Posted by Surviving the Savannah

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-04-01 17:41:10

Main Roleplay Thread


~ Remember what you need to put in to other!

Post your characters below and I will review them and let you know if they are accepted!

Character Sheet

Description:(You can provide a picture instead--only if you properly give credit to owner and follow Lioden rules.)
RP Sample:(I will not require this if you give a detailed backstory)

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Edited on 01/04/18 @ 17:57:16 by Viper (#91328)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-01 19:16:14
Name: Nyani
Species: Lion
Gender: Lioness
Age: 2 years and 10 months
Description: A young springy lioness with golden fur and white under belly. Still on the slender side, as she is barely finishing maturing. A lot of hope and promise in her.
Other: Pink mug. Gray hair
Kin: None alive
Backstory: Father was a rogue, and her mother was trampled by a buffalo
RP Sample: (Below)

Name: Njeri
Species: Lion
Gender: Lioness
Age: 7 years 4 months
Description: Peru colored fur with a dusty white underbelly. Stalky build from her muscle, as she is more about power than her speed. She was once a member of a healthy pride that got taken over by a new male, and she fled to save her cubs. She has turned bitter since, and is struggling to ensure her remaining cubs survive.
Other: Pink mug
Kin: 3 cubs
-Neji-female- 1 year 3 months- sand colored fur and white belly, scrawny as her mother is struggling to feed them.
-Sauda-female- 1 year 3 months- daffodil colored fur and white belly, scrawny as her mother is struggling to feed them.
-Tao-male- 1 year 3 months- butterscotch colored fur and white belly, scrawny as his mother is struggling to feed them.
Backstory: A younger Njeri laid in the shade bathing her young cubs in the late evening hours of the day. Her friend Zerri emerged with her cubs, introducing them to the pride for the first time. Njeri's own cubs scampered off to look and discover the new additions. Njeri rubbed heads with Zerri as her friend came and laid beside her. Njeri's cubs were fathered by the lead male of the pride, and Zerri by the other. There pride was strong, 12 females and 2 males and between the two of them they had another possible 10 members to add. Njeri laid down for a short nap, cracking her eye open one last time to see her 5 cubs scampering around near by.

She woke started and jumped to her feet as the sound of fighting echoed in the air. Her cubs cowered in a bush near by as the males of the pride were fighting two other males. She turned and headed for her cubs, smelling them to assure they were safe as they murmured and shakily asked about their safety. She pulled her cubs under her stomach, as the battle continued. Tunji, Njeri's mom, whispered to Zerri quickly, before Zerri and another lioness herded her cubs away. Tunji crawled over to her daughter. She cuffed her paw around her neck and pulled her close. "Get your cubs and get out of here." Tunji whispered. Njeri looked at her mother surprised that she would suggest such an action. They shared a look for a moment, and Njeri saw the lack of hope in her mother's eyes. "They're not going to win," her mother added, "Save your cubs." They continued to share a glance, before Njeri nodded and grabbed a cub, the smallest Tao, and another lioness picked up another. Njeri lead the rest of her cubs and the other lioness away from the battle. Thunder rolled over head, the promise of rain finally after a long drought.

They made it two miles, before the cubs started to struggle to keep up. Njeri stopeed, and put her cub down. The other lioness put the other one down. "I got it from here. Go back, and throw them off my trail." She instructed the young lioness. The young lioness had fear in her eyes as she looked at Njeri. "Go." Njeri instructed again. The young lioness finally listened and turned around to head back. The sounds of fighting had stopped a long time ago, and Njeri feared it was too late to save her cubs.

After traveling all night, traveling miles from her home, she had taken her cubs to safety. She lost one cub to hyenas a few nights later. She managed to keep the rest alive until last month, when she lost another cub to starvation. She managed to finally kill something to keep her and her three remaining cubs going, but time is running out again.
RP Sample:^

Name: Uri
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years 11 months
Description: A young mother cheetah with only one surviving cub from her litter of three. A normal looking cheetah, except for the scar on her right shoulder.
Other: pink mug
Kin: One cub
-female -Meti - 8 months
Backstory: Normal upbringing until she was a little over 2 when a hunter shot at her, grazing her right shoulder, leaving a scar.
RP Sample: Above

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Stryker (#102101)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 19:08:27
Name: Umani
Species: Lion
Gender: F
Age: 8 months
Description: Her base coat is grey and she has tufts of hair on the top of her head which are tipped brown. Her tail is black with a brown tip as well. Her eyes are blue.
Other: Pink mug, grey hair
Kin: N/a
Backstory: She's been off on her own ever since birth. Her mother and her two littermates were killed a few days after their birth. Umani has been wandering around for a pride to join.
RP Sample:

Umani, who is disguised in the Savannah grass, crouches low as she has an eye on a herd of antelope. The wind blows softly through her fur. She stretches her paws out as she feels the soft, rich soil underneath her. She waits for the precise moment to make her attack. A soft snarl escapes her teeth as she slowly tip toes her way towards the antelope. The antelope senses something which makes Umani stop in her tracks. Once the herd go back to grazing, she begins her quest again. Inching forward, she finally makes it close enough to be able to begin her hunt. Her tail twitches and she bounds off as the antelope burst out running in all different directions, dodging and weaving. She manages to speed up and circle around to cut one of the antelope off. The antelope, shocked by this, loses its balance and falls backwards. With one swipe of Umani's paw, the antelope is frozen in place as Umani chokes the life out of the antelope. Pleased with herself, she takes the antelope in her mouth and runs off to eat her dinner in private without any unwanted visitors.

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Quinn (#141776)

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Posted on
2018-04-22 19:30:46
Name: Damascus
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years
Description: On the larger size for a cheetah, Dam is 130 lbs, but well within the range of the species' slight frame. His coloration is more towards warmer browns and golds rather than pale tans and yellow. The markings are very large dark chocolate/umber, and his base coat gets closer to the same shade near his back. Eyes are a typical amber brown for cheetahs. His vocal tones are very sing-song and rough. Ref picture below (art by me):


Other: pink mug, grey hair
Kin: Two brothers, Simeon and Vedaste, who he keeps in touch with in their loose coalition. Simeon is a paler erythristic in coloration, and Vedaste is similar to Damascus save for smaller, finer set markings.
Damascus has sired seven cubs that survived to adulthood. He doesn’t know them well.

Damascus was born to a prideful and sharp tongued cheetah, Titine, who taught her sons well and to the point. Though she didn’t see the sense in (and didn’t have the patience for) coddling her offspring, she had a wry sense of humor and Spartan protectiveness that the three brothers found security in. Her faults were many: she often judged them against the success of prior litters, had trouble engaging with her kits when they weren’t able to hold their own in conversation, and let them “figure it out” when they were in minor distress. In anything less than critical danger, Titine expected them to sort it out on their own from the moment they could run. But, prideful as she was, her children were included in that sphere of ego and approval; nothing could touch them save for her own judgement (and the increasing obstacles of growing up), and once they began to mature, her prodding grew softer, and approval greater. The three brothers parted from her with fondness--even if that fondness was marked with the same straightforward and uninvolved affair of their childhood.

Dam’s brother Vedaste is a sombre, smaller male. He is compact and svelte in a way that gives him the highest endurance of the three brothers. His stoic, blunt attitude makes him hard to read. He stays far in the middle of their territory and leaves the marking and patrolling to Damascus.

Simeon is a large male, larger than Dam and much rangier. His pale fur and warm markings make him an excellent noontime hunter under a bleaching sun, and combined with his fastest speed of the brothers, he is main staple in taking down prey for the group. Like Vedaste, he stays far in the interior of their territory, and is an anxious, emotional personality. He is prone to fretting and pressurized speech, highly dependant on his brothers for stability and socialization.

Dam himself is breezy, devil-may-care bachelor. Vocal, full of bravado, and fond of his mother’s method of verbal warfare, he is very much the bark-then-bite showboat. He is not particularly loud, and his chatter is more about the subtlety and dexterity than out-shouting someone. He’s not as fast as his brother, Simeon, but does well enough for a cheetah in hunting (which is to say, he feeds enough to stay alive). He is the most social of his brothers, and often meanders through their territory to its edges to keep up on the goings-on around them with other species. Dam is fond of smaller predators and scavengers, such as aardwolves and vultures, because they make wonderful conversationalists. What will Dam get up to now? : )

Rp sample:
"You really should pick someone fatter to suck up to," Dam said with a warm rumble, eyes crinkling in the afternoon light. His tongue swiped the dusty blood at the edge of the duiker's furred remains, lazy rasps now that he'd rushed to fill that yawning stretch of his stomach. As he moved on to his paws, still half perched over the scraps of the small deer, he kept watch on the pied crow across from him who was making a very valiant attempt at trying to look small and unintrusive. When Dam didn't move for another few seconds, idly watching the crow as he washed his face, the crow finally huffed and stammered, hopping closer. Something about generosity in hard times and not being a hoarding lion about food, ah....

Dam chuckled finally, just about rolling over rather than actually walking away from the scraps of the deer. Flopped on his side, he watched with interest as the crow hopped on top of the pelvis next to him. Simeon and Vedaste would be fine, they often hunted together when he was out and about anyway. All the same, it was getting darker, and the tattered bones and entrails wouldn't stay unoccupied for long. Dam licked his teeth, sitting upright, and the fullness in his stomach was downright sensuous the way he could just stretch and feel nothing but late afternoon warmth down to his bones.

"Speaking of lions," he yawned towards the crow, who tutted at him in acknowledgement as it pecked through kidneys and ligaments. Then he settled his paws crossed long in front of himself with a lolling leer on his face. "Do tell all the news, I'm dying to hear."

The excited glimmer in the crow's eye as it tipped its tacky beak back with a swallow made Dam think that it was rather excited to dish out the gossip too.

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Edited on 22/04/18 @ 20:11:53 by Quinn (#141776)

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