02/18 @ 00:27:19 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 00:43:47
Yep! I'll mark it down for you!

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 05:51:34
Heyy! Can I reserve Beta 1 and Second healer for The Wild Fangs?

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Edited on 21/02/18 @ 07:33:35 by 🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 06:19:53
Definitely joining!
Subscribing for now so I can put up a sheet later. :P

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 06:46:59
Could I reserve a Council Member, if I may? I might also make a hunter for the wolves.

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 09:53:44
@allo Indeed you can!

@Blazered Neither of those positions need to be asked for (But I'll note it down anyways!), you can submit your sheets whenever you like! ^^

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 09:55:00
Thank you so much!

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 10:01:54
eeeeeeeeek omg yay

Okay so I want to bring back North, Ryker and Piper but won't be able to get their bios up until later tonight because that's the only time I'll have access to a computer. If I could reserve a beta for Northy that would be ballin'. I'll also probs create a wolf character.

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 10:15:39
Yes of course Blue! Welcome back!! I'll note that you've reserved a beta spot!

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 11:11:57
Ah, first character is done! ^^
I put the RP example under his bio!

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 11:45:53
It was brought to my attention that the character tracker was view only! This has been resolved, please update it!

@allo, he's accepted, but I should clarify that the title is just Beta, the two are equal, that's just how it was written on the list to note that there was a beta spot open. ^^

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🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 11:46:53
Alrighty, gotcha! Thank you!

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