Posted by Group Chat - Signups

Theo (#133864)

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Posted on
2018-03-30 22:34:47

Main Roleplay Thread



- As this is mostly set in a groupchat, you will not be expected to be super literate like many other RP's. You can talk however your character would talk. There are parts out of the chat in real life, where you should at least write 3+ sentences - even if they're fairly short, it will do.
- No mature scenes (minor things like kissing are allowed). If mature things happen, fade to black or timeskip until it has finished. If you really want to, then dm it privately.
- Hate the character, not the player.
- There are no limited amount of characters - make as many as you can handle.
- Once you have read the rules, put your character's favourite food in the "Other" section.

If you wish to apply for the RP, reply to this with the sign up form completed. If you are accepted, I will send you a link to the server through pm's.

Signup Form: (Remove the things -between the dashes-, they're prompts or optional)

Full Name:
Username on Chat: -eg Max -
Age: -between 16 to 27 is preferable-
Country of Residence: -if it's large (eg. USA), state the state/province-
Alignment: -eg. Chaotic good, neutral evil, etc - take a quiz as your character to try matching it, if you want to-
Looks: -image or description, your choice, just make sure to credit the image and add info like height-
Backstory: -optional-

My Character Sheet:
Full Name: Emmett Garrison
Username on Chat: Emmett
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Country of Residence: New Zealand
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Personality: Emmett is introverted. He's the quiet person who thinks with his heart, not his head, which can sometimes land him into trouble. He's dominant, surprisingly, despite his nature, and can become headstrong at times.
Looks: Emmett has dark brown shoulder length hair with a slight curl, though most of it is usually hidden beneath a vintage hat of sorts. His eyes are a soft blue, and his skin is pale. When he smiles, it's soft, and causes dimples on both sides of his face. He has various tattoos on his arms and chest. He is 6'0.
Backstory: Emmett grew up in Dunedin, a city near the very south of New Zealand. He grew up with two older brothers, and his father. His father is an alcoholic, who spends most of his time out in pubs or clubs.
Other: Sushi

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Edited on 30/03/18 @ 22:43:32 by Becsameme (#133864)

Doppio (#118087)

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Posted on
2018-03-31 02:33:02
Full Name: Mahlix (pronounced like mah-lik)
Username on Chat: ego
Age: 19
Sexuality: gay/greyace
Country of Residence: usa, rural indiana
Alignment: chaotic good
Personality:mahlix is a really shy kid and hates talking to most people. he usually acts like he hates you until he gets to know you. his guilty pleasure is sitting in the forest and listening to nature but he wouldnt tell anyone else that. really just any quiet spots away from most people. he drools almost constantly.
Looks: Mahlix has bright green hair thats styled into a undercut that he sometimes wears up in a mohawk although his roots are showing a bit. The sides are black and about a half inch long. Its a little wavy but not much. He has a young face and often gets mistaken for a 16 or 17 year old. He has tunnels ( 1/2 inch) in both ears and 2 more cartiledge peircings in his left ear, and, an industrial bar in his right. He has snake bites as well. he primarily wears dark or pastel purple colors on it. He has a tattoo on his right collarbone that says "damaged" and another on the back of his neck that says "killjoy". hes about 5'7
Backstory: (i havent thought one up for him just yet since hes only a few days old lmao)
Other: raw meat

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Delinquent (#93594)

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Posted on
2018-03-31 12:00:51
Full Name: Richard (Richie) Calford
Username on Chat: Rich
Age: 22
Sexuality: Pansexual
Country of Residence: United Kingdom (Britain)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Subject to change)
Personality: Richie is an extrovert, however he's quick to change his mind. Despite being fun to be around, it only takes one person to ruin his mood, after which he'll become easily irritated and snappy. Tending to enjoy being the center of attention, Richie will quickly change from affectionate to jealous if someone steals his spotlight. He usually latches on to one person, however he's been known to give a long lasting silent treatment. If you can put up with him, he makes a loyal and reliable friend. If you get to know him, you'll realise he'll do anything for his close friends. Although he acts forcefully, he's more of a bossy yet submissive type.
Looks: Richie has messy black hair, which is rarely ever styled due to it's unruly nature. He has warm brown eyes, and freckles litter the expanse of his tan skin. His fingers are slightly calloused, because he plays the guitar. Richie has a singular ear piercing on the earlobe, and a small birthmark on his elbow. He's 5'5. Richie tends to wear 'cute'/'aesthetic' clothing, such as pastel hoodies.
Backstory: Being an only child, and the son of two wealthy business owners, Richie was rather attention starved when he was young. He used to live in Canada, though moved far away from his parents as soon as he was able to. He wears vibrant clothing to attract the attention he missed out on.
Other: Bourbon biscuits

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-03-31 16:12:51
Full Name-
Effie Griffins

Username on Chat-



Country of Residence-
Britain, United Kingdom

Chaotic Neutral

Being a silent and laid-back person, Effie doesn't take interest in most arguments, usually leaving the person alone if able to. Though she's often drawn out of her shell by her curiosity, but still remains a quick thinker and usually thinks out her options before proceeding. Though she's not on the dominant side, she isn't submissive either, usually staying in the middle.

Fairly short and lithe, being around 4'3 and weighing barely anything in some cases. She has short, somewhat straight black hair, with longer bangs that cover half of her left eye. She has fair, smooth skin, with soft, warm brown eyes. Effie will usually wear black, hooded pullover sweaters with jeans, but will give almost anything a try as long as here's no trace of pink, or its barely noticeable.


ramen, totally

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0XxLionnessxX0 (#137636)

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Posted on
2018-03-31 19:49:31
(screams because I accidently clicked out of my damn form)
Full Name: Courtney Linhaus
Username on Chat: AlolanUndertaleFrens
Age: -between 16 to 27 is preferable- 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Country of Residence: -if it's large (eg. USA), state the state/province- Scotland
Alignment: -eg. Chaotic good, neutral evil, etc- Timid Snarky
Personality: Shy and outgoing. She loves to draw landmarks from around the world, as her family were tourists. She's a photographer and loves making penpals/friends. Unfortunately, some people make fun of her accent in her American school.
Looks: -image or description, your choice, just make sure to credit the image and add info like height- Courtney is a Scottish beauty, with blonde-ginger wavy hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. She wears a red flower pin in her hair and a white short-sleeve covered by a ripped-up red plaid jacket. A camera dangles from her neck from time-to-time, but she's usually wearing it during a tour in another state/country/providence.
Backstory: Unknown, May release a summary about it in the Discord
Other: Oatcakes are tidy in my land! (Tidy refers to delicious, good, etc in Scottish)

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Infer (#100607)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-03-31 22:35:02
Full Name: Olivia Adler

Username on Chat: OliveOllie

Age: 20

Sexuality: Bisexual

Country of Residence: Canada, Toronto

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Olivia is a very sarcastic and cynical person, she can go from 0 to 100 and back to 0 in a matter of 5 minutes. Olivia isn't very extroverted or introverted, more of like an ambivert but more leaning towards the introvert side. She values loyalty the most, if you're completely trustworthy and aren't dick to her, you're still good in her book, but when it comes to you lying to her face, you immediately get dropped down to a 'untrustworthy, but still a friend' level. If you keep this attitude with her up, she'll start to give you the silent treatment and even go as far to ignore you even when you're the only person online in chat.

Looks: Olivia has a mix of tan and pale skin due to her staying inside a lot, her career choice does require her to be inside most of the time. Her hair is a dark brown that's styled to go down to the nape of her neck and is naturally slightly wavy. She doesn't really wear makeup but when she does, she goes very subtle. Olivia has snakebite piercings and a tattoo of a simplistic rose on the side of her middle finger and another tattoo of the vital design from Shadow of the Colossus on her inner right forearm and ANOTHER of the barrel from The Last Guardian on the left side of her collarbone. She has a mix of a pear and hourglass figure and is about 5'4. Her attire consists of a mix of hot topic and old navy, she has some emo stuff but she likes to keep it subtle, so she'll wear just like a plaid shirt over a p!atd tank top and some black leggings, but sometimes she can just wear a simple black sweater and sweatpants. Some clothes that she hates to wear are very saturated colors and ruffles.

Backstory: Olivia has had a very normal life except for one of her close friends dying when she was 14. After her death she became very depressed, even to the point where she couldn't go outside to see her other friends she started to skip school and became a deadbeat. After her parents pretty much forced her to go to therapy. After some time she started to get back on her feet by the time she was 16, going from a C- in almost every class to a solid B+. More time passed and she eventually graduated, after some time she had gotten her first tattoo, a simple rose on the side of her middle finger, her passed friend had always wanted to get that tattoo so she got it honor them and be a memory of them. After some time she eventually went to a good art school and viola, here we are now.

Other: Crepes, but to snack on, cookie dough.

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Edited on 01/04/18 @ 00:47:28 by Infernian (#100607)

Taichillin (#129886)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2018-04-01 03:17:49

« Full Name »

Jake Romero Rosales

« Username on Chat »


« Age »


« Sexuality »


« Country of Residence »


« Alignment »

Neutral Good

« Personality »

Jake is an individual with high moral standards. No matter the situation or the consequences he will instinctively act upon what he feels is the right thing to do. Whether this is actually the ‘right thing’ to do is debatable, but Jake is impulsive, decisive and reckless; he thinks on his feet, goes with his gut and does not wait to analyze the pros and cons of a situation.

Loyalty is extremely important to Jake. He will put others before himself, especially his friends, and is quick to defend anyone who he believes is innocent; even if he knows very little about the situation or even if his friend is in the wrong. He finds the idea of gossiping or talking about friends behind their back abhorrent and expects the same loyalty in return. Although he doesn’t believe in holding grudges, when hurt by a friend his emotions easily cloud his judgement; causing him to sulk, do and say things he will undoubtedly regret later as a result of his flaring temper.

Jake is a confident individual who lives for the moment. Boisterous, sociable and extroverted; he enjoys being the centre of attention. A natural born leader through and through, he finds it difficult to be a follower. He can bossy, domineering and rather dominant-- especially when it comes to anything competitive.

« Looks »

Jake has tawny brown skin with warm undertones, most notably on his cheeks. He has a rather youthful appearance with a round face and thick lashes which frame warm and lively dark brown eyes. He has a full head of thick, dark brown, curly hair that is medium in length, falling just below his ears. His hair is often messy as if he just rolled out of bed, which is usually the case.

Often careless about his appearance Jake is generally dishevelled. His hair is no exception and often gets messier as the day goes on, which he doesn't same to mind, or care about, in the slightest.One of Jake’s most prominent features is his large, messy eyebrows which appear to have never been plucked or waxed before in his life. His eyebrows slant ever-so slightly-downwards, giving an almost mischievous look. This is further accentuated by his chapped lips which are often pulled upwards into a crooked smile. Whenever he smiles, which is almost always thanks to his lively and playful disposition, dimples form on each side of his face. He has a roman shaped nose, which is rather large and prominent.

Jake is a tall man, approximately 6’0, with a lithe build and wide shoulders. His long limbs lack any astounding muscle and appear rather bony; indicating his inability to deliver heavy damage. Instead, Jake is noticeably nimble and fleet-footed with surprisingly graceful movements despite his long and gangly limbs. His hands are rather large with slender boney fingers and calloused fingertips. Despite his general carelessness regarding his appearance Jake keeps his fingernails clean, but during times of stress, his nails are often bitten down, a habit which he is trying to extinguish.

« Backstory »

All things considered, Jake had a relatively normal childhood.

His family consists of his mother, father and two younger sisters. Jake doesn’t remember much of his life as an only child, having spent the majority of his life as an older brother. His younger sister, Elizabeth, was born when he was 4, while his youngest sister Delilah was born when he was 8. His parents originated from Australia, but moved to Ireland before Jake and his sisters were born for his father to take up a job opportunity.

Growing up, Jake was closest to his mother, who taught him how to cook and sparked his interest in studying zoology. His father, on the other hand, sparked his interest in music and encouraged him to pursue learning instruments. Jake took an interest in the guitar, an instrument his father taught him to play, a hobby he still practices and enjoys to this day.

Jake's parents were strict authoritarians but undoubtedly loved their children dearly.

Currently, Jake is studying Zoology at university.

« Other »

► Favourite food is pizza
► Fidgets when he’s lying. He’s a terrible liar.
► Has a fear or small/confined spaces and deep water.

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