Posted by Help Board Post Order

EntityofSilo | G3 (#107570)

Badland Strider
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-03-20 20:03:21
Whenever someone posts on the Game Help board, more often than not they'll have a conversation with the people helping them, especially if what they're trying to do is difficult or if they still don't fully understand it. It's difficult as all hell to read because the posts aren't in chronological order; rather, they're in order of how helpful the post is, ranked by other users. One person can post five times in a row and I'll think they're still replying to the person who needed to help with an explanation, whereas in reality they're replying to a reply about their reply. It would be much, much easier if we could toggle between chronological posts and most helpful posts. In the case that the person who posted the topic needs to revisit the topic to reread a bit of information, it would be easier for them to know where the conversation went in comparison to the help being given. Basically if you were to ask about what it means to have a potato cub and what a NCL marking means and the helper gave you links to two separate threads, you would know which thread was which, using the conversation to help you find out where a certain piece of information is located. Therefore, a toggle between helpfulness would be really nice because while chronological order is helpful, how helpful a post is is also really useful and having both with the ability to toggle between the two would be really great :)

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